Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1721-1730
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Chapter 1721-1730

“Goodness! He is so handsome!”

“He must be buying it for his girlfriend!”

It turned out that two young ladies were secretly admiring Jared from a distance while they gossipedabout him. At the same time, both of them couldn’t help but envy the lady whom Jared was buying thesanitary pads for.

Meanwhile, Jared appeared to be crouching down while looking closely at every single product to findthe brand that Ellen sent him earlier without feeling uncomfortable at all. After that, he took two of everyproduct that Ellen told him to buy and headed to the counter for payment. Then, he made his way backhome as quickly as he could, unwilling to keep Ellen waiting for too long.

On the other hand, Ellen was sitting on the couch restlessly as if she had needles in her pants. At thesame time, she had to use tissues as a substitute for a sanitary pad until someone opened the doorand entered the place. Then, she quickly grabbed what she needed from Jared and rushed into thebedroom.

When she was finally able to heave a sigh of relief, she saw the man already waiting for her by thebathroom door. At the sight of Jared’s presence, the lady blushed in her cheeks, for it was her first timeletting a man buy menstrual products for her. The next moment, Jared took Ellen to the couch andpoured her a glass of warm water, which she happily took with her hands as if she no longer felt thepain with his love and care.

Later that night, Ellen went to sleep with her arms wrapped around Jared; that was the only way shefelt secure and comfortably warm. When she opened her eyes the next morning, the man who laybeside her was already gone, only leaving a note behind. ‘Good morning, babe. I need to head down tothe office first, but don’t worry. Someone will prepare you breakfast. Be sure to rest well.”

Ellen was stunned when she saw the note. She then got off her bed and stepped out of the bedroom,only to see a middle-aged woman cooking in the kitchen.

“Miss Reiss, I just made you some chowder and chicken soup. Would you like to have them now?”

“Um, who might you be?” Ellen asked.

“You may call me Felicia. I’ll be responsible for your meals and all the house chores from now on. Mr.Presgrave wants you to have enough rest.”

“Alright, thank you.” Ellen nodded as she was indeed hungry.

Meanwhile, an intense meeting was going on at Presgrave Corporation about a company that was onthe brink of bankruptcy despite having a history of over a hundred years old in Xaswela. While itsbankruptcy drew the attention of all huge corporations across the world, Presgrave Corporation was noexception at all. In fact, they wanted a piece of what was left of the company, so they were especiallyambitious in acquiring the company.

Therefore, they came up with a meticulous plan to go about their acquisition, only to be caught offguard by a huge rival from Hogland. Thus, the people from Presgrave Corporation’s procurementdepartment quickly found themselves in a tight spot, where they needed a quick solution to resolvetheir problem.

As soon as the meeting was over, Jared heard his phone ringing on the table. “Hello?” he said afteranswering it.

“Hello, Mr. Presgrave. My name is Hannie Quins, and I’m the person in charge of running the QuinsGroup. Thus, I would like to make a proposition with you on behalf of my family. When would you be

free to meet up?” The young lady’s sweet voice sounded soothing, but her speech was not fluent.

Jared knitted his eyebrows, thinking it wasn’t appropriate for him to see Hannie due to their conflictingpositions. “I’m sorry, Miss Quins. I don’t see a reason for us to meet up.”

“I’m sincere with my invitation, Mr. Presgrave. We may not meet today, but I’m sure we will someday.Actually, I’m more interested in you personally, so see you again soon.” Hannie hung up the call assoon as she finished her words.

Meanwhile, Jared put down his phone and went through the details that were left on his desk. When heflipped to the third page, he saw a rough introduction about the family members behind the QuinsGroup and set his eyes on a face under the third generation of the family tree.

It turned out that he had his eyes glued on the eldest child of the family behind the Quins Group, whichwas none other than Hannie, a lady who looked decently stunning in her looks and aura. Nevertheless,Jared only closed his eyes helplessly, feeling somewhat numb to the women who warmed up to himwith an ulterior motive.

As he was no stranger to such circumstances, he didn’t feel surprised after receiving Hannie’s call atall. Instead, he was disgusted by her attempt to warm up to him.

In the meantime, a lady was wearing a long skirt by the window in a hotel’s presidential suite in thecenter of the city, keeping her ambitious eyes fixed on the building of Presgrave Corporation like ahuntress spying on her prey.

