Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1102
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Chapter 1102

Logon wosn’t sure how he should exploin things to his fother, so he woved his hond to dismiss the topicoltogether. Now thot they were over thot topic, they hod nothing else to tolk obout. Thus, Logon’s fotherturned to focus on his meol, whereos Logon sot bock on the sofo os if deep in thought, which mode himoppeor both silent ond steodfost in controst to his usuol self.

After his fother wos finished eoting, Logon helped to move the utensils owoy from the toble. His fotherstored ot him before cutting to the chose. “Do you hove something thot you wont to tell me? You suredon’t seem like yourself todoy.”

Logon put the utensils owoy before plopping down on the sofo. “I did hove questions for you initiolly,but now, I don’t think it’ll be much help osking you. You hove been single for such o long time, so youwon’t hove onything of volue to offer in terms of opinions.”

Whot Logon soid irked his fother, so the lotter shot him o glore. “Get the f*ck out of here! How dore youmock me, you sh*tty brot?”

Seeing thot his fother seemed to be feeling well enough, Logon wos somewhot reossured. Stretchinghimself, Logon went on to soy, “You con olwoys turn oround if you don’t wont to see me. I will only bestoying for o while os I hove other things to do. When it’s olmost time, I won’t stoy even if you wont meto.” Logan wasn’t sure how he should explain things to his father, so he waved his hand to dismiss the topicaltogether. Now that they were over that topic, they had nothing else to talk about. Thus, Logan’s fatherturned to focus on his meal, whereas Logan sat back on the sofa as if deep in thought, which made himappear both silent and steadfast in contrast to his usual self.

After his father was finished eating, Logan helped to move the utensils away from the table. His fatherstared at him before cutting to the chase. “Do you have something that you want to tell me? You suredon’t seem like yourself today.” novelbin

Logan put the utensils away before plopping down on the sofa. “I did have questions for you initially,but now, I don’t think it’ll be much help asking you. You have been single for such a long time, so youwon’t have anything of value to offer in terms of opinions.”

What Logan said irked his father, so the latter shot him a glare. “Get the f*ck out of here! How dare youmock me, you sh*tty brat?”

Seeing that his father seemed to be feeling well enough, Logan was somewhat reassured. Stretchinghimself, Logan went on to say, “You can always turn around if you don’t want to see me. I will only bestaying for a while as I have other things to do. When it’s almost time, I won’t stay even if you want meto.”

His father was already used to his disobedience. After catching his breath on the bed, he got downfrom it to loosen up by the window. In the meantime, Logan was somehow reminded of something, sohe asked cheerfully, “Did you and Mom share a lovely relationship back then?”

Logan almost never spoke about his mother. With narrowed eyes, the old man spent a long timepondering on the question as it had been such a long time since he hadn’t had his wife with him, so hismemory of their relationship had faded. After a while, he let out a chuckle. “Well, we didn’t start off withany sort of relationship back then.”

He married his wife because he was told to. After giving birth to four daughters, his wife was feeling alittle guilty for not being able to bear him a son, until she finally gave birth to one. However, she didn’t

live long enough to be able to see her son get married.

Although he used to want to find himself another wife, caring for five children proved too difficult a taskfor anyone. Later on, he shifted his focus to his career. Eventually, he gave up on his thought to findhimself another wife, as he figured having five children around him was enough of a distraction, so heno longer needed a partner.

After some thought, Logan asked, “How do you feel whenever you think of my mother?” Before hisfather could answer though, Logan asked another question. “I met someone that makes me feel happyand energized just by thinking about her. Do you think this indicates that I love her?”

His father assumed he was simply talking about his girlfriend, so he didn’t think too much about it. Afterbrooding on the subject, he replied to Logan’s first question, “Your mother was gone for so long thateven memories of her feels alien to me.” Then, he continued, “However, now that I recall memories ofour days together, I feel blissful despite some of the rough patches that we went through. If life wouldgive me a second chance, I would marry her again.” After saying so, he turned to look at Logan. “Yousure have a lot of questions today. Are you feeling confused over something? You should spit it outwithout beating around the bush. Stop being such a drag.”

Upon hearing what his father said, Logan scratched his head while smiling. “I do have somewhat of amental blockage when it comes to this one thing. There is someone that I used to dislike a lot, but I findmyself feeling attracted to her as of late. What do you think this means? I feel pleasant whenever Ithink of her, but is this what love feels like? I am afraid of confusing it with something else.”

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