Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1287
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Chapter 1287

Usually, Old Mr. Jefferson would have meals alone in the Jefferson Mansion, but the four Young Ladieswould find time to come over whenever possible. However, considering that they each had their ownfamily and careers, they couldn’t possibly make time to come over every other day.

Hence, it had been a while since Old Mr. Jefferson had such an enjoyable time.

Though Logan wasn’t a sweet talker, Old Mr. Jefferson was still delighted, and was smiling throughoutthe meal.

From today’s visit, Lola could tell that the Jefferson Family had quite a good upbringing, as it was allshown in the way they talked and behaved. Instead of putting on airs and graces, they seemed to livethe average mundane life.

During her previous job as a police officer, she was quite used to meeting wealthy people.

There were several wealthy families whose riches were not even considered as admirable, but theirsnobbery was indeed a cut above the rest.

They might have a long list of table manners, but they could swear a blue streak.

Not knowing what others felt, but Lola, for one, didn’t find it comfortable at all.

Perhaps due to her professionalism, she couldn’t tolerate discrimination at all, thus didn’t like it whenpeople saw themselves as superior to others.

At that, she realized how much she came to like the Jefferson Family.

Perhaps only the people who were genuinely rich were more likely to return to their own roots.

When Logan and Lola planned to leave after lunch, Old Mr. Jefferson had arranged for servants to stufftheir car trunk with goods.

At the sight of Old Mr. Jefferson standing by the road with a servant while holding a walking stick in hishand, Lola couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

With his gray hair, Old Mr. Jefferson did appear rather weak and stooped with age.

While having lunch together, she could clearly feel how happy he was when there was someonearound the house to accompany him.

With that, Lola suddenly thought of her own parents, and was thankful that at least they both still hadeach other.

In fact, due to the nature of her previous job, she did feel guilty for not being able to pay frequent visitsto her parents’ place.

However, after her resignation, she decided to stay here instead of going back to her hometown. Firstly,it was because there weren’t many job opportunities in the suburbs, and another reason was becausea friend had invited her to start a business in setting up a gym together.

In short, it had been a long while since she last spent some time accompanying her parents.

Waving goodbye to Old Mr. Jefferson, Lola urged, “Please get in quickly. We’ll come visit again realsoon.”

With a contented smile on his face, Old Mr. Jefferson nodded. “It’s fine. I understand that all of you arebusy.”

Without giving much thought, Logan just drove off together with Lola. novelbin

In the car, Lola sighed. “Old Mr. Jefferson looked so lonely.”

Hesitated for a moment, Logan said, “Indeed. He has been on his own for all these years.”

Anyhow, there wasn’t much they could do because it was unlikely to have all of them taking turns toaccompany him at home.

Besides, with the generation gap, there were not many common topics to share.

On top of that, with Logan’s ill temper, he simply couldn’t sit around with Old Mr. Jefferson for long.

Gazing out of the window, Lola said, “Somehow, I can see that’s how my parents will live in the lateryears.”

Casting a quick glance at her, Logan comforted, “If you’re worried, we can always invite your parents tomove over to this city. Then after work, you can visit them whenever.”

Upon hearing that suggestion, Lola was moved.

Previously at the Hunt’s, Old Mr. Jefferson did mention inviting Mr. and Mrs. Hunt to move over to thiscity.

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