Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1841-1850
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Chapter 1841-1850

“Thank you, Ethan.” Deep down, Josephine was touched by his gesture. I feel like he’s investing in thecompany for me.

“There’s no need to thank me. It’s always been your dream, no? And I’m glad I can make your dreamcome true,” answered Ethan in a low voice. That’s why I threw a lot of money in. I want her to behappy.

“How can I repay you?” Josephine bit her lip. Ethan has been a big help. I can’t just take advantage ofhim after he helps me with many things. A simple ‘thank you’ isn’t enough to express my gratitude.

“It’s not a big deal. I’m happy to help, really.” Ethan insisted on not taking anything from her.

However, Josephine still planned on giving him something in return. I can’t take it for granted.

Josephine smiled. “I don’t need anything.”

“I heard that you have been interested in the position of a news anchor. Since you’re excelling in yourjob and also studied broadcast communication back in university, I don’t see a problem in promotingyou to a news anchor. It’s my fault for overlooking an employee as excellent as you and wasting yourtalents,” Atticus said.

Josephine let out a strained chuckle.

When the assistant returned to her office, she called Katrina out of spite. When the call connected, shecut to the chase. “Can you believe it, Kat? A while ago, Mr. Kowalski asked me to prepare the best teawe have for his guest. I thought he was seeing someone important, but it turned out to be Josephine. Idon’t understand why she has gotten so lucky to the degree that even Mr. Kowalski has to grovel ather!”

“What? Is Josephine in a meeting with Atticus?” Katrina asked nervously.

“Yes. I think they’re talking about work. Anyway, I don’t think anybody can ever match her status in thecompany from this moment on.”

“I’ll be right there.” With that, Katrina hung up the phone.

Soon, she showed up in the corridor and arrived at the door of Atticus’ office. Due to her experience ineavesdropping, she was aware that she could open the door without alerting anyone in the office if shepressed the door handle hard.

As the assistant kept watch for her, she quietly pushed the door open and listened in to the ongoingconversation in the office.

Meanwhile, Atticus was offering Josephine a promotion to become a news anchor. He insisted on hisoffer. “Josephine, let’s do it this way—you take up Ain’s position first. I’ll assign her another job whenshe returns.”

“Is that really okay?” Josephine hesitated as she mused to herself, I’m just filling the vacancy when Ainis not around. It’s two years at most. After all, Ain needs such a long time to recover.

“There’s nothing wrong about it. I’m the director here. It’s up to me to decide whom I want to promote.Besides, you’re Mr. Quarles’ girlfriend. I can’t possibly allow you to remain a reporter and have youexperience the bad weather. Mr. Quarles won’t like it,” Atticus explained.

Katrina was boiling in anger when she heard such words from Atticus. I’ve had enough! At that, shepushed the door open and stormed inside. “Atticus, that’s not fair! I’m not bad myself, aren’t I? I canalso handle the position!”

Katrina didn’t bother to tone down her anger.

The commotion took Josephine aback. Has Katrina been eavesdropping this whole time?

Katrina turned to Josephine without warning and accused, “Josephine, do you have no shame at all?You can’t accept Atticus’ offer!”

“Why not? I believe that I’m competent,” Josephine arched her brows and countered.

“Hmph! You’re not the only competent person in the company. Others are also capable of taking thisposition.” Katrina huffed. “It’s just not fair to the others! What’s so special about her that you’re lettingher take the job? Atticus, you promised me the same!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Kat. We’re at work. It’s about business.” Atticus pulled a long face. Katrina hadalways been a nuisance to him.

“It’s unfair! I suggest going through an interview and a test. She has to do the same and pass if youwant me to let the matter drop. Or else I’ll make it known among the employees.” Katrina refused toback down.

Josephine turned to Atticus. “I agree with her, Mr. Kowalski. We’ll do it fair and square.”

After that, Josephine rose from her seat and took her leave. Katrina followed suit and caught up withher, sneering, “Josephine, do you really think you can do whatever you want just because you have abig shot like Mr. Quarles to back you up?”

The accusation took Josephine aback, and she turned around to explain, “I won’t bring my personal lifeto work, or the other way around. I know the difference.”

“You would’ve accepted Atticus’ offer to promote you if I didn’t stop both of you in time, no?” Katrinacrossed her arms, pleased to have sabotaged Josephine’s promotion.

“Honestly, I agree with you on this matter. We’ll do it fair and square,” Josephine answered calmly.

“Hmph! Are you really expecting me to believe it?”

“Suit yourself.” Josephine didn’t bother to explain further.

Since there was nobody around, Katrina shot Josephine a bold question. “Just how did you manage towrap Mr. Quarles around your finger? You must’ve done something! Did you sleep with each other?”

Josephine exhaled. She could feel the irritation inside her grow. She turned around, not holding backthe bite in her tone. “It doesn’t concern you.”

Katrina paused for a moment before she retorted, “Looks like I’m right. You’ve got to the home base.”

