Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1199
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Chapter 1199

After chatting for a while, the kitchen staff then said that dinner was ready. Sophia’s belly wasenormous now, so she had to shuffle up slowly. Upon seeing this, Matilda tugged on her arm andhelped her to her feet. “This place will be even livelier when your child is born.”

Chuckling, Sophia was reminded of another incident. When she went out for a stroll yesterday, shebumped into Lady Jennifer whose gaze stayed on her stomach for a long time. She initially wanted toignore her since there wasn’t any need to feign amicability when their relationship was bad in the firstplace, so she merely pretended as though she didn’t see her and turned to head in the direction of thegarden.

However, Lady Jennifer suddenly spoke, asking her about her estimated date of delivery and whethershe’d thought of a name for the child. In the end, she lamented, “I’m also going to be a grandmotherwhen your child is born.” novelbin

Without saying anything, Sophia whirled around and left, thinking,You want to be a grandmother? If so,go and look for your son! Weren’t you all high and mighty back then? Why are you putting on ahelpless expression now?

As they ate in the dining room, they started shooting the breeze. William inadvertently mentioned thesituation over at the Second Constance Family, saying that Dylan seemed to be planning on goingabroad to see the world out there and expand his horizons.

John had no inkling about this. After he’d ceased going to the office, he hadn’t even seen Dylan, not tomention talking to him. Lifting his eyes to William, he asked, “Have Uncle Owen and Aunt Jennifer beenpressuring him again recently?”

William shrugged. “No idea. But you know how your uncle and aunt are, so it’s rather impossible thatthey’ve never nagged him. Dylan is also very stubborn now that he has a temper. Ah well, I don’t knowwhat to say about their family.”

Meanwhile, Old Mrs. Constance said nothing at all as she didn’t want to comment on the affairs of theSecond Constance Family.Life was originally good, but they just had to mess things up. After turning itover in my mind time and again, I’m still uncertain who should be shouldering the blame.

When the topic of the Second Constance Family was closed, Matilda brought something else up out ofthe blue. She said that she saw Logan when she was out a few days back, and it was early in themorning when she saw him buying breakfast to go. While waiting for the owner to pack the food, heeven took out his cell phone and made a call, grinning from ear to ear.

She merely caught a glimpse since she passed him by in a car, but that cursory scene was more thanenough to render her puzzled since his appearance back then didn’t at all resemble that of YoungMaster Jefferson’s in the past. In fact, he looked no different from a normal young man. She thuscommented that his dressing was vastly different from before.

John had no inkling about this. After he’d ceased going to the office, he hadn’t even seen Dylan, not tomention talking to him. Lifting his eyes to William, he asked, “Have Uncle Owen and Aunt Jennifer beenpressuring him again recently?”

Logan’s tastes in the past were truly strange. Putting aside the fact that he had a huge gold chainhanging around his neck at all times, even his attire was fancy. It was as though he was afraid thatothers wouldn’t know that he was rich, so he always adorned himself with bizarre things. However,when Matilda saw him that day, she found him entirely different.His clothes and appearance were very

normal, so much so that it seemed as though he’d returned to the ranks of a normal human being.

Lowering her head, Sophia giggled. “This is all thanks to the power of love.”The power of love issurprisingly great in this world, seemingly capable of changing all things and all people.

Matilda cocked an eyebrow, listening closely as Sophia related the thrilling story of how Logan fell inlove.I’m really curious as to the kind of girl whom Young Master Jefferson would take a fancy toconsidering his flippant attitude and bizarre taste.

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