Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1511-1520
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Chapter 1511-1520

However, the person on the other end remained friendly as he said, “How about this? I’ll get her a jobat the reception first. If she’s willing to take this job, we’ll give her an official contract once the probationperiod of three months is over. Please send me her number and basic details.”

“Okay, great! Thank you a bunch, Mr. McConaughey,” Connor said in relief, thinking that this wassuitable compensation for Ellen.

His daughter was employed, and Ellen didn’t have to worry about job searching anymore.

When he got home, Olivia continued to ask him whether he had given any money to Ellen, which waswithin his expectations.

“She wouldn’t take it even if I wanted to give it to her,” he answered helplessly.

“It’s only right that she doesn’t take it as she should understand that every single penny from this familyis unrelated to her,” Olivia scoffed. Every word she uttered was more demeaning than the last.

He stared at his wife and felt as though he was looking at a stranger. What turned her into such aheartless person? Was it money? he wondered.

All these years, their relationship was quite stable, but he noticed that his wife had gradually turned intoa selfish and indifferent person. She hoarded money like a dragon and no longer had any compassionfor others.

Annoyed by his stare, she barked, “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing.” Initially, he wanted to tell her that he had gotten Ellen into the Presgrave Group as well, buthe decided against it. However, the person on the other end remained friendly as he said, “How about this? I’ll get her a job

at the reception first. If she’s willing to take this job, we’ll give her an official contract once the probationperiod of three months is over. Please send me her number and basic details.”

Soon, Selena returned home and was over the moon to find out that she got the position of financialanalyst. For a fresh graduate, it would be impossible for her to get such a good job. Furthermore, shemerely wanted to go there and work to get an extra point for herself so that she could have betterchances of meeting men of higher social class.

Soon, Selena returned home and was over the moon to find out that she got the position of financialanalyst. For a fresh graduate, it would be impossible for her to get such a good job. Furthermore, shemerely wanted to go there and work to get an extra point for herself so that she could have betterchances of meeting men of higher social class.

While she sat on the couch, the image of that young man she bumped into at the golf course that dayappeared in her mind. For the past few days, she would go there for a walk and take some pictureswith her friends, but she didn’t run into him again.

Despite her disappointment, she looked forward to seeing him again because some people in thisworld had the charm to steal one’s heart at first sight.

At night, Ellen fell asleep amidst her tears; she wasn’t afraid, but she merely missed Jessica andcouldn’t accept the fact that she was gone.

Early the following day, she woke up in a daze when she heard her cell phone ringing. She blindlyreached out to grab her phone and picked up the call. “Hello? Who’s this?”

“Am I speaking to Miss Ellen Reiss? I’m calling from the Human Resource Department of PresgraveGroup. Can you come to work tomorrow?”

“Work? Presgrave Group? Me?” A clueless Ellen didn’t remember submitting her resume to thiscompany before.

“Yes, you’re hired. Is there a problem?”

At the moment, she was in urgent need of a job. She couldn’t be bothered to wonder whether this joboffer was a mistake as she grasped it tight like a lifeline.

“No, no problem at all. I’ll be there tomorrow,” she stammered with excitement.

Even after she had ended the call, she still thought she was dreaming. She had a job now, and it waseven a job at Presgrave Group! Once again, she tried to recall the resumes she had sent and was surethat she hadn’t sent one there. Whatever, she thought. I’ll just show up there tomorrow and see whathappens!

Out of the blue, she was struck with overwhelming sorrow. If Jessica was watching her from the otherside and knew that she was going to start working in a huge corporation, would she be happy for her?

She would need a decent business suit for her job tomorrow. Alas, the clothes Connor bought for herwere all casual wear, which was unsuitable for an interview. In addition, an international company suchas Presgrave Group would definitely have a strict dress code.

Hence, she opened the other bags that were fully packed. These were the old clothing that Olivia hadpacked for her, and she had brought all of them back.

One by one, she laid them out on the bed to take a good look at them. Finally, she found a businesssuit with a skirt that looked professional, and she heaved a sigh of relief. Not only did this look good,but it also didn’t look worn out.

After she checked the label and noticed that it was from a renowned brand, she sighed again. Selena’slife is something that I couldn’t even have in my dreams.

Of course, she wasn’t jealous but merely envious because she had faith that her life would onlyimprove.

The next day before going to work, she wore some light makeup early in the morning and took thepublic bus to Presgrave Group.

Meanwhile, at Connor’s house, Selena had put on the business suit she had just bought and woredelicate makeup before leaving the house via her father’s luxury car.