A smile tugged on the lady’s red lips as she held a glass of red wine in her hand. When she unlockedher phone, it displayed a photo of Jared. It was the perfect airport photo, showcasing his handsomeand captivating image.

Just then, her phone rang, and she glanced at it before answering the call. It was her father speaking inHoglandish. “Hello, Dad.”

“Are you sure about this? I’m feeling a lot of pressure from your grandfather’s side.”

“Dad, trust me. My goal isn’t to take down that company. I just want to get close to Mr. Presgrave usingthis way. Don’t you want a son-in-law who is rich and powerful? He possesses all the qualities that Idesire. I want to attract him.” The lady’s voice was filled with confidence as if capturing Jared’s heartwas an absolute certainty.

“Alright, I’ll give you six months, and you can use the company’s resources to approach him.”

“Dad, if I don’t win him over, how is Grandpa going to give you the inheritance rights? Uncle Owen hasalready gained Grandpa’s favor. With Grandpa’s health failing, he could pass away at any time. I mustfight for your inheritance rights while Grandpa is still alive,” Hannie firmly declared since marrying Jaredwas the best way to prove herself.

“Alright. I’m counting on you now.”

After Hannie hung up the phone, her assistant pushed the door open and walked in, holding the latestset of airport photos. “Miss Quins, this was just taken by our people.”

When Hannie took the photos and saw the photo of Jared holding hands with a young girl, her eyesnarrowed a little.

“It seems that Mr. Presgrave has a girlfriend.”

“So what? I won’t let her get in my way. Compared to her, I have the upper hand.” Her eyes brimmedwith confidence.

“Indeed, you’re not any less pretty than her. You will surely win him over.”

Hannie put down the photos, her eyes flashing with ambition and cunningness. Judging from how shewas using her family’s power to compete in the acquisition, it was clear that she was serious about this.She was not just playing around. Therefore, no one could stop her. “Investigate her background. I wantto know who she is,” she ordered.

On the other hand, Ellen had plenty of free time, so she spent the day learning how to cook fromFelicia, trying to acquire a skill.

However, Jared had a social engagement tonight and said he would be coming home late. As such,she enjoyed her dinner alone, and Wanda left at 8.00PM after cleaning up.

Then, she waited for him on the balcony, looking out at the sea of lights outside. Although she wasalone in such a large home, her heart was warm and full. This was because she knew that no matterhow late it was, he would come back to her side. Sometimes, waiting was a happy thing for her.

Finally, around 9.30PM, the sound of the door opening came from outside. Hearing that, she quicklygot up from the balcony and went to welcome him.

The man who came back had a slightly red face and a faint smell of alcohol on him. While feeling sorryfor him, she hugged him and asked, “Are you tired?”

Jared hugged her waist and kissed her forehead affectionately. “Not anymore the moment I see you.”

In fact, Ellen could feel that he was under a lot of work pressure, but he never discussed work in frontof her. How can he not be tired when he’s managing such a huge business empire? Yet, she could dovery little, which made her feel rather guilty.

“I’ll take a shower, and then I’ll be with you.” Jared didn’t want to accompany her with the smell ofalcohol on him for fear of affecting her.

He went to the bathroom, leaving his clothes on the couch. While hanging up his clothes, she noticedthat there was a message notification on his phone. She reached for the phone and just wanted to takea glance, but when she swiped the screen, it unlocked at once.

A message then came into her sight. ‘Good evening, Mr. Presgrave. Would you like to go out for a drinktonight?’

The tone of the message sounded like it was from a girl. Startled, she placed the phone on the tableand hung up his suit on the hanger.

However, the phone beeped again just as she returned to the couch. When she heard that, shewondered if it was the same girl from earlier.

Ellen reached out her hand and picked up Jared’s phone for another glance. Sure enough, a messagewith a somewhat sad tone came in. ‘Mr. Presgrave, I came from another country to invite you for adrink. Don’t you feel sorry for ignoring me like this?”

After reading the message, she felt her heart wrench a little. This girl is pursuing Jared so aggressively.Who is she?

When Jared came out of the shower, she was watching TV, so he approached her with some moistureon his body and pulled her into his arms. The fresh scent of the shampoo mixed with his masculinescent was enticing.

“Piggy,” he called her nickname as he kissed her.

However, she could only look at him apologetically. “I accidentally saw a message from a girl on yourphone. She seems to be flirting with you. Do you want to explain?”

