Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1901-1910
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Chapter 1901-1910

Once again, Jenna’s expression contorted in fury. “As long as I’m around, don’t you dare even thinkabout marrying into the Quarles Family!” she threatened.

Josephine wanted to roll her eyes. Jenna thinks so highly of herself. “When did you, an outsider, get tohave a say in the Quarles Family’s matters?” Josephine retorted.

“I’m not an outsider. Mrs. Quarles chose to me be her daughter-in-law when I was still a little girl!”Jenna crossed her arms and declared with confidence.

Josephine didn’t want to continue this conversation. She had the impression that Donna was someonewise and reasonable. I’m sure she can tell what kind of person Jenna is.

Therefore, Josephine simply washed her hands and left. Jenna looked into the mirror and saw herjealousy-filled expression, but the jealousy she displayed on the exterior was only the tip of the icebergof what she truly felt.

From Mrs. Quarles’ reactions, it doesn’t look like she detests Josephine. Did Josephine manage to winher over in just a few hours?

No! I won’t allow it! Jenna had been eyeing the position of Ethan’s wife ever since she understood whatit meant. She wasn’t going to let anyone take the title of Mrs. Quarles away from her quite so easily.

When Josephine returned to the table, Donna and Ethan had just finished their conversation.Josephine glanced at Ethan and saw that he seemed to be fairly relaxed. I guess his conversation withhis mother went well.

Just moments ago, Ethan told Donna all about Josephine’s situation. Although the Jacobsons weren’trich, they were elites in the political scene. A person couldn’t be judged based on wealth alone.Oftentimes, a person’s family environment contributed greatly to their character.

Donna gained a deeper understanding of Josephine, and at the same time, she felt even moredisappointed with Jenna’s character and prejudiced views. Regardless of the situation, she hopedJenna could be a decent person. In her eyes, being upright and kind was the key to a good life.

Jenna returned to the table as well. Once she sat down, she looked at Josephine and asked with asmile, “Josephine, if you and Ethan stay together, will you be moving to Dansbury to live with the rest ofthe Quarles Family?”

She purposely brought up an issue that was very important to Donna, and that was whether or notDonna’s only son would be moving to a different country. I’m sure she won’t be happy if she doesn’t getto stay with him in her old age!

“Also, are your parents supportive of you marrying someone and moving so far away? Will they chooseto come and live with you in the future?!” Jenna tossed out yet another one of her supposed bombs.She wanted Ethan to know that if he married Josephine, her entire family would be tagging along withher. A man like him would be depressed by the prospects of that, right?

“That’s our business, Jenna. You stay out of it.” Ethan gave Jenna a warning look.

“I’m just asking a few questions!” Jenna pouted innocently.

Donna could tell that Jenna was trying to cause trouble for Josephine on purpose. “Jenna, I’ve been inthe country for a few days now and I quite like it here. I think it wouldn’t be a bad thing to live out therest of my days here.”

Jenna and Josephine were both stunned by Donna’s declaration. Josephine was deeply touched. Shehad a feeling that Donna was saying it for her sake.

Meanwhile, Ethan knew Donna well. If she liked Josephine, everything else could easily be settled.Even the two questions Jenna asked wouldn’t be a problem.

Jenna quickly tried to talk Donna out of it. “It’s nice here, Mrs. Quarles, but your family’s roots are inDansbury! That’s your home!”

Donna smiled and said, “My mother came from this country. I spent a few years of my childhood heretoo! I do feel fond of this country.”

“You’ve lived here before, Mrs. Quarles?” Josephine was taken aback.

“I did between ages five to twelve. You could say that I spent the happiest years of my life here,” Donnasaid. Her most precious memories of her childhood consisted of her time in this country.

Jenna’s expression was a little stiff. “Oh!” she chuckled awkwardly. “I didn’t know you lived here as achild, Mrs. Quarles.”

Just then, the server brought their food over. Ethan immediately began filling Josephine’s plate for heras he instructed, “Eat up. You’ll need your energy.”

It was a perfectly ordinary expression of concern, but Josephine turned bright red. Even the tips of herears were red. Ethan’s words sounded like a double entendre to her.

Donna understood the double entendre, but she pretended not to know, while Jenna caught themeaning and felt as if a boulder were crushing down on her chest.

“Okay. You don’t need to serve me. I’ll do it myself.” Josephine lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

Once lunch was over, Donna took Jenna by the hand and said, “Go for a walk with me, Jenna!”

Jenna smiled and said, “Let’s get Eeth to come with us!”

“He still has work to do, so let’s not bother him. You can accompany me. There’s a church nearby thatI’d like to see. Let’s head over there.”

