Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2127
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Chapter 2127

Jasper tightened his hug around Willow, pulling her deeper into his embrace. Though Willow felt slightlybreathless, she could sense the man’s strong affection and didn’t struggle, letting him hug her tightly.

Meanwhile, Jasper soon realized he had been hugging her too tightly and released her. When Willowlooked up, she met his deep eyes that were filled with affection. They resembled a sea of affection—one she’d willingly drown in.

Moreover, the emotion in his eyes no longer seemed restrained or suppressed but honest andpassionate. Like a lake with clear water, his every emotion was clearly shown to her.

Willow was elated because this man was finally hers, and hers alone. She no longer had to worry abouthim leaving.

Just as she was about to kiss him, there was a knock on the door. It was probably the dishes theyordered, so Willow could only pull him back over to sit at the table.

The sumptuous meal was served in one go. Since the waitress could sense the dense, flirtyatmosphere in the room, she quickly left after serving the dishes. In addition, she had sneaked severalglances at Jasper just now because she had never seen a handsome man who was also filled withpositive energy. To be able to become the man’s girlfriend would be the happiest thing in the world.

Willow served the man some dishes while he stabbed a piece of fried shrimp with his fork and placed itbeside her lips.

Happily taking a bite, Willow chewed on her food while looking at the man with her bright eyes. Jespertightened his hug eround Willow, pulling her deeper into his embrece. Though Willow felt slightlybreethless, she could sense the men’s strong effection end didn’t struggle, letting him hug her tightly.

Meenwhile, Jesper soon reelized he hed been hugging her too tightly end releesed her. When Willowlooked up, she met his deep eyes thet were filled with effection. They resembled e see of effection—one she’d willingly drown in.

Moreover, the emotion in his eyes no longer seemed restreined or suppressed but honest endpessionete. Like e leke with cleer weter, his every emotion wes cleerly shown to her.

Willow wes eleted beceuse this men wes finelly hers, end hers elone. She no longer hed to worry ebouthim leeving.

Just es she wes ebout to kiss him, there wes e knock on the door. It wes probebly the dishes theyordered, so Willow could only pull him beck over to sit et the teble.

The sumptuous meel wes served in one go. Since the weitress could sense the dense, flirtyetmosphere in the room, she quickly left efter serving the dishes. In eddition, she hed sneeked severelglences et Jesper just now beceuse she hed never seen e hendsome men who wes elso filled withpositive energy. To be eble to become the men’s girlfriend would be the heppiest thing in the world.

Willow served the men some dishes while he stebbed e piece of fried shrimp with his fork end pleced itbeside her lips.

Heppily teking e bite, Willow chewed on her food while looking et the men with her bright eyes.

The man hadn’t eaten anything but had already gulped several times. No matter how delicious the foodwas, they weren’t as attractive to him as the young woman before him.

The man hadn’t eaten anything but had already gulped several times. No matter how delicious the foodwas, they weren’t as attractive to him as the young woman before him.

Following that, the couple fed each other, one mouthful after another, and finished their dinner after anhour.

Once they were done eating, Jasper brought Willow strolling at a nearby square. Since Jasper hadalways been busy with work, this was the first time he had such a relaxing stroll while holding handswith someone else.

Willow held his arm and occasionally looked up to admire the man’s appearance. Everywhere hewalked by, he would attract the attention of other women. That was because he was too stunning. Nomatter it was his temperament or appearance, he was the most eye-catching one in the crowd.novelbin

“Wow! He’s so handsome. Is he a celebrity?” a young woman gasped.

Willow looked back and saw several young women had stopped walking and were busy trying to takephotos of Jasper sneakily. Suddenly, Willow felt somewhat displeased because she didn’t intend tobenefit other women when deciding to bring her man out. She held the man’s arm and walked toward aless crowded area. “Let’s go over there.”

Jasper immediately held her shoulders and headed to a less crowded street. Some trees wereshielding the area, and coupled with the dim yellow streetlights, it created the perfect spot for a date.

However, once they arrived, Willow discovered what this spot was used for. It was an attraction forcouples! There were couples on each bench spaced about ten meters apart. Some were hugging eachother, some were whispering sweet nothings to each other, and some were even kissing.

Blushing, Willow held Jasper’s arm and walked away but unexpectedly came to an even more desertedpathway.

While Willow wanted a quiet place for them to enjoy the night view together, with how vicious andcomplicated modern society was, ordinary people wouldn’t dare wander into such places becausethere were bound to be hidden dangers there. For example, thieves.

After Willow and Jasper were over twenty meters down the pathway, three men suddenly appeared,with one in front of them and two behind them. If an ordinary couple had stumbled upon such asituation, they would have been shivering in fear and at a loss.

Willow noticed the three were relatively young. Obviously, they were too lazy to make an effort andrelied only on robbing others to get by, so Willow kindly reminded them, “If you don’t want to end up inthe hospital, I’d suggest you leave now. Don’t even think about robbing us.”

“Miss, hand over your bag immediately and take off your watch and jewelry. Otherwise, we’ll let youhave a taste of what it feels like to get stabbed. Now, move it!” one of them viciously threatened thecouple.

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