Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2039
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Chapter 2039

“I won’t coax you then. Will you eat?” Willow asked as she blinked her big eyes. Then, she handed theplate to Jasper. “Or maybe you can feed me.”

Before he could take it, she continued, “Let’s both not eat. If you don’t eat, I won’t either. Let’s starve.”

This left him speechless. He eventually reached out and took the plate from her, offering the piece ofmeat to her mouth. “Here.”novelbin

At his actions, she couldn’t help but smile. He can’t bear to let me starve with him. She opened hermouth and took a bite, then nodded. “Not bad. Now you eat.”

He then fed himself while she looked at him with a smile. Then, she took over the plate, ready to feedhim.

“Ah, open up.” She really enjoyed breaking down his cold exterior and making him obedient.

At this moment, he had no choice but to cooperate with her. They quickly finished the food, and bothwere satisfied.

After Tommy came down from the boat, he didn’t see Willow. “Have you seen Willow?” he asked theperson beside him.

“I think she’s over there with Mr. Wyatt.”

At that, he immediately came out from behind the rock and saw the two standing side by side, laughingand talking. Without hesitation, he walked in their direction.

The moment he was there, he greeted Willow enthusiastically. “Willow, have you had breakfast?”

“Yes. Thanks for asking,” she replied.

Meanwhile, he noticed keenly that they had used only one plate, which meant they shared the food.This made him feel somewhat uncomfortable. “Willow, for the time we’ll be here, if you need anything,just ask me. I can help you with anything.”

“With me here, she doesn’t need your help.” Jasper stood up and refused on Willow’s behalf.

Tommy couldn’t help but feel annoyed by his reply. “You’re just a consultant. Who are you to interfere inmy affairs?”

“Tommy, be polite to him,” Willow said after standing up.

“Willow, I…”

“Also, you can leave with your people. We are here for an archaeological expedition. We don’twelcome any visitors,” she told him. As she observed the disrespect from Tommy toward Jasper, shefelt infuriated.

Tommy became anxious upon hearing that. “I’m not leaving, Willow. I came here to help you.”

“We don’t need outsiders here,” Jasper said coldly.

“What gives you the right to make me leave?”

“I have absolute authority on this team. If you obstruct our work, I have the right to chase you away,”Jasper replied coldly.

“You… Willow, I brought food and supplies. Please let me stay here for the sake of the supplies. I heardfrom your captain that you are in urgent need of supplies.” Tommy pleaded with his hands claspedtogether. “Please, Willow.”

After some contemplation, Willow glanced at Jasper. When she saw Jasper shake his head, sheremained determined, saying, “Carry all the supplies with you. I’ll have my father send the suppliesover. It’s not a problem.”

“Willow…” Tommy panicked, and at the same time, he gave Jasper a fierce look. He is such ameddlesome guy. Besides, why is Willow listening to him? Does she honestly have feelings for him?

“Willow, how about this? I feel seasick on the boat, and I’ve vomited several times along the way. Canyou let me rest here for just two days? I’ll leave all the supplies here. After two days, I’ll go.” He was notone to back down easily. I must assert myself.

At his words, she pondered again. It would take a week for Dad to send the supplies over, so there’s noneed to reject the ones already here. “Alright, you can rest here for two days and then leave,” shereplied.

Since she accepted his proposal, Tommy let out a sigh of relief. He wanted to convince her duringthese two days, and at the same time, he wanted to show Jasper that anyone who dared to interfere inhis affairs would regret it.

Winston also came over to thank him, as the supplies were incredibly timely. The day before, to gainthe trust of the islanders, they had already given everything they could.

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