Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1551-1560
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Chapter 1551-1560

“I’m sleepy. Let’s talk about it next time.” Ellen politely wrapped up the discussion before terminatingthe call. After setting her phone into silent mode, she drifted into dreamland.

At that moment, the smoking Harvey cursed in his car, “What the f*ck? If you weren’t that pretty andloaded, I wouldn’t have set my eyes on you.”

He condemned orphans like Ellen because she was not from a powerful family to bolster his life. Thus,his parents told him to marry her to rip her off over that demolition payment. He need not ask her forkids to make it easy to bring up a divorce a few years later. By then, he could still marry an influentialwoman who would be the godsend to his breakthrough in life.

Ellen was merely the springboard for his life. She had no one to turn to even if she was tricked. Murrayand Connor were acquaintances, so Harvey was aware of Connor’s apathy toward her.

The weekend passed just like that. Ellen went to work at 8.30AM. When it was barely 9.00AM, a manholding a bouquet appeared. She intended to run away at the sheer look of the incoming person. Oh,my goodness! Why is Harvey here?

Hugging a bouquet, he alternated his gaze left and right. In the end, his gaze landed on thereceptionist’s desk as he heard of her position. Almost instantly, he caught sight of the girl sitting at thedesk. Despite her intentional avoidance, he approached her enthusiastically.

“Ellen, you do work here. Look! I brought you flowers. Isn’t it pretty?” He went all out just to buy themost expensive roses for her.

She put on a stern face. “Mr. Fuller, it’s the working hour, so please do not cross the line.”

“I’ll leave right after I give you the flowers! I won’t bother you!” He quickly put the bouquet on her deskand decided to be thick-skinned until the end. “I’ll be sending flowers every day until you promise to

have a meal with me.”

Ellen grabbed the flowers, which she did not wish to receive, and chased after him. However, he hadalready exited the lobby. He would not give her the chance to return them since he was aware of herintention.

Right when he opened the door to hop into the car, she caught up. “Harvey, wait!”

She almost tripped herself along the stairs due to her speed. At that moment, a black sports car almostran into her. Fortunately, the driver reacted quickly enough to step on the brakes and was equallysurprised.

When Jared realized it was none other than Ellen, he broke into a cold sweat. Ellen?

To his relief, she was unscathed. Holding onto the bouquet, she was talking to Harvey beside his car.

“Mr. Fuller, please take back the flowers. I don’t want them,” Ellen insisted.

“Don’t you girls love pretty stuff? I spent almost three hundred on them. I’m serious about you. Pleaseaccept them, Ellen. I’ll give you something better next time.” He feigned sincerity.

“I can’t take them. Please do not send me flowers during working hours. Thank you.” She placed theflowers into his car before leaving.

“Hey, hey! Ellen, what do you mean by this? I’d already bought them. Whom am I supposed to givethem to other than you?” said the frantic man, as he did not wish to let his money go down the drain.

Still, she strode to the lobby’s entrance without looking back. Harvey grumbled in frustration, “Damn it!”He entered the car and wanted to drive away, yet a black sports car was blocking the way. He wouldusually go berserk, yet the sight of the expensive vehicle intimidated him. So, he wound down thewindow to talk to the other driver politely, “Hey, dude. Make way, please.”

Jared wound down his window and glanced at him before parking his car at the front. The interestedHarvey followed suit and started a conversation with Jared. “Dude, how much did you spend on yourcar?”

Alighting from the car, Jared stared coldly at Harvey because he did not intend to respond to the guy. Inthe end, the awkward Harvey decided to take his leave.

Back at the receptionist’s desk, Olive whispered to Ellen, advising her not to loaf about during workinghours, or she would be penalized. Ellen did not want that either, for she even warned Harvey not tosend her flowers again.

At that moment, Olive straightened her back to greet the incoming young man along with the others.“Good morning, President Presgrave.”

Ellen could not react in time, hence the tardiness. “Good morning, President Presgrave.” Her voicealone reverberated in the lobby because everyone had done their salutations by the time she stood up.Feeling embarrassed, she could not help her flushing cheeks.

Jared’s eyes naturally fixed on her. A smile appeared across his lips the moment he saw her. Then, heresponded to everyone, “Save the greetings whenever I’m at work.”