Under the morning sun, the dark blue glass panels of the Presgrave Group building walls reflected adazzling light, and after Ellen hopped off the public bus, she scurried over quickly, worried that shewould be late.

At the same time, Selena had just arrived after parking the car in the parking lot.

She held her purse over her shoulder, paced toward the revolving doors, and it was then that shecaught sight of a familiar figure. She thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her, so she focusedand looked again.

I was right, she thought. I did see Ellen. How’s this possible? Why is she here? Also, the attire she’swearing looks very familiar as well. That looks like it belonged to me. Mom told me that she gave Ellenall of my old clothes, and it seemed like she was really wearing them.

Her red lips turned upward into a contemptuous smirk, and she walked briskly toward the lobby.

Ellen stood in the lobby and raised her head in amazement as she stared in awe at the grand andresplendent hall, too stunned by the sight.

This was a working environment she had never imagined working in, and it was simply too grand!

Right then, Selena walked in and saw her. Although she really didn’t want to acknowledge her, curiositygot the better of her, and she approached her, asking, “Ellen, what are you doing here?”

A startled Ellen turned and lit up when she saw Selena. “You’re here, too, Selena? Are you here towork as well?”

“It’s my first day at work today. So, what are you doing here?” She’s not here to do odd jobs, is she?Selena wondered.

Ellen blinked innocently as she answered, “I-I’m here to work.”

“What?” Selena thought that she had misheard Ellen, yet her hopes were shattered when she sawEllen’s nod.

“It’s my first day at work, too.”

Selena took a deep breath as she thought, How could she get a job here? What qualifications does shehave?

“These clothes are mine, aren’t they? Are you sure you can bring out the elegance of these clothes?”she scoffed and flounced off in annoyance.

The fact that Ellen was working here made her feel that the compelling character of the place hadlowered.

Meanwhile, Ellen’s face was scarlet for a second and pale the next. Although she knew that Selenawas mocking her, she could only sigh and let it go.

Then, she went to the Human Resource Department to sign the employment contract. She still couldn’tbelieve she was hired and even immediately had a position at the front desk. When she saw the basesalary, her eyes lit up with delight.

My god, the base salary is 15,000! she gushed silently, and her hands shook with excitement as shesigned the contract.

After she read through the contract, she was sent to look for her superior at the front desk to assignwork to her.

Back in the lobby, Ellen looked at the long and grand front desk; all of the equipment was so advanced.She couldn’t help but feel that this entire place looked elegant despite it being just a receptionist’sworking area.

She was assigned next to senior staff because her superior, Carrie Lynch, took extra care of her anddidn’t give her any pressure at all.novelbin

In addition, Carrie had also received a note from the higher-ups, so she treated Ellen slightly betterthan the others.

Simultaneously in the finance department, Selena was assigned an office to herself within an extensivedepartment. Although her run-in with Ellen had dampened her mood, she was still pleased with her job.

Selena was a person who was good at handling situations and even better at acting coy. So, it wasn’tlong before she got a male colleague in the office beside hers to teach her devotedly and would alwaysshow up to help on matters that stumped her.

Ellen clocked off at 6.30PM on her first day of work. Although she messed up sometimes due to herinexperience, she was a quick learner. It also helped that there happened to be another colleague at

the front desk who was about to get married soon. So, her colleague guided her to take over theworkload.

After work, Ellen went home immediately while Selena went out with that male colleague for dinner tolearn about the ins and outs of the company.

Selena could no longer suppress her curiosity any longer as she asked, “Chris, who’s the president ofPresgrave Group now?”

“Don’t you know that the young master of the Presgrave Family has taken over the reins at thecompany?”

“What does he look like? I’ve never seen him before. Do you have a picture of him?” she askedinquisitively.

The next second, a man named Christian took out his phone and scrolled through to find the picturethat was circulated in the company’s internal group. The man in the photo was seated in theconference room, looking young and dashing with an intelligent glint in his eyes, simply a hunk that wasa ten on the scale.

Selena took his phone, glanced at the picture, and almost dropped it. Nevertheless, she hurriedlycomposed herself as she held it tightly and covered her mouth, staring in disbelief at the man in thephoto.

Oh, my god! Isn’t this the man I bumped into at the golf course last time? So, he’s the current boss ofPresgrave Group?

Her heart beat madly against her chest, and her eyes were filled with ambition as she smiled happily atthe picture.

“So, this is our boss! Will we meet him every day?”

Her words sent a pang of jealousy through Christian’s chest. Truth be told, he was a little interested inSelena because she was a newbie at the company, pretty, and had a good figure. In addition, he couldtell from how she looked that she came from a wealthy family because he accidentally glanced at hercar key and saw that she was driving a Bentley; of course, he was interested in her.

