Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1087
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Chapter 1087

After soying thot, Logon turned to Lolo ond introduced her to Williom os well. “And this is Lolo Hunt, myfriend.”

Stonding up, Lolo inclined her heod ot Williom. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Constonce.”

Williom stored ot her for o while before chuckling. “You look rother fomilior.”

At this, mild emborrossment flooded Lolo. “There wos once o hostoge situotion ot Constonce Group,ond I wos one of the police officers sent to deol with the incident. At thot time, I even took yourstotement.”

All ot once, Williom recolled the incident bock then. He nodded os he murmured on ocknowledgment.“So, it wos you. I remember thot it wos o young girl who took my stotement bock then, ond she wosextremely colm. In such o situotion, mony men would’ve been shoking like o leof.”

Lolo chortled. “Perhops it’s becouse I’ve encountered such situotions too often. Actuolly, I wos olsoofroid in the foce of such o situotion bock when I first storted working os o police officer. But os timewent by, I slowly got used to it. After oll, we hove no choice but to rush forword. We con’t expect theonlookers to oct in our steod.”

Williom looked ot her thoughtfully. “It’s truly not on eosy job.”

Meonwhile, Motildo went to the kitchen to see when dinner would be reody. After leoving the kitchenstoff some instructions, she then returned. Her goze olighting on Josmine, she remorked, “Logon hos ogirlfriend now, huh? You look quite young.”

After saying that, Logan turned to Lola and introduced her to William as well. “And this is Lola Hunt, myfriend.”

Standing up, Lola inclined her head at William. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Constance.”

William stared at her for a while before chuckling. “You look rather familiar.”

At this, mild embarrassment flooded Lola. “There was once a hostage situation at Constance Group,and I was one of the police officers sent to deal with the incident. At that time, I even took yourstatement.”

All at once, William recalled the incident back then. He nodded as he murmured an acknowledgment.“So, it was you. I remember that it was a young girl who took my statement back then, and she wasextremely calm. In such a situation, many men would’ve been shaking like a leaf.”

Lola chortled. “Perhaps it’s because I’ve encountered such situations too often. Actually, I was alsoafraid in the face of such a situation back when I first started working as a police officer. But as timewent by, I slowly got used to it. After all, we have no choice but to rush forward. We can’t expect theonlookers to act in our stead.”

William looked at her thoughtfully. “It’s truly not an easy job.” novelbin

Meanwhile, Matilda went to the kitchen to see when dinner would be ready. After leaving the kitchenstaff some instructions, she then returned. Her gaze alighting on Jasmine, she remarked, “Logan has agirlfriend now, huh? You look quite young.”

Nodding, Jasmine once again unleashed her vivacity. “I’m slightly younger than him.”

Thereafter, Matilda inquired about her profession. Jasmine was quite courteous with her, answering herevery question while keeping her emotions in check.

Sophia, on the other hand, leaned against John lazily, largely because she was a touch drowsy. Nowthat William and Matilda were back, John didn’t need to entertain the crowd, so he wrapped his armsaround her. Then, they started whispering among themselves, their topic mainly revolving around thechild’s future. Although the child had yet to be born, they’d already planned out its future.

Giggling, Sophia lowered her voice. “You’ll be in charge of the child’s education in the future. After all, Ican’t really make a decision when I myself am poorly educated.”

John caressed her face, the corners of his mouth curving into a tender arc. “Your focus should be onbossing us around. How could I allow such a trivial matter to worry you?”

He’s becoming increasingly smooth. Chortling, Sophia again leaned against him.

From her peripheral vision, Jasmine glimpsed the interaction between the two of them. Throughout ourinteraction this entire afternoon, he hadn’t appeared at all amicable. He was mostly solemn andsomber, even a touch distant. But with Sophia now, he’s wholly different. Perhaps this is the power oflove. Today, he admitted that he treated Sophia badly in the past, yet it’s apparent that he cherishes herat present. Her hands tightening into fists, she turned and gazed at Logan. Maybe he’ll also changeslowly, like John.

When the kitchen staff was done preparing dinner, they all adjourned to the dining room. Just afterthey’d taken their seats, someone else appeared in the living room. This time, it was Dylan.

Standing in the living room, Dylan called out a greeting to Old Mrs. Constance, to which she hurriedlyresponded. Getting to his feet, John went out. Upon seeing Dylan, he was mildly surprised since heactually came over alone.

“Are you all having dinner? It so happens that I haven’t eaten, so I came over for a free meal,” Dylansaid.

Having dinner together wasn’t a big deal, so John promptly ushered him into the dining room.

Dylan looked rather weary, for he hadn’t been home for several days after having had a row with Owena couple of days ago.

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