Jenna was sorely disappointed that Ethan wouldn’t be coming with them, but since Donna hadextended a warm invitation to her, she couldn’t refuse. She had to force herself to perk up and dosomething she didn’t want to do.

Josephine was still staring in a daze as Donna left. Ethan put his arm around her waist and sighed inrelief. “Well, we survived my mom’s trial.”

Josephine blinked. “It’s over? Just like that?”

“Yeah. My mom likes you.”

She did sense care and kindness from Donna. She hoped Donna would recognize Jenna’s true natureand stop believing her words.

Donna and Jenna arrived at the church. Donna sat down on one of the pews and closed her eyes inprayer. On the other hand, Jenna was bored out of her mind. She eyed her surroundings listlessly andscorned the aged look of the place.

When Donna opened her eyes again, she saw Jenna’s restlessness and said, “Let’s walk around,Jenna.”

Jenna quickly took Donna’s arm, and the two walked around the grounds for a bit. At last, Donna satdown on a bench and began to study Jenna so closely that the latter started feeling uneasy.

“Why are you staring at me, Mrs. Quarles?” Jenna had to ask.

“You’re a good girl, Jenna. I hope you don’t stray off the right path.”

Jenna couldn’t quite understand what Donna was saying. “Before I came here, you told me a lot aboutJosephine,” Donna continued. “You said she was a materialistic, money-worshiping woman who’s rudeand spoiled, but I didn’t see any of that from her.”

“Mrs. Quarles, you mustn’t be fooled by her act! It’s only natural that she acts like a Goody Two-shoesin front of you,” Jenna swiftly cautioned, her eyes filled with concern.

“Jenna, I know about your feelings for Ethan, but matters of the heart can’t be forced. If Ethan trulyfinds the person he loves, I will give him my support.”

Hearing this, Jenna realized that Donna had seen right through her lies. She turned scarlet as shestammered, “M-Mrs. Quarles… I-I really like Eeth so much.”

“I know, but relationships need to be a two-way street. Perhaps, Ethan only sees you as a youngersister. You’ll find someone better, Jenna,” Donna advised.

Jenna teared up. She immediately tried to convince Donna otherwise. “No, Mrs. Quarles. Please justgive me a bit more time. I’m certain Eeth will fall in love with me.”

“Jenna, you’re an attractive girl from a good family. It’ll be easy for you to find a man who’s even betterthan Ethan,” Donna consoled.

Jenna’s eyes flashed with resentment. What did Josephine do?! How did she get Mrs. Quarles toaccept her so easily?! I won’t allow this! I refuse to lose to Josephine just like that! Ethan’s aresponsible man. If he ends up in bed with me, will he take responsibility for it just like he did withJosephine?

“I understand, Mrs. Quarles. I wish Eeth and Josephine the best, too. I was wrong for what I did, but itwas only because I loved Eeth. But I’m mature enough to know when I should let go. I won’t try todisrupt their relationship anymore,” Jenna said with a look of shame and remorse. She had to maintainher facade of being a decent and sensible woman as she didn’t want Donna to shun her.

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re able to see things this way. I’m worried about your future, you know! Afterall, I’ve known you since you were a little girl and watched you grow up.” Donna was genuinely glad

Jenna was able to be mature about the situation.

As Donna got to her feet, Jenna’s eyes flashed with discontent and malice. Who said I’m giving up? Aslong as Ethan isn’t married, I still have a chance. There’s no way I’d lose to Josephine.

On their way back, Jenna made a good showing of herself and took great care of Donna.

“Are you still staying with Eeth, Mrs. Quarles?”

“No. I’ll stay at the hotel with you. I don’t want to disturb them.” Donna had made peace with thesituation. As long as the woman Ethan liked was a decent person with good character, it didn’t matterwhat her family background was. Furthermore, she felt more respect for the family when she heardJosephine’s grandfather was a well-known political figure.

She was sure Josephine’s family would’ve done a good job raising her to become an open-minded andfarsighted person.

“Sure! Let’s stay at the hotel together. I haven’t had enough of my fun yet, so I want to stay a few moredays!”

“Alright. Let’s stay a little longer.” Donna wasn’t in a rush to leave either. She hoped that when the timewas right, Ethan would arrange for her to meet with Josephine’s family so that the two sides could getto know each other better.

Jenna was secretly pleased that Donna wouldn’t be staying with Ethan. It would make things easier forher to seduce him. Jenna believed that as long as Ethan was home alone without Josephine, shewould get a chance to carry out her plan.

When Josephine returned to the company, she carried on with her trial broadcast. Ethan accompaniedher to work as well. Even though he was well-off enough to provide for his future wife and family, he

wanted Josephine to pursue her dreams and he was willing to help her with it.