“And spare me a moment, Ellen,” he called for her on the spot.

She froze at her spot, looking left and right to realize that only her name was mentioned. She had nochoice but to rise from her seat. Now that he was seeing her as the company’s president, her heartsurged to her throat.

Once they came to a pillar, Jared cut to the chase. “I saw you and a guy fighting back there. Who ishe?”

Ellen’s mind went blank, for she did not expect him to witness that scene. “He’s the son of my uncle’sfriend.”

“Is he pursuing you?”

“No, no, no! I have nothing to do with him.” She shook her head vigorously in denial.

“He’s definitely up to no good. Don’t mind him,” he reminded.

“I know.” She nodded because she hoped for peace too. However, she worked in the lobby, whereHarvey could drop by at any time, so she could not do anything about it.

Needless to say, Jared was also aware of the main problem. Why don’t I transfer her to somewhereclose to me? I need a personal assistant anyway. She can help me with my daily routine, and I cankeep her safe by keeping those unwanted harassments in check. Perfect!

“Ellen, do you want to have a change of job?”

“A change?” That idea did not cross her mind at all.

“I need a personal assistant, so you can take office from now on.”

“Huh? Me? But I haven’t done anything relevant to that.” She lacked confidence.

He smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t bite.”

He assured her to get back to work first before treading toward the elevator. Once Ellen was back inher position, Olive came up to her. “Ellen, why did he ask for you?”

“Nothing.” Ellen figured that it was not the time to bring up the job rotation.

The tactful Olive quelled her doubts at her response. If President Presgrave takes special care of Ellen,she won’t need to serve as a receptionist anymore.

As Olive expected, Ellen received a job rotation email from the human resource department at noon.She went to the manager’s office as required, and Joanna looked at her enviously. “Ellen, you’repromoted! You’ll be working as the president’s personal assistant from now on.”

Her face turned crimson at that. That sounds kinda weird. Personal assistant?

Seeing through her mind, Joanna grinned. “Don’t get me wrong. We’re a proper international company.As the president’s assistant, you’re required to take care of his personal life. The president willelaborate on the details himself later.”

In actuality, Joanna was clueless about what kind of a person Jared was. The only time sheencountered him was during a meeting among the senior employees. Thereafter, she had theimpression that Jared was a strict and serious person.

Ellen did not foresee the promotion to be this soon either.

“You should report yourself at the floor where the presidential office is.”

After thanking Joanna, she headed upstairs by the elevator. The moment she came out of it, asecretary in her early thirties escorted her.

“Ellen Reiss, come this way, please.”

Ellen trailed behind the lady. The whole floor appeared unusually solemn and strict, and she was ontenterhooks. Jumbled thoughts flooded her because she did not have the slightest idea of what kind ofwork she needed to do.

“Ellen, here’s your office. You are directly under President Presgrave, so he will tell you your dutieshimself. All you gotta do is do as you’re told to.”

“Then… Do I need to go through any handover documents?” inquired Ellen.

The secretary gave it a thought before shaking her head. “I’m not sure either. You’re his first personalassistant, so just wait for his orders.”

She strode away just like that, leaving Ellen in muse while propping her chin. A couple of momentslater, the landline on her desk rang out suddenly, making her jump. Quickly, she answered the call,“Hello?”

“Come to my office.” Jared’s gruff and enchanting voice resounded.

I guess I have incoming work now, Ellen thought. “Okay. I’m on my way.”

Taking a deep breath, she walked to his office and knocked on the door. The second she opened thedoor, Jared was removing his blazer to reveal the dark grey vest and white shirt underneath. Geez,he’s a real-life prince charming.

“Have a seat. Let’s talk about your job scope.” He pointed at the couch.

Is he going to deliver my job scope personally? She was not sure whether to cry or laugh at reality.

Once Jared took a seat, the jittery Ellen proceeded to sit down with a straightened back. With herhands placed on her knees, her serious gaze began to focus.

Seeing that, he burst into laughter. “Relax. I don’t bite.”

But you’re the boss! How am I supposed to relax in front of my boss? She was helpless. “May I knowwhat I have to do from now on, President Presgrave?”

“Can you make coffee?”

“Yes, I worked at a cafe before.”