Startled, he quickly took his phone, and after reading the two messages, his expression becameserious. “Her name is Hannie Quins, and she’s the successor of a competing company. There’s noneed to pay attention to her.”

“It seems like she’s interested in you.” Ellen blinked.

At that moment, Jared lowered his head and rubbed his chin against her cheek affectionately. “The onlywoman in this world who interests me is you.”

When she heard that, her heart melted, and the hint of jealousy that had just arisen in her disappearedupon his gentle and firm gaze. “I believe you.” She snuggled into his arms. He’s the person I trust themost in this world.

“No matter what you see or hear, don’t be pissed first. I will explain everything to you,” he said as hestroked her head. Although he couldn’t control those outsiders, he knew that his heart would alwaysfirmly love her.

Warmth filled Ellen’s eyes as she nodded again. Suddenly, she hissed in pain as her lower abdomenached again.

Immediately, Jared placed his warm palm on her lower abdomen, using his temperature to relieve herpain. His large palm was more effective than a heating pad.

After a while, she felt much better.

“It’s late already. Let’s go to bed.” After saying that, Jared reached out his hands and carried her withease. “You’re too skinny. You need to eat more at home during this time.”

Ellen protested, saying, “No, I want to lose weight.”

“You’re not allowed to lose any more weight!” he commanded in a domineering tone.

With a smile, she leaned into his arms. “Are you going to turn me into a piglet?”

“Yes.” Jared didn’t deny it.

Ellen then lightly hit him and said, “I’ll eat until you can’t carry me anymore.”

“Even better,” he replied affectionately. When he placed her on the bed, a strong sense of restraintshowed in his eyes.

Three days later, a grand charity dinner was held in Averna, and Jared was planning to take Ellen therefor some fun.

At the same time, Hannie had also received an invitation. Although she was not in her home country,her influence and connections were very extensive, especially in the business sector, where she haddedicated staff managing it for her.

When she heard that Jared would be attending the dinner, she didn’t hesitate to join in. Perhaps shecould even become his dance partner! Growing up with too much confidence, she believed that winningover a man was just a simple matter.

On the other hand, Ellen arrived at a dress shop under the protection of Jared’s bodyguards, and theentire store was solely at her service.

The store manager once provided Ellen with specialized service, and over a year had passed sincethey last met. She found that Ellen had undergone a tremendous transformation in terms of her aura.

Previously, she was like an innocent young girl, pure and naive, but now, she exuded a mature andgentle aura; there was a calm and delicate look in her eyes. Her every movement emitted a mature anddignified aura. Moreover, the longer one looked at her, the more beautiful she seemed.

The unique aura she exuded had a calming power; it was a clean and refreshing aura that had ahealing effect. She was the type that would be loved by both men and women, making people naturallydrawn to her.

“This way, Miss Reiss.” The store manager led her upstairs.

Ellen followed her to the second floor, and the store manager recommended the latest evening gowns.She believed that Ellen had her own eye for fashion, so the choice was in Ellen’s hands this time.

As expected, Ellen had a keen eye for fashion and chose a green evening gown with a unique texturethat radiated a sense of vitality and hope.

The store manager genuinely felt that this evening gown perfectly suited her. When she tried it on, shewas stunningly beautiful.

“You have such great taste, Miss Reiss. This evening gown suits you so well,” the store managerpraised.

The evening gown looked refreshing and noble on Ellen. It appeared elegant at first glance, yet uponcloser inspection, it revealed a calm and serene charm.

Two hours later, Jared’s car stopped at the store entrance. When Ellen appeared in a green eveninggown that seemed to embody the early spring, she looked refreshingly unique at first sight.

Jared’s breath caught for a few seconds, proving that this girl could always make him feel like he wasfalling in love for the first time, no matter when he saw her.

“Is it beautiful?” Ellen gently twirled the hem of her dress before him, hoping for his approval.

“It’s beautiful,” he complimented, but he felt a tinge of jealousy as he knew his woman would attractmany envious glances tonight. He felt like he was losing out.

Meanwhile, in another dress store, Hannie was dressed in a gold evening gown that accentuated theperfection of her figure, giving her a sexy yet elegant look.

She was in a great mood at the thought of meeting Jared tonight, even though she knew he might bringhis girlfriend. That feeling of excitement was even more exhilarating.