Inside the studio, Josephine sat at the desk with poise and sophistication. The broadcast director wentover and said, “Good luck, Joey. You’re going live soon. You’ll be greeting the nation.”

She nodded. “Got it. I’ll get ready.”

Once she was on camera, she became a natural. Her pleasant smile and gaze complemented herclear, crisp voice. There was a unique kind of steadiness to her tone, and she had used it to perfection.

Tori kept standing outside the studio to eavesdrop. She hoped to see Josephine embarrassing herself,but she didn’t expect Josephine to be a natural at the job. Who would believe that this was her firstbroadcast?

It proved that Josephine was indeed someone worthy of the job.

Will Josephine set her sights on my position as the primetime news anchor someday? Tori thought toherself. If she wants it, all she has to do is say the word.

That was the reason why Tori didn’t want Josephine’s trial broadcast to be a success. I have to makeher crack under the pressure of a national audience and leave the studio.

“Miss Alford? If you want to listen to the broadcast, why don’t you head into the studio?” One of thecrew members just so happened to walk by.

Tori quickly cleared her throat and said, “I’m just here to get something.” Then, she turned to leave.

When she went around the corner, she spotted Katrina. She heard that Katrina once had delusions ofgetting into a relationship with Ethan. She had even caused quite a bit of trouble for Josephine.

Tori’s eyes gleamed with a calculating look. A woman like Katrina is the best kind of person to makeuse of.

“Katrina, come with me to my office,” Tori called out warmly.

Katrina had always tried to get into Tori’s good graces, so she quickly smiled and said, “Sure, MissAlford. Did you need something?”

“Let’s talk when we’re in my office,” Tori said secretively.

Once the two women took their seats in Tori’s office, Tori asked, “Josephine is now an anchorwoman.How do you feel about it?”

“W-What else can I feel… I’m envious, of course!” Katrina replied unhappily.

“If I’m being honest, Josephine was merely lucky to get the job. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be goodenough to be an anchorwoman.”

That was music to Katrina’s ears. “You’re absolutely right!” she quickly agreed. “I had a feeling sherelied on her connection with Mr. Quarles to get into that seat. It’s not like she’s anything great. Shedoesn’t have any real talent.”

“Do you want to get her out of that seat?” Tori asked.

“How can I? She has already taken over Miss Ain’s position.”

“You’ll have to think of something, of course! If you can get her out of that seat, maybe you’ll be the onewho replaces her!” Tori prompted.

Katrina’s eyes lit up at once. “Really? Can I really take her place? But… how am I supposed to dragher down?”

Tori chuckled and suggested, “That’s easy. Just rely on the power of the audience. Do you think theaudience will allow her to remain an anchorwoman if they find out she only got the position becauseshe climbed into a man’s bed?”

“Oh, I get it! Remember Zuri Lindahl from NBO News? Didn’t the audience boycott her because of thescandals about her? This is a great idea, Miss Alford!” Katrina was thrilled. She didn’t expect to find away to drag Josephine into the mud.

“That’s true, but the problem is how can we make up a scandal for her?” Tori acted as if she couldn’tthink of something. She wanted Katrina to come up with the idea herself. That way, she couldn’t beimplicated in the plot.

Tori wanted Katrina and Josephine to fight among themselves.

Just as Katrina was cracking her head for an idea, Tori added, “If Josephine is removed from theposition, I’ll write a letter of recommendation for you in support of you replacing Miss Ain.”

Katrina was ecstatic. With Tori’s recommendation and her brother-in-law’s connections, she was mostbound to fulfill her dream of becoming an anchorwoman!

“You will?” Katrina asked to confirm.

“Of course, and with my recommendation, the position will be yours. The only problem is thatJosephine’s hold on that seat doesn’t seem shakable right now. I can’t help you, even if I want to!” Torisighed. “I would much rather work with you, and in the future, if there’s anything you don’t understand, Iwould be more than happy to guide you.”

Katrina felt as if she was only one step away from her goal!

“Don’t worry, Miss Alford! Let me handle this. I’ll think of something.”

“You’ll need to hurry. I heard Josephine will officially take over the position in three days.”

“I’ll do my best. I’ll ask my sister for help.” Katrina wanted to use everything within her means to pullJosephine down from the position.

Tori nodded and patted Katrina on the shoulder. “I trust you. I’m sure you’ll succeed.”

Once Katrina left the office, Tori smirked derisively. How can someone like her be an announcer? She’sonly fit to be a pawn!