“Great. That is your job for now.” The lenient boss found something for her to do. Now that she workedas his assistant, he needed to at least put something on her plate, and it happened that no one wasresponsible for making coffee, yet.

“Is that it?” She blinked her eyes, recalling Joanna’s words about the fivefold increase in her income.Yet, that was all she had to do?

Meanwhile, Selena and her colleagues returned to the office upon having lunch. When they bypassedthe receptionist’s desk, she intentionally glanced at Ellen’s place to find it empty. Where is she? Whyisn’t she on duty? Perhaps she’s fired after making a mistake? Or did she resign?

The curious Selena approached Olive with a smile. “Hi, there. I’m wondering where Ellen has gone to.”

“Oh, Ellen, you say? She’s transferred to another position.”


“We’re not sure either.”

She’s transferred to another position? But hasn’t it been two weeks since she started working?

While Selena had questions, one of the other receptionists piped up, “Didn’t President Presgrave speakto Ellen personally this morning? I bet she’s working for him right now.”

Selena happened to hear that and quickly followed up. “He spoke to Ellen this morning? Has she donesomething wrong?”

“Nope. He was all gentle and smiling, though?” the receptionist responded.

So, she’s not fired but promoted? Is she working for the presidential office now?

Mixed feelings boiled in the pit of Selena’s stomach. She fished out her phone to message Ellen as shewas on her way to the elevator. ‘Ellie, I heard you’ve been transferred. Which department are you in?’

Ellen checked her phone upon hearing the notification. Noticing that it was Selena, she sighed.However, she could not ignore her cousin, could she?

‘I am now an assistant on the presidential floor,’ Ellen replied, not wanting to point out her job asJared’s personal assistant.

Selena’s mind went blank upon the shocking news, which attested to the receptionist’s guess—Ellenwas indeed working directly under Jared!

At that point, jealousy spurred in Selena. Does that mean she gets to meet Jared every single day?Working at such a distance will be an advantage for her! If she’s up to something, Jared’s gonna bewrapped in her fingers sooner or later. After that, no matter how wealthy my family is, we won’t be ableto be on par with the Presgrave Family!

‘Ellie, my parents will be away for work. I’m scared to be home alone. Can I crash at your place for twodays?’ Selena made up her mind to curry favor with Ellen, who owned the resources she coveted.

However, Ellen frowned upon receiving that message. Doesn’t she have a lot of friends? Why must itbe my place?

Five minutes later, her phone rang as Connor called her. She quickly answered the call, “UncleConnor.”

“Hey, Ellie. Olivia and I are going outstation for a few days, so I’m wondering if Lena can stay with youwhile we’re away,” inquired Connor.

Ellen was slightly stunned, for it was her initial assumption that it was a deliberate attempt by Selena tostay with her. Now that he had made a personal request, she could only go along with it. “Sure. Not aproblem.”

“Thanks. It’s time for you guys to spend some quality time together. You girls were separated for somany years and haven’t hung out together,” he reasoned.

Still, she was aware that things would not go his way. Even if they shared the same space, it would notpull them closer because they were of different worlds.

After the call terminated, Selena shot another message. ‘See you tonight, Ellie. Mom and Dad willboard the plane tonight.’

‘Okay,’ responded Ellen.

Meanwhile, Connor looked at Olivia with dubious eyes. “We will be at home, though. Why must we lieto Ellie that we’ll be away?”

“Enough with the questions. Just do as I say. It’s for Lena,” she answered.

Despite the questions in his head, he was happy to have the girls hanging out together. That way, theywould have someone to rely on in the future.

At 3.00PM, Ellen’s landline rang, prompting her to pick up the call immediately. “This is Ellen speaking.”

“Please make me a cup of coffee.”

“Sure, President Presgrave.”

“Less sugar, no cream.”

“Understood.” Elated to have something to do, she walked to the pantry at the presidential office. In thefully facilitated area, she opened a cupboard that contained various kinds of coffee beans. As a trainedbarista, she was able to brew a nutty aromatic coffee like a breeze with the beans and coffee grinder.

Fifteen minutes later, she held a tray to bring Jared coffee. After knocking and opening the door, shesaw the man perusing documents on the couch. He set the files down with a smile upon her arrival.

“Wow. It smells great.” He praised as the aroma wafted his nose.

