Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1230
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Chapter 1230

Lola didn’t react to any of the movements around her, while Logan wrapped her up in a towel beforelifting and carrying her into the bedroom. After he put her down on her bed, the sight of her rolling overin her sleep left Logan in a state of devastation. He couldn’t help but think of himself as a fool forhaving done all that.

Later on, he retrieved the clothes Lola brought with her into the bathroom to put them on her. Shechose a pair of tights and a nightdress. Putting both of them on Lola was an ordeal, and Logan couldn’thelp but want to slap himself for bringing that upon himself.

Then, Logan cleaned up the bathroom before returning to Lola’s room. He also went through herwardrobe, but he could only find women’s clothing; none of them were fitting for a male. Out of options,Logan removed his jacket as well as pulled up the blankets before lying down beside Lola. After that,he switched off the light, then he slept with her in his arms.

However, it was nigh impossible for Logan to fall asleep with Lola in his arms. Not only was his handaching to touch her, but his heart yearned for her as well, so he didn’t feel like sleeping at all.Meanwhile, his hand traveled all the way from her waist up to her shoulders, but despite his carnaldesires, he couldn’t seem to find it in himself to make a move on her, so he ended up retracting hishand.

On the other hand, Lola rolled directly into his arms, snuggling up with him before placing her leg overhis. Their current position was awkward, to say the least. Logan was already having a hard time fallingasleep, and the situation only made things worse for him.

Giving himself two slaps on the face, he thought to himself, This wasn’t the plan! How did things

escalate so quickly? Logan moved her leg away as carefully as he could before immediately rolling offthe bed, knowing full well that he couldn’t possibly sleep there. novelbin

After a moment’s pause, he turned to enter the bathroom to fill up the tub with cold water beforedipping his entire body in it. Geez, this is refreshing, Logan thought while staring at the lights in thebathroom, his mind still racing while conjuring multiple scenarios. However, all those fantasies of hisdissipated as soon as he saw Lola sleeping soundly in bed.

After spending some time immersed in the water, he wrapped himself in a towel. Walking up to the bed,he stared at Lola intently, while the latter still maintained her previous position, totally unaware of thedangers she was faced with.

He moved closer, but didn’t tuck himself underneath the blankets this time, as that would be an ordealin itself. All he did was stare at her for a while before leaving with a smile on his face for the sofaoutside the room, his clothes in his hands.

All in all, Lola had a good night’s sleep, and she didn’t have a hangover by the next morning. Scanningher room while sitting in bed when she woke up, she was in fact a little confused as to where she was.She blacked out last night when she was about to fall asleep, so she had no memories of whathappened after that. After spending some time mentally preparing herself, she left her room, only to bestartled by the sight of Logan curled up on the sofa in the living room, seemingly sound asleep.

Lola quickly gave herself a once-over, only to see that she was in a fresh change of clothes. Afterracking through her memories, she was unsure who was the one who changed her. However, her bodyfelt alright, so she figured nothing happened last night. Besides, the fact that Logan was curled up onthe sofa should mean that he hadn’t done anything to her.

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