Josephine lost her patience, so she didn’t bother to reply. Meanwhile, a jealous Katrina was glaring atJosephine so hard that her eyes reddened. Ethan has a tall and strong body that rivals a model. Othermen are no match for him. I would do the same if I were in her shoes. Sleeping with Ethan is somethingto boast about for the rest of my life. All I need to do is wait for Ethan to get tired of Josephine. At thattime, it would be my turn.

Josephine returned to the office, but she heard the discussion going on around her. Most of the staffwere envious and amazed. After all, Josephine was invisible around the company most of the time, soit was quite a feat that she knew the largest shareholder.

Besides, many women worked in the TV station, and most of them were beautiful. The broadcastersand news anchors, each with their own beauty, were the station’s image. How did a reporter likeJosephine wrap the largest shareholder around her finger?

Meanwhile, a gorgeous woman walked into Atticus’ office, her purse in hand.

Atticus greeted her, “You’re early, Tori. I thought we were meeting up in the afternoon.”

Tori cut to the chase with her arms crossed, “Mr. Kowalski, I heard that there’s a replacement for thecompany’s largest shareholder. Why didn’t you tell me about that? Will you ever introduce me to him?”

“Oh! You’re talking about Mr. Quarles, I presume?”

“I heard that not only is he young and handsome, but he’s also wealthy. You should’ve introduced me tosuch a good man!” Even though Tori was smiling, she couldn’t hide the resentment in her expression.

Atticus didn’t need more words to understand Tori’s motives. She was a famous news anchor in theindustry. Besides, she was also young and single. She had been dating some rich men before, but allher relationships ended up in a breakup.

Now that she was single, she was looking for her next target.

“Sure, I’ll arrange a meal with you and Mr. Quarles. It’s time to introduce our best television anchor tohim.” Atticus didn’t dare outright reject Tori. After all, he spent a fortune to poach her. Furthermore, shewas a well-known figure in the field.

“Mr. Kowalski, how did the reporter girl Josephine meet Mr. Quarles?” The same question was buggingTori. This Josephine is quite something. She’s a step ahead of all the women out there!

“I’m not sure, but I guess they’ve known each other for a long time. After all, Josephine’s grandfather isquite famous in political circles. It’s natural if she knows all the big shots.”

His words convinced Tori. However, her face was filled with confidence as she decided to compete withJosephine for Ethan’s attention. She happened to come across the pictures in the group chat the otherday. The pictures that captured Ethan’s face and body stunned her. Besides, the way he gaveJosephine a Ferrari as a gift also surprised Tori. The most expensive gifts Tori had ever received weredesigner bags, but Josephine surpassed her achievement in a split second by receiving a sports car asa gift.

Previously, Tori was on a study trip outside the company and only returned this morning. I can’t believeI missed all the drama!

“All right, Mr. Kowalski. I hold you to your word about the meal between the three of us. I’m lookingforward to getting to know Mr. Quarles better.”

With that, Tori left the office. Just when she started to make her way back to her office, she changedher mind and took a detour into the elevator. She pressed the button to the level where Josephine’soffice was located. I wonder what Josephine looks like.

Meanwhile, Josephine was seated at her desk in the office. She was enjoying a cup of coffee whiletalking to Wren. The moment Tori stepped into the office, she caught the attention of a group of maleworkers. Walking around the office, she searched for a specific person until a nameplate came intoview. Then, she raised her head and studied the face of the nameplate’s owner.

She indeed looks pretty. She could’ve become prettier if she paid attention to her appearance.However, nobody in the TV station can ever steal the spot of the company’s beauty queen from me!

“Miss Alford, are you looking for someone?” An assistant approached her.novelbin

“No, I’m not looking for anyone. I’m just walking around. Don’t let me keep you. You should return towork.” At that, Tori cast Josephine one last glance before turning on her heel and leaving.

After dealing with all the tasks at hand, Josephine was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the eveningand meeting with Ethan. She couldn’t wait to see him after getting off work.

However, she planned to go home and see her mother as well. I need to tell Mom.

Josephine decided to ask, “Wren, can I bother you for a minute?”

“What is it? What can I help you with?”

“I’m calling my mother to tell her that I’m staying at your place for work purposes over the next week. Ineed you to cover up for me.” At the end of her sentence, Josephine was already blushing.

Since Wren also had a boyfriend, she could understand the reason for Josephine asking for help.Therefore, she kindly agreed to help Josephine. “Sure. Call her. I’ll cover up for you.”

The pair headed to the pantry before Josephine dialed her mother’s number.

“Hello, Joey! Are you coming home tonight or are you working late today?”

“I haven’t finished my work. Mom, here’s the thing—I also need to stay at my colleague’s place over thenext week. I’ll go home later and grab a few things before leaving for her place.”

At that moment, Wren took the phone and enthusiastically greeted Heidi, “Hello, Mrs. Jacobson. I’mWren. Lately, we are working on summarizing an important work report, so we have to work together.”