Tori wouldn’t have bothered to associate herself with the likes of Katrina if she hadn’t been worriedabout her future. Josephine was too much of a threat for her.

Alas, Tori had tried to seduce Ethan, but it didn’t work. She had no idea why Ethan wasn’t interested inher.

Therefore, she had no choice but to resort to other schemes.

Tori’s words had planted a seed of greed that festered inside Katrina. She felt as if Josephine was theonly thing standing in her way right now. As long as I get rid of Josephine, her position will be mine!

Katrina recalled a previous incident where a news announcer had been removed from the position. Itwas all because of a scandal that broke out. How can I implicate Josephine in a scandal too? If I do agood job, I might even get to drive a wedge between her and Ethan. Maybe Ethan will dump her too!

She was in no mood to get on with her work now. Instead, she called Ivanka and invited her out for achat at a cafe. Ivanka was also a domineering woman. When she found out that Katrina didn’t get whatshe wanted because of Josephine, she felt upset on her sister’s behalf. To her, Katrina’s standing in thecompany was also a reflection of her image, and as the boss’ wife, she felt humiliated.

“Help me think of something, Ivanka! Miss Alford said she’d recommend me for the position, and withyou helping me out, too, I’ll surely get to become an anchorwoman like I always dreamed of. You knowthat’s always been my desire,” Katrina pleaded with a pout.

“Don’t worry! I’ll help you. I never liked that Josephine woman, anyway,” Ivanka declared.

“Let’s think of a plan together, Ivanka!” Katrina suggested. She was certain Ivanka could come up withsomething.

True enough, Ivanka was the kind of woman with too much time on her hands, to the point that her lifewas filled with nothing but gossip and schemes. After thinking about it for a while, she recalled thenews she saw a couple of days ago and sneered, “There’s nothing to it. It’ll be a piece of cake todestroy her reputation. You can create anything with a computer these days. Why don’t we just editsome of those kinds of photos and change out the face? All we need to do is make sure the issueblows up so that Josephine can’t escape from it.”

Katrina was thrilled. “You’re so smart, Ivanka! That’s such a good idea. As long as we edit Josephine’sface onto those kinds of R-rated content creators, say she was once involved in the adult entertainmentindustry, and make sure the news blows up, she’ll never be able to clear her name!”

“It’s not important whether or not she manages to clear her name. Once this blows up, whenever theaudience sees her face, it’ll be the only thing they can remember about her. I’m sure they’ll be put offby her presence and curse her out,” Ivanka said. She was confident their plan would be a success.

Katrina hugged her sister in glee. “You’re amazing, Ivanka.”

“Alright. That’s the plan! You just need to make sure you find someone who can keep their mouth shut,”Ivanka declared.

However, never in Ivanka’s wildest dreams would she have thought that this plan would end up sendingKatrina to jail.

Back at the studio, Josephine was doing another test run of reporting the news when she saw the manstanding at the door with his arms crossed. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling ever so slightly andended up misreading two words as well. Her flow was interrupted.

At first, the broadcast director didn’t know what was happening, but when he turned around andspotted Ethan standing at the back, he realized that she was affected by Ethan’s presence.

“Alright, Joey. That’s enough for today. Hurry up and go off your date with Mr. Quarles!”

The female employees eyed Josephine with looks of envy. Ethan was too handsome. Everything fromhis height and figure to his face was flawless in every way!

“Why did you come over?” Josephine walked over to Ethan and asked.

“I guess I can’t be in the studio with you anymore, or I’ll end up affecting you,” Ethan remarked with achuckle as he caressed her head affectionately.

Josephine recalled the way she faltered her lines earlier because of him and nodded. “That’s right. Youcan’t be in the studio with me.”

Ethan laughed and put his arm around her waist. “Alright. I’ll hang outside the door and eavesdrop nexttime.”

He led Josephine away. The two were open with their affection even when they were in the office,much to the envy of the other employees.

Who wouldn’t be jealous of the fact that Josephine, a mere reporter, had managed to become the boss’girlfriend?

“Let me call my mom and see if she wants to have dinner together tonight,” Ethan said.

“Sure, go ahead. I want to spend more time with her, too.” Josephine nodded.

When Ethan called up Donna, she said she wouldn’t have dinner with them. She also informed him thatshe had moved her things out of his place.

Ethan was overjoyed at how perceptive his mother was!

“My mom isn’t free for dinner tonight, and… she moved back into the hotel.” He gave Josephine ameaningful look.

Josephine’s cheeks flushed. Does that mean we can stay together again? It also meant that somethingwonderful and somewhat embarrassing was bound to happen tonight.

She never tried to deny being physically attracted to Ethan. He was sculpted in all the right places. Nowoman would find him unattractive.

