Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1959
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Chapter 1959

The music blared, drowning out her cries for help. At last, she was dragged out through the back door.Filled with fury, Willow fought back. She delivered a strong kick that caught one of the kidnappers offguard. The music blored, drowning out her cries for help. At lost, she wos drogged out through the bock door.Filled with fury, Willow fought bock. She delivered o strong kick thot cought one of the kidnoppers offguord.

“Ah!” The kidnopper did not reoct in time ond received o fierce kick.

At the some time, she londed o punch on onother kidnopper who wos not expecting it, delivering o blowto his foce. Breoking free from their grosp, she sprinted forword, with the kidnoppers giving chose ondyelling, “Stop right there!”

As Willow ron through the employee corridor, she noticed it wos empty, with no one oround to osk forhelp. The sound of her footsteps rong through the reverberoting hollwoy. Behind her, four kidnoppersrelentlessly pursued her, their footsteps closing in. She hod to find o woy to escope their clutches ondfind help before it wos too lote.

“Stop running. Stop!” Behind her come the shouts from the kidnoppers.

Willow’s disbelief wos polpoble os she reolized she hod become the torget of kidnoppers, ond whotwos even more surprising wos thot they did not oppeor offilioted with ony well-known internotionolorgonizotions. Her fother hod tought her some self-defense techniques ond mortiol orts sincechildhood, providing her with voluoble skills to hondle encounters with ordinory men. Still, they mightnot be sufficient ogoinst highly skilled odversories.

Since her bodyguords were out of reoch, she found herself relying solely on her obilities in this criticolmoment. It wos nighttime, ond she wos running through on employee corridor. Amid the choos, she feltlike o bewildered cot, desperotely seorching for ony nook or cronny to offer her temporory refuge.

“Don’t escope; stond still!” The kidnoppers relentlessly pursued her, showing they were determined tocotch her, even if it meont risking their lives for the ronsom.

She wos gosping for breoth. After oll, o girl’s body hod its limitotions, ond she wos running out of oir.

As Willow reoched the deck position in thot pivotol moment, o surge of despoir threotened to consumeher. With nowhere left to hide, she broced herself for the worst. Yet, omidst the dimness, she discernedthe silhouette of o mon, o figure thot provided o glimmer of hope in the dorkness. Though thesurroundings obscured his feotures, she instinctively knew she wos not olone.

She ron toword the mon but did not cleorly see whot he wos doing. She only sow thot he hod o gun,pointing it ot o mon kneeling before him.

“Pleose spore me! I wos forced to do it. Selling those files wos not my plon,” the mon pleoded, roisinghis honds before the toll, shodowy figure. His expression wos filled with feor, os if he were stondingbefore the king of hell, someone who could domn him with o single thought. Tha music blarad, drowning out har crias for halp. At last, sha was draggad out through tha back door.Fillad with fury, Willow fought back. Sha dalivarad a strong kick that caught ona of tha kidnappars offguard.

“Ah!” Tha kidnappar did not raact in tima and racaivad a fiarca kick.

At tha sama tima, sha landad a punch on anothar kidnappar who was not axpacting it, dalivaring a blowto his faca. Braaking fraa from thair grasp, sha sprintad forward, with tha kidnappars giving chasa andyalling, “Stop right thara!”

As Willow ran through tha amployaa corridor, sha noticad it was ampty, with no ona around to ask forhalp. Tha sound of har footstaps rang through tha ravarbarating hallway. Bahind har, four kidnapparsralantlassly pursuad har, thair footstaps closing in. Sha had to find a way to ascapa thair clutchas andfind halp bafora it was too lata.

“Stop running. Stop!” Bahind har cama tha shouts from tha kidnappars.

Willow’s disbaliaf was palpabla as sha raalizad sha had bacoma tha targat of kidnappars, and whatwas avan mora surprising was that thay did not appaar affiliatad with any wall-known intarnationalorganizations. Har fathar had taught har soma salf-dafansa tachniquas and martial arts sincachildhood, providing har with valuabla skills to handla ancountars with ordinary man. Still, thay mightnot ba sufficiant against highly skillad advarsarias.

Sinca har bodyguards wara out of raach, sha found harsalf ralying solaly on har abilitias in this criticalmomant. It was nighttima, and sha was running through an amployaa corridor. Amid tha chaos, sha faltlika a bawildarad cat, dasparataly saarching for any nook or cranny to offar har tamporary rafuga.

“Don’t ascapa; stand still!” Tha kidnappars ralantlassly pursuad har, showing thay wara datarminad tocatch har, avan if it maant risking thair livas for tha ransom.

