Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1331
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Chapter 1331

Matilda didn't want to go up against Sophia now, so she just winked at John. He didn't go out byhimself, but instead, he took out his phone and sent a message.

Sophia was in so much pain that she was barely conscious. She felt a buzzing in her mind as manychaotic images appeared alternately, and she couldn't even figure out where she was at a certainmoment.

After a wave of pain passed, Sophia gasped for air, and then in a trance, she felt as if she sawsomeone.

The man stood not far from her, and his slightly rickety figure was clad in old linen clothes. He looked ather and smiled. Seeing him, Sophia felt like she was standing on the ground and slowly walked towardthe figure as she whispered, "Grandpa."

The man didn't speak; he just looked at her and continued smiling, after which Sophia reflexively heldher belly with one hand as she walked a little faster. "Grandpa, are you here to see me?”

After walking forward a few steps, Sophia pursed her lips, looking like she was about to cry. She couldsee the person in front of her very clearly. It was how her grandfather looked before he became veryold.

Sophia had already forgotten what her grandfather looked like when he was healthy. In the end, the oldman was so tormented by his illness that he had been reduced to a disfigured and frail sack of bones.Sophia's memory of him, except for what she saw in photos, stayed at that time.

The old man was wearing rubber shoes on his feet. He walked two steps toward Sophia and lookeddown at her belly. Matilda didn't want to go up against Sophia now, so she just winked at John. He didn't go out byhimself, but instead, he took out his phone and sent a message.

At the sight of him approaching, Sophia felt her tears threatening to overflow out of her eyes. She didn'tknow what else to say, so she repeated, "Grandpa."

John heard Sophia mutter something next to him. In order to get what she was saying, he hurried overand put his ear to Sophia's lips.

After hearing what Sophia said, John paused and then let out a long sigh.

Sophia's hallucinations didn't last long. The next time the pain struck, the image of her grandfatherdisappeared.

Frowning, she tried her hardest to curl up.

John felt very distressed at the sight of her suffering. Turning his head to look at Matilda, he suggested,"Let’s get the doctor to come over and give her a C-section. Her cervix hasn’t dilated for so long, andwe don't know how long she’s gonna suffer for.”

Matilda didn’t take John’s suggestion to heart. “This is how a woman gives birth to a child. If it’s anatural birth, she’ll suffer now but recover quicker. If it’s a C-section birth, she’ll definitely suffer morelater. Although there is no pain during the surgery, there will be many more post-surgery complications,and it also negatively affects the body more compared to natural birth. Be patient now. After a natural

birth, she’ll recover quickly. If you opt for surgery right now, you’re harming her instead of helping her.”

John frowned. Right now, he couldn't even bear to look at the writhing Sophia. novelbin

Matilda went on to say, "The first birth is usually harder. It’s normal. The next one will be easier."

"One is enough. I don't dare to think about the next one," John said at once.

Matilda shook her head with a smile. "You say this now, but perhaps when you see this child all lovelyand cute, you may be eager for a second one.”

Raising his eyebrows, John looked at Matilda. "Then did you think of having another child back then?"

"I did consider it when you were very lively and cute. I liked you so much that I wanted to have anotherbaby just like you." Matilda writhed her lips and continued, "But at that time, your dad was busy, so Idecided to talk about it later. But after some time, you became very annoying, so I didn’t want anotherbaby anymore whenever I looked at you.”

John couldn't hold back and cocked the corner of his mouth.

Matilda's eyes fell on Sophia. "But truthfully, I think you’re quite lonely over the years. If you had ayounger brother or sister, you might develop a better temperament and know how to deal with theinterpersonal relationships around you. And there wouldn’t be so many conflicts between you andSophia back then as well."

John squeezed Sophia's hand in his palm. "When I was younger, I really wanted to have a youngerbrother or sister. As you said, I really felt lonely back then."

"That's why." Matilda smiled. "When you and Sophia want to have a second child, don't delay it. Whenthe first child becomes naughty and mischievous, you may no longer feel like having more."

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