She had a bad streak in her bones—she loved taking what belonged to others, which was more funwhen it was stolen.

“See you tonight, Jared.” Hannie smirked as she looked at his photo on her phone.

The banquet began at 6.30PM. Averna was exceptionally lively tonight as the wealthy and powerfulgathered at the Royal Hotel to attend the grand event.

The guest list was strict and exclusive, accepting only those who were exceptional and truly deservingof an invitation. Tonight, there was also a rare jewelry auction taking place.

A black car stopped at the hotel entrance, and as the security guards approached, the bodyguardsbehind the black car quickly stepped out to stop them and gestured for them to step back.

The security guards knew the people in the car were VIPs and obediently took a few steps back.

A bodyguard pulled open the back door to reveal a slender leg dressed in suit pants stepping out of thecar before it was followed by a young man who was exceptionally handsome under the light, exuding agraceful and noble aura that was unparalleled.

The man’s hand then reached into the car to lead a girl wearing a green gown out of the vehicle. Herskin was as smooth as jade with beautiful features that radiated a clean, fresh aura.

Wow, she’s so pretty! The security guards could only take a quick glance before lowering their eyes.The girls who came tonight were all beautiful, but this one was particularly unique as they couldn’t seethat kind of materialistic feeling in her.

Ellen linked arms with Jared and entered the magnificent lobby. The designated photographerscaptured the beautiful moments of the guests as she confidently waved at the camera. Throughout theyear of her transformation, she had no one by her side.

She had gone from her initial nervousness to her current composure every time she went to a chesscompetition and faced the media. As she had experienced a lot, it strengthened her inner self.

If Jared had accompanied her back then, he might have hindered her growth instead of helping her.Only by breaking away from the people who supported her could she truly grow up.

As soon as they entered the elevator, his gaze fell on her affectionately, and he even tidied up the littlestrands of hair near her ears.

His girl had really grown up and matured a lot!

When they arrived at the 10th floor, they saw a super large banquet hall that could accommodate 500people. The stars were shining brightly tonight, and the air was filled with the fragrance of red wine andluxury. It was very comfortable to be immersed in it.

“Young Master Tillman, this way please.” The waiter led them to a sofa exclusive to them.

Jared took the glass of red wine from the waiter and handed a glass of juice to the girl next to him.

At that moment, a girl in the nearby crowd with two young men immediately locked her eyes on theman sitting elegantly on the couch. Her gaze showed a hint of surprise as she looked at the womanbeside him.

She murmured in her native language, “Not bad. I wasn’t expecting such competition.”

But even so, she found it more interesting. The stronger her opponent was, the happier she became.

She believed in her ability, but it wasn’t just for fun this time. She was trying to find a strong husband forher father’s inheritance. Since her father had no sons and only one daughter, her grandfather favoredher uncle, who had three sons but was incompetent.

Therefore, as long as she could bring back an influential son-in-law to the family, she could secure herfather’s inheritance, and Jared was perfect for her.

“Miss Quins, may I offer you another drink?” A young man beside her tried to please Hannie, who wasknown as Hogland’s first lady. Many men wanted to marry her.

However, they did not know that Hannie was not coming for them. “No, thank you. I need to greet otherguests,” she said as she picked up her red wine and headed toward Jared. She wore a gold eveningdress and looked seductive as she sashayed.

As she walked toward Jared step by step, Ellen quickly noticed her. This young girl emitted anaggressive aura, which forced her to take notice.

“Hi, Young Master Tillman. Good evening,” Hannie greeted in less-than-perfect English.

Jared’s gaze fell on her, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. He asked in a cold voice, “Who are you?”

“Do you really have such a bad memory? I’m Hannie, and we spoke on the phone yesterday!” Hersmile was full of charm. “You are indeed forgetful!”

“Is anything the matter?” He had an icy expression, and he sounded annoyed.

Hannie’s enthusiasm was dampened by his gaze. She never thought that her polite greeting would bemet with such coldness.

“No, I wish you a pleasant evening.” Hannie left cleverly, not realizing how she had offended Jared.She only wanted to say hello, after all.

After Hannie left, Jared turned to Ellen, looking more cautious than before. “Don’t misunderstand. Idon’t even know her.”

Ellen could see Hannie trying to seduce Jared, just like the text messages she sent last night.

She realized then that she needed to fight for and protect what belonged to her, including her man.