“Oh! It’s you, Wren. Thanks for having Joey over. I’m counting on you to take care of her.” Heidi wasinstantly convinced by Wren’s words.

“Rest assured, Mrs. Jacobson. I’ll take good care of her!” Wren promised.

Josephine eventually took the phone back. “I have to go, Mom. I’ll go home and pick up some clotheslater.”

“I’m not at home at the moment. You don’t need to wait for me.”

“All right, Mom.”

After Josephine hung up the phone, Wren couldn’t help but lean in and whisper, “Joey, did you move inwith Mr. Quarles?”

The innocent question sent a blush to Josephine’s face. A few seconds later, she nodded lightly. “I did.”

“That’s so good! You have to be careful with such a boyfriend, though,” Wren reminded her.

“How am I supposed to be careful? In my opinion, what’s mine will always belong to me. And if it isn’tdestined to be mine, I can’t bend it to my will.” Josephine had no idea about how she should react towhat awaited her in the future.

“It’s just that Mr. Quarles has a lot of admirers in our company, not to mention that he’s an influentialman. Just be careful,” Wren murmured.

At that moment, Josephine’s phone rang, cutting their conversation short. She glanced at the screen.“It’s him.”

“You should answer it. I won’t keep you any longer.” With that, Wren returned to her work.

Josephine answered the call in a sweet voice, “Hello?”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes. You can get ready now.” Ethan’s magnetic voice reached her from the otherend of the line.

Josephine hummed a response. “All right. See you in ten minutes.”

She then went downstairs to wait for Ethan after grabbing her belongings. Since she made herrelationship with Ethan public, she saw no point in worrying about others’ opinions anymore.

Josephine waited for Ethan’s arrival at the intersection. It wasn’t a long wait as the distant roar of thesports car’s engine grew even louder until the car rolled to a stop in front of her. The window lowered,revealing Ethan’s face.

“Get in the car,” he urged.

Josephine did as she was told and informed him, “I want to go home first. I need to pack a few clothes.”

A glint of surprise flashed across Ethan’s fathomless eyes. “Have you decided to move in with me?”

Pursing her red lips in shyness, Josephine nodded. “Yes, I want to get to know you, and have you learnnew things about me too.”

Dating was a process to spend time together and get to know each other. Josephine doubted theycould maintain their relationship without understanding each other.

“I’m glad to hear that!” It was exactly what Ethan had in mind.

Ethan then sent Josephine back to her house. Her mother was currently out with friends. Meanwhile,her father was always on a business trip. Thus, Josephine spent most of her time with her mother.

Josephine rushed into the house and simply packed a few things before returning downstairs. Even atthis point, she was still a bit shy. After all, it was the first time she lied to her mother just for dating herboyfriend.

She got into the sports car and Ethan drove her back to the hotel. Josephine sighed in relief. She didnot bring any work home with her, so she had more time to herself.

This morning, Ethan had snapped a few photos of the villa, and now he was sharing them with her. Shewas well aware that it was a rare opportunity to find detached villas downtown.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Are you looking forward to moving in with me?” Ethan asked, reaching out his hand and putting hisarm around her.

Josephine nodded in excitement. “Of course!”

“We’ll pick out furniture and other stuff for our new home this weekend. You can decide what you want.”Ethan was looking forward to decorating the house with the woman he loved.

He wanted to build a family with this woman and live a peaceful life with her. This was the first time intwenty-seven years that he wanted to do that.

She was moved by his words. She cuddled him as her mind filled with her future plan with him by herside. However, there were many blank spaces she struggled to fill. For example, his family and hiscareer. All of them were located somewhere else. Will we last?

Even a calm and rational woman like her refused to think about it. All she wanted was to stay with himas long as she could and never worried about their future.

Josephine suddenly raised her head and locked eyes with Ethan. She saw desire deep down inside hiseyes. It was lust—he was hoping he could make a move.

Josephine was blushing profusely at his clear intention. “I-I got my period.”

She noticed it in the office this afternoon. Thus, even though she intended to make it to the next base,she had to wait.

Ethan burst into laughter before holding her tighter in his arms. He pressed a kiss intended as apunishment to her cheek. “It’s all right. I can wait.”

What matters the most is that she’s ready.

Josephine was grateful for such an unstable factor. After all, she was falling head over heels for Ethanat the moment. She needed some time to think about it.

Josephine leaned into him. At that moment, Ethan’s phone rang. He grabbed it and glanced at thecaller ID before answering, “Hello?”

“Young Master, when are you coming back?” Ethan’s subordinate asked.

“Half a year later.”

“What about the ongoing project at the North Pole? Don’t you need to supervise it yourself?”

Ethan narrowed his eyes. “I have a more important task at hand than the project.”

Josephine was taking a nap as she curled up against Ethan like a kitten. When the words left him, hereyes fluttered open in disbelief. She allowed herself to immerse her emotions as she gazed at hissharp jawline.

