Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2116
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Chapter 2116

“Whose call are you waiting for, Willow?” Leslie had been observing her for some time now.

Willow smiled and shook her head. “I’m not. I was just checking the time.” Suddenly, she suggested,“Let’s dance!”

His eyes lit up. “I’d love to!”

They headed to the dance floor. Then, Willow approached a young woman and whispered, “Can youhelp me record a video of us dancing?”

The said young woman was more than happy to help. Willow and Leslie danced to the music. Both hadbeen trained in dance from a young age, allowing them to captivate the attention of everyone on thedance floor.

When the song ended, she reclaimed her phone and checked the video. With a mischievous smirk, shepromptly uploaded it to her social media and eagerly awaited a message from Jasper. She wasresolute that if he didn’t reach out within three days, she’d do whatever it took to force him out of hiding.

Over at the base, Jasper had just returned to his room after completing his training routine. Right now,his daily routine was rather monotonous, with his primary focus being checking up on Willow. Heyearned to know what she was up to each day and whether she was happy.

With his hacking expertise, he had access to virtually anything on the internet. Hence, spying onsomeone’s life was a piece of cake for him.

He decided to check the security footage of his villa. He was taken aback by the discovery of a newnote. He zoomed in for a closer look, and his eyes widened in shock as he read it. Willow knows I’mstill alive? How did she find out?

Jasper started to panic. He rewound the footage and saw how pissed Willow had been when she wrotethe note. He chuckled and thought, Is she trying to bait me into seeing her? She’s using a ratherchildish method.

Around 9.00PM, Willow returned home.

At that moment, Elliot and Anastasia were sitting in the living room waiting for her. They heard theirdaughter humming a cheerful tune and couldn’t help but wonder why she was so happy.

Elliot and Anastasia exchanged curious glances, wondering what had brought about this suddenhappiness. They recalled how upset Willow had been just the previous night. They asked if hernewfound happiness might be connected to her developing a crush on Leslie.

As Willow entered the living room, she noticed her parents and tried to hide her awkwardness by bitingher lip. “Mom, Dad,” she greeted sweetly. “Why are you still up?”

“How can we sleep when you’re not home?” Anastasia replied, taking Willow’s purse and observing herdaughter’s bright eyes. “Did you have fun with Leslie today?”

Willow nodded. “Yeah! I had a good time. We even danced together.”

Anastasia was surprised by Willow’s initiative to dance with a guy and thought her daughter must reallylike Leslie. Hence, she felt a sense of relief, confident that she didn’t need to worry anymore.

Elliot and Anastasia were more than happy to have Leslie as their son-in-law. They could find no faultwith his family background, character, and capabilities. He was also Jared’s good friend, so he wouldundoubtedly blend right into the family.

“Mom, Dad, I’m heading to my room now. You guys should head to bed, too!” Willow grabbed her purseand hurried up the stairs.

Anastasia exhaled in relief. She sat down beside Elliot and rested her head against his shoulder. “I canfinally rest easy now.”

“Willow’s all grown up now. She has her own thoughts and opinions. We shouldn’t try to interfere withher life.” Elliot had finally learned to let go and allow his daughter to find her own happiness.novelbin

The moment Willow returned to her room, she immediately logged into her social media account. Manypeople had watched the video, but she was particularly interested to know if Jasper had seen it.

Therefore, Willow began to check every single account. She didn’t stop even when her eyes started towater. After reviewing everyone who viewed her video, she found no trace of Jasper.

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