Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1941-1946
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Chapter 1941-1946

“You guys move back a little. We’ll dig a rescue passage.”

After analyzing the situation, they discovered a boulder blocking their way, and forcefully breaking itcould potentially cause a collapse. It was then that a rescue member announced some shocking news.“Their breathing is weak. We need to send them out, else they won’t make it. Also, we’re facing anissue, Mr. Quarles. There’s a rock ahead that can only be blasted open with a small explosive, butwe’re concerned about the risk of collapse. If we use other methods, it may take us three more hours.”

Ethan contemplated the situation. With the lives of three individuals slipping away, he quickly decided,“No, three of my men are unconscious, and their lives are at stake right now.”

“But if we forcefully detonate the explosives, you will all be at risk, Mr. Quarles. We can’t take the risk,and your status—”

“Quit it with the status thing. Here, everyone’s life is equally important. There is no distinction of rank.”Ethan interjected.

“Alright.” The rescue team captain nodded after coming to himself. “I’ll select the best blasting position.Give me ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” said Ethan before stepping back to the side of his subordinates.

The blasting work began intensely, and everyone held their breath and listened to the work unfoldingon the other side. They were eager to be rescued but also worried about encountering further danger.

One of the team members delivered this news to the communication team, and it quickly reachedEdward, who let out a heavy sigh of relief after the call. His only son was still alive. It was the greatestblessing from above to him.

As for Josephine, she hadn’t received any news yet, for only a few people knew about this information.It was done to avoid disrupting the rescue operation and to protect the news.

After all, Ethan’s current predicament was likely orchestrated by someone with ill intentions. With thecomplex crowd of rescue personnel, controlling the spread of information was another way to protectEthan.

In the dark cave, with a loud explosion, the previously obstructing rock could be heard breaking intoheavy fragments, and a hole big enough for one person to pass through appeared.

“Quickly, carry the injured out,” Ethan immediately commanded his subordinates to transport thewounded first.

The rescue personnel on the other side were ready to receive them outside. Soon, the three injuredindividuals were brought out, followed by the departure of the staff one by one.

“Mr. Ethan, please leave!” one of Ethan’s bodyguards urged him to leave first, but Ethan looked at hisfrightened subordinates beside him. He didn’t leave immediately but stayed behind to calm them down.

“Go out one by one in an orderly manner. Don’t rush. We will all make it out safely,” Ethan reassuredthem.

One young engineer covered his face and burst into tears. The joy of being rescued and the fearsuppressed within him overwhelmed his emotions.

“Mr. Ethan!” However, the bodyguards hoped Ethan would prioritize his own escape.

“Let them go first,” Ethan ordered firmly. His departure would only increase the employees’ fear.

Soon, more than twenty employees left one after another, and Ethan instructed his bodyguards toassist the employees who were weak in their legs. However, just as the last employee left, a loud

rumbling sound could be heard, accompanied by a muffled groaning in the air, as if something couldn’twithstand the pressure.

“Mr. Ethan, hurry! This place is about to collapse,” the remaining two bodyguards exclaimed.

“Get out quickly. It’s collapsing!” The rescue team members also started to panic. They could clearlyfeel vibrations under their feet, indicating the possibility of a large-scale collapse.

Ethan crouched and crawled out of the hole. Just as his two bodyguards emerged, ready to leave, theyheard a thunderous noise behind them.

“Run!” Ethan shouted, leading the bodyguards to sprint toward the exit.

Everything happened too quickly. The collapse behind them was like a devil that followed them closely.Just as Ethan ran out, he saw an employee, scared and supporting himself at the edge of the hole,panting. He had just been knocked down by the chaotic crowd. Now, hearing the rumbling behind him,he was terrified.

“Run!” Ethan grabbed him and pulled him forward, but the employee was too shocked to move hisleaden legs.

Ethan had no choice but to lift him up and sprint ahead. His bodyguard also came to help. As if theywere running away from death itself, Ethan and the bodyguard carried the engineer and dashedthrough the passage with intense falling rocks.

The main group ahead had already reached a stable area. The rescue team captain urged everyone toleave at once while he stayed behind to cover their retreat. When he looked back and saw thebodyguard carrying two people, he shouted, “Where is Mr. Quarles? Is he still inside?”

The entrance was still shaking, with debris constantly falling. If someone was inside, they would likelybe buried alive.

“Mr. Ethan!” The four bodyguards put down the people they were carrying and ran toward the entrance.

“Come back!” The rescue team captain immediately stopped them. “Going in there would be suicide.”