“Regular employees like us don’t have a chance to meet him,” he said, shaking his head.

However, in Selena’s heart, she was already fantasizing about how she could get to know her boss.The last thing she was expecting was for the man she thought she would never meet again wouldappear so suddenly, and she was so excited that she wanted to scream her joy at the rooftops.

After dinner, she went home and found Olivia in high spirits over the fact that she had a proper job.

“How did it go? Are you happy on your first day?”

”Yes, but an annoying person affected my mood,” she answered candidly.

“What annoying person?” Olivia asked quizzically.

“Who else but Ellen? I don’t even know how she managed a job at Presgrave Group. What a damper!”she whined, utterly annoyed.

When Olivia heard that, she immediately caught on to the situation—when she asked Connor tointroduce a job to their daughter, he also roped Ellen into the company. This made her incrediblydispleased because she didn’t think it was a good thing that he was so concerned about Ellen out ofthe blue.

The thing that scared her the most was Ellen finding out one day that they had donated her brother’sheart. Not only that, they didn’t even share a single penny out of that huge amount with her. If she

really lost her mind, she might actually ruin their family.

When Selena returned to her room to rest, Olivia called Connor into the room for questioning right afterhe returned home.

“Yes, I did get Ellen into the company. What’s the problem? Isn’t this just a small gesture?” he said,annoyed by the interrogations.

Olivia sulked. “Looks like your pitiful niece is the only one in your eyes now, huh? Do you want to ruinour family?”

As he didn’t want to bring up this matter, he went into the bedroom and straight to bed. On the otherhand, the more Olivia thought about it, the angrier she became. It was a glorious thing that herdaughter was working in Presgrave Group, but it irked her that Ellen also had a share in this glory.

Later, she knocked on Selena’s door to have a chat with her.

“Mom, do you know? I found out something that made me really happy today,” Selena said, recallingthat she had yet to tell her mother about this.

“What is it?”

“Turns out that the dreamboat I met at the golf course the other day is my boss!”

“What? Is he young? How old is he?” Olivia asked, her heart skipping with a thud.

“He’s very young! About twenty-five.”

“What’s his family name?”

“Of course, it’s Presgrave!” Selena blinked at her mother and cast her a puzzled look.

However, the look on Olivia’s face was definitely something. It was evident that she was excited butalso nervous as she thought, Who would have thought that the boy who had the heart transplant is nowthe heir of the Presgrave Family in a blink of an eye? How time flies! And we’ve been under the care ofthe Presgrave Family for sixteen years now.

“But I’m just a small employee. How I wish to know him! I should at least let him notice me!” Selenawhined with a look of disappointment while holding her mother’s hands.

Suddenly, a brazen idea popped into Olivia’s mind, probably her most daring thought ever.

That was to find a way to get her daughter acquainted with the young master of the Presgrave Familyand let her marry him. That way, they would live a life of luxury for the rest of their lives.

“Have some patience, Lena. Maybe you’ll have the chance to get to know him in the future. Let’s takeour time.”

“How will I have the chance to meet him, Mom?” she grumbled, still wearing an expression of self-pity.

Olivia gazed at her daughter’s beautiful face, which she had spent a lot of money on. Selena hadrecovered well from the surgery and now had a face that looked naturally beautiful, so she believedthat her daughter could marry into a wealthy family with that face.

Moreover, the Presgrave Family owed them for saving a life, namely their young master. The onlyreason he was able to live was that they signed the papers back then!

They could be considered his savior, and one day when they meet this young master, they just neededto bring this up to him to be acquainted.

Nevertheless, this had to be kept from one person—Ellen. This young master should never find out thatthe one who donated his heart still had a sister living in this world. Otherwise, he would be grateful to

Ellen instead of them, and the more Olivia thought about it, the angrier she felt. So, why did Connorrope Ellen into the Presgrave Group? He’s just ruining Lena’s future!

In the meantime, Jared was having dinner in a high-end restaurant with two senior management staffon his side. One of them was Hubert McConaughey, and he mentioned casually, “Mr. Presgrave, doyou still remember the relatives of that boy from back then? I just assigned two girls from his family towork in our company yesterday.”

Jared nodded in reply. “Of course, I remember them. I wouldn’t be here today if they hadn’t signed thepapers back then.”

“That’s true. Back then, Mr. Elliot had given his instructions, and I’ve been in contact with them andpaying attention to them all these years because I know that the Presgraves owe a great debt to them.”

“Thank you, Mr. Hubert.”