Is he referring to me? Does it mean he prioritizes me over his work?

He felt her gaze on his face. He caressed her head while he was on the phone. He even bent down tokiss her on the head. The intimacy came out naturally, much like something a normal couple would do.

She curled her lips upward as she snuggled up against his broad chest, content with relaxing next tohim. After a long day of work, she was extremely happy to be able to find security in his arms.

At night, Josephine and Ethan slept in separate rooms. Due to Ethan having a video conference, heasked Josephine to go to sleep first.

Josephine got into bed early since she had to work the next day. However, she decided to read a bookbefore sleep found her. After all, she wanted to prove herself worthy of the position of the news anchor.

She was aware that aside from Katrina, the others might also think that she got the position throughconnections. However, Josephine hoped to get it with a clear conscience. She wanted the others toknow that she was capable of depending on herself.

Others’ opinions don’t matter. The most important thing is for me to stay true to myself.

The next morning, Josephine woke up earlier than yesterday. Ethan hadn’t woken up when she left thebedroom. Gently pushing his bedroom door open, she locked eyes with the man who opened his eyesat the light noise. Watching her slip in quietly like a cat, he put his arms under his head before askingwith a smile, “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t have to send me off. My friend will be picking me up. Go back to sleep, hmm?” Josephinekissed Ethan on the cheek and added, “I’ll contact you later.”

Ethan checked the time and realized that Josephine had awoken half an hour earlier. He intended tosend her off, but his alarm hadn’t gone off. Seeing that she was leaving, he suddenly reached out hishand and held onto her.

Josephine was dressed professionally, giving her the appearance of being both elegant and capable.Ethan really didn’t want to let her leave like this.

She fell on Ethan’s blanket, her face flushed. “What are you doing?” she coquettishly murmured as shefluffed her long hair.

“I miss you! I’ve missed you all night,” Ethan said, blinking his eyes pitifully as if he were an aggrievedchild. “Are you not going to compensate me for that?”

All sorts of images flashed across Josephine’s mind. Compensate? What does he mean by this?

Just as she was having impure thoughts, the man sat up and drew her into his embrace. Then, he gaveher a peck on the neck and said, “You can go now.”

Josephine’s face turned completely red. Fine. I’m overthinking!

She then dashed out the door so that Ethan wouldn’t notice her flushed cheeks.

Truth was, Josephine didn’t have any friends to pick her up, so she hailed a cab instead. After reachingthe company, she devoted all her attention to her work.

Around 10.00AM, Ethan received Atticus’ call. Atticus asked Ethan if they could meet for lunch becausehe had some job matters to report.

“Okay. I’ll meet you at a restaurant near the company. Bring Josephine as well.”

“I’ll surely bring Miss Jacobson along,” Atticus replied.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the woman sitting on the couch and stated, “Mr. Quarlesasked me to bring Josephine together for lunch.”

“Whatever for? It’s enough for him to have my company,” Tori said as she sat with her legs crossed.She had dressed up on purpose today since she had requested that Atticus set up a meeting withEthan so she could get closer to the man.

Why should we bring Josephine along? She will only ruin my chance!

“Are we not bringing Josephine then?” Atticus asked.

“Of course not! When we reach the restaurant later, simply find an excuse and tell him Josephine is notin the company.”

“But Mr. Quarles will definitely probe.”

“Fine. Send her out for some outdoor interviews. Mr. Kowalski, no matter what, I want to have lunchalone with Mr. Quarles today. Do you understand?” Tori declared arrogantly. She was now the mostfamous newscaster in the company, and even Atticus had to show her some respect.

Atticus went silent for a while before nodding his head. “Okay. I’ll arrange something outdoors forJosephine to attend to later. I’ll also find an excuse to skip that lunch. You’re going to go by yourself!”

Tori smiled in satisfaction when she heard that. “Thank you, Mr. Kowalski!”

Soon after, Josephine, who was in the reporters’ office, was assigned an outdoor interview. It wasabout a wastewater treatment issue at a company. Many reporters were dispatched previously toconduct interviews on the same issue, but none were successful. Hence, it was now Josephine’s turn.

Josephine quickly coordinated with the photography department and arranged for the company’s car tobe in front of the main entrance by 10.30AM. She was always serious about her work.

They arrived at the interview location at around 11.00AM. However, as they were about to enter, thecompany’s security guard arrogantly stopped them. “Get lost! We do not accept interviews.”

“But the pollutants in your company’s discharge far exceed the legal limit! We’ve come to seekclarification from the relevant department,” Josephine stated firmly.

“That’s not the truth! There isn’t such a thing. Get lost now, or I’ll have to chase you all away forcefully.”The security guard had been directed by his superior to prevent any reporters from entering at all costs,as the company’s upper management did not want this matter to be reported any longer.

Josephine, however, did not leave. Another security guard became agitated and started pushing thevideographer. Then, he turned around and pushed Josephine hard as well, causing her to lose herfooting and fall to the ground.