“But Mr. Ethan and my comrades are still inside!” one bodyguard roared worriedly. At this moment, theirsense of duty and their bond with their comrades pushed them to defy life and death.

Fortunately, the sound of footsteps came from inside the tunnel, and they saw someone rushing outamidst the falling rocks.

It was a bodyguard carrying a young man. Their heads were injured to varying degrees.

“Where is Mr. Ethan?”

“He’s behind. Deo is injured, and Mr. Ethan is supporting him!” The bloodied bodyguard with a brokenhead was still shaken.

The rescue team captain also caught his breath. He had been given the order to prioritize Ethan’srescue. However, his target was still trapped inside the tunnel right then while everyone else had comeout safely.

Just then, footsteps were heard again, and everyone’s hearts tightened.

It was Ethan! He appeared, supporting a bodyguard whose head and face were bleeding. He wascovered in dirt, with bloodstains on his forehead. However, everyone heard a sound.

It was a terrifying noise from the depths of the tunnel. Ethan had never felt despair in his life, but whenhe heard that sound, despair instantly spread through his chest.

Boom! The tunnel completely collapsed behind them, with huge rocks falling.

Fortunately, just when Ethan felt hopeless, several hands appeared to take over the bodyguard fromhis hands. But just as he reached out, a stone fell from above, and darkness enveloped his vision. Hedropped to the ground.

Mother, Father, Josephine, I’m sorry!

It was Ethan’s last thought before sinking into darkness.

“Mr. Ethan…”

The sky was already bright when the rescue team emerged, and several rescue vehicles were parkednearby, receiving the injured. Suddenly, an urgent voice rang across the space. “Emergency,emergency!”

Four people were seen carrying a stretcher and rushing toward an ambulance. After opening the backdoor, the doctors waiting inside gasped with shock when they saw the person being brought in.

Good Lord! How could it be Mr. Quarles? Why is he unconscious?

“Quick, save him.”

The medical staff immediately began dressing the head wound and cleaning the severe abrasions onEthan’s body inside the vehicle.

The rescue mission came to an end as the vehicles headed toward the base. Everyone returned to thebase, exhausted, and rested. The crisis was finally over.

Ethan was being brought to the medical room when Edward received the news, and the latter rushedover with his subordinates but was impeded by the emergency room door.

“Ethan, Ethan!” Edward turned pale with fear, his voice trembling.

“Where is Ethan injured? How could it be so serious? Wasn’t he unharmed?” Edward turned to thebodyguards. Despite also being injured, they were more concerned about the safety of their youngmaster.

“Mr. Ethan was injured while saving us. When we were escaping, he was hit by a stone and lostconsciousness on the spot,” the bodyguard replied.

“What?” Edward staggered, and his vision blurred for a moment. He had a hard time accepting the fact.

The emergency room was still lit. Under the operating lights, the wound at the back of Ethan’s headwas being cleaned and stitched up. His hair was shaved off, and his handsome face looked pale afterthe blood was cleaned off.novelbin

Meanwhile, in Ethan’s room, Josephine, who had stayed awake until late at night out of worry, wasawakened by the light outside the window. She checked the time. Seeing it was 6.30AM, she quicklygot up, changed her clothes, and came out. She felt a sense of urgency in the corridors and couldn’thelp but grab an employee and ask, “Has the rescue team returned?”

“They’re back. Everyone is over at the medical room.”

Josephine’s heart filled with the arrival of good news. The rescue team has returned. That means therescued people have also returned, which also means Ethan has also returned.

Josephine, overwhelmed with happiness, hurried toward the floor where the medical room was located.However, along the way, she noticed many people wearing grave expressions, making her heart skip abeat. Just as she rushed out of the elevator, she saw Jacques walking to the elevator while talking onthe phone.

“Jacques,” Josephine called to him.

The bodyguard ended the call at once. When he saw how anxious Josephine looked, he quicklyreassured her, saying, “Don’t worry, Miss Jacobson. Everything’s going to be okay. Mr. Ethan will befine. He’s just unconscious.”

“What?” Josephine’s head spun, caught off guard by Jacques’ words. She grabbed him and asked,“What happened to Ethan?”

“Mr. Ethan was hit on the head by a rock. He’s currently in the operating room being treated.”

“Take me there. Hurry!” Josephine was on the verge of a meltdown. Tears streamed down her faceuncontrollably. Ethan had returned, but he had returned injured.

Meanwhile, the injured individuals were gathered in the medical room for treatment. Fortunately, therewere no fatalities, so it could be considered a fortunate event.