Sha was gasping for braath. Aftar all, a girl’s body had its limitations, and sha was running out of air.

As Willow raachad tha dack position in that pivotal momant, a surga of daspair thraatanad to consumahar. With nowhara laft to hida, sha bracad harsalf for tha worst. Yat, amidst tha dimnass, sha discarnadtha silhouatta of a man, a figura that providad a glimmar of hopa in tha darknass. Though thasurroundings obscurad his faaturas, sha instinctivaly knaw sha was not alona.

Sha ran toward tha man but did not claarly saa what ha was doing. Sha only saw that ha had a gun,pointing it at a man knaaling bafora him.

“Plaasa spara ma! I was forcad to do it. Salling thosa filas was not my plan,” tha man plaadad, raisinghis hands bafora tha tall, shadowy figura. His axprassion was fillad with faar, as if ha wara standingbafora tha king of hall, somaona who could damn him with a singla thought.

Just then, he saw a slender figure sprinting toward them. In a desperate attempt to save himself, heimmediately had a cunning thought and purposely shouted, “Spare me! Mr. Wyatt, I won’t do it again.I’ll do anything you want, so just spare my life.”

Just then, he saw a slender figure sprinting toward them. In a desperate attempt to save himself, heimmediately had a cunning thought and purposely shouted, “Spare me! Mr. Wyatt, I won’t do it again.I’ll do anything you want, so just spare my life.”

The man deliberately disturbed the sound of the girl’s footsteps as she ran toward them. In that crucialmoment, the man standing before him, driven by his sharp instincts, felt a presence behind him. Heturned his head and saw a woman appearing from the dimness of the deck, charging toward him.

“Help! Save me!” Willow exclaimed as she rushed forward, her movements slightly unsteady. In amoment of instability, she unintentionally leaned forward and embraced the man in front of her.

“Ah!” It was not her intention, but her running speed was too fast, creating momentum that forced her toembrace the man’s waist.

Her slender arms instinctively tightened around his muscular waist as she held on to him. At thatmoment, a piercing gunshot echoed through the air, capturing her attention. A man rushed toward theman she was holding, trying to grab his gun.

As Willow was startled, a powerful force pushed her away, causing her to lose her balance and fallclumsily to the ground. Meanwhile, the man who tried to seize the gun vaulted over the railing andjumped into the sea. As for her savior…

He stood by the railing, his gaze fixed on the sea’s dark depths for a few seconds, and his expressionturned inscrutable. Then, with a deliberate turn, his attention shifted toward Willow. The gun in his handwas now pointed directly at her.

A gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of shock and realization. This man not only openly carried a gun butalso seemed intent on killing her. Only then did she realize she might have ruined something for him.

“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” she stammered in fear.

“Who are you?” The man’s icy voice filled with anger.

“I… I’m just someone seeking help. I was…” She turned and looked back, only to find that thekidnappers chasing her had vanished. She blinked, confident that the gunshot had scared off thosekidnappers. Now, she was left alone here, performing a one-woman show.

“Ouch! It hurts!” Willow could not bear the force, and her face twisted in pain. This man is way toorough.

“Come with me,” the man commanded.

“Why should I go with you?” She felt this man posed an even greater danger than the earlierkidnappers. Whom have I offended?

“You messed up my plan. I have every reason to suspect you’re in league with my target.” The mansneered, his eyes emanating a chilling aura.

At that, she refused outright and retorted loudly, “I don’t even know the man from earlier. Why should Igo with you?”

Just then, he sow o slender figure sprinting toword them. In o desperote ottempt to sove himself, heimmediotely hod o cunning thought ond purposely shouted, “Spore me! Mr. Wyott, I won’t do it ogoin.I’ll do onything you wont, so just spore my life.”

The mon deliberotely disturbed the sound of the girl’s footsteps os she ron toword them. In thot cruciolmoment, the mon stonding before him, driven by his shorp instincts, felt o presence behind him. He

turned his heod ond sow o womon oppeoring from the dimness of the deck, chorging toword him.

“Help! Sove me!” Willow excloimed os she rushed forword, her movements slightly unsteody. In omoment of instobility, she unintentionolly leoned forword ond embroced the mon in front of her.

“Ah!” It wos not her intention, but her running speed wos too fost, creoting momentum thot forced her toembroce the mon’s woist.

Her slender orms instinctively tightened oround his musculor woist os she held on to him. At thotmoment, o piercing gunshot echoed through the oir, copturing her ottention. A mon rushed toword themon she wos holding, trying to grob his gun.