“Josephine, are you all right?” Her assistant quickly went over to support her.

Josephine’s palm had landed on a sharp stone, resulting in a bleeding wound. However, she waved herhand and said, “I’m fine.”

“But you’re bleeding! Let’s go to the hospital and get it bandaged now!”

“I’ll beat up any reporters who appear in front of me from now on! Get lost right now!” the security guardyelled.

Josephine and the others had no choice but to return to the car to seek further instructions from theirgroup leader. Their group leader instructed them to wait and when the company’s higher managementappeared, they were to rush over and interview them.

Meanwhile, Ethan’s car stopped in front of a high-end restaurant punctually at noon. Atticus hadalready reserved a private room for lunch.

Upon seeing Ethan arrive at the private room, the waiter opened the door and said to him, “Welcome,sir. Please come in.”

Ethan then entered the room. The instant he walked in, he noticed a woman seated on the couchinside the room, but it wasn’t Josephine.

Tori, on the other hand, stared with her eyes wide in surprise when she saw the man who had justentered. As she looked at him dazedly, she felt her heart glowing with adoration for him.

Oh my! All of his photos cannot even come close to capturing his elegance!

She hurriedly rose to greet Ethan. “Hello, Mr. Quarles. I am Tori Alford, a newscaster in the company.Nice to meet you.”

“Where’s Atticus?” Ethan frowned and asked.

Didn’t Atticus say he would bring Josephine along?

“Oh! Mr. Kowalski suddenly has something urgent to attend to, so I’ll be accompanying you for lunchtoday, Mr. Quarles,” Tori replied eagerly.

However, Ethan’s face darkened when he heard that. He already knew what Atticus was up to when hesaw the unruliness and admiration in Tori’s eyes.

Instead of bringing Josephine, Atticus had arranged for another woman from the company to attendtoday’s lunch. This irritated Ethan greatly.

“Excuse me. I’ve got something else on.” He turned around and left.

“You’ve just arrived, Mr. Quarles. Why are you leaving so quickly?” Tori quickly stepped in front ofEthan, stopping him from leaving while winking at him. “Mr. Quarles, I really want to know you more.Could you please grant me my wish today?”

Ethan simply narrowed his eyes and asked, “Don’t you know my girlfriend works in the company?”

That rendered Tori a little awkward. She quickly regained her smile and stated, “It’s just a meal, Mr.Quarles. Furthermore, you’re already here.”

Ethan’s gaze dimmed when he heard that. “I’ll never allow anyone to disrespect my girlfriend.”

He opened the door and walked out, leaving Tori stunned and flushed with embarrassment.

Don’t men like women’s admiration for them? All the men I’ve encountered have never turned down alady who hurled herself at them! Ethan’s words today truly hurt Tori’s self-esteem.

Is Josephine really that captivating? How can Ethan be so enthralled by her that he didn’t even look atme?

After exiting the restaurant, Ethan called Josephine. Josephine was having her wound bandaged byher colleague in the car. When she heard her phone ring, she smiled and answered the call. “Hi! Haveyou had your lunch yet?”

“Where are you?” Ethan asked in a low voice.

“I’m working. I have an outdoor interview today,” Josephine answered. However, her colleagueaccidentally tugged on her wound at this point, causing her to cry out in pain.

“What happened? Are you hurt?” Ethan asked concernedly when he heard that.

“I’m fine. I just fell and scratched my palm,” Josephine explained cheerfully.

Ethan, however, couldn’t bear Josephine being wounded. “Where are you? I’ll be right there.”

“You don’t have to. My work is not done yet. I’ll see you tonight!” Josephine quickly ended the call asshe did not want Ethan to come. Furthermore, the interview she had to conduct today was of utmostimportance, and she had to get it done.

At this point, her colleague said, “Josephine, there’s a posh car stopped in front of the entrance. Thatmust be the car of one of the company’s senior managers. Let’s go over now!”

Hearing that, Josephine grabbed the microphone and rushed over, completely ignoring her wound.

It was indeed one of the senior managers who stepped out of the car. When he saw Josephine and theothers running toward him, he panicked. Many reporters had been bothering him recently and he wasalready fed up with them.

As Josephine had studied the relevant documents previously, she recognized the person stepping outof the car. It was Dane Cooke, the vice president of the company. With that, she immediately pointedthe microphone at him and asked, “Mr. Cooke, is your company’s wastewater discharge in accordance

with the law? According to the relevant department, the pollutants in your company’s discharge are wayabove the permissible limit, and all nearby water sources have been affected. What do you have to sayabout this?”

“I don’t have anything to say. “Everything in our company is done in accordance with the law,” Danesaid sternly.

“Can you show us the examination report of your company’s discharge to satisfy the public?”

Dane choked a little when he heard that. “You are mere reporters. What right do you have to request tosee the report?” he snarled.