“Let’s go! We’ll have a good meal before heading home.” Ethan took her hand and led her to his car.

Along the way, he got a call from his subordinate, who had confirmed the purchase of the concerttickets he wanted.

“We can relax and have a good time tomorrow,” Ethan told Josephine.

Josephine was looking forward to it, too. She looked forward to attending the concert with him.

They had a joyous and relaxing time together during dinner. The restaurant even prepared a special giftand dessert for all the couples dining there today. Although Josephine was a little tired, she felt entirely


When they returned to Ethan’s villa, Josephine wanted to go over her script for a while, but Ethan soonpinned her down in bed.

They had only been apart for a single night, but that was enough to turn Ethan into a starving wolf. Shecouldn’t help but wonder if he had been intimate with other women before her.

However, before she could dwell on that, his tongue pressed against hers, and she could no longerthink of anything. The sensations sent bolts of electricity right down to her toes. She felt as if she werea precious gem he was cupping gently in his hands. She felt well and truly loved.

“Mmm… Ethan…” Josephine gasped.

“Call out my name again,” Ethan commanded in a muffled voice.

She clung to him as she repeated, “Ethan…”

Satisfied, Ethan pulled her closer and murmured, “I love you, Joey.”

Consumed by his confession of love, Josephine allowed him to have complete control over her.

The next morning, Josephine went to work. To her, work wasn’t about earning money. Instead, it wasabout fulfilling her dreams. Thus, she loved heading in to work every day.

She didn’t spot the pair of eyes in a black sedan nearby that was fixed on her. Once her car was out ofsight, the man in the car gave Jenna a call.

“Josephine Jacobson has left for work, Miss Langley. Mr. Quarles is alone in the house.”

“Alright. I’ll be coming over soon. Keep an eye on things for me,” Jenna replied.

“Yes, Miss Langley!”

Back at the hotel, Jenna pulled out a sexy dress. She was about to move forward with her plan.

Just as she was halfway there to Ethan’s house, the bodyguard called her again.

“Mr. Quarles has gone out, Miss Langley. Are you still coming?”

“What? What’s he doing?”

“I don’t know. I’m tailing him right now.”

“Keep your eye on him and keep me updated.” Jenna wasn’t going to give up.

Soon, her bodyguard called her once more. He followed Ethan and found that the latter had gone to thehotel where Jenna was staying. Evidently, he came to the hotel to meet Donna.

Jenna was peeved. If she had known that Ethan would come to the hotel, she would’ve waited for himthere.

Her bodyguard had to wait near the exit of the hotel’s basement parking lot. He didn’t want to get tooclose out of fear that Ethan would find out he was helping Jenna with this. If that happened, there wasno way the bodyguard could get away with it unscathed.

Soon, Ethan’s car exited the parking lot, and the bodyguard quickly reported this development toJenna. “Miss Langley, Mr. Quarles has driven out of the hotel. He’s heading to the house.”

“Is he alone?”

“I couldn’t see if anyone was sitting in the back.”

However, Jenna was certain that Ethan had to be alone. Last night, Donna said she would be headingout to meet with her old friends the next day. By now, Jenna had arrived at Ethan’s villa. The last timeshe was here, she secretly stole a peek at the password Donna keyed in to get into the house andseared it to memory. Now, she sauntered into the place as if she were the lady of the house.

No matter what I do, it’s all because I love Ethan, she thought to herself. I’m willing to do anything forhim. I’ll even give myself up to him.

She used the same password to unlock the door leading to the living room, and when she walked in,the couple-design items scattered all over the living room made her jealousy rear its ugly head. He’seven willing to do these sorts of silly romantic things for Josephine’s sake.

Jenna was still in touch with the bodyguard, and to her absolute joy, Ethan’s car was heading back tothe house. Doesn’t that mean he’s coming home alone?

She decided to offer herself up to him. She knew what men were like. She was going to stand naked infront of Ethan later; she was convinced he would get a reaction from the sight.

How could a man possibly reject a woman who’s throwing herself at him?

Jenna went to the master bedroom and took a shower. She moved around as if she owned the placeand used Josephine’s toiletries to get herself all squeaky clean, humming a tune the whole time. Onceshe was done with the shower, she put on her almost completely see-through nightgown and lay downon the bed.

Just then, the bodyguard reported to her, “Miss Langley, Mr. Quarles’ car has driven into the house.”

“Got it. Stay away, and don’t let anyone else discover you. I’ll handle the rest myself.”

Jenna looked out the window expectantly and spotted the car. She closed her eyes and made a wish.Please let this be a success.