“This is nothing. Seeing that you’re so healthy now, I think nothing of this little contribution of mine.”

“What position did you assign them? Did you pass a message to the other staff?” Jared asked.

“One at the reception and another in the finance department.”

“Okay, take care of them.” Then, he asked, “Are the documents for the demolition and resettlementapproved?”

“Yes, it’s done. Maybe the official document will be out in a couple of days.”

Jared nodded. “Okay!”

Due to national policies, the Presgraves were obligated to help with the city’s development because oftheir status as the leading corporation. Hence, they had contracted a piece of land for demolition and


In the evening, Ellen had just had dinner outside before she ran into her neighbor, who told her thenews in excitement.

“Ellie, do you know that our land will be demolished? This day has finally arrived!”

“When is this happening?” Ellen asked in surprise.

“Soon. I heard that the official documents will be out soon.”

Ellen felt bittersweet. How amazing it would be if Jessica were still alive when this happened! Then,she could enjoy the benefits of the resettlement together with her.

“Ellie, you’ll get a share of the compensation money at that time. Enjoy your days! Your grandmotherwill keep a watch over you from the other side!”

“Okay!” Ellen nodded, but it suddenly hit her that Jessica’s demise was unexpected; she did notchange the title’s name and was adopted, so she had no clue whether she could get a share.

But now, she already had a job that could pay her bills, and she wasn’t that keen to make a windfall onthe side.

At the same time, Connor received this news even earlier than her because a friend of his in thegovernment department immediately called him.

“Connor, that land where your aunt’s house is located is about to be demolished.”

“Really? Are you sure?”

“The news I received is concrete, but isn’t your aunt no longer around?”

“She still has another granddaughter.”

“That’s good. She’ll be compensated quite well. That land is very pricey now, and not any companycould demolish it. I heard it’s the Presgrave Group who took up the project.”


“They’re just taking this to help the development of the city. That little piece of land can’t catch theireyes.”

“You’re right. Maybe they’re just doing a kind deed!”

Olivia was standing behind him and overheard his conversation. After he hung up the call, she leanedin and asked, “Is Aunt Jessica’s house going to be demolished?”

“Yeah, I just received a call saying that it will be demolished, and the papers will be out soon.”

“Wow! If that place is going to be demolished, your aunt’s little three-story house will receive a hugecompensation!” Suddenly, Olivia was filled with jealousy and wished that all three stories of the housebelonged to her.

“I don’t know yet. Let’s see!”

“Then, that money will end up in Ellie’s hands, huh?” she asked and added, “Hey, that’s not right!Legally, she’s not Aunt Jessica’s legal descendant. They’ve always maintained a foster relationship,and Ellie is never under her family registry!”

“I hope this money ends up with Ellie. That way, she won’t have to be in such hardship, and we can setour conscience at ease,” Connor said.

Indifference flashed past her eyes. “Your wish might not come true. In addition, looking at the currentsituation, Aunt Jessica doesn’t have any children living in that house, and her younger generationscould get a share of this demolition compensation. I bet you can get it as well. Maybe we can get asmall share of it!”

A stunned Connor jerked his head to look at her and said, “Will you please stop snatching whatbelongs to Ellie?”

“What do you mean by that? Aren’t we doing it together?” Olivia snorted. “You make it sound like it’s allmy fault. I’m telling you, we will get a share once this demolition fee is passed down.”

After she said that, she pushed the door open and went out to call Garrett, the eldest son of Jessica’sfamily.

She immediately told him about the demolition, which got him very excited. “Olivia, is that true?”

“Of course, it’s true. All of us will get a share. Maybe your mother will get a larger amount. After shegets her share, it will come to the next generation to divide the money. All three of you will get a potion.In the end, Ellen will get one portion.”

“That means that demolition compensation can be divided into six parts! I’m in need of money now. So,Olivia, let’s agree that all of us will get a share when the time comes.”

“That goes without saying!” Only when she was done could she finally go to sleep soundly. For someinexplicable reasons, she just couldn’t stand to see Ellen doing well. It was as though this child wasmeant to bring her ill luck since birth.

On the other side, Garrett quickly shared this news with his younger brother and sister. Everyone wasoverjoyed upon hearing that they would get some money. After all, besides Olivia’s family beingwealthy, the rest of them were struggling in the lower class.

How could they let go of a chance where they could get some money? Surely, they would grab thismoney at the first chance they got!

Furthermore, they didn’t have any relation to Ellen, plus the fact that she was a young girl, they thoughtit was fine as long as she could get some money.

