Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2096
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Chapter 2096

“It’s controlled by a key, but it’s with Calvin,” Sirius said helplessly.

“Keep your mouth shut.” After Jasper spoke, he pulled out two wires from the bomb and connectedthem to a device, subsequently linking his computer to it.

He quickly assembled a controller on his computer. Although the bomb was controlled by a key, as longas it was an electronic control product, he could find a way to work around it.

This would’ve usually taken an hour, but he managed to do so within five minutes.

Sweat was already appearing on Sirius’ forehead, and Jasper was struggling too, but he didn’t stopworking. He was searching for the decryption code.

Finally, the code calculated the first digit of the four-digit passcode. By the third-minute mark, heretrieved the second digit. As they progressed, it took them more time to decrypt the passcode.

There were only two minutes left.

“Can it be done? Don’t risk your life to save me,” Sirius asked him.

Jasper looked at him and said, “I’m not doing it for you.”

“Y-You brat.” Sirius chuckled while trying to lighten the mood.

The last digit appeared with five seconds left to spare. Jasper inputted the four numbers almostinstantly, and with only one second left, he unlocked it as Sirius closed his eyes in fear.

The blinking red light on the bomb suddenly stopped, and a hidden key emerged from the hole. Siriusopened his eyes and took a deep breath after seeing that the bomb had been successfully disarmed.

He looked at Jasper and said, “Impressive! I can’t even dispose of a bomb with this method.”

Jasper patted his shoulder. “It’s just luck.”

“Don’t think I don’t know that your uncle has given you a lot of privileges. You’ve learned way morethan me,” remarked Sirius teasingly.

Just then, Jasper’s phone rang. He picked it up. “Hello?”

“Jasper, have you solved the situation at hand?”

“I just did.”

“Willy is in trouble.”

Jasper’s hand that was holding the phone trembled almost uncontrollably. “Where is she, Mr.Presgrave?”

“She fell into a trap set by my maid and was taken into the city. She’s still in the car. Please come overimmediately and join us.”

“Send me the address,” Jasper said while maintaining his composure.

The address was sent, and Sirius immediately followed him downstairs. The two of them rushed out.

At this moment, Jasper took out his laptop and immediately tracked Willow’s location. As expected, shewas still wearing her necklace, so they had her exact location.

Sirius calculated the quickest route, then said, “Hold on tight. We’ll intercept that car within tenminutes.”novelbin

“We have to be faster than that.” Jasper wished he could fly.

He knew how ruthless Calvin could be. If Willow fell into his hands, he dared not imagine theconsequences.

Sirius pressed the accelerator to the floor, and the car surged forward like a wild stallion gone berserk,racing toward their destination. They were hoping to reach there in eight minutes.

At this moment, the rescue teams converging from three directions were closing in on Sasha’s car.Sasha was driving in a state of panic. There was a male voice coming from her phone. “Keep going.”

Meanwhile, Willow was still unconscious in the trunk of Sasha’s car. She had been heavily drugged thistime, and she wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.

However, Sasha couldn’t see the abductor’s face clearly; she could only hear his continuous ordersthrough the phone.

She continued to drive under his instructions. She had never driven this fast before, and her legs weretrembling. After speeding onto the overpass, she accelerated toward the seaside. Behind her, Calvinurged, “Faster!”

In his car, there was a laptop he used to track Sirius and Jasper’s whereabouts. He noticed they wereless than five miles away from them.

Sasha, driven by the thought of her husband and son, stepped on the gas pedal and sped ahead whileovertaking the other cars along the way. Finally, after reaching an exit, she continued down the coastalroad. She knew that she would be able to reunite with her husband and son at the destination.

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