Then, she took off her nightgown and sat down on the couch. She wanted Ethan to see her themoment he opened the door.

Meanwhile, out in the courtyard, someone came down from the back seat and said to the bodyguard,“Wait here. I’ll be right back after I get something from the house.”

“Yes, Mrs. Quarles,” the bodyguard replied.

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No one expected the person stepping out from the backseat to be Donna instead of Ethan. The lasttime Donna stayed there, she left behind some jewelry. Therefore, she had to retrieve the jewelry andgive them to her best friends.

Meanwhile, Ethan was waiting for Josephine to pick him up from the hotel for a date.

After opening the door, Donna headed to the guest room on the second floor, where she had stayedbefore. She opened the wardrobe and took out three boxes of expensive jewelry. Then, she arrived atthe living room on the second floor and heard some noise from the floor above.

She couldn’t help but be shocked. Is Josephine still in the villa? Ethan said he was going to meet upwith her. Is she back home to retrieve something?

Then, she went to the third floor and realized the noise came from the master bedroom. Although shewas surprised, she didn’t read too much into it. As she looked at the door left ajar, she went over andopened it to make sure Josephine was home.

When Jenna heard footsteps approaching inside the bedroom, she was excited. She reckoned thatEthan would be astounded when he saw her, and he would tell her to put on her clothes. She just hadto hug Ethan immediately and make sure he wouldn’t turn her down.

When the footsteps were close enough, Jenna rose from the couch and stood there with an innocentexpression.

Much to her surprise, the person entering the room was Donna instead of Ethan.

Donna thought Josephine was inside the room, so she didn’t expect to see a naked Jenna there.

“Mrs. Quarles!” Jenna’s excitement turned into shame in an instant. She hurriedly picked up a bathrobeand covered her figure.

Donna instantly realized the woman’s hidden agenda. Although Jenna had promised not to ruin Ethanand Josephine’s relationship, she still did such a despicable thing in secret.

If Ethan or Josephine had been the one who returned instead of Donna, their relationship would’vebeen damaged.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Quarles. I…” Regardless of how thick-skinned Jenna was, she was ashamed andhoped Donna would forgive her this time.

Donna’s face fell. “Say no more. I don’t want to hear your explanation, nor do I want to see you again.”

“I love Ethan! I can’t live without him!” Jenna yelled hysterically.

“Even though you love him, that doesn’t mean you have the right to ruin his relationship withJosephine. You can’t be so selfish. You promised that you would stay out of their relationship, but youdid such a thing behind my back.” Donna was infuriated.

From a woman’s perspective, she found Jenna’s actions outrageous. If she had any good impressionof the woman before this, it was all gone now. She only felt disgusted at that moment.

When the bodyguard heard the noise, he came to the third floor. Donna said to him, “Get Miss Langleyout of my son’s villa, and don’t let her come in again.”

“Yes, Mrs. Quarles.” The bodyguard then shifted his attention to Jenna. “Please come with me, MissLangley.”

“Mrs. Quarles, please give me a chance! I’ll do better than Josephine and prove to be a wonderfuldaughter-in-law to you!” Jenna pleaded.

Donna stared icily at her. “I’m disappointed in your actions. You have no right to compare yourself toJosephine. A shameless and scheming woman like you must not approach my son and my familymembers again.”

Jenna’s eyes turned bloodshot. She didn’t expect to destroy her reputation in front of Donna. Herdream of marrying Ethan had been crushed.

“You’d better leave now. Otherwise, I’ll inform your mother about it and let her discipline you.”

“Please don’t do that, Mrs. Quarles! I’ll leave at once!” Jenna was afraid. Moreover, she no longer hadthe nerve to appear in front of the Quarles Family again after the incident.

An embarrassed Jenna soon left the villa. Donna took a look at the mess on the bed and realizedJenna must’ve slept on it. She reckoned that everything on the bed and the couch had to be replaced.

Given Jenna’s promiscuity, she might carry some diseases. Therefore, Donna even had the urge to sellthe villa.

After giving it some thought, Donna called her son and told him what Jenna had done. Ethan wasfurious upon hearing that, for the woman’s actions had crossed the line.

“Just sell the villa, Mom. I don’t want it anymore,” he said.

Donna respected his decision. “Alright. We’ll buy a new one.”

After the call ended, Ethan saw Josephine arriving at the hotel entrance in her car. During lunch, heavoided mentioning Jenna, but he talked about moving to a new place.

“Huh? Why are we moving to a new place all of a sudden?” Josephine liked the villa they lived in.

“Nothing. The house is too old, and I don’t like the design. Before we buy a new one, we’ll stay in ahotel.”