Edward, on the other hand, sat aside, waiting for news about his son. When he saw Jacques enteringwith a young girl, his gaze softened with affection. He stood up and greeted Josephine. “Hello, MissJacobson. I’m Ethan’s father.”

Edward’s fluency in the language was superb and easy to understand.

Josephine’s anxious mind seemed to calm down a bit upon hearing Edward’s voice. She greeted him,saying, “Hello, Mr. Quarles. Has Ethan come out yet?”

“The doctor came out a moment ago. Ethan’s vital signs are stable, but he is still unconscious. Don’tworry too much.”

Edward learned from his wife that this girl was the love of Ethan’s life and was also her preferredchoice for a daughter-in-law.

The corridor outside the operating room fell into an unusual silence. Everyone’s gaze was fixed on thetwo sky-blue doors, eagerly awaiting good news from the people being treated inside.

Fifteen minutes later, the doors finally opened. An assistant doctor and nurse wheeled a stretcher out,and there lay Ethan quietly on it. His shaved head made him appear even weaker and paler. Edwardhurriedly rushed over, calling out anxiously, “Ethan, Ethan.”

Josephine welled up at the sight of Ethan being wheeled out. Still, ultimately, tears rolled down hercheeks like beads of a broken string. She covered her mouth to keep her sobs from escaping.However, deep inside, she was beyond devastated.

The doctor aside was a world-renowned neurologist. He was engaged in a serious conversation withEdward, who listened attentively, and only then did Josephine approach the bedside. She looked at theman in front of her. He appeared to be sleeping, but why wouldn’t he open his eyes to look at her?

“Ethan,” she called out to him softly.

However, the man on the bed did not respond to her as he usually would with a smile. She reached outto hold his hand that was hanging on the side. The icy cold touch and the lack of strength in his fingerspained Josephine’s heart sharply.

“Miss, please step aside. We need to take the patient to the ICU,” the nurse said to Josephine with alowered head.

As Jacques pulled Josephine aside, the nurse wheeled Ethan away. Josephine broke free fromJacques’ grasp. Her mind was blank, and all she wanted to do was follow Ethan.

She escorted him all the way to the entrance of the ICU, where she was no longer allowed to proceed.As the door closed in front of her, she moved to the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the nurses work,

observing as Ethan was put on a ventilator and had needles inserted into his arm for IV fluids. Herheart ached so painfully that it was suffocating her.

Soon, Edward also arrived. He gazed at his unconscious son lying on the hospital bed, sighed deeply,and felt a surge of intense worry.

The doctor had just informed him that Ethan’s injury had not affected the central region of his brain,which meant it wouldn’t impact his intelligence. However, it was highly likely that it had damaged thearea responsible for memory. Therefore, there was a strong possibility that Ethan would face memoryloss once he woke up.

“Don’t worry too much, Miss Jacobson. Ethan will be okay.” Edward comforted her before leaving forother matters.

“Would you like something to eat, Miss Jacobson?” Jacques kindly asked.

Josephine shook her head and sat down where she could see Ethan. She watched the nurses performvarious examinations on him, and her morning passed just like that.

It was already 3.00PM by the time Jacques returned from his rest. When he stepped out of theelevator, he found Josephine sitting there like a statue, waiting for her man.

Jacques brought a snack with him and handed it to her, feeling bad for the woman. “Please eatsomething, Miss Jacobson. Mr. Ethan will scold me if he wakes up and finds out I haven’t been takingcare of you.”

“I really hope he wakes up soon.” Josephine felt as if she had been living in a dream these past fewdays, for everything seemed so surreal.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. The rescue team had departed, and the Quarles werepreparing to take Ethan back to the family hospital for treatment. Josephine was invited to accompanythem.

Ethan was taken care of by the medical staff on the plane, and as much as Josephine wished to seehim, she could only spend a brief ten minutes with him. Still, it was already a gift to her.

After a 28-hour flight, they finally arrived at the Quarles Residence, and Ethan was immediately takento the ICU for examination.

Donna, who had been waiting at the hospital, had red and swollen eyes. Her heart was shattered, andwhen she saw Josephine, she went up and hugged the young woman. Both women burst into tearssimultaneously.

“You’ve had it rough this time, Josephine,” said Donna, deeply moved by Josephine’s affection for herson. She saw Josephine’s sacrifices and dedication, even braving the harsh Arctic conditions.

“I just want Ethan to wake up. It would make everything worthwhile,” said Josephine as tears welled upin her eyes.