Ellen went to work in the morning. As the company had given her four sets of uniforms, she haddonned the uniform to work today, and her entire temperament had changed, appearing fresh andclean. On the streets, even a few people would turn back to take a second look at her.

After she arrived early to work, she started to help clear the desk. Sienna, the person showing heraround work today, had even specially bought her breakfast.

“Thank you, Sienna.”

“You’re welcome.”

Perhaps it was due to the fact that Sienna was about to get married, as she was practically brimmingwith a gentle charm.

Then, the high-level executives started showing up for work, and Ellen was struck with envy at theirtailored and smart suits! I heard that the people working here are paid handsomely, she thought.

Not long afterward, she saw a person—Selena—who also saw her. They stared at each other for a splitsecond before Selena walked into the lift expressionlessly.

Ellen knew that Selena was pretending not to know her because she didn’t deserve to work here, andshe understood Selena and her arrogance. Since that was the case, she would just pretend not toknow her as well!

Under Sienna’s careful guidance, she roughly grasped the work that had to be done. Around 10.30AM.,Sienna picked up a document and said, “Someone passed this here. Please pass it on to Mr. Jonas’assistant on the twelfth floor.”

Ellen gave her a nod. “Okay!” Twelfth floor, Mr. Jonas’ assistant, she repeatedly chanted in her head toremember the details, held the document to her chest, and briskly walked toward the elevators.

As she had been learning a lot this morning, her mind was a little fuzzy right now. While she wasthinking about something, she saw that the doors of an elevator were about to close and dashed inquickly. All of a sudden, she knocked into a man in the lift.

The documents in her arms fell to the floor with a flap and scattered everywhere.


She was taken aback by her clumsiness and immediately apologized to the man as she bent down topick up the document papers because they were simply too important to her.

At the same time, the man next to her crouched down and helped her to pick up the papers with hisslender fingers.

When she noticed the white silk, blue sapphire cufflinks, and an expensive black watch, she feltsomething amiss and lifted her head abruptly, and the sight that awaited her stunned her.

Goodness! It’s him? Isn’t he that young man who helped me at the golf course the last time?

Jared recognized her as well, and his brilliant eyes narrowed. “It’s you?”

“You’re… Working here as well?” Happiness washed over her. She didn’t expect to run into someoneshe had met before, so she was especially friendly to him.

At first, he was stunned by the turn of events, but a grin appeared on his face a second later. “Yes, I’mworking here as well.”

“Which level is your office?”

“Eighteenth floor.” Even Jared didn’t know why he fibbed because the eighteenth floor was the financedepartment.

“My name is Ellen Reiss. What’s your name?”

He thought of it for a second before he decided to use his mother’s last name. “My name is JaredTillman.”

Ellen flashed him a brilliant smile. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

He was slightly taken aback by her grin and felt a little sense of familiarity with this girl in his chest.Despite this being only the second time that they had met, she made his heart beat slightly out of pacelike she was someone he had known for a long time.

“Nice to meet you,” he greeted in return.

Only then did she remember that she wanted to go to the twelfth floor and hurriedly pressed the button.She smiled at the hunk next to her awkwardly as her face inexplicably turned crimson.

Gosh, this man is gorgeous!

He was the most good-looking of all the men she had met since she was young. From him, she couldfeel a very comfortable and assuring presence that was gentle and strong at the same time. Since he’sworking here, will I get to see him all the time after this? Jared Tillman… That’s a lovely name!


They reached the twelfth floor, and she gave him another smile. “I’ve arrived. See you!”

“Bye.” He stuffed one hand into his trousers pocket and nodded at her slightly. Yet, when the elevatordoors closed, Ellen’s bright smile still remained in his mind.

He could feel his heart was still racing, so he reached out and pressed his chest gently with his palm.Only then did his heartbeat gradually return to normal.

What’s happening? he asked himself in bewilderment.

After Ellen dropped off the document and wanted to press the elevator button again, she pressed thebutton for the elevator that she had arrived in. A kind-hearted staff reminded her politely, “Miss, youcan’t use that elevator.”


“Don’t you know that that’s our president’s private elevator? It’s not for other employees to use.”

“Oh, really?” She was surprised as she thought, But I just used it earlier and ran into another guyinside!

“Thank you,” she said to the female employee and didn’t dare to push the button again.

At the finance department, Selena had a few male colleagues around her, taking turns to guide her.She was doing exceedingly well, especially with her pretty face. As long as she flirted a little, a guywould help her finish her job.

Then, she heard that an assistant had a document that needed to be sent to the president’s office andimmediately scurried over to intercept the task, “Laura, let me run this errand for you! I can use thischance to familiarize myself with the company.”