“Hope you like it.” Ellen proffered the coffee to him.

He took a sip and savored the aromatic light texture that came with a smidgen of bitterness. Thepleasant texture prodded him to nod approvingly. “Not bad. I like it.”

She pursed her lips, feeling the spiking sense of achievement inside her. “Enjoy. I’ll be outside.”

When she returned to the pantry, she saw a female assistant examining the coffee machine. SinceEllen had time, she approached the woman. “Fancy a cup of coffee?”

“Yeah, but I think it’s broken.”

“I’ll make one for you. Give me fifteen minutes.”

“Really? Awesome! I like cappuccinos.”

“On it.” A smiling Ellen nodded.

Fifteen minutes later, the assistant came to the pantry again while Ellen served her freshly brewedcoffee. As soon as the assistant had her first sip, she exclaimed, “Woah! It tastes the same as the onesI had in cafes! I love it!”

“I worked at a cafe before,” Ellen explained.

“No wonder you have the touch. Thanks!” said the assistant who left thereafter.

Ellen had the luxury of time serving the employees here. To work in the presidential office, one had tobe the best of the best; their jurisdictions revolved around the incoming reports from all around theworld.

When it was time to get off work, she was uncertain whether to leave, so she decided to staytemporarily. It was then that a figure appeared by the door before resting himself against the doorframe. “It’s time to go home.”

“President Presgrave, is there anything that I can help you with?” She stood up at the drop of a hat.

“There is. Come with me for dinner.” Jared often had dinner alone, so he would not mind the extracompany.

Is this also my job? A curious Ellen blinked her eyes. “I-Is this one of my tasks?”

“Yes.” He reassured her.

“Okay. Let’s go.” She nodded with red cheeks.novelbin

Together, they headed to the underground parking lot and that private restaurant Jared frequented. Thekitchen served different menus every day, and enticing dishes were on today’s menu. Every dish wasmeticulously concocted, and the chefs prioritized taste and nutrition over quantity. So, Jared orderedsix from them.

As though it was a gustatory feast, the dishes were served in ones and twos while he recounted theirbackground stories. For instance, the fish’s origin and the type of shrimp used for today’s dish. Ellenpricked her ears at his broad insight.

Despite the little age gap between them, his knowledge knew no bounds. She was deeply impressedby the fact that he knew everything from A to Z.

Youngsters nowadays were relatively untrammeled, hence the mindlessness to study and desire toenjoy life with little money in hand. However, this man possessed not only an abundance of wealth butalso knowledge. His nature itself was more charming than his handsome looks.

“President Presgrave, may I read when I don’t have incoming work?” Ellen requested on the accountthat daydreaming was simply an act of wasting time.

“Sure. You can do whatever you fancy.” Jared nodded because he did not transfer her to his jurisdictionto make her work in the first place. His sole wish was to protect her and that smile on her face.

Feeling touched, she felt her eyes getting watery. No one had ever treated her so well ever sinceJessica passed away. Just how lucky am I to meet such a capable gentleman? How can I repay hiskindness? I don’t think I have anything to repay him.

At that moment, her phone rang upon receiving a call from Selena. She rose from a seat and said,“Excuse me, President Presgrave.”

She went to the garden and answered the call, after which Selena’s voice resounded. “Ellie, where doyou live? I’ve packed up my stuff and am on my way to your place.”

“I’m out, Selena. Why don’t you have dinner on your own first?”

“Who are you with?” Selena questioned curiously.

“A-A friend of mine.”

“Who? Don’t tell me it’s President Presgrave.” Selena guessed.

Nothing can ever escape her grasp. Ellen let out a silent sigh. “Yeah. I’m still working.”

“Okay. Just inform me when you’re home,” said Selena.

“Sure.” Ellen ended the call and returned to the restaurant.

Jared was grilling a piece of beef for her. Now that she was back, he placed it on her plate. “I’ve grilledit. Have a try.”

Elated by the pleasant surprise, Ellen took a small bite of the meat. Its smooth yet juicy texture eliciteda smile on her face. “It’s delicious.”

The duo enjoyed their dinner until 8.00PM, after which Jared gave her a ride back home. She alightedfrom the car and waved at him. “Be careful on your way back.”