Donna patted her and took the tissue from her assistant before handing it to Josephine. “You’reexhausted too. Go rest.”

“I’m alright, Mrs. Quarles. I want to stay with Ethan.”

“Silly child, what if Ethan wakes up and finds you collapsed? What would we do then? Go rest!” Donnaexpressed her concern, noticing that Josephine had visibly lost weight.

Jacques, who stood aside, chimed in, “You haven’t shut your eyes since getting on the plane, MissJacobson, and have been drinking coffee to stay awake. As young as you are, you won’t be able to

hold on. Your health is important. Please rest!”

Donna was taken aback and urged the young woman at once, “No more staying up, Josephine. I stillhave hopes for you to become my daughter-in-law. Go rest! We’re all here.”

Donna’s words brought some peace to Josephine’s heart. That’s right, his family is here! They have thebest doctors and medical technology. He’ll be fine; he’ll recover.

With that, Josephine went to rest while Donna approached the ward and noticed her husband standingthere, exhausted. She hugged him, and Edward held her hand. “He’s our only son. Nothing can happento him.”

“He’ll be fine.” Donna nodded tearfully.

Meanwhile, Josephine called her parents to update them on her situation. She continued to lie to them,saying she was on a trip, and she sent them the photos Ethan had taken for her.

“Have a great time! It’s good to explore the world while you’re young!” Heidi sounded happy for her onthe other end of the line.

“I will. I’m a little tired from all the fun, Mom, so I’ll go get some rest.” Josephine couldn’t chat with hermother for too long, afraid that her voice would reveal her tears.

“Alright, go rest! Have fun and take good care of yourself,” Heidi reminded.

After hanging up the phone, Josephine looked at the photos she had sent to her mother. One of themwas a selfie taken by Ethan. He had a radiant smile, and his eyes were filled with light. Josephine’stears unexpectedly fell again.

She didn’t want to be so fragile. She wanted to be strong, but she couldn’t. She missed him too much,yearning for him to wake up.

On the table aside was a sleeping pill Jacques had given her to help her sleep. However, without theassistance of medication, she truly didn’t want to sleep. She didn’t want to sleep at all.

Josephine took the medicine and lay down. In a drowsy state, she finally fell asleep.

Days passed one by one, and Ethan had been in a coma for half a month. His entire body becamevisibly thin, and even the doctors were planning new strategies, trying various methods to stimulateEthan’s awakening.

Donna had shed all her tears, and Josephine, while waiting, learned to be strong. Donna was alreadyfilled with grief, and she didn’t want to distress Donna further.

Now, it was Josephine’s turn to take care of Donna, who had collapsed in the hallway due to low bloodsugar from not eating.

Another night descended, and Josephine had stayed awake for over twenty hours without rest.Jacques brought her another sleeping pill to help her rest. She knew that if she didn’t take a break, shemight collapse like Donna. By then, the nurses would have to allocate their time to care for her instead.

Josephine sighed and popped the pill into her mouth, washing it down with a sip of water.

Meanwhile, Donna was keeping vigil in the ward by Ethan’s bedside, holding her son’s hand. Scenes ofher son growing up played in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more sorrowful shebecame. Initially, the doctors had given them hope, and they believed Ethan would wake up soon.However, as time passed, their hearts grew anxious and even desperate.

When will Ethan finally wake up? Will he ever wake up?

“Please get some rest, Mrs. Quarles.” A nurse approached to assist her. Donna let out a sigh and said,“It’s okay. I’ll stay with my son a little longer.”

The nurse had no choice but to leave. Donna was about to withdraw her hand when suddenly, she felta force gripping it for a moment. She thought it was just her imagination.

At that, she quickly turned to look at her son’s hand. Was it just my imagination? Why did it feel likeEthan held my hand just now?

“Ethan? Ethan, can you hear me? It’s me, your mom! Please wake up. I’m begging you!” Donnapleaded with grief on the edge of the bed. She knew she must have been mistaken again, caught in adream. Despair washed over her intensely.

Lo and behold, a hand gently patted her. Donna thought the nurse had returned, so she mumbled whileleaning on the bed, “I don’t want to leave. I can’t leave my son.”

However, the hand patted her shoulder again, and Donna lifted her head to look into a pair of openeyes. She was stunned in overwhelming joy.

“Ethan… you’re awake,” she said and pressed the call button for the doctor’s office. Tears streameddown her face uncontrollably. However, she discovered that Ethan wasn’t comforting her but rather onlystaring at her blankly. At that, Donna touched his face, whispering anxiously, “Ethan, what’s wrong?Don’t you recognize your mother anymore?”