Josephine was puzzled. Even though she had no idea why Ethan was determined to sell the villa andeven wanted to stay in a hotel first, she didn’t want to ask further. He must have his reasons for doingso.

“If you’re fine with the small house my parents bought for me, why don’t we stay there for now? You’vealways lived in big houses, so you might not get used to it, though,” Josephine suggested.

Ethan’s eyes brightened when he heard that. “I’m fine with that. Let’s stay in your house, then.”

Josephine nodded. “Alright. I’ll tell the housekeeper to clean it up tomorrow. We’ll move in after that.”

“Tell the housekeeper to go over now. We’ll move in tonight.”

Josephine batted her eyes, wondering why he was in a rush. “Why don’t you like the villa anymore?”

Ethan could only come up with a random excuse. “I found a dead mouse under the bed, and the entireroom stank. I’d rather stay in a hotel than go back.”

Hearing that, Josephine broke into laughter. Well, I guess a wealthy man like him can do whatever hewants. Just because he found a dead mouse under the bed, he decided to buy a new villa. Now I knowhe’s a clean freak!

“Alright. No problem. I’ll ask the housekeeper to go over now. The sheets are all new. I’ll ask my momto bring them out under the sun, and we’ll be able to sleep on the bed tonight,” Josephine said.

Ethan let out a sigh of relief, feeling glad that Josephine didn’t probe him further.

Inside the hotel room, Jenna’s face was still scarlet. She didn’t think she could ever forget about thehumiliating experience. Since it had already happened, it was pointless for her to be regretful. Herfoolishness had destroyed her reputation in front of Donna, who must be loathing her now.

“Ah!” A hysterical Jenna screamed and splashed cold water onto her face. She was too ashamed tosee anyone now. She reckoned Donna must’ve told Ethan about it, so she was too embarrassed to seethe man again.

At that moment, she swore she would never appear in front of the Quarles Family again. Just then,someone knocked on the door. She opened it and heard Jacques saying, “I’ve received a call from Mr.Quarles. He said that you have to leave the country before 6.00PM.”

Jenna closed her eyes while feeling abashed. Ethan has found out about it.

“Alright. I’ll pack up and leave.” With that, she closed the door. She had to save her last bit of dignity.

Before 6.00PM, she left the country without hesitation.

Meanwhile, someone was trying very hard to frame Josephine. She was none other than Katrina. Shehad found a top-tier IT technician through her connections. It was said that his skills were impeccable.

As long as the price was good enough, he could perfectly alter a person’s face in photos using AItechnology.

Ivanka even gave her sister a lot of money so that the latter could do such a thing regardless of theprice. Katrina got some time off work to meet the hacker.

“70,000 is just the deposit. If I’m satisfied with the result, I’ll give you another 120,000.” Katrina offereda huge price.

“Deal. Pass me her photos. The more, the better.”

Katrina then passed him the photos and videos that Josephine had taken in the company. “When will Isee the photos?”

“The photos will be ready before tomorrow afternoon,” the hacker replied.

Katrina nodded. “Alright. You must send them to me by tomorrow afternoon.”

After the negotiation ended, Katrina sat down in a cafe on her own. She envisioned herself sitting in thestudio and presenting the news to the audience in the country. Not only would she become a famousnews anchor, but she would also make her family proud. A bright future awaited her.

In the evening, Josephine brought Ethan to a new residential area. The house her parents bought forher was about 1,300 square feet with two rooms. They only expected her to live on her own, after all.

After they opened the door and turned on the lights, a cozy house came into Ethan’s sight. He fell inlove with the decorations at first sight.

The bodyguard sent him some clothes and daily necessities. Josephine prepared a plate of fruits. Afterthey showered, they sat on the couch and watched television together.

Living in such a small house, they could see each other all the time. It was unlike how empty the villafelt.

While in the man’s embrace, Josephine fed him the fruits. Gradually, his gaze turned fervent as helooked at her. At the same time, his hands wandered around her body.

Josephine wanted to stop him, but he grabbed her wrists and pinned her on the couch, entrapping thewoman in his shadow. Under the lights, Ethan was engrossed in the woman’s alluring eyes. To him, thewoman clad in a formal suit was sexy.

He started unbuttoning her shirt impatiently.

“Don’t tear my shirt! It’s a newly bought custom-made shirt. It’s expensive!” Josephine tried to save herclothes.

The man demanded hoarsely, “Take it off yourself, then.”

“No!” Josephine turned him down obstinately.

Therefore, he suppressed his desire and took off her shirt patiently. The man’s chiseled face and thickeyebrows, coupled with his seriousness, were deathly attractive to Josephine as her body grew hotter.

