Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1881-1890
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Chapter 1881-1890

Ethan respected her, so he gave her the space and platform needed for her to achieve her dreams.

Josephine couldn’t talk to him about work. If she told him about her situation, he would fire all thepeople who crossed her, and the company would be left with no people to run it. That would be bad forwork. “Work’s fine, really.” Josephine smiled.

“Yeah. Don’t worry about anything else. I’m looking forward to your show.”

“I’m preparing for it. It’ll be done soon.” Josephine picked up her glass and raised it. “Thank you,honey.”

Ethan raised a toast as well. “No problem.”

They went shopping at a nearby mall after dinner. Ethan thought Josephine needed more clothes.

Jenna had been waiting in the car, so when she saw the couple, she and her bodyguards followedthem.

Josephine wanted to let her hair down too and walking around was good for digestion. The problemwas that Ethan stood out too much. A lot of women were staring at him, and Josephine had half themind to take him home right away so these women couldn’t see him. Ethan had a peculiar shoppingstyle. Most people would pick the things they wanted, but he would pick the ones he didn’t want andbuy everything else. It didn’t take long for him to pick all the clothes and bags the shop had to offer, andJosephine couldn’t stop him.

Jenna was standing outside taking photos surreptitiously, especially the ones where Josephine heldEthan’s hand as she stopped him from buying more. However, in the photo, it looked like Josephinewas asking Ethan to buy more. Yep. Photos are more deceptive. Jenna looked at the photo and

smirked. She could see that Josephine was trying to stop Ethan from buying more, but Ethan led her tomore aisles and bought everything money could buy. If he could, he would’ve bought the whole shop.

Jenna loved shopping too, and she loved this particular brand, but she wasn’t rich enough to shop likeEthan. The Quarles Family had enough money to last them for centuries, while her family only got richbecause they buttered up to the Quarles Family. Her mother would even restrict her allowance. Sheenvied Josephine for all the love she was shown. I wish that were me.

After following the couple and taking photos and videos of them, Jenna was exhausted. She went backto the hotel and sent those photos to Donna.

Donna called her right after that, and Jenna picked up the call. “Hey, Mrs. Quarles.”

“Where’s Ethan?”

“Are you coming over?” Jenna asked quickly. She could tell that Donna was angry.

“That woman is going to take him away from me. Of course, I’m coming.”

I knew it. She’s going to stop her son from dating a gold digger. “Don’t tell him I took the pictures,alright?”

“You helped me, so of course, I won’t. Wait for me,” said Donna.

Jenna texted her the country and city she was in, and then she waited happily for Donna’s arrival. Let’ssee what Josephine will do. Donna’s a feisty woman. I wonder if Ethan will take his mother’s side or anoutsider’s side. Oh, I really want to see Donna teaching that woman a lesson.

The night was peaceful. After taking a shower, Josephine took a book and sat beside the Frenchwindow to read, while Ethan went to the study to work. He might be on vacation, but some of the more

important work must be done by him. He was so engrossed in his work that he forgot about the time,and when he realized it, it was already midnight. He closed his laptop.

He went to the second floor and noticed Josephine sleeping on the couch covered by nothing but ablanket, and he blamed himself for not noticing the time sooner. I should’ve told her to not wait for me.She would be sleeping on a bed right now instead of a couch.

Ethan approached her, then he stared at her face that was illuminated by the light. Josephine had abeautiful face, but she looked adorable when she was asleep. Her skin was smooth and silky as milkand her facial features were softly defined. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her beautiful arms slidthrough the sleeves of her oversized robes, and she looked that bit alluring in this state.

Ethan felt like playing a prank on her to wake her up, and then they would have a bit of fun in the night.Just as he picked her up to carry her to the room, Josephine woke up.

When she realized it was him holding her, she closed her eyes, and a sweet smile curled her lips.

“Are you sure you’re sleepy?” asked Ethan.

“Yeah,” said Josephine. Ethan kept kissing her neck, and it stirred something in her. She protested,“Hey, stop it. It tickles.”

Ethan didn’t listen. He kept doing what he wanted, so Josephine was already wide awake before theyeven got to their bed. After he placed her on the bed, he pinned her down, and she saw the light ofdesire glinting in his eyes. She gasped. He’s going to do it even when I’m asleep? I guess I’ll have toreally pretend to be asleep next time.

She couldn’t pretend to be asleep this time since Ethan saw her wake up, and he wouldn’t let her fallasleep after he spent so much time waking her up.