Although encountering such a situation as Jared’s girlfriend could be frustrating and annoying, Ellenrealized that she couldn’t avoid it. Instead, she needed to face it head-on and make the other personback down.

“I’m not angry.” Ellen smiled. “I can tell that the interest isn’t mutual, so I don’t mind.”

Hearing her words, Jared felt relieved and touched. The feeling of being trusted was worth more than athousand words.

“I’ll take you to meet some elders.” He reached out to her.

Ellen’s heart skipped a beat; this meant that he would publicly announce their relationship within hiscircle, which was nerve-wracking.

The elders were successful businessmen who had watched Jared grow up. They were friends of hisfather and had worked under him, but now, they had made a name for themselves in the business


“Jared, this beautiful lady is your girlfriend, right?” a wealthy middle-aged woman said. As a woman,she could tell that a man introducing someone in this situation would usually introduce their girlfriendand not just a female companion.

“Yes, Madam Hurney. She is my girlfriend, Ellen.”

“Ellen? Oh! Have I heard that name before?” Madam Hurney exclaimed in surprise, her eyes fixed onEllen. Then her expression turned to one of delight. “You… You are the Miss Go champion, aren’tyou?”

Ellen smiled and nodded. “Hello!”

“Oh! My husband really admires you! He’s your loyal fan, and I also like you so much.” Madam Hurneygushed with admiration, which left Elle a little embarrassed by the attention.

“Thank you for your kind words,” Ellen replied politely.

“Jared, you’re really lucky! It’s rare to see such an excellent girlfriend,” Madam Hurney praised, notingthat true inner beauty was rare and far more valuable than external appearances.

“Madam Hurney, you are absolutely right. Meeting Ellen is the greatest blessing of my life,” Jareddeclared in front of everyone.

“I didn’t realize you were Ellen! Your chess skills are truly amazing, especially in that final game. I waswatching the whole time! You’re incredibly talented!” an elderly man praised Ellen.

“That’s right. Everyone around me speaks highly of Miss Reiss!”

“When you hold your wedding, we’ll definitely be there to celebrate.”

Ellen was taken aback by the newfound attention from the elite. While thinking about this, her face wasradiant with a rosy glow.

Not far away, Hannie observed quietly as Ellen walked with the esteemed elders alongside Jared.Hannie was surprised to see the warm welcome that Ellen received from these people.

In such a gathering, many people would put on a show, but the affection Ellen received from the elderlywas real, and it caught Hannie’s attention. She was unwilling to lose to this ordinary girl. Hannie hadinvestigated Ellen’s background and discovered that she was not from a wealthy family, and hereducation and background were that of an ordinary person.

However, Hannie missed a recent piece of news as she was only interested in Ellen’s background.

Ellen felt the urge to use the restroom, perhaps due to having too much juice. She noticed Jared andthe elders were still chatting, so she whispered, “I’m going to the restroom.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jared asked in a low voice.

“No, it’s fine!” Ellen didn’t want to inconvenience him with such a thing. “You can chat with the elders.”

After getting directions from the waiter, Ellen walked toward the restroom. Meanwhile, Hannie saw thisas an opportunity to meet Ellen and headed in the same direction.

Meanwhile, Ellen finished washing her hands and noticed that her lipstick had faded. She intended totouch up, but at that moment, someone approached her. From the mirror, Ellen saw her; she was alsotouching up her makeup.

“Hi, Miss Reiss!” Hannie greeted her.

Ellen turned to her and replied, “Hi. Miss Quins, right?”

“Hannie, the granddaughter of the first wealthy family in Hogland. I learned English because I like yourcountry,” Hannie said with a sense of superiority.

Ellen was slightly taken aback. From the news she had seen in the past, she had some understandingof this family and was surprised to meet a member here.

“You should have heard of my family.” Hannie smiled slightly.

“Yes.” Ellen nodded.

“Miss Reiss, can we talk?”

“There’s nothing for me to talk about with you, Miss Quins. Sorry.” Ellen didn’t feel like chatting.

“Wait a minute. Do you want to know why I’m here? I’m here to collaborate with Jared,” Hannie saidand continued, “We are competitors, but we can also be allies.”

Ellen frowned, but she didn’t say anything.

Hannie approached her and said, “Miss Reiss, I really like Jared and want to date him. Do you feelpressured?”