Laura was more than delighted. “Sure, go ahead!”

Selena left the department with the document in her hands, and the only thought on her mind was thepossibility of meeting the company president later when she went upstairs. She was filled with hopeand anticipation as she stepped into the elevator, which shot up to the fifty-eighth floor directly.

Her heart galloped madly against her chest, and finally, the elevator stopped with a ding, and she feltthat the entire floor was shrouded in a solemn air, as though she shouldn’t do as she wished here.

A few steps later, a female assistant approached and asked her, “Are you here to deliver a document?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Just pass it to me.” The assistant took the document from her, and she quickly asked, “Miss, do youhave a washroom here? I really need to go now.”

“Over there,” the lady answered, pointing somewhere.

She thanked her and strolled toward the washroom, watching the entire floor intently during her brieftour. After she used the restroom, she pretended to have lost her way and saw a huge, golden doorwith the word ‘President’s Office’ written over it.

Her heart skipped a beat almost immediately. Oh, how she wished to meet the president here, even if itwas just a glance from a distance!

Unfortunately, Lady Luck wasn’t on her side. That door didn’t even budge even though she waited formore than ten minutes, and she could only leave in disappointment because if she hung around anylonger, people would be suspicious of her motive.

When it was time to clock off, she stole a glance at the reception once again. Ellen was still there,placing her in a really foul mood. Dressed in the dark blue uniform assigned to the reception desk,

Ellen had transformed from a poor little girl into an elegant white-collar worker.

She was like an ugly duckling who had turned into a white swan.

To Selena, this was very frustrating because, in her opinion, Ellen should always live in her shadowsand not have the chance to do well in life.

Everyone had already left for home. Nevertheless, Ellen decided to stay behind to work overtime. Shedidn’t stay because of the extra hour fees, but she needed the computer in the company to finish herwork.

Soon, she was the only one left at the reception in the lobby. She was so engrossed in finishing thedocument that she didn’t even notice that her surroundings were as dead as a graveyard.

Just then, a graceful and charming figure walked out of the elevator. Tall and well-built, the manrecalled something after he stepped out, turned to look at the reception, and suddenly saw that girlnamed Ellen.

She was the only one still working behind the reception counter. Jared contemplated for a momentbefore he started walking toward the counter.

Meanwhile, Ellen had her head buried in work until she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching her.So, she hastily raised her head to greet them. When she saw someone she knew, she immediatelysmiled at that gorgeous face. “Mr. Tillman, are you just heading home?”

“Why haven’t you finished work yet?”

“That’s because I was recently employed and still familiarizing myself with the work here. So, I’mreturning to work a little more,” she said with a smile.

Suddenly, Jared remembered that the two girls from the family that Mr. Caine was taking care of, one ofthem had joined the finance department while the other was working at the reception. Could she be thelatter?

“When did you start working here?”

She blinked and promptly answered, “Two days ago!”

That’s probably her, he thought. What a coincidence that she’s the relative of that boy that donated hisheart.

“You should head home! It’s late.”

“Okay, I was about to leave soon anyway,” she said, keeping away her document and looking like shewas planning to leave.

When Jared checked the time on his watch, he suddenly offered, “I’ll drop you home.”

“Oh, it’s fine! I can’t trouble you because my place is quite far away.”

“I’m free. This is nothing,” he insisted.

She was delighted by his kindness and shyly accepted his offer. “Thanks for the trouble, then,” she saidand quickly grabbed her bag.

There was no one else in the lobby, and she followed in the footsteps of the man in front of her all theway until they had descended the steps. After that, she saw a very dashing and eye-catching sports carin front of her, and she couldn’t help but gush in awe. This can’t be his car, can it?

Sure enough, the man pushed the unlock button, and the car beeped twice in response. Finally, heopened the passenger seat door and urged, “Hop in!”

“Thank you!” Ellen was overwhelmed with excitement that she couldn’t help herself from doingsomething silly. She stomped her feet several times to get the dirt off her soles before she dared tocautiously get into his expensive car.

It was Ellen’s first time in a sports car, hence the nervousness and thrill running down her spine. I didn’tknow Mr. Tillman is loaded.

“Is there anyone else in your family?” Jared initiated a conversation.

“No. I’m the only one,” she replied naturally.

“You? Alone?” He looked at her in surprise.

“Yup. I’m all alone. My brother is gone a long time ago, and my grandmother passed away two weeksago.” She could not mask the overflowing sorrow.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” he apologized for pricking her sore spot.

She shook her head. “Thank you.”

Ellen’s address was added to the navigation system. She felt guilty to have him take the long route justto send her home.