Josephine felt like a fire was lit up in her, and she wanted to burn with Ethan too.

“You’re so beautiful,” said Ethan. He loved Josephine’s looks. She was beautiful and lively.

Happy about being praised, Josephine let him kiss her. They did it all around the room, from the bed tothe bathroom. The next morning, Josephine asked for a half-day off since she couldn’t get out of bed.

Jenna got a message after she woke up. It was from Donna, and she said she was already boardingthe flight. Jenna smirked. Donna will be here in eighteen hours. Then it’s time for Josephine to stepaside.

Ethan didn’t get any news about his mother’s visit. Donna made sure it was a secret—she toldeveryone not to tell Ethan about it. She wanted to check out her son’s relationship, but even before shecame, she had decided that this woman was not to be allowed to date her son.

She had three criteria for her son’s partner. One, they must have good character; two, they must not bematerialistic; and three, they must love her son more than his money, for anyone who loved moneymore than her son was selfish and greedy. Obviously, she thought this girl failed her litmus test, so shewanted to tell her son to break up with her.

Josephine came to work. She would be taking over Ain’s show. Since the episode that was airing nowwas recorded prior, Josephine still had time to train and prepare for the takeover. She changed into herwork attire and sat in the studio. Even though she was a little nervous, she presented herself to becalm and composed.

Tori stepped into the studio to watch. She heard that this was Josephine’s first show and was here towatch how Josephine would embarrass herself. However, she would be disappointed, as Josephinepresented herself perfectly to the camera. She was the perfect candidate for the job.

After Josephine read the first line, the producer gave her a thumbs up. “Good show, Josephine. That’sa great performance for a first-timer.”

“Thank you.” Josephine smiled.

Tori crossed her arms, feeling disappointed. It was frustrating that Josephine didn’t embarrass herself.She had to say that this woman had talent, and she was worried that Josephine might take over herspot if she became more popular in the company.

She was the host of prime-time news, and that was the most important show for the company.

Josephine was sipping some water when she saw Ethan coming into the studio holding a bouquet ofroses. Happily, she smiled.

Everyone looked at the entrance, after which they became nervous. They couldn’t believe Ethan wouldcome here, and he was holding a bouquet of flowers too.

Tori saw Ethan, and she quickly straightened herself out, then she put on her most dazzling smile.“Hello, Mr. Quarles.”

Ethan only glanced at her before he turned to look at Josephine, then the producer approached him.“The recording went well. Josephine did a good job.”

Ethan smiled and nodded proudly. “I knew she could do it.”

Josephine was sitting under a beam of light, her clothes showing off her perfect curves. Her faceseemed to shine under the light, and a hint of healthy red tinged her skin. She was perfect for thecamera.

Tori watched this scene unfold, and she was reminded of what she saw on the monitor of the filmcamera earlier. She had to say that Josephine was a great presenter as she looked good on camera

and had a memorable voice.

When Josephine left the studio, Ethan presented her with the flowers. He then wrapped his arm aroundher shoulder and kissed her forehead, his eyes filled with love.

Everyone envied Josephine for getting a boyfriend who loved and spoiled her so much.

Josephine wrapped her arm around Ethan, and her female colleagues almost went green with envy.They would love to be in her spot. If they could even touch Ethan once, they would die happy.

That night, Ethan threw a celebration, and he even bought a set of jewelry for Josephine. It might beexpensive, but it was nothing to Ethan. If Josephine refused it, it would be disrespectful to theirrelationship, so she took it.

Unbeknownst to Ethan, Jenna had taken a few photos of him picking out the jewelry for Josephine inthe afternoon. She wanted to get more ‘evidence’ to show Donna that Josephine was just amaterialistic woman who kept asking Ethan to buy things for her.

After dinner, Ethan took Josephine back to the villa, which was like their secret garden. It was wherethey could enjoy each other’s love and embrace without worries.

Josephine was still munching down on some fruits when Ethan took them away from her. Sheepishly,she said, “Ethan, you…”

Ethan bit down on the fruit and tossed her a look of allure. Josephine couldn’t resist that, so shepounced on him and pinned him down.

This position excited Ethan, and he gulped. He put his hand behind Josephine’s head and pressed hislips against hers. It was obvious that Josephine did not manage to get her fruit back.

