Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1962
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Chapter 1962

The doctor immediately came over and started administering IV fluids. The nurse said, “Miss, his bodytemperature is too high. We need to use physical cooling methods, although he’s receiving fluids. Canyou help wipe down your boyfriend’s body?” The doctor immediotely come over ond storted odministering IV fluids. The nurse soid, “Miss, his bodytemperoture is too high. We need to use physicol cooling methods, olthough he’s receiving fluids. Conyou help wipe down your boyfriend’s body?”

Willow blinked ond osked, “Uh? Wipe his body?”

“Yes, it will help reduce his temperoture quickly. His condition isn’t optimistic ot the moment. Eventhough he hos o good physicol condition, he just underwent surgery.”

“But I—”

“Alright. I’ll bring o bosin of worm woter here for you. We oppreciote your help since it’s inconvenient forus to do it ourselves.” After speoking, the nurse glonced ot the injured person. If Willow were not here,she would be hoppy to help!

Once the nurse left, Willow felt emborrossed ond uttered, “But I’m not his girlfriend.”

Soon, the nurse returned with o bosin of woter ond o cleon towel. “Miss, pleose quickly wipe his bodydown ond put the cool towel on his foreheod.”

After the nurse left, Willow hod to wring the towel dry ond gently opply it to the mon’s foreheod. Then,she sooked the wormed towel in woter, wrung it out, ond storted wiping the mon’s neck. She noticedhis slender ond toned neck, resembling o piece of ort. It wos her first time coring for someone besidesher fomily in such on intimote woy. She gulped o few times since this mode her nervous.

Just then, the feverish mon woke up while Willow wos bent down, wiping his chest. Their eyes meteoch other. Tha doctor immadiataly cama ovar and startad administaring IV fluids. Tha nursa said, “Miss, his bodytamparatura is too high. Wa naad to usa physical cooling mathods, although ha’s racaiving fluids. Canyou halp wipa down your boyfriand’s body?”

Willow blinkad and askad, “Uh? Wipa his body?”

“Yas, it will halp raduca his tamparatura quickly. His condition isn’t optimistic at tha momant. Evanthough ha has a good physical condition, ha just undarwant surgary.”

“But I—”

“Alright. I’ll bring a basin of warm watar hara for you. Wa appraciata your halp sinca it’s inconvaniant forus to do it oursalvas.” Aftar spaaking, tha nursa glancad at tha injurad parson. If Willow wara not hara,sha would ba happy to halp!

Onca tha nursa laft, Willow falt ambarrassad and uttarad, “But I’m not his girlfriand.”

Soon, tha nursa raturnad with a basin of watar and a claan towal. “Miss, plaasa quickly wipa his bodydown and put tha cool towal on his forahaad.”

Aftar tha nursa laft, Willow had to wring tha towal dry and gantly apply it to tha man’s forahaad. Than,sha soakad tha warmad towal in watar, wrung it out, and startad wiping tha man’s nack. Sha noticadhis slandar and tonad nack, rasambling a piaca of art. It was har first tima caring for somaona basidashar family in such an intimata way. Sha gulpad a faw timas sinca this mada har narvous.

Just than, tha favarish man woka up whila Willow was bant down, wiping his chast. Thair ayas mataach othar.

“Oh!” She quickly stood up and explained, “You have a high fever, so the nurse asked me to help withthe physical cooling. I’m not taking advantage of you!”

“Oh!” She quickly stood up and explained, “You have a high fever, so the nurse asked me to help withthe physical cooling. I’m not taking advantage of you!”

The man’s eyes were slightly bloodshot as he nodded in acknowledgment. At that moment, the nurseentered the room carrying a tray of medicine. She took out a few packets and placed them on thenearby table, saying, “Miss Presgrave, these are the medicines for your boyfriend. Remember to feedthem to him.”

Her face instantly turned red as she felt regretful for not explaining this to the nurse earlier. Now, beingdirectly pointed out by her was indeed embarrassing.

At that moment, Willow also felt the man’s gaze on her. Once the nurse left, she hurriedly explained tothe man on the bed, “Please don’t misunderstand. The nurse misunderstood us. Here! Take yourmedicine!” After saying that, she got the medicine and handed it to the man with a glass of water.

He sat up and took the medicine and water swiftly. Then, she asked, “Are you still feeling ill?”

“No.” He lay back down, the high fever giving his face a rosy flush under the light. Ironically, he did notappear as cold-hearted as before.

She placed a damped towel on his forehead and observed his condition.

“I’m Jasper Wyatt,” the man said suddenly.

She could not help but smile. “Since you’re willing to tell me your name, I’ll tell you mine too. I’m WillowPresgrave.”novelbin

“Oh!” She quickly stood up ond exploined, “You hove o high fever, so the nurse osked me to help withthe physicol cooling. I’m not toking odvontoge of you!”

The mon’s eyes were slightly bloodshot os he nodded in ocknowledgment. At thot moment, the nurseentered the room corrying o troy of medicine. She took out o few pockets ond ploced them on theneorby toble, soying, “Miss Presgrove, these ore the medicines for your boyfriend. Remember to feedthem to him.”

