Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1382
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Chapter 1382

In fact, he didn’t actually need to remember his schedule, as Cindy would make sure to arrangeeverything for him. However, he tapped to check on it anyway since he had nothing else to do.

It would be another busy day, as his schedule was full from afternoon to night. Other than jotting downthe time required for each activity, Cindy also typed in the list of shows that he would have to make anappearance on, as well as the clothing and accessories required during each show. There were alsoreminders on the other celebrities who would be present on the show, alongside the details that heshould take note of. Admittedly, Cindy wasn’t only physically fit but also very attentive to details, whichwas a rare quality even among assistants.

Turning the lights off, Ian had been lying on bed in the dark for a while when the screen of his phone onthe bedside table lit up. The light in the dark was eye-catching, so he reached for his phone to check onit. It was a message from Sean which updated him with the latest situation in the Morgan Family, butthere wasn’t anything of importance. He also inquired on how Ian had been doing.

Although Sean had sent him a lot of messages prior to this, most of them went unreplied, as he didn’tknow what to say to him, which was also the case with the rest of the Morgans. Thus, deleting themessage, he put his phone face-down on the table and turned to the other side before closing his eyes. novelbin

Recalling the scenarios in his dreams, he was feeling suffocated. If he could lead a normal life, hedidn’t actually want to become a celebrity. Soon, he got a little groggy before sleep finally overcamehim during the latter half of the night. The next morning, he was roused by knocks on his door. Hedidn’t need to check to know it was Cindy who had come over, so he got out of bed to answer the doorat a leisurely pace.

As soon as Cindy walked into his room with his breakfast in hand, a string of words began rolling offher tongue. “You’ll be doing a duet on the show that you’ll appear on later this morning, where a fewseniors from the music industry will be acting as judges. They might have a bit of a sharp tongue, soyou don’t have to take their words to heart. There will also be another guest who is notorious for hisinsulting words. He has always been roasting people in order to garner himself the attention of thepublic, so I suppose he would be impolite, if not outright vile. You should treat him as one would aclown. Pay him no heed, as he will have justice served to him some time in the future.”

Ian was already used to Cindy nagging him, as she would do that every morning when she brought himhis breakfast. Other than reporting to him the programs he was required to attend, she would alsomake an assessment of possible situations that he would have to be prepared to face. Letting out ahum, Ian replied, “Okay. I get it.”

Aside from breakfast, Cindy also brought him some fruits. When she was organizing the outfits neededfor the various shooting sessions, Ian went to wash up, as it was still early in the morning. She wouldalways arrive earlier so that Ian had ample time to get prepared. Due to the fact that Ian was a bit of aclean freak, he never wore the outfits prepared by the production crew unless it was necessary, but sodid the crew wish that he would bring his own outfit, as it would save them a lot of time.

When Ian was all done, Cindy was already sitting by the table, as they had breakfast together almostevery morning. Sitting down in front of her, Ian noted, “You don’t seem too well.”

Cindy touched her face before saying, “It might be because I didn’t get much rest. It’s alright. I will buymyself a cup of coffee later.”

Without a word, Ian nodded before proceeding to eat breakfast in silence as per usual. Not even fiveminutes into their meal, Cindy’s phone rang. Initially, she only checked on it before tucking her phoneaway, but it rang again after a while.

Ian looked up to check on her, determining from the fact she didn’t pick up immediately that it wasn’t acall from the agency. Seeing that Ian continued eating, Cindy left the table with her phone after somethought. However, she didn’t spend a lot of time on the call, which Ian roughly surmised wouldn’t haveexceeded three minutes.

When she returned, she seemed unperturbed, and was even wearing a smile while she asked, “How isbreakfast? I wanted to buy you some pumpkin porridge that you liked, but it was sold out. Since I didn’twant to make you wait, I bought some corn porridge instead.”

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