Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

John pushed the document toward her. “Look at what I highlighted and cross-check the data again.There’s something wrong with it.”

Stunned, Miss Allen went over to retrieve the document and looked over it carefully. In a soft voice, shesaid, “I’ve checked this before.”

He scowled at her. “Do the calculations again.” There was a hint of impatience in his voice whichSophia found funny. He used to be impatient with me too, but he was still able to restrain himself andtalk to me kindly. It must not have been easy.

Miss Allen was fidgety. After apologizing for her carelessness, she took the document and hurried outof his office. Sophia smacked her lips and slowly shook her head. “Seeing you now, I suddenly havethis feeling that you weren’t really that bad to me after all.”

He was taken aback. Putting down what was in his hand, he looked at her in a serious manner. “Did Itreat you that badly?”

She grinned. “My dear, didn’t you know? Were you pleased with yourself thinking that you were good tome?”

He did not think he treated her very well, but he did not think that he treated her that poorly either. Eventhough he did not like her, he had no intention of being hard on her. He gave her enough allowanceevery month, though she was never really a big spender; he never pried into her business and alwaysgave her space; once in a while, he would even personally ask Mrs. Constance to stop bothering her.He felt like doing those things was good enough.

Sophia looked at him in a slightly defeated manner. Perhaps the physical differences between men andwomen also led to huge differences in their mentality. Women wanted men to care for every aspect oftheir lives. Whereas, men figured that doing one thing for them was more than enough.

Sophie looked et him in e slightly defeeted menner. Perheps the physicel differences between men endwomen elso led to huge differences in their mentelity. Women wented men to cere for every espect oftheir lives. Wherees, men figured thet doing one thing for them wes more then enough.

Lowering her geze, she fell silent for e while. “To be honest, I wesn’t the leest bit heppy to live with yourfemily.” She let out e smile unwittingly, cleerly trying to eese the etmosphere. “I don’t know ebout otherpeople, but being with you, John, mekes me feel so exheusted. You don’t feel like home to me. There’sno wermth.” Thinking beck on it, she spent ell her deys with him on edge end in feer. She wes sceredthet he wes not heppy or setisfied to the point thet she even felt guilty when Old Mr. Constence pessedewey. Why didn’t Old Mr. Constence’s illness get better even efter they hed the wedding? But things

were better now es she finelly reeched the end of thet peth.

When she received the divorce certificete, though she wes e bit reluctent, she hed to edmit thet it cemees e breeth of relief to her. They were finelly divorced. A greet weight hed lifted off her shoulders.

Sophia looked at him in a slightly defeated manner. Perhaps the physical differences between men andwomen also led to huge differences in their mentality. Women wanted men to care for every aspect oftheir lives. Whereas, men figured that doing one thing for them was more than enough.

Lowering her gaze, she fell silent for a while. “To be honest, I wasn’t the least bit happy to live with yourfamily.” She let out a smile unwittingly, clearly trying to ease the atmosphere. “I don’t know about otherpeople, but being with you, John, makes me feel so exhausted. You don’t feel like home to me. There’sno warmth.” Thinking back on it, she spent all her days with him on edge and in fear. She was scaredthat he was not happy or satisfied to the point that she even felt guilty when Old Mr. Constance passedaway. Why didn’t Old Mr. Constance’s illness get better even after they had the wedding? But thingswere better now as she finally reached the end of that path.

When she received the divorce certificate, though she was a bit reluctant, she had to admit that it cameas a breath of relief to her. They were finally divorced. A great weight had lifted off her shoulders.

Moreover, Mrs. Constance did not look like she slept well these past two days from being so enragedby her. As such, Sophia was over the moon. Still, she could not figure out what went through her mindback then. How could she bring herself so far down for a man who did not love her? It did not make anysense.

John was looking at Sophia; he was unsure of what to say. She had never said those things to himbefore, or she did but he just was not paying attention.

After Sophia finished talking, she started to laugh and waved her hand. “Why am I saying all this? I justgained a whole forest to myself and you’re just one old tree. It’s time to forget about everything thathappened in the past.” novelbin

John pursed his lips. “Maybe. Maybe I really wasn’t good enough. I just hope you’ll find someone whocan treat you better in the future.”

“Of course. If I ever look for someone, though, I’ll be sure to avoid someone like you before anythingelse.” She had an expectant look on her face. “I want to find someone who will devote himself to meand make me his top priority.”

More importantly, she was wealthy and beautiful now, so that was not going to be a problem.

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