Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1221
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Chapter 1221

The mention of her first kiss seemed to trigger the pain in Lola’s lips. Taking a few deep breaths, shewaved her hand in an attempt to dismiss the topic. “Fine. I’ll stop questioning. The answers I get areonly going to hurt me anyway.”

Logan quickly held her hand in his while trying to console her. “No, it won’t be like that. There neverwas anything between Jasmine and I. In fact, this would hurt my pride, as it’s unbelievable that nothinghappened between us even after spending a month together.”

Lola shot him a glare. “What do you even mean by that? Do you regret breaking up with her now?”

“No no no,” Logan hurriedly said. “Why would I regret it? I am thankful to have broken up with her, as itgave me the opportunity to be with you.”

Flattery seemed to have done the trick, as Lola gave him a loving pinch on the face after staring at himfor a while. “Be careful, as you won’t want to step out of line.” novelbin

“Sure, no problem. I will be a good kid,” Logan quickly replied.

Heaving a sigh, Lola said, “Let’s eat, or our food will be cold.”

Logan heaved a sigh upon passing the test successfully. After their meal, Lola did the dishes beforestarting to clean the house, whereas Logan was following behind her to see if she needed help.However, Lola perceived him as being more of a bother than actually being helpful. “You’re better offwatching TV, as you are the most helpful when you’re doing nothing.”

Pursing his lips, Logan lamented, “Why does it feel like you don’t like me anymore?”

Lola snorted before replying, “You got it right. I do feel like you’re a bit of a bother.” After that, sheentered her room to tidy her bed.

Meanwhile, Logan stood outside staring at her for a long while. Eventually, the rebelliousness withinhim acted up again, so he entered the room in strides. Lola had her back to him as she was busytidying up the bed, so he rested both hands on her shoulders before turning her around to plant a kisson her lips. Since that was their third kiss, and Logan knew her lips were still injured, he tried his best toavoid hurting her, all the while being gentle with his motions.

In the beginning, Lola was a little resistant, but both of them lost control by the end of it. Not only didLola stop resisting, but she even looped her hands around his neck. Logan was a young man after all,who only happened to never had sex because the situation didn’t arise. Now that he was with a womanhe loved, who fortunately liked him in return, these two individuals with feelings coming together meantthat passion came naturally as well.

Lola was a little dizzy. She was in fact more passive when it came to such things, nor was she apassionate person by nature, so with every step that she took, she needed someone to push her frombehind. Now, it appeared that this was a role that Logan seemed to fit into. Tangled in each other’sembrace, both of them fell onto the bed at some point, but it didn’t take long before she snapped backto reality, upon which she pushed Logan away. “Not now.”

After being stopped by her, Logan was suddenly made aware of their situation. He buried his head inher collarbones while panting for breath. “Not now indeed.”

Although they had known each other for quite some time now, they had just started a relationship, soeven Logan felt like they were rushing things. Besides, he never knew he was someone who would likesex.

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