When they arrived at her place, his brows furrowed. “Is this where you live?”

“Yeah, it’s my grandmother’s place, but it’ll be demolished soon.”

The corner of Jared’s lips slightly curved upward. If his memories served him right, that was within thearea he planned for demolition.

“Thanks for the ride! Be careful on your way back.” She bent over to bid goodbye.

He nodded before driving into a street in the rain. It was not until the sports car vanished from her sightthat she finally came back to her senses. Red tinges crept onto her cheeks, and there was somethingfamiliar about that man for some reason. Despite his sophisticated grace and the social stratadifference between them, she was not afraid of him.

Meanwhile, Jared gave his subordinate a call on his way home. After inquiring about the demolitionarea with the address he had, his conjecture hardened into certainty.

“Why are you there, Mr. Presgrave? That’s the Lockwood Village.”

“My friend needed a ride back home.”

“Your friend lives there?” The subordinate doubted that Jared had a friend living in such a place.

Meanwhile, at Aguirre Residence, Olivia was worried about her daughter, who was in low spirits despitegoing to work every day. So, she decided to chat with Selena.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” Olivia held a bowl of bird nest soup into the room.

“Mom, can’t you just drive Ellen out of the company? She’s such an eyesore!” Selena turned her headsideways.

“Just don’t mind her.”

“I remember that time she didn’t want to give me her toy when I wanted it during our younger days. Isimply borrowed it for a while, yet she accused me of stealing. Dad even told me off because of that!”Selena brought up their younger times.

Olivia secretly did not favor Ellen as she scoffed. “Someone like her is bound to be a non-starter.”

Her affirmation lifted Selena’s spirit. When Selena finished the bird’s nest soup, she had a questionunanswered. “Mom, we won’t go bankrupt, will we?”

“Of course not. We need not worry about money.” Olivia reassured her confidently.

The weight on her mind disappeared because she did not earn herself a living through work. She hadone clear goal—winning her boss’ heart and marrying him!

For the following week, Ellen did not encounter Jared and received a call from the demolitioncontractors, saying they would visit in the afternoon someday to take some measurements of the place.It seemed like the procedure went smoothly as it was approved.

Everyone in Lockwood Village was elated about the news. Thanks to its strategic geographic location,many could rake in a fortune. Those who earnestly hoped for demolition finally had their wish granted.

Needless to say, Ellen bumped into Selena every day at work. The latter seemed haughty; their gazesmet every time, but she did not approach Ellen.

The month was about to end when the villagers received the demolition payment, but there wasnothing in Ellen’s bank account.

Therefore, she dropped by the demolition company for inquiry. The contractor told her that the paymentwas canceled because her name was not included in the family’s registration.

Since she had to register her name under the family before collecting the money, she needed to lookinto the problem.

By the time Ellen arrived home, Lilac’s family had stopped by. They heard of the demolition payment,so they paid a visit to claim their share.

“Ellie, part of the amount belongs to you and me. Isn’t this how inheritance works?” Her uncle, Garrett,cut to the chase.

She was stunned momentarily as mixed feelings churned in her stomach.

“That’s right! Ellie, you’ve been living with Jessica, but you’re not her biological granddaughter. We’resupposed to be her immediate family according to the law,” Nicole chipped in.

“So, we should split it into six among my mother, the three of us, your uncle, and you.”

Ellen was at her wit’s end. Grievance stifled her chest as Jessica once told her that the house wouldbelong to her and no one else.

Every nook and cranny of the place carried precious memories; it was her home.

“What’s with the silence, Ellie? Perhaps, you don’t wanna share? Are you trying to hog everything?”Garrett’s wife was making assumptions.

“T-That’s not it.” Ellen clasped her hands together and lowered her head.

“That’s final, then! You should register your name. Once you have the money, you gotta transfer ourportions to us. You know what to do.” Garrett wrapped it up.

Lilac’s silence indicated her agreement with their decision because of her dire need for money to havea better life.

Although she was aware that Jessica bestowed everything on Ellen, the amount of money was toomuch for her to ignore! Sharing it amongst the family wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Everyone left once the discussion was over, leaving Ellen sitting in a corner like a fragile animal thatcould not resist. Tears finally escaped from her eyes, and pain squeezed her heart as she observed the

furniture at home.

At that moment, her phone rang. She glanced at it and quelled the waves of emotions. “Who is this?”

“Ellie, it’s me! I heard that Aunt Jessica’s house is going to be demolished. Any updates yet?” Oliviainquired.

“Aunt Olivia! I haven’t received the money yet. The contractor asked me to make an appeal to registermy name to Grandma’s.”