He blinked at her as an acknowledgment. The control panel exuded faint blue light, which shroudedhim in a glowing sheen with a touch of sophisticated grace.

Only when he left the place that she finally sent her address to Selena, who would arrive soon. Ellenwandered outside the neighborhood to buy some necessities. By the time Selena’s car halted at theentrance, Ellen happened to be there with a bag of daily necessities.

“You live here?” Selena scanned the area in disbelief because she was aware no ordinary peoplewould be able to afford a house there. Never had she imagined that Ellen would be this rich afterJessica’s house was demolished.

“Yup, for the time being,” Ellen reciprocated.

Selena carried her luggage into the neighborhood when Ellen became curious about something.“Where are Uncle Connor and Aunt Olivia going? Is it something important?”

“Dad’s friend passed away, so they’ll be helping with the funeral for the next few days. I’m scared.”Selena made up an excuse for herself. Since she had set her heart to approach Jared by leveragingEllen, she put down her egoism.

On the other hand, Ellen bought her lies without a shadow of a doubt since she did not know her familythat well.

When they arrived at the door to Ellen’s place, Selena wondered if the rental house comprised only onebedroom. However, her eyes widened in astonishment the second Ellen opened the door. She liveshere? It’s huge and luxurious! And how is this a one-bedroom house? It stretches more than twohundred square feet!

“Ellen, how much is the monthly rent?” The question escaped Selena almost instantly.

Ellen recalled the conversation she shared with Joanna, who told her not to reveal that employeewelfare included accommodations, so she glossed it over. “About five thousand.”

Selena deemed it impossible. “No way. That cheap?”

“The owner was in a hurry to leave the country. That’s why,” Ellen elucidated.

Selena stopped prying further on the notion that it was better to stay in such a place than a one-bedroom apartment. After her shower, she entered Ellen’s room on her own accord. She became saltyat Ellen, who was donned in a thin nightgown.

She appeared slim, but she had the curves that one desired; her body proportion was the epitome ofperfection. Her slick tress fell over her shoulders, covering her angelic features and smooth skin.

“Ellie, I can’t sleep. Let’s have a girls’ talk!” Selena planned on digging into Jared because girls tend tobe more sentimental at night. They naturally spilled secrets when they lowered their guard.

“Ellie, do you meet President Presgrave every day?” There went her first question.

Ellen thought for a moment. “Almost. I’m in charge of making him coffee.”

Selena did not look down upon that job, for she desired to take over that position. Too bad, she was notoffered the chance. “Ellie, tell me more about him! I’d love to hear ’em.”

It was not like Ellen could not see through her intentions. Thus, an idea sprouted in her mind as shenodded. “Sure. There’s this one beautiful lady he knows.”

“What? A beautiful lady?”

“Yeah! She’s really pretty and seemed to be from a rich family. They’re quite close. I think they’re goingout.”

Selena blurted, “He’s taken?”

“Who said he was single? Of course, he has one.” Ellen put on a serious face while making up a story,hoping it would stop Selena from bothering Jared.

Ellen’s words hit home, setting turmoil in Selena. Jared has a girlfriend?! She must be someoneextraordinary. I have outstanding merits, but there’s always someone better out there.

“Ellen, are you sure about this?” She held on the chance that Ellen saw it wrongly.

“No cap.” Ellen nodded seriously, putting her plan into operation. “Selena, do you perhaps havefeelings for President Presgrave?”

A deflated Selena did not hide the truth. “So what if I like him? He’s already taken.”

“Selena, I bet there’s a lot of people lining up for you out there. Why don’t you choose someone froman influential family to be your husband? I think President Presgrave is off-limits. He will never fall for

someone ordinary like us,” Ellen advised.

Still, Selena gave her an eye roll. “Not me.”

Ellen returned a smile instead of getting angry. “Yeah, yeah. I’m the only one. You studied abroad, atleast.”

“Yup! And I am a graduate of a privileged school!” Selena’s eyes twinkled with pride. It was, in actuality,a hoax because she paid someone to write her thesis.

“You’re a genius, Selena! How did you enroll in that university?” It piqued Ellen’s interest becauseSelena had always had poor grades, let alone scoring on the SAT. Therefore, how was it even possiblefor her to study in a recognized school?