Josephine started getting handsy too. Oh my God, his abs. His body feels so good. Mmm, I love this.Josephine might be reserved most of the time, but she always let herself go when her switch wasturned on. Ethan easily woke the sleeping passion within her.

Noticing her being handsy, Ethan asked hoarsely, “Having fun?”

“Yep. And you’re not letting anyone else touch you, get it?” declared Josephine.

Ethan smiled. “Of course. I’m yours forever.”

Happy, Josephine leaned down and kissed him. All of a sudden, he picked her up, and she reflexivelywrapped her legs around him. Panicked, she said, “No. I have a report to write.”

“You’re the boss’ wife. You don’t have to write any reports.” Ethan chuckled. He wouldn’t let her go thateasily.

No. That report will be needed tomorrow. She pleaded, “Please, just give me half an hour. You can doanything to me after that.”

Ethan narrowed his eyes, wondering if this was a good deal. He asked, “Are you sure I can doanything?”

Josephine gulped. Well, this is going to be bad. He’s taking advantage of me, and nothing good evercomes from that. However, I’m not scared. Not like he can gobble me up. He’ll always let me go if I justcry a little. Josephine had a few tricks up her sleeves, and she wasn’t afraid to use them. “Yep.” Shenodded.

Ethan put her down, and Josephine grabbed herself a glass of water before she darted off to do herreport. She could not get into it at first, for she kept getting distracted by Ethan. In the end, she forcedherself to power through and finish it in half an hour. After that, she deliberately hid in her room.

However, Ethan had been counting down. If she refused to come out, he would have to go in. Whenshe noticed what he was doing, she chuckled. “I’m not done yet.”

“Time’s up. If you’re not done, you’ll have to leave it.” He then picked her up from the chair.

Josephine closed her laptop and looked at him. “What will you do to me?”

“What do you say?” asked Ethan. “What would you like me to do?”

She was getting a bit intoxicated just listening to his voice that was so velvety. She wrapped her armsaround his neck. “Whatever you want.” She got a little excited, but then Ethan took her to the couchand she panicked. He’s going to do it right here? That’s a bit embarrassing. “We should take this backto the room.”

“I get to pick the spot,” Ethan declared. I get to do whatever I want.

Josephine couldn’t argue. She was the one who suggested this, so she had to take it. Thus, a fun nightbegan.

Jenna and her bodyguards were receiving Donna from the airport. They were waiting outside the VIPpassage, and after a while, Donna appeared. Walking behind her were two female bodyguards. Donnawas wearing a long, beautiful dress, and her accessories looked elegant and expensive. She was thelady of a rich family, and every move she made sang of elegance.

Jenna hugged her. “You’re here, Mrs. Quarles.”

“Take me to Ethan,” said Donna.

While they were on their way, Jenna showed Donna the picture she took the day before. “Ethan got hersome jewelry. I bet she kept asking him for it, and he picked it for her himself.”

“He wouldn’t even do it for me! And now he’s picking gifts for another girl?” Donna was a little jealousthat her son was treating another woman so well.

“You have to stop them from seeing each other, or he’s going to be her slave.”

“My son isn’t that worthless.” Donna was wondering how she should settle this.

“You can’t show her mercy, but still, be prepared. I bet she’s going to ask for some compensation.”

Donna hated women like that the most. Even though she was rich, she would not let herself get takenadvantage of.

“We should get a room at the hotel. I’d like to make some observations myself.” I should check it outwith my own eyes first, Donna thought.

The next day, Josephine went to work as usual. It was her second show, and she was getting better atit too. The producer didn’t forget to praise her. “We’re going to throw a celebration tonight. Can you askMr. Quarles to join us?” asked the producer.

“Tonight?” Josephine smiled.

“Yes. Short notice, and it’s only for our department.”

Josephine nodded. “I’ll text him.” She then texted Ethan, and he said he could go. “He can make it,”said Josephine.

Happy, the producer said, “Great. Looking forward to tonight.”

The news made its way to Tori. She was donning her earrings, and she froze for a moment. “What? Areyou sure Mr. Quarles will be there too?”

“Yes. Josephine asked him, and he said he’ll come.”

Tori looked into the mirror and smiled. I’m going to dress myself up and take all the attention away fromJosephine.

At 5.30PM, the excitement started to fill the air in the office. The employees were looking forward to thegathering later since their boss made reservations at an expensive restaurant. Their performance wasgreat that month and they wanted to celebrate Josephine joining them, so the company spent a ton ofmoney on this.