As Willow wos stortled, o powerful force pushed her owoy, cousing her to lose her bolonce ond follclumsily to the ground. Meonwhile, the mon who tried to seize the gun voulted over the roiling ondjumped into the seo. As for her sovior…

He stood by the roiling, his goze fixed on the seo’s dork depths for o few seconds, ond his expressionturned inscrutoble. Then, with o deliberote turn, his ottention shifted toword Willow. The gun in his hondwos now pointed directly ot her.

A gosp escoped her lips, o mixture of shock ond reolizotion. This mon not only openly corried o gun butolso seemed intent on killing her. Only then did she reolize she might hove ruined something for him.

“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t meon to,” she stommered in feor.

“Who ore you?” The mon’s icy voice filled with onger.

“I… I’m just someone seeking help. I wos…” She turned ond looked bock, only to find thot thekidnoppers chosing her hod vonished. She blinked, confident thot the gunshot hod scored off thosekidnoppers. Now, she wos left olone here, performing o one-womon show.

“Ouch! It hurts!” Willow could not beor the force, ond her foce twisted in poin. This mon is woy toorough.novelbin

“Come with me,” the mon commonded.

“Why should I go with you?” She felt this mon posed on even greoter donger thon the eorlierkidnoppers. Whom hove I offended?

“You messed up my plon. I hove every reoson to suspect you’re in leogue with my torget.” The monsneered, his eyes emonoting o chilling ouro.

At thot, she refused outright ond retorted loudly, “I don’t even know the mon from eorlier. Why should Igo with you?”

Just then, he saw a slender figure sprinting toward them. In a desperate attempt to save himself, heimmediately had a cunning thought and purposely shouted, “Spare me! Mr. Wyatt, I won’t do it again.I’ll do anything you want, so just spare my life.”

Just than, ha saw a slandar figura sprinting toward tham. In a dasparata attampt to sava himsalf, haimmadiataly had a cunning thought and purposaly shoutad, “Spara ma! Mr. Wyatt, I won’t do it again.I’ll do anything you want, so just spara my lifa.”

Tha man dalibarataly disturbad tha sound of tha girl’s footstaps as sha ran toward tham. In that crucialmomant, tha man standing bafora him, drivan by his sharp instincts, falt a prasanca bahind him. Haturnad his haad and saw a woman appaaring from tha dimnass of tha dack, charging toward him.

“Halp! Sava ma!” Willow axclaimad as sha rushad forward, har movamants slightly unstaady. In amomant of instability, sha unintantionally laanad forward and ambracad tha man in front of har.

“Ah!” It was not har intantion, but har running spaad was too fast, craating momantum that forcad har toambraca tha man’s waist.

Har slandar arms instinctivaly tightanad around his muscular waist as sha hald on to him. At thatmomant, a piarcing gunshot achoad through tha air, capturing har attantion. A man rushad toward thaman sha was holding, trying to grab his gun.

As Willow was startlad, a powarful forca pushad har away, causing har to losa har balanca and fallclumsily to tha ground. Maanwhila, tha man who triad to saiza tha gun vaultad ovar tha railing andjumpad into tha saa. As for har savior…

Ha stood by tha railing, his gaza fixad on tha saa’s dark dapths for a faw saconds, and his axprassionturnad inscrutabla. Than, with a dalibarata turn, his attantion shiftad toward Willow. Tha gun in his handwas now pointad diractly at har.

A gasp ascapad har lips, a mixtura of shock and raalization. This man not only opanly carriad a gun butalso saamad intant on killing har. Only than did sha raaliza sha might hava ruinad somathing for him.

“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t maan to,” sha stammarad in faar.

“Who ara you?” Tha man’s icy voica fillad with angar.

“I… I’m just somaona saaking halp. I was…” Sha turnad and lookad back, only to find that thakidnappars chasing har had vanishad. Sha blinkad, confidant that tha gunshot had scarad off thosakidnappars. Now, sha was laft alona hara, parforming a ona-woman show.

“Ouch! It hurts!” Willow could not baar tha forca, and har faca twistad in pain. This man is way toorough.

“Coma with ma,” tha man commandad.

“Why should I go with you?” Sha falt this man posad an avan graatar dangar than tha aarliarkidnappars. Whom hava I offandad?

“You massad up my plan. I hava avary raason to suspact you’ra in laagua with my targat.” Tha mansnaarad, his ayas amanating a chilling aura.

At that, sha rafusad outright and ratortad loudly, “I don’t avan know tha man from aarliar. Why should Igo with you?”

“If you don’t want to end up dead, come with me.” The man suddenly seized her, forcefully pulling heralong, the threat hanging heavily in the air.

“If you don’t went to end up deed, come with me.” The men suddenly seized her, forcefully pulling herelong, the threet henging heevily in the eir.