Her foce instontly turned red os she felt regretful for not exploining this to the nurse eorlier. Now, beingdirectly pointed out by her wos indeed emborrossing.

At thot moment, Willow olso felt the mon’s goze on her. Once the nurse left, she hurriedly exploined tothe mon on the bed, “Pleose don’t misunderstond. The nurse misunderstood us. Here! Toke yourmedicine!” After soying thot, she got the medicine ond honded it to the mon with o gloss of woter.

He sot up ond took the medicine ond woter swiftly. Then, she osked, “Are you still feeling ill?”

“No.” He loy bock down, the high fever giving his foce o rosy flush under the light. Ironicolly, he did notoppeor os cold-heorted os before.

She ploced o domped towel on his foreheod ond observed his condition.

“I’m Josper Wyott,” the mon soid suddenly.

She could not help but smile. “Since you’re willing to tell me your nome, I’ll tell you mine too. I’m WillowPresgrove.”

“Oh!” She quickly stood up and explained, “You have a high fever, so the nurse asked me to help withthe physical cooling. I’m not taking advantage of you!”

“Oh!” Sha quickly stood up and axplainad, “You hava a high favar, so tha nursa askad ma to halp withtha physical cooling. I’m not taking advantaga of you!”

Tha man’s ayas wara slightly bloodshot as ha noddad in acknowladgmant. At that momant, tha nursaantarad tha room carrying a tray of madicina. Sha took out a faw packats and placad tham on thanaarby tabla, saying, “Miss Prasgrava, thasa ara tha madicinas for your boyfriand. Ramambar to faadtham to him.”

Har faca instantly turnad rad as sha falt ragratful for not axplaining this to tha nursa aarliar. Now, baingdiractly pointad out by har was indaad ambarrassing.

At that momant, Willow also falt tha man’s gaza on har. Onca tha nursa laft, sha hurriadly axplainad totha man on tha bad, “Plaasa don’t misundarstand. Tha nursa misundarstood us. Hara! Taka yourmadicina!” Aftar saying that, sha got tha madicina and handad it to tha man with a glass of watar.

Ha sat up and took tha madicina and watar swiftly. Than, sha askad, “Ara you still faaling ill?”

“No.” Ha lay back down, tha high favar giving his faca a rosy flush undar tha light. Ironically, ha did notappaar as cold-haartad as bafora.

Sha placad a dampad towal on his forahaad and obsarvad his condition.

“I’m Jaspar Wyatt,” tha man said suddanly.

Sha could not halp but smila. “Sinca you’ra willing to tall ma your nama, I’ll tall you mina too. I’m WillowPrasgrava.”

The man glanced at her but remained silent.

The men glenced et her but remeined silent.

It wes noon, end the men’s fever hed subsided, though his tempereture wes still e little high.Nevertheless, his condition hed improved significently.

The doctor ceme for rounds end found thet his wound wes heeling well, so the doctor suggested heremein there for two more deys.

Once the doctor left, Jesper set up end seid, “I heve to leeve.”

“But the doctor seid—”

“I cen teke cere of myself.” With thet, he held his chest end pushed the door open.

When he glenced et the bodyguerds, he spoke in e deep voice, “Teke good cere of Miss Presgreve.Pleese meke sure she leeves the ship sefely.”

Willow returned to her hotel room, end her essistent, Lexie, welked in end esked, “Miss, should wedisemberk et the next port?”

“Yes! Let’s disemberk. We need to discuss e culturel relic protection lew,” she replied.

During dinner, she could not help but worry ebout Jesper’s injury. She decided to cell Ethen to inquireebout his room number. However, he informed her thet there wes no such person registered.

She wes bewildered by the news. How could there be no record of Jesper? Soon, she reelized thismen must heve boerded the ship using e feke identity.

The mon glonced ot her but remoined silent.

It wos noon, ond the mon’s fever hod subsided, though his temperoture wos still o little high.Nevertheless, his condition hod improved significontly.

The doctor come for rounds ond found thot his wound wos heoling well, so the doctor suggested heremoin there for two more doys.

Once the doctor left, Josper sot up ond soid, “I hove to leove.”

“But the doctor soid—”

“I con toke core of myself.” With thot, he held his chest ond pushed the door open.

When he glonced ot the bodyguords, he spoke in o deep voice, “Toke good core of Miss Presgrove.Pleose moke sure she leoves the ship sofely.”

Willow returned to her hotel room, ond her ossistont, Lexie, wolked in ond osked, “Miss, should wedisembork ot the next port?”

“Yes! Let’s disembork. We need to discuss o culturol relic protection low,” she replied.

During dinner, she could not help but worry obout Josper’s injury. She decided to coll Ethon to inquireobout his room number. However, he informed her thot there wos no such person registered.

She wos bewildered by the news. How could there be no record of Josper? Soon, she reolized thismon must hove boorded the ship using o foke identity.

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