“You’re right. It’s because we are reporters that we have the responsibility to report on this topic to thepublic and be their voice. Please answer my question, Mr. Cooke,” Josephine stated bluntly as shelooked straight at Dane.

Upon hearing that, Dane finally looked at Josephine properly and realized that she was very beautiful.He immediately had an ulterior motive in his mind and said, “Okay. I’ll agree to an interview with you.Let’s set another date and time for a private interview.”

“You mean you’re willing to accept my interview, right?” Josephine wanted to be certain.

“Of course. Our company will provide everyone with a reasonable explanation. Give me your contactnumber and I will find a time for the interview,” Dane stated.

Josephine immediately took out a piece of paper and wrote her number on it before handing it to him.“Please make arrangements for the interview as soon as possible, Mr. Cooke.”

Dane’s face lit up with an evil smile after obtaining Josephine’s phone number, but he quickly put on adecent front and responded, “Okay. Give me some time. Rest assured that I will answer the public.”

Then, he touched Josephine’s shoulder lightly and murmured, “I’ll see you next time, reporter.”

All of Josephine’s coworkers exhaled a sigh of relief after Dane left. “We’re getting an exclusiveinterview, Josephine! If our company can influence the following rectification of wastewater handling,we will have truly helped the public.”

Josephine nodded in response. “You’re right. Let’s get fully prepared for the interview!”

“I’m starving! Let’s go for lunch.”

Seeing that everyone was hungry, Josephine announced generously, “Lunch is on me today!”

“Wow! Thank you, Josephine! Love you!”

“We’re all working for Josephine! She will undoubtedly be our boss in the future.”

“Exactly! Do remember to take care of us by then, Josephine!”

Josephine laughed at that. “How dare you all make fun of me? Do you still want the lunch treat?”

“Of course!” Everyone stopped their teasing and drove to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

Meanwhile, after the call ended, Ethan quickly asked Atticus for the location where Josephine went forthe interview. However, when he arrived at the place, she was nowhere to be seen. He quickly pulledhis phone out and called her again.

On Josephine’s end, the food was already being served at the same time. Hearing her phone ring, shesmilingly answered the call and said, “Hello, Mr. Quarles. Is there anything else?”

“Where are you?”

“I… Where are you?” Josephine returned the question.

“I am in front of the company that you interviewed.”

That surprised her. “What brings you here? I’m having lunch nearby with my colleagues. Have you hadyour lunch yet?” she asked, to which Ethan coldly answered, “What do you think?”

Josephine immediately felt sorry for him. “Come and join us. I’ll send you the location.”

Ethan then drove to the restaurant. Ten minutes later, he arrived in front of a small restaurant by theroadside, and Josephine was already waiting for him at the entrance. On the other hand, her coworkersin the private room were all feeling nervous as they now needed to have lunch with their superior.

Nonetheless, they felt honored and hopeful that they could use this lunch opportunity to get closer toEthan.

Ethan’s face darkened the minute he saw the restaurant, and a solemn expression appeared on hisface. “Shall we change to another place?”

Josephine found him amusing. She knew that this man before her had most certainly never eaten atsuch a restaurant before. “It’s not necessary! The food here is nice. Just give it a try, alright?” sheurged softly.

When Ethan stepped into the private room, all of Josephine’s coworkers stood up to greet him. “Hello,Mr. Quarles!”

At that, Ethan replied, “Hi, you’ve all had a long day.” Then, he sat down next to Josephine. She thenhanded him her glass of water. “Drink some water.”

Ethan, however, grabbed Josephine’s injured hand and began to examine her wound.

With a smile, she murmured, “I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.”

“What happened?” Ethan asked again.

“I fell down by accident!”

“Mr. Quarles…” A warm-hearted female colleague wanted to tell the truth, but she was immediatelystopped by Josephine’s stern glare.

“Let’s eat!” Josephine did not want Ethan to know the truth. After all, as a reporter, she was used tobeing shoved by security officers.

Ethan sensed that Josephine wasn’t willing to tell him what had happened, and hence, he decided toask her again later. Meanwhile, Josephine was piling food onto his plate, taking care of his every need.Though Ethan was used to more high-end restaurants, he found the food in this restaurant to be just asdelicious.

“These are good,” he remarked, feeling hungry. Although they were not in an elegant setting, Ethan’seating demeanor still mesmerized all of Josephine’s female coworkers.

An attractive man indeed appears elegant regardless of where he is or what he eats!

At the same time, Tori was in Atticus’ office, biting her red lip indignantly as she crossed her arms.

“It was only a meal. Why couldn’t Mr. Quarles show me some respect?”

“Enough of that. He only has Josephine in his heart,” Atticus reminded her, implying that Tori shouldstop her wishful thinking of clinging to Ethan.

“Josephine is just a simple woman. In what way am I inferior to her?” Tori scoffed and continued, “Iheard that you’re intending to nurture her to be Miss Ain’s successor. Is she really that capable?”