Ellen smiled lightly and said, “Why should I feel pressured?”

Hannie was stunned. She thought that by saying this, Ellen would panic. After all, her identity andfamily background were much better than Ellen’s.

“I’ll give you a billion, Miss Reiss. Will you let Jared be with me?” Hannie directly offered money as shethought that Ellen was only interested in Jared’s money.

She thought that Ellen couldn’t get much money since she was only dating Jared. Thus, she quoted aprice of one billion, hoping to make Ellen tempted.

However, Ellen only felt insulted instead of feeling tempted. She put aside her polite attitude and saidcoldly, “Miss Quins, please don’t insult people with money. Your money has nothing to do with me, andI don’t need it even if I’m poor. Also, he is my boyfriend. I’d advise you not to provoke him.”

“Are you threatening me? Miss Reiss, I’ve looked into your background. You’re just an ordinary girl. Areyou overestimating your own charm?” Hannie mocked with a sneer.

Ellen felt that there was no point in talking with her and said, “Excuse me.”

“Miss Reiss, if I were you, I’d be smart and take the money instead of competing with me,” Hanniethreatened with unprecedented confidence as if she had already won Jared over.

Ellen felt that Hannie was crazy. Does she think that every man in the world would like her?

After Ellen left, Hannie’s face darkened. She had a scheming look in her eyes; it was clear that thesewere tricks she had honed through her experience in her social circles, but they were undeniablyeffective in attracting men.

Ellen returned to the banquet hall, where Jared was waiting for her in the corridor outside the restroom.He approached her and said, “Let me take you to eat something.”

She hadn’t had dinner yet, and since there was a buffet nearby, she nodded in agreement.

Soon after, Hannie arrived at the restaurant, sporting her usual exaggerated expressions as sheattempted to showcase her charm. Meanwhile, Ellen had already taken her seat by the time the otherwoman arrived.

As Jared came over, Hannie deliberately bumped into him, causing him to flinch and her to bump intothe table. She immediately displayed a somewhat hurt expression and whined, “Young Master Tillman,can’t you help me?”

He stopped and warned coldly, “Don’t play tricks in front of me.”

“Young Master Tillman has noticed me!” Hannie said shamelessly as she just wanted to feel important.

Jared frowned and ignored her, but Ellen saw Hannie’s shameless side and felt anger brewing insideher. How is there such a shameless woman in the world? she thought.

After he sat down, Ellen saw that Hannie had chosen a seat next to them, eating and staring at himwith fiery eyes. She disregarded Ellen’s presence and kept circling him like a butterfly.

If it were another man, a girl like Hannie would’ve easily won him over.novelbin

Ellen wanted to splash the water in her cup on Hannie’s face to let her know what the consequences ofseducing someone else’s boyfriend were.

“Don’t pay attention to her,” Jared said, feeling extremely annoyed. He was concerned that Ellen’semotions would be affected.

However, Ellen couldn’t stand it anymore. She wanted to teach this girl a lesson and make her behave.

“Jared, can you get me a glass of juice?” Ellen asked him.

Although there was already a drink on her table, Jared still got up and went to get her one. When Jaredgot up, Hannie also stood up since they were seated opposite each other.

As he walked past Ellen, Hannie naturally walked through the aisle next to her.

Jared had just passed by, and Hannie’s gaze was already fixed on him. A pair of legs stretched outfrom under the table, but she didn’t notice.

“Ah!” She panicked, but it was too late because she had fallen to the ground. Thud!

“You…” Hannie was a mess as she crawled up in pain and stared at Ellen angrily. “How dare you!”

Ellen looked at her innocently and said, “It’s not my fault you don’t pay attention when you walk. Whyblame me?”

“I know it’s you.” She knew that Ellen did it on purpose.

Jared immediately turned back, and a few other guests were also watching the commotion. “What’swrong?” asked Jared as he looked at the woman.

“She caused me to trip, Mr. Presgrave,” Hannie complained quickly.

“Do you have any evidence? Don’t accuse someone without evidence,” he said coldly.

“You should ask her if she tripped me.” Hannie was full of anger since her elbow and knee were hurt.

“I didn’t,” Ellen answered her naturally.

“Mr. Presgrave, you should be careful of such a cunning and malicious girlfriend. She might even hurtyou one day.” Hannie couldn’t miss this opportunity to suggest that they break up.

