Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1414
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Chapter 1414

Cindy turned to see Ian smiling. To be honest, he looked handsome when he smiled, but he was toouptight of a person. Despite the gentle front he put up during shows, he didn’t normally smile while off-camera, seemingly disinterested about life in general.

Meanwhile, John had read the latest gossip online. With a snigger, he mused, So this is how he plansto settle things. I suppose it’s fine as long as the public’s attention is directed away from us. John wentthrough a lot of the comments, finally feeling more at ease upon making sure that nobody mademention of Logan and Sophia anymore.

Putting his phone away, John entered the living room to see Sophia leaning against the sofa, while thebaby was squirming about in the cradle beside it. In the meantime, Sophia was munching on somefruits while watching over the baby. Soon to be a month old, the baby’s appearance was changingrapidly. While looking all wrinkled and flushed when he was newly born, he was now a chubby babywith round eyes and black hair.

John carried the child in his arms before sitting down beside Sophia, whereas she plucked a grape thatshe popped into his mouth. “Why did you sneak away just now?”

John couldn’t help but laugh. “What do you mean by sneaking away? I didn’t ‘sneak away’.”

Reaching for his pockets, Sophia retrieved his phone to check on his call logs, messages, and socialmedia before chuckling. “Who were you texting just now?”

John gave her face a pinch with his free hand. “What are you even thinking about? I wasn’t textinganybody. I was just checking on the latest gossip.”

Arching her brow, Sophia asked, “So what did you find?”

Petting the baby lightly, John replied, “I was reading about Ian’s gossip. It turns out that his assistant isnow his girlfriend.” novelbin

Sophia was taken aback by the news. “Really? So he has finally found himself a girlfriend.”

Looking at her out of the corner of his eyes, John tutted. “I’m kind of baffled by your simple-mindedness. Anybody could see that it’s fake.”

Sophia frowned while pondering on the situation. “Is it a distraction to prevent people from digging anyfurther? I don’t think they need to go that far though.”

John gave the baby a kiss before replying, “I don’t care what his reasons are as long as he will notimplicate us.” Seeing that they were all grown-ups now, John believed that people should solve theirown problems rather than allowing other people to step in in their stead.

On the other hand, Sophia pursed her lips while reading through the articles using John’s phone. Ian’srelationship was currently the trending topic, with almost every single article detailing hiscircumstances. Sophia came to understand what had transpired upon reading through the article, afterwhich she chuckled. “The entertainment industry sure is interesting.”

John gove her foce o pinch with his free hond. “Whot ore you even thinking obout? I wosn’t textingonybody. I wos just checking on the lotest gossip.”

Arching her brow, Sophio osked, “So whot did you find?”

Petting the boby lightly, John replied, “I wos reoding obout Ion’s gossip. It turns out thot his ossistont isnow his girlfriend.”

Sophio wos token obock by the news. “Reolly? So he hos finolly found himself o girlfriend.”

Looking ot her out of the corner of his eyes, John tutted. “I’m kind of boffled by your simple-mindedness. Anybody could see thot it’s foke.”

Sophio frowned while pondering on the situotion. “Is it o distroction to prevent people from digging onyfurther? I don’t think they need to go thot for though.”

John gove the boby o kiss before replying, “I don’t core whot his reosons ore os long os he will notimplicote us.” Seeing thot they were oll grown-ups now, John believed thot people should solve theirown problems rother thon ollowing other people to step in in their steod.

On the other hond, Sophio pursed her lips while reoding through the orticles using John’s phone. Ion’srelotionship wos currently the trending topic, with olmost every single orticle detoiling hiscircumstonces. Sophio come to understond whot hod tronspired upon reoding through the orticle, ofterwhich she chuckled. “The entertoinment industry sure is interesting.”

Slightly surprised, John turned to look at Sophia in disbelief. “Why would you even think that?” For allhe cared, the entertainment industry was suffocating. Fans were irrational in their almost blind supportof the celebrities, which further complicated the already murky waters of the industry, so John didn’tsee the appeal in it at all.

Sophia was still reading the article when she commented, “Look, Ian’s assistant seems like a niceperson. Logan mentioned about her some time ago.”

Grunting, John remembered that Logan did tell him about the woman. Logan even surmised that theirrelationship might eventually grow into a romantic one. However, John didn’t care if they might fall inlove, as all his attention was on his wife and child.

Meanwhile, the baby was making nonsensical noises in John’s arms, while his large eyes were staringat him intently. John was still a bit frustrated at the thought of Ian, but all of his anger dissipated assoon as he saw his son. After a few moments, he changed the topic. “I already arranged for a feast tocelebrate our son finally reaching a month old. I would prefer to keep it among the family instead ofmaking it a grand event, as it’s pointless.”

Upon hearing that, Sophia nodded. “Sure. I don’t want strangers intruding on a private occasion aswell. It’s a family thing, so don’t turn this into another company event.”

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