Selena sneered. “I pulled some strings. Dad has his connections. I told him I wanna get into thatuniversity, and they offered me a place a few days later. You have no idea how happy I was.”

Never once had Selena opened up to her toxic friends, so she felt like bringing up her ‘remarkable’ pastshe took pride in.

“Really? Uncle Connor’s the best!” Ellen feigned envy.

“He sure is.” Selena was proud to have a father like Connor, who granted every of her wish.

“It took him a phone call to get me a position in Presgrave Group.” Then, she wondered how Ellen got ajob in the company. “Did you pass the interview with flying colors?”

The doubt plaguing Ellen’s mind was finally answered, so she reconfirmed. “Uncle Connor helped youwith that?”

“Yep. He called one of the senior employees.” Selena nodded.

I think Uncle Connor helped me too. She mustn’t know about this, or she’ll throw a fit at him. Therefore,Ellen lied. “A-As you’ve guessed, I passed the interview.”

Selena observed the attractive Ellen while thinking that receptionists were indeed dolls. Next, shesteered the topic back. “Tell me more about Mr. Presgrave.”

Ellen was helpless. “I don’t know what else to talk about.”

“What about that gorgeous lady you mentioned? Who is she? Is she a celebrity or someone rich?”

“Not the former, but she appears to be from a rich family. She has that air around her.” Ellen continuedfaking it.

Selena did not doubt one bit of her story. Judging from Jared’s identity, it was nearly impossible that hewas single. Women would throw themselves at a capable man like him, so that marked the end ofSelena’s sweet dreams.

“But why does he treat you so special?” She could not understand why Jared noticed a newcomer likeEllen amongst the employees.

“It’s probably because of my circumstances.” Ellen added, “I once cried at work when I bumped intohim. He asked, and I told him that Grandma left. I seem pitiful now that I’m all by myself.”

I knew it! She planned it from the start! She acted pitifully in front of him to make him empathize withher. And here I am, thinking that he had fallen for her. Selena was scornful.

Seeing how she believed in her words, Ellen began to let her storytelling shine through. “PresidentPresgrave is an empathetic man. Back then, Uncle Garrett and the others were trying to rip me offwhen the demolition was confirmed. I accidentally spilled the beans, and the rest is what you witnessedin the lobby. He knew I was getting bullied, so he helped me out.”

Selena finally grasped the situation. No wonder President Presgrave is so protective of her. He knew ofher situation.

Ellen exclaimed, “He’s been helping me so much, but I don’t know how to repay his kindness. That’swhy I treated him to a meal. You were there too.”

It pricked Selena’s guilty conscience to recall that day. She coughed wryly. “I was just hanging out withmy friends. It was a coincidence.”

“I know. So, Selena, please do not misunderstand things between me and President Presgrave. He didall that out of pity.”

Selena seemed to be in a good mood. At least, things were not as she thought. She initially assumedthat Ellen was going to be Jared’s girlfriend and would look down upon them the day she became a richman’s wife. Now, it seemed like it was a mere act out of pity and empathy; it was nothing remotelyclose to affection.

“I bet you have his private contact number. Can you give it to me?” Selena suddenly thought of gettingin touch with Jared virtually. If I have his number, I can flirt with him at times. What if I succeed?

Ellen shook her head immediately. “That’s a big no-no. President Presgrave personally highlighted thathis contact number is solely for business. He will get angry if we bother him with personal matters.Besides, he already has a girlfriend. What if she gets jealous? That will put us in trouble.”

“I just wanna save his number. I won’t bother him.” Selena pouted.

“Still, what if you ticked off his nerves? He’ll lash out at me for sure. I can’t do this, Selena.”

“Why are you such a coward?” Selena was perturbed.

“You don’t know how scary it was when he gets angry. I saw him getting mad at an assistant who senthim documents for signatures. She even wept.”

The indifference on Jared’s face whenever he was silent conjured in Selena’s mind as though he had adanger sign on him. His sheer gaze could send chills down one’s spine, let alone when he was in a foulmood.

“So, is there seriously no hope for us?” Selena was being hopeful.

“We should know our place, Selena. Forget it,” reminded Ellen.