“Hannie, watch your words. Do not insult my girlfriend,” Jared warned.

Because many people were watching, Hannie felt embarrassed and left. After she left, Ellen whisperedinto Jared’s ears, “I caused her to trip.”

“I know.” He smirked, despite knowing his girlfriend tripped the other woman.

She chuckled, then angrily complained, “She deserves it since she stole my boyfriend. I didn’t evensplash water on her face. I was already kind to her.”

“You should do that next time.” Jared thought she should do whatever made her feel better becauseHannie was really annoying.

On the other hand, Hannie injured her knee and was bleeding. So, she left the party early and went intoher bodyguard’s car. She gritted her teeth and swore, “Ellen, I won’t let you get away with this!”

Without Hannie’s presence, Ellen found the party more enjoyable. Later, during the jewelry auction,Jared had already chosen a white jade bracelet for her. He bid for 8 million and won. On the way home,he gave her the gift as compensation for the grievances she felt at the banquet.

Perhaps it was the irritation from Hannie because, for once, Ellen took the initiative to get on her mantonight as if to prove her ownership.

At the height of exhaustion, she heard a low voice in her ear. “I will never let you lose in this lifetime.”

She heard this and smiled while cuddling in his arms like a spoiled child.

In the hotel, Hannie had a chance to meet Jared during the negotiation on that day.

The acquirer held a private bidding conference in Averna with three companies participating. Hanniesuccessfully secured a seat thanks to her family background.

The night before, she was tripped by Ellen. She was so angry that she couldn’t sleep all night. Whenshe woke up in the morning, she had her makeup artist carefully do her makeup. She even chose themost beautiful dress available.

She thought she would be able to showcase her merits to Jared without Ellen around. In the hotel’sconference room where Hannie was, representatives of the three countries leading the acquisitionnegotiation plan were present.

She constantly checked herself in the mirror and then headed downstairs to the conference room withher assistant before the other company’s personnel arrived.

However, when Hannie pushed open the door to the conference room, she thought Jared woulddefinitely be inside. When her eyes scanned the representative of the Presgrave Group, she did notsee the person she wanted to see, and her heart sank.

Hannie walked straight up to the representative of Presgrave Group and asked, “Excuse me, isPresident Presgrave coming?”

“President Presgrave has other things to attend to. I’m here on his behalf to negotiate,” a calmgentleman replied.

Hannie’s heart sank. She had put in so much effort today but couldn’t even see the person she wanted.To force Jared to show up at the negotiation table, Hannie had raised the acquisition price, as shethought that the representative of Presgrave Group could not make decisions on his behalf. Herdecision would have made Jared show up in person.

However, when Hannie raised the price, which she could hardly bear, she looked at the representativeof Presgrave Group, who remained very calm, as if the person was not worried about her priceincrease.

“Miss Quins, do you really want to make a purchase agreement with our company?” The othercompany also realized that Hannie was here to cause trouble and was worried that her actions woulddisrupt their acquisition plans.

“Of course, I am sincere. Why? Do you think my company does not have the capability?” Hanniesneered.

No one dared to offend her. The representative adjusted their glasses and said, “No, that’s not what wemeant.”

“300 billion,” replied the representative of Presgrave Group calmly.

A hint of cunning flickered through Hannie’s eyes as she raised the card in her hand and said, “I offer320 billion.”

“350 billion.”

“380 billion.” Hannie maintained her composure, thinking of raising the price a bit more. She justwanted to force Jared to show up.

“400 billion.”

“420 billion.” Her hands clenched into fists under the table.

“450 billion.” The representative of Presgrave Group continued to calmly increase the bid, and he didn’teven look at her.

“500 billion.” Hannie raised her voice, which caused her assistant and manager standing behind her tolook tense. Is she crazy? She bid 500 billion. Is this joke going too far? they thought.

At this moment, the representative of the Presgrave Group finally hesitated and did not speak.

“You surely can’t make the final decision. Why don’t you ask President Presgrave to come over?”Hannie said with her arm crossed as she faced the representative on the opposite side.

“President Presgrave has given his instructions. As long as the amount exceeds 480 billion, ourcompany will give up on this acquisition. Miss Quins, you have won the bid. Congratulations,” the

representative of Presgrave Group announced. He stood up and turned to the representative of thecompany being acquired. “We have other matters to attend to. We’ll leave first.”