“Mother?” Ethan called out to her in a hoarse voice, looking at her with unfamiliar eyes.

Donna couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She covered her mouth and gazed at Ethan withincredulity.

Can it be true that the doctors were right about Ethan experiencing amnesia?

Donna bent down and hugged her son, disregarding whether he recognized her or not. Her voicetrembled with excitement as she said, “You’re finally awake. Thank God! I’ve been waiting for you to

wake up.”

Just then, three doctors rushed into the ward and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ethanhad awoken. Fortunately, they didn’t have to proceed with the second plan, which was cranial surgery.

After all, Ethan woke up on his own.

“Please give us some time to examine Mr. Ethan’s condition, Mrs. Quarles,” one of the doctorsrequested.

Donna nodded and went out immediately, promptly informing her husband.

“Josephine! Let her know quickly.”

“Miss Jacobson probably took some medicine and has fallen asleep, ma’am.”

“Don’t notify her for now, then. Let her rest,” said Donna, then looked at her son through the window.He was cooperative with the examination, but…

He has amnesia! Does this mean he has forgotten about Josephine too? Donna suddenly felt a pang ofanxiety. How devastated will Josephine be!

Edward arrived in two shakes, and his mind, too, went blank for a few seconds upon hearing the news.Although the doctor had previously emphasized the possibility of such symptoms, he still found itdifficult to accept the fact.

The couple stood outside the glass window, watching their son cooperating with the examination.Although he had lost his memory, his demeanor remained unchanged; that provided them somecomfort.

Just then, the attending doctor came out and approached the couple, saying gravely, “Mr. Edward, Mr.Ethan’s physical injuries have mostly healed. Currently, his memory nerves are damaged, and we needmore time to determine whether it is temporary or permanent amnesia. Fortunately, Mr. Ethan is ingood health.”

“Does he really not remember anything?” Donna asked, still unwilling to resign to fate.

“Currently, our diagnosis is that he has complete amnesia. He doesn’t remember anyone or anything.However, his intelligence and language abilities are intact. He can speak six languages and conversefluently.”

“In other words, apart from not remembering the people and things around him, he is still normal,right?”

“Yes, that’s correct. Therefore, the upcoming treatment will require your utmost cooperation. We needto help Mr. Ethan regain his memory by bringing the most important people in his life to interact withhim. We aim to facilitate his full recovery as soon as possible.”

“His most important people, aside from friends, are all here,” Donna said.

“Alright! You may see him shortly.” The doctor nodded and left.

When the nurse came out to invite them in, Donna and Edward’s emotions were complex yet joyful.Regardless, having their son safely back by their side was a blessing from above. Therefore, theycouldn’t be too greedy. They had to accept the fact that their son had amnesia and do everythingpossible to help him regain his memories.

When they entered, Ethan was deep in thought while in bed, and his gaze softened when he saw theapproaching elderly couple. “I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten a lot of things, but I’m sure you’re very important tome.”

“We’re your parents.” Donna went up to Ethan and held his hand. Tears welled up in her eyes as shegazed at the pair of beautiful, amber eyes she adored so much since he was a baby.

“Mom!” Ethan called out.

“Don’t worry, Ethan. I’ll help you remember us!” Edward comforted him as he held back intenseemotions.

“What happened exactly? Why did I lose my memory?” Ethan asked with a frown.

At that, Edward sat down and patiently explained the whole situation to him. Jacques also entered theroom, saddened by the news of Ethan’s amnesia. He brought Ethan’s laptop to him.

Ethan’s laptop contained many of his own recorded videos and meeting transcripts, which could givehim an idea of the person he was before losing his memory.

After four hours of memory digestion, Ethan’s blank mind was filled with a lot of information, whichquickly helped him accept his identity.

Edward and Donna grew tired and, considering their age, they were persuaded to rest. Only Jacquesstayed with Ethan.

Even Jacques was mentally and physically exhausted. He dozed off at Ethan’s bedside. With Ethan’sawakening, the tension that had gripped everyone loosened, and they could finally rest.

Ethan, on the other hand, sat by the bed. He had no desire to sleep anymore. He had slept for too long,and he was eager to learn about his past self now.

He operated the computer, and as he flipped through the photo album, he came across a picture of agirl. It was taken on a bustling street where a girl casually snapped a photo, her radiant smileenchanting.

Ethan gazed at the girl in the photo for a long time. He searched through all the memories that hadbeen input but found no traces of her. However, she felt important to him for some reason.

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