Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 2002
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Chapter 2002

After Jasper was gone, Willow received a call from Troy asking about their progress.

“How was it? Was he jealous? Did he show signs of hostility?” Troy was filled with anticipation.Apparently, he was pleased to become Jasper’s love rival.

Willow didn’t have the answers to those questions, so she replied with a smile, “I have no idea.Anyway, thanks for putting on a show with me tonight. At the very least, I’ve verified something.”

“Willow, you should have more confidence in yourself.”

No one could be confident in front of the person they loved. Most of the time, they doubted themselvesand had low self-esteem. It was the same case for someone like Willow.

“You have a point. I should have more confidence in myself. You must be exhausted, so you’d betterget some rest.”

“Alright, I’ve had some fun today. Good night.” Troy decided to stop bothering her.

Willow ordered dinner and enjoyed the meal on her own in front of the windows. She was ready tospend the night in the hotel. While having her food, she noticed that the sky was full of dark clouds,looking as if a storm was about to come.

Somehow, she felt her chest tightening, hoping that there wouldn’t be a mission for Jasper. It wasn’tonly dangerous but also unbearable if he had to go out to complete his task under such weatherconditions.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the dark clouds. Following that, a deafening clap of thunder washeard. Willow covered her ears, not daring to look at the horrifying dark clouds outside the windows.

At the same time, she was distressed. She had the urge to send Jasper a message. However,considering the nature of his work, she was worried she might disturb him if she texted him.

As a considerate woman, she decided not to bother him and let him focus on his work. She drew all thecurtains. At a moment like this, she didn’t even dare to watch the television or listen to the songs. Shecould only sit down on the couch and listen to the claps of thunder as her heart pounded into a gallop.

Anyway, her speculation was right. Jasper had to carry out a mission. He and Aimee tailed Bucky andhis gang to a secret location, where the latter met up with the buyer.

The place was far away from the city, and they were inside an abandoned factory. There wererespectively around eight people on both sides. They were there for the transaction. Jasper’s missionwasn’t to ruin their deal. Instead, he had to acquire a secret authorization code. That was the activationcode on the control panel of their weapons. As long as they had the code, they could track down themanufacturing plant of the arms and destroy them altogether.

Presently, Jasper was hiding in the bush outside the factory and controlling a sophisticated drone. Inthe forest behind him, Aimee could see the situation inside the factory on her laptop.

“They’re having a discussion. The transaction hasn’t started.” Aimee calmly tapped on the keyboard.This kind of task wasn’t difficult for them.

Jasper was wearing a waterproof cap. Even when he was carrying out a mission in the wilderness on arainy day, he still appeared imposing despite being soaked to the skin.

The image quality of the screen on Jasper’s remote control was good. Those people didn’t seem tohave the intention of getting to the transaction for the time being. As such, he could be slightly at ease.As he looked at the dark sky and bolts of lightning while listening to the deafening thunder, he couldn’thelp but recall the woman on the top floor of the hotel.

Is she still there on her own? Did she ask anyone to keep her company? What about the man at thehotel?

Jasper squinted. He recalled Troy being handsome; many women would probably like him. Hewondered if Willow was fond of him as well.

If the two of them got together, they could be considered a perfect match, given their family statuses.

At the thought of this, Jasper clenched his jaw. A woman like Willow should marry a wealthy andemotionally stable man so that she would continue to enjoy a life of luxury and happiness.novelbin

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