Hannie’s face suddenly looked stunned. She sat stiffly in her seat while looking at the representative ofthe Presgrave Group. She bit her lip tightly. This was definitely not what she had expected. PresgraveGroup actually gave up?

“Wait, I…” Hannie wanted to say that she regretted it, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it in front of somany people.

The company waiting to be acquired on the sidelines was also very frustrated at this moment becausethey could see that Hannie had no real intention of acquisition.

Now that she had raised the price, who would dare to acquire it? Besides, she looked like she had nointention of taking care of the mess.

“What’s the matter, Miss Quins?” asked the representative of Presgrave Group as he turned around.

“I-I didn’t think it through just now. So, I’ve decided to give up the acquisition,” Hannie said helplessly.

“Miss Quins, this is not child’s play.”


Suddenly, the representative of the Presgrave Group spoke. “Miss Quins, now that you have won thebid, the contract stipulates that the bidder must deliver 20% of the prepayment within three days. Ibelieve you have already prepared the funds.”

“I…” Her face instantly turned red, and she found herself in an embarrassing situation.

Hannie watched as the Presgrave Group representatives left. At that moment, the representative of thecompany that was acquired stood up and handed the contract to her. “Miss Quin’s, it’s a pleasure towork with you. We…”

“Wait a moment. I still need a few days to think about this. We also need to wait a little longer for thepayment of the booking fee.”

“Our contract specifies that if the booking fee is delayed, we will charge a certain amount of penaltyfee.”

“What?” Hannie’s eyes widened.

“The penalty fee is usually over 10 million per day.”

Her eyes widened even more. She couldn’t afford such consequences, which meant that she had hit awall this time.

“Miss Quins, although I don’t know why you participated in this bidding, if you don’t have the intentionof acquisition, you can give this opportunity to companies that truly have acquisition intentions, such asthe Presgrave Group.”

“But didn’t they give up?”

“In fact, our expected acquisition price did not reach 50 billion. If you talk to the representatives of thePresgrave Group and give up the opportunity, our company will negotiate with them again.”

“Are you sure?” Hannie’s restless mind finally found a way out.

“Yes, but it’s up to you to negotiate with Presgrave Group. We hope that you can negotiate with themsincerely because your behavior today may have angered them.”

After everyone else left, she sat in the seat with a pale face and held her head. Darn it! What have Idone? This is f*cked up!

“Miss Quins, should we inform the president of the company about this matter?”

“No, do not inform my dad! We can’t let my family know about this.” Hannie was immediatelyexasperated.

“Well, what should we do now? Are you really going to beg the people from the Presgrave Group? Ifyou don’t give up this opportunity within three days, our company will have to pay a penalty fee.”

Hannie wanted to cry. She only wanted to force Jared to see her, but she didn’t want to get herself intotrouble. Now, she had to beg him instead. She felt like this was a trap he deliberately set up to trip her.

And she had stupidly fallen into it. She immediately took out the business card they had just exchangedand found the representative’s card from the Presgrave Group. She dialed the phone number on thecard.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Hello, I’m Hannie. I have something to discuss with you.”

“What can I help you with, Miss Quins?”

“Well, I’ve decided to give up the acquisition opportunity to your company. The RY company delegationalso expressed their willingness to renegotiate the cooperation. I wonder if your company… is willing torenegotiate, though?” Hannie asked tentatively.

“I need to report this to President Presgrave. Miss Quins, please wait for my message.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for your call.” She was eager and even hoped to talk to Jared alone about this matter.

At this moment, a car was heading toward Presgrave Group, and Mr. Stark dialed Jared’s phonenumber.

“President Presgrave, Hannie fell for the trap. Now, she’s asking us to re-negotiate with RY company.”

“Don’t bother with her,” Jared said coldly.


Hannie was pacing back and forth in the meeting room as she anxiously waited for a response from thePresgrave Group. She regretted her decision and knew that if Presgrave Group didn’t take over, shewould not only have to pay the deposit but also a penalty fee. However, she felt that her grandfatherwould teach her a lesson for this and that her father would remove her inheritance rights.

Therefore, the most urgent matter now was to quickly resolve this issue and not let it spread to thefamily company. Otherwise, she would become a laughingstock.

Just then, her phone on the conference table rang, and she almost ran over to answer it.


“Miss Quins, I’m sorry to inform you that President Presgrave has lost interest in this acquisitionproject.”

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