The man had a kind of charm that would make a woman lose her sanity.

The next morning, Josephine complained in the bathroom, “I told you not the neck, Ethan! It’s my firstday presenting the news!”

Ethan lifted the quilt and got out of bed before entering the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around herwaist and said, “Let me see.”

Josephine showed him her fair neck. Much to her surprise, the man pulled a prank by sucking on thekiss mark.

“You!” She turned around and pinched his waist with a smile. The man laughed after successfullypranking her.

It was her first day presenting the news on a live stream. To make sure she wouldn’t feel pressured,Ethan told her he wasn’t going to the company.

Before she left the house, he even gave her some encouragement. After she was gone, he told hisbodyguard to come over and send him to the company.

Certainly, he wouldn’t want to miss his girlfriend’s first time presenting the news.

When Josephine arrived at the company, she headed to the dressing room and bashfully asked themakeup artist to cover up the kiss mark on her neck.

After the makeup was done, she went to the studio. On her way, she appeared calm and confidentwhile carrying the script. All of them were awestruck by her beauty, thinking she was like a diamond.

Josephine was understandably nervous, for she was about to present the news to the audience in thecountry. She sat down in the studio and took a deep breath while facing eight cameras. The directorinstructed the live stream to start, after which Josephine put on a smile and presented the news.

Josephine was able to speak clearly, and her voice was easily distinguishable. No one could tell it washer first day presenting the news.

Ethan was just standing outside the studio. When a staff member turned around and saw the boss, shecovered her mouth in shock. Ethan placed a finger on his lips and motioned for her not to make anynoise or reveal his presence.

Therefore, the woman had the honor to stand beside Ethan as her heart pounded into a gallop.Although she knew he was there for Josephine, she couldn’t stay calm while standing beside acharming man.

Josephine’s performance was amazing during the 45-minute live stream. All of them at the scene feltshe had done a wonderful job.

During a break, Josephine let out a sigh of relief. She took a tissue from her assistant and wiped thesweat on her forehead. No doubt she was nervous.

Despite that, she had managed to conquer her anxiety. It wasn’t until the live stream ended that shebecame at ease. Just then, the staff members made way for someone. When the director was sayingsomething, his assistant took his sleeve and pulled him away.

Ethan was seen stepping toward Josephine with roses in his hands.

Josephine didn’t expect the man to come, and he even brought some roses with him. She covered hermouth in surprise before she rose from the chair and took the flowers. The man ruffled her hair andkissed her forehead. “You did a great job.”

All of them didn’t expect Ethan to show his love for the woman in the studio. They could tell that he trulyloved her.

Tori happened to pass by and saw the sight. She was so jealous that her face stiffened. She was alsogreen with envy following Josephine’s successful live stream, for the woman didn’t make any mistakeseven though it was her first time.

Now, Ethan even displayed his love for the woman in front of so many people. Tori could alreadyimagine Josephine snatching her position with ease. Since she was Ethan’s girlfriend, it wouldn’t behard for her to present the news in the prime hour.

Fortunately, Tori had incited Katrina to frame the woman. Just wait, Josephine! The more glorious youare now, the harder you will fall!

When Josephine and Ethan left the studio, Tori quickly ran away. They went to the man’s office, wherehe had prepared pastry and coffee for her since she had worked hard.

“You’ve even prepared so many foods for me. I felt I looked fat on camera!” Josephine complainedwhile picking up a cake and eating it.

When Ethan saw how adorable she looked, he curled his lips. “You’re not fat at all.”

Only then did Josephine finish the cake joyfully. The aroma of coffee permeated the air. It waswonderful to have the man by her side in the morning.

She felt content and happy. That was the best life a woman could ever ask for.

In the past, she felt that love was unnecessary as it would only affect her work. Now, it seemed that theright man could share the best things in life with her.

“Come on.” Josephine held out a small piece of cake for the man. When she caught a whiff of hisaromatic coffee, she picked it up and tasted it, then put down the cup with a frown.

“It’s so bitter.” She hated bitter coffee.

He looked at her with a smile. “Drink your own coffee. I’ve added sugar and cream for you.”

Josephine took a sip of her coffee and realized it was the taste she loved while Ethan looked lovingly ather.novelbin

Just then, his phone rang. He took a look and said to the woman, “I’ll pick this up.”

Then, he left the place with his phone. Josephine batted her eyes, wondering why he didn’t connect thecall in front of her. All the same, she didn’t read too much into it. She recalled that she had to return tothe office and write a report later.

As such, she picked up the coffee and left the place. After she rounded a corner, she heard Ethan’svoice coming from the balcony.

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