Selena could not accept her fate after all those sweet dreams in which she got married to Jared thatshe had during the night. Once she left the room, Ellen instinctively sighed in relief. She thought of herown words, which did not seem to be directed at Selena but at herself.

After all, it was enough to admire someone young and rich like Jared; one should never ask him toreciprocate those feelings!

The next morning, Ellen urged Selena to get ready for work. The latter was reluctant to get up frombed, but Ellen’s persistence rendered her struggle useless. In the end, they went to work together, withEllen getting a free ride.

Upon arrival, she headed straight to the presidential office. The tranquility filled the whole floor, implyingthat she had attended work too early.

“Woah.” In front of the French windows, she gaped at the picturesque scenery vaguely hidden in theshroud of mist. Its surreal beauty could give one the hallucination of being in a utopia.

Just as she was deeply absorbed by the scenery, a man’s voice resounded. “Have you had breakfast?”

She turned her head in surprise to see Jared standing behind her. She stammered with her speech, “P-President Presgrave, you’re early today.”

He smiled. “I stayed for the night, and I’m on my way for breakfast. Wanna come along?”

Ellen indeed came to work too early—it was only 8.20AM!

“Oh. You haven’t had breakfast?”

“What about you?”

“Me neither. I haven’t eaten the bread I bought,” answered Ellen honestly, feeling slightly awkward.

“Let’s go, then.” Jared beckoned her over with his finger. “Follow me downstairs.”

She trailed him into the elevator to head to the underground parking lot. Then, they departed fromPresgrave Group in his cool sports car.

Compared to the rushing crowd of white-collared workers, the man appeared laid back. Judging fromhis composed action amidst the fast-paced society, it was as if he held sway over everything.

Ellen had a hearty breakfast at the restaurant. If I work for President Presgrave any longer, I’llunavoidably gain a few extra pounds. I don’t even feel like I’m working!

Jared enjoyed his breakfast while his gaze glued onto the girl as though it was his duty to ensure shefilled her stomach. When he noticed she stopped halfway through her meal, he questioned, “Whystop?”

It was not that she could not finish it, but her stomach was filled to the brim. Furthermore, the epiphanyof the importance of keeping fit just struck her. She would look different if she put on a few extrapounds!

“I-I’m trying to lose weight. I can’t have too much,” Ellen replied truthfully. She could lie with a deadpanface in front of Selena, yet it seemed like she could not do the same to him.

“What weight?” Jared scanned her from head to toe, realizing that her proportion was perfect when hisgaze swept across her chest.

“My waist is getting plumper,” she grumbled.

“I don’t think so,” he refuted.

“It might not seem like it, but that is the truth.”

“Didn’t I hug you the day we hiked? You’re too thin to me. You should have some more.” The smile onJared’s face made him glow.

In the face of his engaging smile, Ellen blushed so hard that her heart raced. At that moment, sherealized one of the benefits of working by his side. Sharing the same space with him is testing myheart’s limit. He keeps pushing the acceleration! I can’t take it anymore!

“Finish them. Don’t waste,” he cooed.

Hearing that, she found no other reason to stop eating because she was only half full.

People were jostling each other to get on the train for work, yet she spent her morning with a lovelybreakfast with her boss. On top of that, she could relish in her coffee as the slanted morning sunlightcrawled through the French windows, warming her up.

If this is how it feels to be working, it must be a guilty pleasure.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Realizing it was Harvey, she turned on the silent mode and put it aside.

“Why aren’t you picking up?”

“It’s that guy again. I don’t feel like talking to him.”

Yet, Jared reached out for her phone to answer the call, “Hello.”

“Hey, isn’t this Ellen’s number? Who are you?” Harvey was surprised.

“Yes, it is. I’m her boyfriend. Who are you?” Jared interrogated coldly.

“I-I-I’m her friend.” Harvey stuttered.

“I don’t care who you are, but leave Ellen alone,” warned Jared before ending the call.

His actions confounded Ellen as her expression went blank for a couple of moments, but she wasthankful for his help nevertheless.

He placed her phone in front of her. “Let’s go elsewhere.”


His silence was the only response she received. After that, he drove his sports car to a smartphonestore to purchase her a new phone. Ellen also thought it was time to change a new one, but the manhad swiped his card before she could foot the bill.

“President Presgrave, y-you don’t have to do that. I can afford it.” She tried to stop him.