A lot of the workers clocked off early just to get changed. Of course, they had to doll themselves up!The ladies had heard that Ethan was going to be there, so even though they weren’t expecting anysurprises tonight, they wanted to dress up just for Ethan.

Josephine didn’t go back. She had a report to write, and she did not need to captivate Ethan anyway.This was just another dinner for her.

Tori was already in the boutique downstairs, picking out the best dress for the night. A black, shiningdress caught her eye, and she took it. “I’ll have this one.”

“Sure. We’ll style you up after you get changed.”

Tori got changed and asked someone to style her up. Once they were done, Tori radiated the air of agoddess, and the staff member praised her, “You’re beautiful. I bet you’ll be the star of the showtonight.”

“She’s beautiful and hot. Is someone you like going to show up tonight?”

Tori smiled in the mirror. “Yep.”

“Oh my gosh, he’s so lucky. You dressed yourself up just for him.”

Tori kept admiring herself. No matter her dress or looks, she knew she would be the star of the event. Ibet Ethan will look at me.

At 5.30PM, Josephine’s phone rang. She had just finished work. When she saw who was calling, shesmiled. “Are you here already?”

“Are you done with work? Come downstairs. I want to take you somewhere.”

“What? But the event’s starting soon.”

“Which is in an hour. We have enough time before that,” said Ethan.

Josephine took her bag and said goodbye to everyone. She then left the building and saw Ethan’s carright outside. Ethan’s bodyguard was in the driver’s seat while Ethan was standing beside the car.

She walked toward him with a smile. She hadn’t seen him for the entire day and she missed him, soshe hugged him. Ethan wrapped his arms around her as well and leaned down for a kiss, which madeher blush. She then got in the car.

An off-road vehicle was parked right beside them, and the passengers of that vehicle saw whathappened. Jenna was filled with envy, and Donna was a little surprised too. It was the first time her sonshowed so much love to a woman, and she was a little jealous, to be honest.

Her son could go for two weeks without calling her once, and she was jealous that he was treatingsomeone else so nicely, especially when that someone was a girl she didn’t really like.

The moment Ethan drove away, Jenna said, “Follow them.” The driver obliged.

Josephine wondered where Ethan was taking her, but she got her answer when they stopped in front ofan expensive boutique ten minutes later.

“Go on.”

“It’s just a regular dinner between colleagues. Do I even need a dress?” Josephine looked at him. Shedidn’t really have the urge to dress up.novelbin

“Oh, it’s not just between colleagues. You’re showing up as their boss’ wife tonight,” said Ethan.

Josephine smiled. She still couldn’t get used to this new identity of hers, but she didn’t want todisappoint Ethan. Since she had the chance to dress up now, she should take it.

They went into the boutique, and Jenna said, “See? All she does is spend his money on things likeclothes and jewelry. She never stops.”

Donna heaved a sigh. “We should leave. Let’s grab dinner. I’ll talk to her in a couple of days.”

Jenna would like Donna to settle things right here, but she couldn’t push it, so she said, “I’ll make somereservations. You like Mediterranean food, right? I know a good place.”

Donna nodded. She thought Jenna would make a good girlfriend for her son.

Ethan was waiting on the couch while Josephine selected her dress on the second floor. She chose asimple white dress. The hem extended to her knees, and the sleeves extended to her elbow. Shelooked elegant and beautiful in that dress.

She then sat in front of the dressing table as the stylist styled her up. As she closed her eyes, the stylistkept praising her looks, saying that they were perfect, exotic, and yet immaculately beautiful.

Josephine went downstairs after she was styled and Ethan turned around. What he saw captivatedhim. Josephine was adorable even without makeup, and now she looked like a goddess. “You’rebeautiful.” Ethan approached her.

His gaze did not escape Josephine, and she felt a little shy, then she held his hand. “Let’s go.Everyone’s waiting for us.” The group chat was asking her when she would arrive. Her colleagues werealready there and buzzing with excitement.

The ladies dressed themselves up for the event, but when Tori showed up, her beauty made them feelinadequate. Tori was a gorgeous woman, and she looked even more beautiful in makeup. A lot of theladies started whispering among themselves.

“Oh my gosh, she’s beautiful.”

“Of course, she does. Mr. Quarles must be coming tonight.”

“But he’s Josephine’s boyfriend. This isn’t going to look good on Tori.”