“Mr. Quarles even asked me where Josephine was working today. I can tell he genuinely loves her.”Atticus began to worry that Ethan would blame him for assigning such a task to Josephine.

“I don’t care, Mr. Kowalski. If any such opportunity arises again, remember to tell me!” Tori smilinglysaid, clearly not going to give up so easily.

Atticus felt helpless. Both Katrina and Tori were interested in Ethan, putting Atticus in the difficultsituation of being caught in the middle.

Meanwhile, Josephine got into Ethan’s posh car after lunch. As she still had work to do, Ethan had nochoice but to send her back to the company. Josephine expected him to leave after dropping her off.Much to her surprise, Ethan stepped out of the car with her.

“Why are you not returning to the hotel?”

“I’ll walk you to the office.”

“Uh… That’s not necessary!” Josephine did not want to be in a high-profile relationship, and shewanted it to be out of public view.

“Why? Am I such a disgrace to you that you don’t want to be seen walking with me?” Ethan pretendedto be upset and ruffled her hair.

“Of course not! I’m just afraid they will start competing with me for you,” Josephine retorted with achuckle.

“Don’t worry,” Ethan replied determinedly. “I’m all yours. Nobody can ever take me away from you.”

He didn’t tell Josephine that Tori had wanted to have lunch with him earlier for ulterior intentions, forfear Josephine would start overthinking.

Hearing Ethan’s words, Josephine immediately felt secure. “I’m yours too.”

Ethan then walked Josephine to her office. The moment they entered the spacious office, the busyoffice immediately went so silent that they could hear a pin drop.

Josephine is so blessed to have Mr. Quarles send her to work! everyone mused.

Josephine, on the other hand, assumed that Ethan would be leaving. However, the man grabbed achair and sat down right behind her, randomly taking a book to read at the same time.

She felt uneasy as she noticed that all of her coworkers were fearfully looking in her direction and didnot dare to say anything, resulting in complete silence in the office.

Hence, Josephine turned around and softly suggested to Ethan, “Perhaps you should go back first.Your presence here is making everyone stressed.”

“Can’t I accompany you while you’re working?” Ethan asked aggrievedly.

“Just look around… Everyone is afraid of you!” Josephine whispered.

Ethan raised his head but at this instant, all of the coworkers who had been looking earlier quicklylowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

With that, Ethan had no choice but to stand up. However, he held Josephine’s face between his palmsand kissed her on the lips in front of everyone.

Josephine’s face flushed instantly. On the other hand, everyone else witnessed clearly how muchEthan adored Josephine, to the point of publicly displaying his affection in such a way.

And it wasn’t Josephine who asked for it; Ethan was the one who wanted to do it. Hence, it was evidentto everyone that Ethan was the one who courted Josephine in the first place.

“I’ll wait for you at the cafe nearby,” Ethan said before he left.

After he left, the entire office was filled with breaths of relief from Josephine’s colleagues, and theirtensed bodies finally relaxed.

Josephine, however, was bombarded by envious stares, making it difficult for her to focus on her work.Wren, who was sitting next to Josephine, leaned her chin on her palm and asked, “Are you a witch,Josephine? What spell have you cast on Mr. Quarles to make him love you so much?”

“We’re just in a normal relationship!” Josephine replied, her face hot. “I don’t know a single spell.”

“You can quit your job as a reporter. Just be Mr. Quarles’ wife and enjoy your life.”

“I don’t want that! I enjoy working. It makes my life meaningful.” Josephine had never consideredspending her days doing nothing. She wanted to be someone useful to society.

On another note, Ethan’s visit to Josephine’s office had already sparked an uproar in the company’sgroup chat. Someone had even covertly taken a photo of Ethan sitting behind Josephine and uploadedit to the chat, and everyone in the company was discussing it. Tori happened to be in the group as well.She felt upset when she saw the photograph and looked as if she had been slapped in the face.

Tribus TV would soon begin its internal recruitment procedure. Many staff, including Josephine, hadapplied for it.

“I’ve heard there will be an interview session! I wonder who will conduct the interview.”

Meanwhile, Tori went to Atticus and requested, “Mr. Kowalski, please let me conduct the interviews!”

Atticus was agreeable to that. “Sure, since you’re experienced as well. I’ll leave the interview session toyou and Caleb, then.”

A cold smile flashed across Tori’s face when she heard that. I’ll definitely fail Josephine, or at leastmake things difficult for her.

Katrina was also getting herself ready for internal recruitment. Though she knew Josephine would bechosen, she wasn’t willing to give up so easily.

At this point, Atticus called her. “Katrina, I have some urgent documents here. Send it to Mr. Quarlesright now for him to sign.”

“Where is Mr. Quarles?”

“He is in a private room in the cafe next to the company. Go there now!”

Hearing that Ethan was alone in a private room, Katrina immediately became excited. This is anexcellent opportunity for me to be alone with him! I have to present myself well this time. Men arecreatures that can’t stand temptations. Who knows what might happen later in the private roombetween him and me?

