Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1404
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Chapter 1404

After a pause, Ian asked, “What did they uncover?” He even took out his phone to check on theInternet, which surprised both Cindy and the driver, as they thought that Ian would never care about therumors online. No matter what they told him, he always maintained a nonchalant attitude, so it wastheir first time seeing him getting all anxious.

Cindy sat down beside the driver while asking in a lowered voice, “What did they find? Let me see.”

Upon stealing a glance at Ian, the driver took out his phone as well. Soon enough, he found the articlesand showed them to Cindy. Keeping her reactions to the bare minimum, Cindy read through the articlewhile keeping a close eye on Ian.

In fact, they didn’t dig up anything of substance, as they were nothing but photos of Ian and otherpeople. Most of the photos were sneak shots of Ian and the Morgans, as well as when he was diningwith friends. There were a few photos that were more conspicuous, as they were not sneak shots, butselfies. They consisted mostly of photos of three people, with one of them being Ian himself, as well asone other man and one other lady.

Judging from the background of the photo, the three of them were dining together. Although Ian wasn’tlooking into the camera, he was smiling. Truth be told, nobody could find anything wrong in such asimple photo, so Cindy was a little taken aback. “Is that all?”

The driver nodded in response. “Yeah. That’s all.”

Cindy looked closer at the photos. While nobody really cared about the people in the sneak shots, hisfans had already uncovered the identity of the two who were in the selfies. One of them was LoganJefferson, while the other was Sophia Gwendolyn.

Logan was a playboy who hailed from a rich family, but he got married after recently seeing the error inhis previous ways. Meanwhile, Sophia was from a poor family, but she managed to find herself a richhusband, and she got married even earlier than Logan. By now, she already had a child of her own.

Both of them were on different ends of the spectrum. In a lowered voice, Cindy commented, “Since thewoman is now married, they must be just friends.”

The driver thought so too. “Judging from when her baby was born, she must already be pregnant whenIan joined the talent show, so she couldn't possibly be his girlfriend.”

In the meantime, Ian was also reading through the article on his phone. He figured that the photo wastaken from either Sophia or Logan's social media. Also, he recognized the photo as being taken whenthey were having a meal in Sophia's house.

Ian couldn't help but recall what happened back in those days. At that time, he used to think that hemight have a chance with her, only to realize that Sophia never saw him in a romantic light to beginwith. The information that his fans dug out wasn't worth much. Now that Sophia was married, they ruledher out as a possible candidate as his girlfriend. At the same time, however, they weren’t able topinpoint anybody else from the other sneak shots.

Logon wos o ployboy who hoiled from o rich fomily, but he got morried ofter recently seeing the error inhis previous woys. Meonwhile, Sophio wos from o poor fomily, but she monoged to find herself o richhusbond, ond she got morried even eorlier thon Logon. By now, she olreody hod o child of her own.

Both of them were on different ends of the spectrum. In o lowered voice, Cindy commented, “Since thewomon is now morried, they must be just friends.”

The driver thought so too. “Judging from when her boby wos born, she must olreody be pregnont whenIon joined the tolent show, so she couldn't possibly be his girlfriend.”

In the meontime, Ion wos olso reoding through the orticle on his phone. He figured thot the photo wostoken from either Sophio or Logon's sociol medio. Also, he recognized the photo os being token whenthey were hoving o meol in Sophio's house.

Ion couldn't help but recoll whot hoppened bock in those doys. At thot time, he used to think thot hemight hove o chonce with her, only to reolize thot Sophio never sow him in o romontic light to beginwith. The informotion thot his fons dug out wosn't worth much. Now thot Sophio wos morried, they ruledher out os o possible condidote os his girlfriend. At the some time, however, they weren’t oble topinpoint onybody else from the other sneok shots.

Relief washed over Ian when he put his phone aside. “Alright. That’s enough for tonight. We will haveto check with Hannah tomorrow about the agency’s arrangements regarding this.”

The driver put his phone away too before the three of them began eating. They were already used totheir gatherings like this, so none of them felt awkward as they enjoyed themselves while talking aboutthe upper hand they gained over Sena.

However, Cindy could sense that something was weighing on Ian’s heart. Although he was just astaciturn, he was obviously not in the best of moods. After dinner, the driver left, whereas Cindy returnedto her own room after cleaning up the table.

She got a call from Hannah as soon as she arrived at her room, which she picked up while assuming itwas work-related. After talking about irrelevant stuff for some time, Hannah inquired about Cindy’s

recent condition and her private life, as well as if her family was worried about her since she wasaround Ian all day long.

Hannah’s abrupt inquiry confused Cindy, so she asked, “Ms. Jones, is something the matter? I’m doingjust fine, so you can ask away.” novelbin

Chuckling, Hannah asked, “Cindy, do you have a boyfriend?”

Taken aback, Cindy replied honestly, “No, I don’t.”

She assumed Hannah was worried that her love life might affect her work life, but things took anunexpected turn when Hannah told her, “It’s a pity that someone like you doesn’t have a boyfriend.”

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