The ladies didn’t comment further on Tori’s actions, but they knew she dressed herself up just to attractEthan. She’s trying to seduce him. Guess there’ll be drama tonight.

Tori took her seat beside the main seat, which belonged to Ethan. This way, she could be close to him.She knew people were staring at her, but she didn’t care. She remained shining and brilliant, and itgarnered a bit of attention from the men.

Josephine and Ethan had just arrived at the restaurant, and so had Atticus. He went to sit beside Tori,though he was just here to back Ethan up. His wife wouldn’t have let him attend this event otherwise.

The ladies were wondering what kind of attire Josephine would don, and then someone opened thedoor. In came Josephine, and she was holding Ethan’s arm.

They looked like a perfect match, and Tori felt like she was being mocked. She didn’t expect Josephineto dress herself up, and she looked as beautiful and radiant as Tori, if not even more.

Josephine led Ethan to the main seat, where she noticed Tori as well as her immaculate getup.Moreover, she was sitting in the seat right beside Ethan. Josephine shot her a look. Even though Torifelt like she was mocked earlier, she still stared back at Josephine like a triumphant peacock. No onecould see it, but there were sparks of enmity flying between the ladies.

Ethan pointed at an older man. “So, what’s your position in the company?”

“A team leader and producer, sir.” The man named Dustin Oserova stood up, feeling excited.

“Sit with me. We need to talk about work.” Ethan then looked at Tori. “Switch seats with him, please.”

Tori froze for a moment, and then she smiled. “Of course, sir.” She stood up and changed seats.

Everyone was shocked about that, for this was the first time Tori was treated like this, and Ethanobviously did this to make sure Josephine would feel happy. Ah, he loves her. Any man would love tobe surrounded by women. The love of women is their bragging right, and yet Mr. Quarles ditched it forhis lover.

Josephine held a cup of tea and sipped from it, and then Atticus chuckled. “We should make ourorders, sir.”

“Get me the menu, and we can all make our orders,” said Ethan.

Everyone got a menu, but Ethan didn’t take one. He leaned over and looked at Josephine’s instead.“Order anything you want,” said Ethan.

Josephine nodded. “Sure.”

Everyone made their orders without even checking the prices. Ethan would be the one paying after all,and they wouldn’t let go of any chance to have a feast.

Tori was in a bad mood. She didn’t think Ethan would push her away so far just to make sureJosephine wasn’t upset, but she still couldn’t help liking him. No man she ever met had ignored her sohard, yet that was the kind of man she liked.

Oh, I can’t wait to see Josephine’s face when I steal her boyfriend away.

After making their orders, everyone started chatting with one another. Josephine joined in theconversations as well. She would listen closely especially when they were talking about other TVstations. Just then, a lady brought up the gossip about a certain male celebrity, and Josephine leanedin just so she could hear better.

“What? He’s really going to hold a concert? I’ve been waiting for five years! Five years!” Josephinebuzzed with excitement.

Ethan listened in for a bit. He thought it was a female singer, but then the worker got into fangirl mode.“I’ve seen his interview live. He’s more handsome than he is on TV. He’s fair, tall, and slim. Gosh, he’sbeautiful.”

Smugly, Josephine said, “I saw his interview live too. Man, he’s handsome.”

Ethan coughed. She’s praising another man right in front of me? Come on, show me some respect.We’re having dinner with everyone here.

“Will you go to his concert, then?’

“Of course. I’m not missing it for the world, and I’m getting a VIP seat,” said Josephine.

Tori had been quiet. She turned to look at Ethan at once when she heard what Josephine said, but allhe was doing was stare at Josephine with resignation. There was no anger in his eyes, and there waseven a smile on his lips.

Am I seeing things? Is he not angry that Josephine’s fangirling over a guy singer?

Josephine turned to Ethan. “The concert is this Friday. Can you come with me?”

Ethan nodded. “Sure.”

It was then Josephine realized that she was so engrossed with the conversation, she neglected him.She felt for his hand so that she could hold it, but she touched his thigh instead. That was when Ethangrabbed her hand, and she smiled at him.

Ethen said gently, “I’ll get you the best spot.”

It wasn’t loud, but everyone heard it. All of them could feel the love in the air.

Tori looked down, envy filling her heart. She couldn’t believe a guy could actually allow his girlfriend tofangirl over a guy singer, and to think he would get her the tickets for the best spot so they could enjoythe concert together. Have I been wrong about men?