Katrina cheerfully headed to the ladies to touch up on her makeup. She looked at the V-shaped collardress she had on and tugged the collar even lower until it revealed what she believed was enough. Shegrinned, feeling satisfied.

Many scenes had already flashed through her mind. She was looking forward to the scenes whereEthan would pull her into his embrace and ask her to be his, just like those shown in the movies.

Just thinking about this made Katrina’s body soften. If this happens, I’m definitely not going to turn himdown!

“Wait for me, Mr. Quarles!” she mumbled.

Then, she trotted to Atticus’ office, took a file, and went out. After driving herself to the cafe’s entrance,she carefully checked her appearance in the car before getting out. She entered the cafe with a swayto her hips, heading over to the private rooms.

When she reached Room No. 8, she heaved a deep breath, knocked on the door, and went in.

Ethan was sitting on the couch. He had a cup of coffee in front of him and was reading a magazine.

“Mr. Quarles, I’m here to send you some documents,” Katrina said, intentionally using a coquettishtone.

Right after her words, she walked toward Ethan, her hips swaying. She then deliberately croucheddown, took out the documents, and placed them in front of him.

With her crouching stance, Katrina was certain that Ethan could see a part of her bosom.

She even purposefully squeezed both of her arms together, trying to enhance her good figure andmake it more revealing.

However, Ethan simply took a pen, flipped the documents, and straightaway signed them.

Katrina then slowly tidied up the documents while smilingly saying, “Are you here alone, Mr. Quarles?Do you feel bored? Would you like me to stay here with you?”

“That’s not necessary.” Ethan then returned his gaze to the magazine that he was holding.

When Katrina stood up, she intentionally touched her forehead for a while before falling into Ethan’sarms. With her hand pressing against his chest, she breathlessly said, “I’m sorry. I skipped lunch andam feeling a little dizzy now.”

Ethan’s eyes immediately narrowed. Staring at her hands, he coldly said, “Get your hands off me.”

“I’m sorry.” Katrina’s face was flushed with embarrassment. I’ve already hinted at it so obviously, buthe’s refusing to take my hint! Don’t tell me he won’t react even if I stood naked in front of him?!

“You can leave now,” Ethan muttered, his face darkening. He did not enjoy being disturbed.

“Alright. I’m leaving right now.” Katrina took the documents and hurriedly exited the room.

The moment she left the room, she heaved a deep breath. She couldn’t figure out why she couldn’tattract Ethan, but Josephine could.

What precisely does Josephine have to enchant Ethan so much? In what way am I inferior to her?

“Josephine, what exactly have you done to bewitch Mr. Quarles?” Katrina mumbled as she walkedaway, feeling disappointed.

When she returned to the company, Josephine was in the pantry, appearing to be writing somethingwith a cup of coffee beside her. She was dressed in a gray blouse and skirt, with her hair tied messilyon top of her head. She looked far from elegant and appeared rather sloppy instead. Katrina couldn’thelp but wonder what it was about Josephine that Ethan liked.

At this point, Josephine sipped her coffee and gazed out the window, seemingly thinking of something.Her side profile was lovely, with her sharp nose and soft lips. Even her jawline appeared flawless. Asshe blinked her eyes, her eyelashes fluttered, displaying the allure of a professional woman.

Katrina felt her heart skip a beat when she saw that. It was undeniable that Josephine’s enthusiasm forher career was something Katrina lacked. When Katrina first joined the company, all she wanted wassecure employment while looking for a wealthy guy to marry in the future.

Unlike her, Josephine was known to be a workaholic. She treated her job as something that couldestablish her worth. Then again, Josephine does not need to marry a wealthy man, Katrina reasoned.

She’s the only daughter in her family. Her grandfather is a high-ranking government official and I heardthat her father works for the mayor. She totally has a good starting point in her life! She absolutely hasnothing to worry about! Comparing myself to her will just make my life appear to be worse! What makesme angrier is that she now has a filthy rich boyfriend who loves her and only her. I’ve already seen it formyself. She can effortlessly get things that most people will never be able to obtain no matter how hardthey try. The world is indeed unfair.

Meanwhile, Josephine’s phone, which was placed beside her, rang just as she finished writing. Shesmiled as she saw the phone’s screen and she then answered the call. “Hello, Dad! Are you back?”

“I heard that you’ve moved to your colleague’s house for work. I’m back now, so let’s have dinnertogether tonight at your Grandpa’s place.”

“Sure!” Josephine agreed with a smile. Her father only came back twice a month, so she would neverpass up the opportunity to get together with him.

After a brief moment of contemplation, she thought of someone and asked cautiously, “Dad, can I bringalong a friend of mine to Grandpa’s place tonight?”

“Friend? Your friend at work or…”

“Uh… It’s my friend. A man.” Josephine had expressed it so clearly that anyone could understand whatshe meant.

Laughter immediately echoed from the other end of the line. “Sure! Bring him over for your Grandpa tohave a look!”

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