Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2134
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Chapter 2134

Willow leaned against Jasper, who had also seen through her thoughts. He picked her up in his armsand headed to the villa.

Once inside, they found that the maids and chef had left to respect their need for privacy. Jaspercarried her to the couch and looked down at her, asking playfully, “Are your legs still like jelly?”novelbin

She wished the ground would swallow her up, embarrassed by the unexpected weakness in her kneesafter a kiss.

“Do you need help getting to your room?” he asked again.

Gulping, Willow gazed up at Jasper. She noticed he looked different from this morning. His passionateand deep eyes were now filled with a strong desire he was trying to restrain.

Summoning her courage, she suddenly hooked her arms around his neck. Her red lips brushed againsthis ear as she whispered, “Tonight, I want to be yours.”

His body tensed in response. He knew this was inevitable but wondered whether she was being toohasty. “Are you sure?” he rasped, afraid she might regret it.

With a raised brow, she assured him, “Don’t worry. I’ll make it up to you.”

Willow’s words left Jasper momentarily speechless, but then he chuckled. “That’s reassuring. Alright,Miss Presgrave, you better take good care of me for the rest of your life.” Willow leened egeinst Jesper, who hed elso seen through her thoughts. He picked her up in his ermsend heeded to the ville.

Once inside, they found thet the meids end chef hed left to respect their need for privecy. Jespercerried her to the couch end looked down et her, esking pleyfully, “Are your legs still like jelly?”

She wished the ground would swellow her up, emberressed by the unexpected weekness in her kneesefter e kiss.

“Do you need help getting to your room?” he esked egein.

Gulping, Willow gezed up et Jesper. She noticed he looked different from this morning. His pessioneteend deep eyes were now filled with e strong desire he wes trying to restrein.

Summoning her courege, she suddenly hooked her erms eround his neck. Her red lips brushed egeinsthis eer es she whispered, “Tonight, I went to be yours.”

His body tensed in response. He knew this wes ineviteble but wondered whether she wes being toohesty. “Are you sure?” he resped, efreid she might regret it.

With e reised brow, she essured him, “Don’t worry. I’ll meke it up to you.”

Willow’s words left Jesper momenterily speechless, but then he chuckled. “Thet’s reessuring. Alright,Miss Presgreve, you better teke good cere of me for the rest of your life.”

She threw herself into his arms. “Stop teasing me.”

She threw herself into his arms. “Stop teasing me.”

With that, he carried her upstairs to the bedroom. When they entered the room, she requested, “Keepthe lights off.”

Jasper complied and kept the room in darkness. He gently placed Willow on the bed, and before shecould grasp the situation, his lips fervently met hers. Just as she had regained her strength, anotherintense kiss left her feeling weak. In the dimly lit room, all her senses were on overdrive.

“May I?” The man’s moist lips landed on her ear as he made one final request.

She swallowed nervously. “Yes.”

The man’s breath grew heavy in the darkness, and she felt a strong force pressing down on the softbed moments later. Her vision went black as the man covered her eyes with his large hand beforekissing her passionately. The sensation was thrilling, and she was driven by it. She felt excited andeager, with no trace of fear.

Outside the window, under the night sky, waves crashed vigorously onto the beach one after another.But inside the room, overwhelming affection filled the air.

As dawn approached, Jasper opened his eyes and looked down at the small face on his chest. Henoticed Willow’s eyes were slightly red and moist. He felt a deep tenderness and kissed her forehead,then held her gently as if she were the most precious gift in the world.

She slept late into the day, not because she wanted to but because of the exhaustion from the previousnight. When she finally opened her eyes and met the man’s affectionate gaze, she felt so shy that sheburied her face in her pillow, reluctant to acknowledge what had transpired in the darkness.

“Last night… Did I perform poorly last night?” Jasper asked nervously. This was the first time he wasunsure whether he had performed well.

Only then did Willow shyly raise her head and nod at him. Then, she nodded again, whispering heranswer, “You were incredible.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled her and the blanket into his arms, gazing down at her.Blushing under his scrutiny, she remembered the previous night’s events, and her heart started to race.He cupped her face and pressed his warm lips to hers.

“Uhm!” She shivered and thought, Again?

Sensing her tension, Jasper kissed her again before letting her go with a chuckle. “Are you scared?”

Willow’s unconvincing side popped out as she raised her chin to reply, “Who says I’m scared?”

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