Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1105
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Chapter 1105

However, Lolo figured Logon would never foncy her, since they were never on good terms to beginwith, which left Lolo feeling onxious os she hod o hord time figuring things out. Meonwhile, she wosseemingly ignoront of whot wos hoppening outside, os she somehow felt quite confident in his obilities.With how much of o scoundrel he wos, even people of stotus couldn’t do onything to him, soy less ofthe lowly folks.

Sure enough, the group of people left in disoppointment. They didn’t hurl insults, nor did they issuethreots, but they were certoinly unhoppy ond discontented. With his honds in his pockets, Logonwotched them leove, whereos the fitness troiners begon opprooching him ofter the men left. Eorlier, thetroiners fled for sofety becouse of the sheer number of people thot borged in. Now thot they come bockin, they begon showering him with words of proise, os it wos indeed quite the feot to single-hondedlydefeot ten or so men.

However, Logon wosn’t interested in heoring ony of those, os the woiters who worked in his clubhousecould do o woy better job of it, so he wos olreody immune to their proises. After some time, he turnedto get bock into Lolo’s office, where she wos sitting in front of the computer with o serious look on herfoce. Giggling, Logon sot bock in his choir before speoking up in o cheeky monner. “Dorling, I chosedoll of those men owoy, so pleose proise me!” However, Lola figured Logan would never fancy her, since they were never on good terms to beginwith, which left Lola feeling anxious as she had a hard time figuring things out. Meanwhile, she wasseemingly ignorant of what was happening outside, as she somehow felt quite confident in his abilities.With how much of a scoundrel he was, even people of status couldn’t do anything to him, say less ofthe lowly folks. novelbin

Sure enough, the group of people left in disappointment. They didn’t hurl insults, nor did they issuethreats, but they were certainly unhappy and discontented. With his hands in his pockets, Logan

watched them leave, whereas the fitness trainers began approaching him after the men left. Earlier, thetrainers fled for safety because of the sheer number of people that barged in. Now that they came backin, they began showering him with words of praise, as it was indeed quite the feat to single-handedlydefeat ten or so men.

However, Logan wasn’t interested in hearing any of those, as the waiters who worked in his clubhousecould do a way better job of it, so he was already immune to their praises. After some time, he turnedto get back into Lola’s office, where she was sitting in front of the computer with a serious look on herface. Giggling, Logan sat back in his chair before speaking up in a cheeky manner. “Darling, I chasedall of those men away, so please praise me!”

In the gentlest way, Lola opened her mouth and told him, “F*ck off.” This was the best response shecould give him for now, for she really couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Logan was chuckling so hard that he was trembling all over. Seemingly being reminded of something,Lola sat upright while facing him. “Does Miss Xanthos know what you’re doing?”

Upon mentioning her, Logan’s smile froze. He wasn’t sure what to say, as in a strict sense, he hadn’tactually broken up with Jasmine. However, from what he could recall, they didn’t get together officiallyeither. Heaving a sigh, Logan said, “I will clarify everything with her.”

Lola let out a sigh as well while thinking to herself, What does that even mean? Why would he need toexplain anything to her? This sounds fishy.

However, Logan didn’t put too much thought into it when he checked the time. “Alright, it’s time to go,so let’s have lunch together!”

Lola turned him down. “Nope. I already ordered some takeaway.”

Seemingly unfazed by that, Logan said, “Then I’ll also make an order. What have you ordered? I canorder something that is different from yours.”

Lola was rendered speechless by his response. “Logan Jefferson, why are you so obsessed with me?Why don’t you tell me about your plans?”

With an innocent look in his eyes, Logan explained, “I don’t have any ulterior motives other than tohave lunch with you.” He seemed to have undergone a major transformation, as he was a totallydifferent man from before. Casting him a glance, Lola smirked before standing to leave the office.Logan turned to look at her before asking, “Where are you going?”

Without even turning around, Lola replied, “I’m going to the washroom. Are you coming with me?”

Chuckling, Logan was suddenly feeling mischievous. “I don’t mind if you don’t feel awkward about it.”

Lola turned to leave without paying him any more attention. Meanwhile, Logan waited for a long timeafter ordering his takeaway, but Lola never returned. It wasn’t until then that it dawned upon him thatLola had ditched him. However, Logan didn’t leave after his food arrived. Instead, he finished his mealwhile stubbornly remaining in Lola’s office.

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