“Think of it as a gift from me.” He smiled, taking pleasure in buying her stuff.

“I wouldn’t feel at ease.” Ellen blushed bright red. He treated her so kindly, but she had nothing to repayhim.

“You don’t have to feel bad about it. I’m always happy to help.” Jared’s smile was dazzling.

Ellen blushed once again under his beaming smile. She realized she would feel quite guilty if someonetreated her too nicely.

“President Presgrave, I-I would like to buy you a present. What do you think would be a suitablepresent?” Ellen asked.

“Just show me a smile,” Jared replied.

Ellen was initially quite shocked before pursing her lips and saying, “I’m being serious.”

“I’m also being serious here!” Jared enjoyed teasing her and seeing her face turn bright red. Shelooked adorable.

Ellen was tickled by that and burst into laughter as she smiled at him.

Ellen was wearing a white shirt which gave her a slightly charming air. She looked like a budding flowerabout to bloom in the wee hours of the morning; she appeared to be concealing her shyness andcoyness within.

To Jared, her smile felt like a gift to him and made him feel quite joyful.

Jared accepted her smile as repayment. After looking at his wristwatch for the time, he said, “Come on.Come along with me to the company for a meeting.”

Both of them had just walked out of the phone shop when a pedestrian suddenly rushed toward themand nearly bumped into Ellen. Ellen had barely reacted when she felt a strong arm grab her around herwaist, and then there was a tug at her waist. At that point, Ellen fell into a man’s firm chest. Her chestbounced against his body.

A slightly pleasant scent hit Jared’s nostrils, and he lowered his head to look at the girl in his arms. Herbody scent caused his body to tighten, and for a moment, he felt a sensation rush at him on this

pleasant morning.

Jared’s handsome face flushed for a few seconds, and he didn’t expect that he would develop suchthoughts toward Ellen.

As he drove toward the airport, Jared’s eyes flickered slightly. The reaction he had from this morningcaused some slight turmoil in him. He had helped Ellen so much purely because she needed help, andhe didn’t approach her with any underlying motives.

After they arrived at the company, Ellen went back to her office. Jared requested her to make him a cupof coffee and send it to his office at ten thirty.

Ellen held a cup of coffee and came to the third meeting room. She gently knocked on the door andpushed it open. Instantly, the atmosphere inside the meeting room caused her heart to skip a beat.Everyone’s so solemn here!

The projector was on, so the meeting room lights were slightly dimmed. Ellen focused her eyes on theman in the center of the room, and he looked as if he was royalty shrouded in darkness. He exuded anair exclusive to a person of authority but when matched with his young face, the aura he emittedseemed exceptionally at odds.

At the same time, he was captivating, and one couldn’t help being attracted to him.

Ellen placed the cup of coffee in front of him and heard him chuckle in a low voice. “Thanks.”

She blushed and turned around to leave. As soon as she walked out of the meeting room, she sighed.Jared emitted a totally different aura when he was at work, and she didn’t even dare to breathe in frontof him nor dare to cast eyes at him.

Ellen went back to her office and heard her landline go off. She headed over and reached out toanswer the phone, “Hi, who’s on the line?”

“Ellie, it’s me.” Selena’s voice rang out on the other end.

“Selena, do you need something?”

“No, I don’t need anything. I want to have a chat with you, that’s all. Gosh. Has President Presgrave’sgirlfriend arrived? Could you sneakily snap a photo of her to show me?”

“His girlfriend isn’t here, and I wouldn’t dare to sneak a photo either. Selena, I can’t help you with this.”Ellen rejected Selena’s request.

“Why not? What’s there to be afraid of?” Selena attempted to incite Ellen.

“Selena, it’s working hours right now. Don’t you have work to do?”

“I have nothing to do right now. Can I come upstairs to see you for fun?”

“Uhh. I-I’m actually quite busy.” Ellen had no choice but to tell a lie.

“What are you busy with?”

“Anyway, Selena, I don’t have time for fun, so don’t come upstairs, alright? It’s working hours rightnow,” Ellen advised Selena.

“Snap a photo of President Presgrave’s girlfriend when you have time and send it to me, okay?” Selenarequested. Selena refused to give up until she actually saw Jared’s girlfriend.

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