“Did Garrett and the others drop by?”

“Yeah, they left not long ago.”

“I knew it! How could they? Ellie, don’t resent them. This is how the world works.” Olivia pretended tobe the nice aunt.

“I-I don’t resent anyone.”

“So, are you going to listen to them?” Olivia tested the water.

What else could Ellen do? Could she even say ‘no’? Unless an impartial head of the family made thecall, she had no other options. Besides, she was not Jessica’s biological granddaughter. It was onlyfoster care at most; bringing it to the court would be a futile struggle.

“Don’t worry, Ellie. Appeal and receive the payment first. We’ll see what we can do then. I’ll have UncleConnor put in some good words for you,” said Olivia.

“Thank you, Aunt Olivia.” Ellen could not be any more grateful.

Once the call terminated, a pang of relief hit Olivia. It’s easy as I expected. Since she has no one torely on, she’ll be creamed off for sure.

Ellen applied for an appeal the next day, but she was stuck in the procedure. In truth, Jessica’sabsence rendered it difficult as it required a lot of documents.

When Monday came, she had no choice but to put it on hold to go to work. Astoria would be leaving thecompany in a few days, so it was impossible to apply for leave during the handover.

The workplace gave Ellen warmth, for Astoria treated her well and even asked other colleagues to lookafter Ellen in her stead.

Everyone got off work on time, but Ellen decided to stay. She loved working overtime alone in thespacious area. Sitting at the receptionist’s desk, she took her time organizing the documents andidentifying every problem that occurred.

Time flew past without her realizing and it struck 7.00PM. A silhouette exited the elevator, revealing asculpture-like face. A sheen of light on him added lusters of grace to his every movement.

As he strode over from the elevator, he noticed the girl sitting behind the receptionist’s desk andfrowned. Is she working overtime again for free?

Receptionists had redundant jobs, hence the fixed salary.

Hearing the rhythmic click, Ellen raised her head and met eyes with the incoming man. Her slightlyweary eyes lit up instantly.

“Working overtime?” She smiled.

“Yeah. It’s quite late. You should get going too.”

The way he spoke sounded as if the boss was speaking, but she shrugged it off because of his youngface. He must be worried.

“About that… Can I buy you a meal?” She invited him for a meal on the spur of the moment.

Jared, who intended to leave, halted and looked back at her for a few seconds. He checked the timethrough his wristwatch. “My pleasure. Let’s go.”

Her mind went blank at his cool acceptance. Holy moly. Just how bold am I to invite him for a meal?And to think that I hit a home run!

Squealing on the inside, she hurriedly tidied up the desk and accidentally dropped a file onto the floor.After picking it up, she banged her head against the chair. Judging from the loud sound, it had to hurt alot.

Jared came up to her upon hearing the noise. “No need to rush. Take your time.”

“Done.” Ellen took her bag and scurried out of the receptionist’s desk, revealing the red tinge on herforehead.

The sight of the red mark pricked his heart a little. “Be careful next time.”

“I will. It’s just—I didn’t expect a ‘yes’ from you.” She added, “I know a decent restaurant nearby. Let’sshoot off!”

“I made a reservation. Let’s go.”

“Huh? I’m the one buying you a meal, though?” A confused Ellen blinked her eyes. Why is he the onemaking a reservation?

“It’s on me tonight. You can have it your way next time.” Jared never let women foot the bills.

Ellen’s cheek was burning in embarrassment. It was as if she invited him just to get herself a free meal.She entered the man’s sports car, which coursed its way along the street. Sitting on the passenger

seat, she felt the gazes land upon her.

She sneaked a few peeks at the man beside her. A sophisticated aura seemed to be shrouding himunder the streetlights as if they were of a different world.

“Where are we going?” She became curious.

“You’ll know when you’re there.” He frequented a particular restaurant for meals. It served high-qualityfood but was not open to the public.

The car was driven into a garden before stopping at a vast field. Ellen scrutinized the stunning area insurprise, ignorant of such scenery at the city center. With the wispy fragrance from the rose garden andenchanting night sky, it was a rare sight to behold in the city.

“It must be expensive to have a meal here.”

To not put her under pressure, Jared answered, “It’s affiliated with the company, so every expensemade can be reimbursed.”

She bought his words due to the great employee welfare at Presgrave Group. The moment sheentered one of the lounges in the restaurant, she exclaimed once again. This is not a place I could stepfoot into in the past.

While they were ordering food, she noticed that the prices were excluded from the menu. She heard ofmost of the ingredients, but never once had she tasted them because it was not something ordinarypeople could afford.

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