Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1995
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Chapter 1995

Since he had a tall figure and was slightly leaning in, there was half a finger’s length between Willow’sred lips and his when he pulled her into his embrace. They almost pressed against each other.

She exhaled lightly, and the man’s breaths seemed to grow heavier as well.

The two did not remove themselves right away. Instead, they maintained a sliver of distance inbetween. For Willow, she did not want to push him away, but she was scared to get close too. Shefeared that everything was just her imagination and that she was the clown here.novelbin

She looked up to see the man’s thick eyelashes forming a fan-like shade over his eyes. It was rare tosee such thick eyelashes around these parts.

The man released her first, and she quickly stepped back. In the small narrow space, their breathscould be heard clearly.

Just then, a mouse suddenly dashed out of nowhere, perhaps startled by the movements, andcoincidentally ran up to Willow’s feet. The man’s sharp senses seemed to have foreseen it as heclasped his hand over her mouth to muffle her upcoming screams. Then, he carried her in his arms.

Willow was afraid at first, but at that moment, her butt was seated on the man’s firm arms. She wascarried in the man’s embrace like a child, and his other hand covered her dainty mouth. There was anindescribable yet suggestive quality to their posture.

Willow swallowed as she licked her lips anxiously. However, her small tongue accidentally touched theman’s palm as well. In that instant, a force seemed to ram into the man’s heart and turn his breathseven heavier. He reached out and put her down before opening the door and ordering her, “Get out.”

She was chased out just like that. Of course, the man came out after her. He walked toward the men’sbathroom while she went to the women’s with a reddened face.

What is going on?! When Willow returned to the cafe, Jasper was already back. He was working on hislaptop, and the woman seated opposite him was looking at her with an examining look. When she metthe woman’s gaze, the woman even smiled at her.

Willow returned to her seat, supporting her chin as she recalled everything that had happened. If he didnot care about her life, why would he pick her up when the mouse ran up to her just now? Or did hetake care of her on a whim?

She let out a sigh. He was working, so she decided not to bother him.

“Miss Presgrave, there would be quite a crowd later. After we pick up Mr. Easteria later, we’ll take himhere to meet up with you.”

“All right.” Willow nodded, not wanting to leave the cafe right now, either.

The bodyguard went downstairs 10 minutes earlier. Just then, Aimee got up and went downstairs too,leaving Jasper alone. She wore a pair of sunglasses, which was an advanced video camera. All thevideos she recorded would be sent to Jasper’s computer while he was in charge of analyzing theirclient’s identity so that they could lock onto their target easier.

Passengers began to appear one after the other. The bodyguard held up a sign with the words ‘TroyEasteria’ written on it.

Soon, the bodyguard quickly locked in on a target. The man was about 6 feet tall and wore fashionablesunglasses. Behind him, two bodyguards were carrying simple suitcases as they followed him. Hepaused in front of the welcoming signs, then walked toward the bodyguard.

“Welcome, Mr. Easteria.” The bodyguard smiled as he spoke.

“Thank you.” Troy Easteria flashed a handsome smile. His features indicated mixed lineage, and therewas a sapphire earring on his left ear, injecting a hint of charm into his handsomeness. He was 26years old, but he exuded the aura of a womanizer.

“This way, please. The young lady is waiting for you.”

“Miss Presgrave, right? We met each other once when we were young.” Troy still remembered theprincess of the Presgrave Family. Back then, she was five, and he was eight. They were at a banquet,and she was dancing alone on the stage. She received applause from every guest there, and it wasthen that he was attracted to this little princess.

As such, the bodyguard led Troy to the cafe. They were not in a rush to check into the hotel in the city,anyway, so it would be the same no matter where they met.

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