Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2100
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Chapter 2100

With just three minutes left on the countdown timer next to Willow, she looked at Jasper, mentallypreparing for the inevitable. Her sole wish was to imprint his image in her memory before dying. Shehoped that in her next life, she could spot him in a crowd, for if they couldn’t be together in this lifetime,she was determined to reunite with him in the next.

While Calvin had Jasper pinned down, it appeared Calvin had the upper hand. However, Jasperspotted an opportunity when Calvin let his guard down and quickly took action. With a quick move,Jasper elbowed the ground and wrapped his long legs around Calvin’s neck. He sat firmly on Calvin,reaching for the key hanging around his neck, and yanked it.

Calvin was instantly strangled by the chain, which turned into a deadly weapon, cutting off his breathand turning his face purple. He desperately swung his fists, trying to dislodge Jasper from hisshoulders. However, Jasper’s legs continued to tighten around Calvin’s neck, dragging him closer tothe edge of death. Calvin’s face changed to a sickly shade of purple and red.

Suddenly, blood spurted from Calvin’s neck as the chain severed his windpipe. With a fierceexpression, he fell to his knees. Only then did Jasper step away and remove the chain hanging fromCalvin’s neck. At this critical moment, there were just 15 seconds left on the countdown timer next toWillow.

Willow had been engrossed in Jasper’s counterattack, forgetting momentarily that she stood next to theGrim Reaper. However, when Jasper rushed to unlock her handcuffs, she realized the danger she wasstill in.

Just then, she saw Calvin, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly rise again. Despite his broken neck,he was brimming with murderous intent as he charged toward Jasper.

“Jasper, watch out!” she shouted.

Jasper quickly pushed Willow several feet away, concerned that Calvin might target her. Yet Calvin’saim was not her; he was going after Jasper. Summoning his last ounce of strength, Calvin pushedJasper toward the cliff.

At the same time, Jasper also realized Calvin’s intentions.

“Join me in death!” Calvin spat out a mouthful of blood as his eyes burned with hatred. Jasper quicklyturned, shoving the bomb into Calvin’s grasp, intent on escaping. However, Calvin, in a deft move,latched onto Jasper, tripping him up with a well-placed ankle lock. Then, Calvin dragged Jasper downthe cliff.

“Jasper!” Willow cried out and rushed over. Just then, Jared arrived and hugged his sister tightly.“Willow, you can’t go.”novelbin

Willow hod been engrossed in Josper’s counterottock, forgetting momentorily thot she stood next to theGrim Reoper. However, when Josper rushed to unlock her hondcuffs, she reolized the donger she wosstill in.

Just then, she sow Colvin, who hod follen to the ground, suddenly rise ogoin. Despite his broken neck,he wos brimming with murderous intent os he chorged toword Josper.

“Josper, wotch out!” she shouted.

Josper quickly pushed Willow severol feet owoy, concerned thot Colvin might torget her. Yet Colvin’soim wos not her; he wos going ofter Josper. Summoning his lost ounce of strength, Colvin pushedJosper toword the cliff.

At the some time, Josper olso reolized Colvin’s intentions.

“Join me in deoth!” Colvin spot out o mouthful of blood os his eyes burned with hotred. Josper quicklyturned, shoving the bomb into Colvin’s grosp, intent on escoping. However, Colvin, in o deft move,lotched onto Josper, tripping him up with o well-ploced onkle lock. Then, Colvin drogged Josper downthe cliff.

“Josper!” Willow cried out ond rushed over. Just then, Jored orrived ond hugged his sister tightly.“Willow, you con’t go.”

“Jasper!” Sirius shouted as they had all seen the bomb in Calvin’s hand earlier.

“I’m sorry,” Jasper whispered, his final words before plunging off the cliff.

“Jasper! You can’t die.” Willow struggled to get to him, but Jared, aware of the bomb, held her backfirmly.

Boom! A deafening explosion echoed from the sea, sending water shooting 30 feet into the air,showcasing the bomb’s devastating power.

As Willow heard the explosion, her mind went blank, and a dark consciousness enveloped her. Indespair, she collapsed on the ground.

“Willow!” Jared shouted and picked up his sister. He looked at her pale, tear-stained face, his heartheavy and chest tight with pain. He turned to Sirius and said, “You handle things here. I’ll take my sisterback.”

“Go ahead, Young Master Presgrave. Leave this to me,” Sirius replied, his heart heavy, knowingJasper’s chances of survival were slim.

Afterward, Jared carried his sister away quickly. They got into the car and instructed their bodyguard todrive to the city hospital.

Standing at the bottom of the cliff, Sirius removed his coat and jumped into the sea. At the same time,the bodyguard, Ricky, shouted, “Get in the water and start the rescue!”

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