Food was served eventually, and everyone dug in. Josephine cut up a piece of steak and fed it toEthan. After he gulped it down, he fed her a piece as well, and she munched down on it. They wereshowing their love openly, and everyone was envious.

Soon, it was time to raise some toast. Atticus made the first one, and that was when Tori found anexcuse to go to Ethan. She held up a glass of red wine and swayed her hips as she walked toward him,and then she placed a hand on the table. Sweetly, she said, “A toast, Mr. Quarles.”

Ethan waved her down. “I can’t. I’m driving later.”

“I’ll take that, Tori.” Josephine stood up and raised Ethan’s glass for him, causing Tori’s smile to freeze.

“Congratulations on finding a good boyfriend, Josephine.”

“Thank you. And I hope you’ll find your happiness one day.”

Tori went back to her seat, but her mood was foul. She dressed herself up perfectly tonight, and yet shewas now among the crowd she looked down on. She felt like she was a joke. Frustrated, she downedglass after glass of wine. A male worker who liked her said, “You should stop, Tori.”

Tori was a good drinker, so this much wasn’t enough to take her out. Josephine then went to therestroom, and Tori did the same.

Right after Josephine finished washing her hands, Tori came out of the cubicle. They stared at eachother in the mirror, and Tori blurted, “What did you do to him to make him so infatuated with you?”

“Tori, I don’t care what you do with the other guys, but if you try to take Ethan, I’ll make you pay,”Josephine warned as she looked at Tori in the mirror.

“Is that a threat? You’re not even that established as his girlfriend yet,” Tori snapped back.

“Don’t challenge me,” said Josephine quietly.

Tori shot her a look of mockery. “You’re just insecure. I know men, and Ethan’s the kind where womenwould throw themselves at his feet whenever he goes. If you’re that insecure about yourself, youshould leave.”

Josephine refused to talk to her, but Tori wouldn’t stop. “Do you really think he’ll only love you forever?Any man with money will never love a single woman. They’re the same, and women will always be theobject they chase after. He’s not going to only love you forever. Even without me, someone else will tryto take him away from you.”

Josephine wasn’t exactly a cocky person, but she would never dwell on matters she couldn’t control. Allshe wanted was a good life. She enjoyed the process, not the end, and that included relationships.Even if she were to break up with Ethan someday, she wouldn’t dwell on it. What mattered was that thelove was there, and it was real.

Tori’s taunt didn’t work on Josephine. Instead, it only told Josephine that Tori was nothing but someonewho needed to rely on men to thrive, and women like that were pathetic. They would never be able towithdraw themselves from a relationship once they fell in love, and they would become a people-pleaser. That was something Josephine didn’t want to be.

“Honestly, your taunts don’t work on me. If there comes a day when he falls out of love with me, then Iwill have to accept it. What matters is that he loves me now. Women are not accessories to men. We’reequals—two independent life forms who get together because they admire each other.”

Tori was shocked to hear that, and she blinked. She herself was a brilliant woman, but even she wouldfall for a man like Ethan. She would want to possess him forever. The thought of him leaving wasterrifying, and yet she couldn’t believe Josephine would be so calm about it. How does she do it? Isn’tshe scared he might leave her? “Aren’t you worried he might get tired of you?” Tori asked.

Josephine fixed her hair in the mirror, then she turned to Tori and gave Tori a confident smile thatshowed she was not afraid. “You might. I’m not.” Josephine turned on her heel and left.

Tori saw her off. She envied that part of Josephine, for Tori was scared about losing a lot of things. Shewas worried she might end up not being able to find a job if she was fired since she wasn’t younganymore. She might lose the source of funds for her bags and beautiful dresses, and she was scaredabout being abandoned.

She was worried, and so she wanted to hook up with a brilliant man and never let him go. “Can youreally do what you say?” she muttered.

The moment Josephine came back, Ethan’s eyes lit up. Atticus took the chance to talk about work withEthan earlier, and Ethan almost fell asleep listening to it. Good thing Atticus stopped the momentJosephine came back.

Ethan took a sip of the fruit wine and gave the glass to Josephine. “Here. This one’s good.”

Josephine took the glass and had a sip. Yep. This is what I would drink. She nodded. “It’s good. Anymore of this?”

“Yes. Here.” Ethan handed her a bottle of that wine. Josephine poured herself a glass and shared therest with the ladies. Ethan was all smiles about it. He was captivated by Josephine and everything shedid, for she radiated kindness and selflessness.