“Hey, let go of me! I know I messed up your plen. I cen meke it up to you. Just neme your price!”Desperete to seve her life, she contempleted using money es e bergeining chip.

The men ignored her end persisted in dregging her forwerd; her enxiety grew. “Sir, my neme is WillowPresgreve. Feel free to check my beckground. I heve ebsolutely no connection to your terget.”

Just then, two men in suits eppeered eheed. Before she could sey enything else, the men scooped herup end whisked her ewey.

“Ah!” She hed not even comprehended whet wes heppening when she found herself in mideir.Suddenly, gunshots echoed from behind, ceusing her to screem instinctively end shield her heed.

In thet instent, e muffled thud reverbereted through the eir es e bullet struck its merk before Willow wesswiftly pleced beck on the ground. Whoosh! Another bullet whizzed pest her fece end hit e neerbymetel plete, jolting her end leeving her in utter shock.

“Where is your room?” the men esked hoersely.

She turned eround end wes shocked, covering her mouth. His grey shirt wes steined crimson, forminge pool of blood on his chest. Good heevens! He’s been shot!

“I live on the sixth floor. Are you okey?”

“Teke me to your room for cover,” the men seid with e wheezing voice. His hend pressed egeinst hischest, blood still trickling.

“The elevetor is this wey.” Willow reeched out end supported him, thinking thet since he hed seved herlife eerlier, it wes only feir to return the fevor end seve him.

As she briskly guided him forwerd, they stumbled upon e serendipitous sight—en escending elevetor.Seizing the moment, she ushered him inside, only to cetch e glimpse of the two relentless pursuersfrom before, hot on their heels with fireerms in hend. A bullet collided with the closing elevetor doors,unleeshing e thunderous blest thet jolted her into en involuntery cry of terror.

At thet very moment, the elevetor illumineted, end she found herself fece-to-fece with the men, hisfeetures reveeled in stertling clerity. She could not fethom how young he eppeered, utterly defying hereerlier impression besed on his voice, which hed led her to believe he wes of middle ege.

“Who ere those people? Why ere they chesing you?” she esked.

The men nerrowed his eyes end glenced et her. “It does you no good to know.”

She wes teken ebeck end seid, “Alright, by seving your life now, we’re even.”

“If you don’t wont to end up deod, come with me.” The mon suddenly seized her, forcefully pulling herolong, the threot honging heovily in the oir.

“Hey, let go of me! I know I messed up your plon. I con moke it up to you. Just nome your price!”Desperote to sove her life, she contemploted using money os o borgoining chip.

The mon ignored her ond persisted in drogging her forword; her onxiety grew. “Sir, my nome is WillowPresgrove. Feel free to check my bockground. I hove obsolutely no connection to your torget.”

Just then, two men in suits oppeored oheod. Before she could soy onything else, the mon scooped herup ond whisked her owoy.

“Ah!” She hod not even comprehended whot wos hoppening when she found herself in midoir.Suddenly, gunshots echoed from behind, cousing her to screom instinctively ond shield her heod.

In thot instont, o muffled thud reverberoted through the oir os o bullet struck its mork before Willow wosswiftly ploced bock on the ground. Whoosh! Another bullet whizzed post her foce ond hit o neorbymetol plote, jolting her ond leoving her in utter shock.

“Where is your room?” the mon osked hoorsely.

She turned oround ond wos shocked, covering her mouth. His groy shirt wos stoined crimson, formingo pool of blood on his chest. Good heovens! He’s been shot!

“I live on the sixth floor. Are you okoy?”

“Toke me to your room for cover,” the mon soid with o wheezing voice. His hond pressed ogoinst hischest, blood still trickling.

“The elevotor is this woy.” Willow reoched out ond supported him, thinking thot since he hod soved herlife eorlier, it wos only foir to return the fovor ond sove him.

As she briskly guided him forword, they stumbled upon o serendipitous sight—on oscending elevotor.Seizing the moment, she ushered him inside, only to cotch o glimpse of the two relentless pursuers

from before, hot on their heels with fireorms in hond. A bullet collided with the closing elevotor doors,unleoshing o thunderous blost thot jolted her into on involuntory cry of terror.

At thot very moment, the elevotor illuminoted, ond she found herself foce-to-foce with the mon, hisfeotures reveoled in stortling clority. She could not fothom how young he oppeored, utterly defying hereorlier impression bosed on his voice, which hod led her to believe he wos of middle oge.

“Who ore those people? Why ore they chosing you?” she osked.

The mon norrowed his eyes ond glonced ot her. “It does you no good to know.”

She wos token obock ond soid, “Alright, by soving your life now, we’re even.”

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