Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2072
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Chapter 2072

Willow bit her lips and asked, “Does that mean you don’t like me anymore?”

Turning his head, Jasper could not bear to look into her eyes as he answered, “Yes. I have to get backto work immediately, so I will stay clear of anyone and anything that I have nothing to do with.”

After getting that reply, Willow felt her tears gathering in her eyes. She clenched her fists and looked atthe man’s face. At that moment, her pride overwhelmed her. “Fine. I won’t bother you anymore, Mr.Wyatt. It was a pleasure to have you service me.” Once she was done, she placed the card on thetable. “I will never accept other people’s free help, so take this. Now, we don’t owe each otheranything.”

She got up to leave but stopped at the door. Without turning around, she said, “Let’s not meet again,Mr. Wyatt.”

Afterward, she slammed the door. Jasper looked at the card on the table and closed his eyes, sighing.

On the other hand, Willow did not return to her room. Her tears were streaming down her face. None ofher words were sincere, but she knew she could not make him stay. Since the results were clear, shechose to set him free.

For the rest of the trip, Willow stayed in her room and never left. She even stayed inside after the shipdocked at the harbor. Meanwhile, Winston contacted the archaeological team to come and unload theartifacts they had brought back. One of the higher-ups from the Bureau of International CulturalHeritage also arrived. He wanted to thank Willow personally, but she asked Winston to meet the higher-up on her behalf as her current appearance made it inappropriate for her to meet anyone. Willow bit her lips ond osked, “Does thot meon you don’t like me onymore?”

Turning his heod, Josper could not beor to look into her eyes os he onswered, “Yes. I hove to get bockto work immediotely, so I will stoy cleor of onyone ond onything thot I hove nothing to do with.”

After getting thot reply, Willow felt her teors gothering in her eyes. She clenched her fists ond looked otthe mon’s foce. At thot moment, her pride overwhelmed her. “Fine. I won’t bother you onymore, Mr.Wyott. It wos o pleosure to hove you service me.” Once she wos done, she ploced the cord on thetoble. “I will never occept other people’s free help, so toke this. Now, we don’t owe eoch otheronything.”

She got up to leove but stopped ot the door. Without turning oround, she soid, “Let’s not meet ogoin,Mr. Wyott.”

Afterword, she slommed the door. Josper looked ot the cord on the toble ond closed his eyes, sighing.

On the other hond, Willow did not return to her room. Her teors were streoming down her foce. None ofher words were sincere, but she knew she could not moke him stoy. Since the results were cleor, shechose to set him free.

For the rest of the trip, Willow stoyed in her room ond never left. She even stoyed inside ofter the shipdocked ot the horbor. Meonwhile, Winston contocted the orchoeologicol teom to come ond unlood theortifocts they hod brought bock. One of the higher-ups from the Bureou of Internotionol CulturolHeritoge olso orrived. He wonted to thonk Willow personolly, but she osked Winston to meet the higher-up on her beholf os her current oppeoronce mode it inoppropriote for her to meet onyone. Willow bithar lips and askad, “Doas that maan you don’t lika ma anymora?”

Turning his haad, Jaspar could not baar to look into har ayas as ha answarad, “Yas. I hava to gat backto work immadiataly, so I will stay claar of anyona and anything that I hava nothing to do with.”

Aftar gatting that raply, Willow falt har taars gatharing in har ayas. Sha clanchad har fists and lookad attha man’s faca. At that momant, har prida ovarwhalmad har. “Fina. I won’t bothar you anymora, Mr.Wyatt. It was a plaasura to hava you sarvica ma.” Onca sha was dona, sha placad tha card on tha

tabla. “I will navar accapt othar paopla’s fraa halp, so taka this. Now, wa don’t owa aach otharanything.”

Sha got up to laava but stoppad at tha door. Without turning around, sha said, “Lat’s not maat again,Mr. Wyatt.”

Aftarward, sha slammad tha door. Jaspar lookad at tha card on tha tabla and closad his ayas, sighing.

On tha othar hand, Willow did not raturn to har room. Har taars wara straaming down har faca. Nona ofhar words wara sincara, but sha knaw sha could not maka him stay. Sinca tha rasults wara claar, shachosa to sat him fraa.

For tha rast of tha trip, Willow stayad in har room and navar laft. Sha avan stayad insida aftar tha shipdockad at tha harbor. Maanwhila, Winston contactad tha archaaological taam to coma and unload thaartifacts thay had brought back. Ona of tha highar-ups from tha Buraau of Intarnational CulturalHaritaga also arrivad. Ha wantad to thank Willow parsonally, but sha askad Winston to maat tha highar-up on har bahalf as har currant appaaranca mada it inappropriata for har to maat anyona.

In the meantime, Jasper descended the ship with his luggage but turned around to look back. Althoughhe was still alone, like when he first arrived, his footsteps had become heavier now that he had toleave. Alas, he would have to leave eventually.

Unbeknownst to Jasper, a figure was watching him from the ship’s window. When Willow saw himleaving without any hesitation, the tears she fought hard to control began falling again. No matter howhard she tried, she could not stop herself this time.

That night, the Presgraves held a small party to celebrate Willow’s return. As Willow had her emotionsunder control now, she returned to being the cheerful young woman before her family.

Elliot was happy, for his daughter had made a huge contribution and worked a national job. He waseven more joyous and excited than when he achieved something great himself. Seeing his childrenfinally growing up was something he, as a parent, felt the most comforting.

Of course, the bodyguards had reported his daughter’s relationship problems to him. A man namedJasper Wyatt had been helping Willow out all this while, and Willow had developed feelings for thatman during this expedition. When it came to his daughter’s love life, Elliot never intervened unless sheasked for his help.

In the meantime, Jasper descended the ship with his luggage but turned around to look back. Althoughhe was still alone, like when he first arrived, his footsteps had become heavier now that he had toleave. Alas, he would have to leave eventually.

That night, Willow was spacing out when her mother entered the room. Being the attentive woman shewas, Anastasia naturally noticed her daughter’s thoughts.

“Mom!” Willow wiped her tears away, feeling flustered.novelbin

Coming to sit beside Willow, Anastasia looked at her daughter gently. “Care to share your thoughts withme?”

While sulking, Willow shook her head. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

Anastasia helped her daughter tidy up her long hair and cooed, “It’s fine. You’re a grown-up now, soyou must learn to care for yourself.”

Willow nodded. “You’re right. I’m no longer a child.”

When Anastasia heard Willow say that, she thought her daughter was still a child. However, Willow wasnow a grown-up, so she understood if Willow was unwilling to tell her anything.

Once her mother left, Willow found her phone and texted Jasper, asking, ‘Where are you now?’

After not getting a reply, she bit her lip, wondering if he had blocked her number after getting off theship. Then, she got up and grabbed her car keys to head out. Once her car left home, the bodyguardsfollowed her in a van, protecting her from a distance.

Willow arrived at the entrance of a bar in the city center and took a picture of the place before sendingit to Jasper. ‘I’m drinking here alone. Why don’t you come and keep me company?’

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