Which was also worrying, because that meant she might disregard her own safety just to savesomeone in times of danger. He hoped she would care about herself more, for he couldn’t be with herat all times.

Tori went back to her seat, and she held her glass up as she stared at Ethan. There was passionatelove in her eyes, but Ethan still wouldn’t give her a moment of his time. All his attention was onJosephine, and Josephine was like a rose in full bloom, beautiful and real.

Eventually, the dinner came to an end. Ethan took Josephine’s hand and stood up to leave. Tori quicklyfollowed them. Her heart still led her toward Ethan even though it seemed hopeless for her.

Ethan led Josephine into an elevator, and everyone else took the other elevators, but Tori followedEthan. When she realized she was the only one who did it, things got a little awkward, but she refusedto leave.

“Two glasses of fruit wine. That’s all it takes to bring you down?” Ethan flicked Josephine’s cheek.

“I’m not drunk,” said Josephine stubbornly.

“But I like it when you’re tipsy.” Ethan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and offered his shoulderfor her to lean against it.

Since Tori was here, Josephine got a little embarrassed, but Ethan still pinched her cheekaffectionately. Tori watched them being lovey-dovey in the elevators’ mirror. Ethan seemed like adifferent person when he was with Josephine. Unlike the usually cool and aloof man he was, heseemed like a beast that would gobble Josephine up at any time.

Tori had a feeling that even if they were to break up someday, Ethan would be the one afraid of thatprospect. Eventually, they reached their floor, and Tori emerged from the elevator. She smiled as shesaw the couple off. “See you around, Mr. Quarles, Josephine.”

Josephine didn’t like Tori, but she said, “Thank you.” She then left with Ethan.

The driver was driving, while the couple sat in the backseat as they were taken home.

On their way back, Ethan told his assistant to get the concert tickets and that he wanted the best seatspossible. Happy, Josephine rested her chin on his arm. She looked like a child who just got her favoritetoy. The only men in her life who loved her so much were her grandfather and father. Now, Ethan wasadded to the list.

“Alright, got the tickets. We can see the concert this Friday.” Ethan kissed her forehead.

Jenna and Donna were waiting outside Ethan’s villa. After a lot of persuasion, Jenna finally got Donnato agree to this. Every night Jenna did nothing to break the couple up, Josephine would get to sleepwith Ethan, and the thought of that tormented her.

Donna was getting upset as well. She was in the backseat and kept checking the time. It’s almost nine-thirty. Why isn’t he home yet?

“Give them a while. They might be on their way home.” Jenna was worried Donna might get tired ofwaiting.

Donna nodded. “I’m alright. I’ll wait a bit more.”

“I bet it’s because Josephine’s being clingy,” said Jenna.

Donna’s displeasure toward Josephine mounted. She hated clingy girls. Women like that wereobviously dependent on men and would amount to nothing in life.

Just then, a black car appeared around the corner, and Donna’s bodyguard said, “Mr. Quarles is back.”

Jenna was starting to get excited. Alright, here goes. I’m going to make her pay for what she did to me.Donna’s going to embarrass her.

At the same time, Ethan’s driver noticed a car outside the villa and said, “Sir, there’s a car right outsidethe entrance.”

It looks like Jenna’s car. He said, “Ignore them. Keep driving.”

Just when the car was about to go through the gates, the off-road vehicle suddenly blocked his path.

Josephine could guess that this was Jenna’s doing, so she said, “You should say hi to her.”

Ethan reluctantly went to the off-road vehicle’s backseat and knocked on the window, but when it rolleddown, he was surprised to see who was inside. “Mom?” He couldn’t believe his mother was inside thecar.

Donna shot him a look of displeasure. “You seem unhappy to see me.”

“Oh, you should’ve called, Mom.” Ethan smiled at her and opened the door. “Well, come out.”

“Come with me, Jenna.” Donna said, “I only want to see you and no one else.”

She doesn’t want to see Josephine? Ethan looked at Jenna. Ah, it must be her. So, Mom knows. “Mygirlfriend’s in my car. I’d like to introduce her to you.” Ethan wanted to introduce Josephine to hismother.

“I’m tired. I don’t want to meet any strangers,” said Donna. She wanted her son to know that she wasdispleased.

Well, I can’t force her. If I do, she’ll only dislike Josephine more. “Give me a minute.”

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