Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1227
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Chapter 1227

Lola was utterly famished, feeling like she could easily devour a cow. Leaning against the sofa, sheturned to look at Logan. The latter was telling his men to be quick as he wanted his food hot when Lolareached out to hold his ear. Then, she was suddenly reminded of when she inspected Logan’sclubhouse for the first time. With the golden chain dangling around his neck, Logan was hurling insultsat the police, but she managed to put him down with a swift move.

Logan might not have expected her to attack him, so when she knelt on his back to subdue him, Loganforcefully threw her off his back. Unexpectedly, Logan was exceptionally strong, so she was hurt duringthe incident as she knocked herself against the table while falling over, grazing her elbow in theprocess.

Similar conflicts happened during the subsequent inspections on Logan’s clubhouse, during which Loladid the same to him, but never did he throw her off him again. While Lola didn’t think much of it backthen, she came to realize that despite his hooliganism, he was rather gentlemanly toward women.

Meanwhile, Logan was still on the phone when he turned to ask Lola, “Do you have anything that you’dlike to eat?”

Shaking her head, Lola smiled in silence, whereas Logan hung up after giving out a few moreinstructions. After that, he leaned back on the sofa, visibly exhausted. Lola hesitated for some timebefore lying down on his lap, while Logan reached out to caress her hair. He did it so lovingly as heenjoyed the feeling of caressing her, as it felt like he was caressing a kitten.

Lola pulled his hand closer to play with his fingers. “Logan, does your family have any prerequisitesregarding who you take as your girlfriend?”

Startled, he lowered his gaze to check on Lola, who was resting on his lap. While their fingers wereintertwined with each other, he answered, “I don’t know if they have any prerequisites, but I do knowyou have passed the test.”

With a silly look on her face, Lola chuckled. “Was it because they were anxious that you hadn’t beenable to find a girlfriend until now?” novelbin

Logan smiled amicably before refuting her words. “I never had girlfriends because I never metsomeone I liked. In case you didn’t know, I do have high standards.” With how he relayed it, not onlywas he giving himself praise, but he was also commending her.

Turning to face him, Lola hugged his waist. “You know my family’s situation since you’ve been to ourhouse. Will your family approve of me?”

Her question caught him off guard, whereas she was still burying her face in his waist, so Logancouldn’t actually see her expression. All he could do was hold her hand while consoling her. “Have youbeen worried about this all this while? My family doesn’t care about status and wealth. When I wenthome, my father even told me to marry you as soon as possible, as he was afraid you might run away.It proves that they really like you.”

After taking a deep breath, Logan went on to say, “I understand that money is a concern for many, butto be frank, my family is rich enough that we don’t need another family’s support, so we put emphasison our spouse’s character.” Logan sounded extremely gentle. “You have nothing to fear, as nobody inmy family will disapprove of you.”

Lola was feeling less anxious after hearing what he told her, but feelings of trepidation remained. “I am

worried that I won’t have a say in matters in your family, as financial status is a deciding factor infamilial status.”

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