Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1361-1370
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Chapter 1361-1370

Hmm, my friend’s mother met up with Brenda before. I think I can get Brenda’s phone number from her.

Lina made the call and promised her friend she would give her a spot on her private jet the next timeshe went on a vacation. Her friend readily agreed to the favor because of that.

Lina got a number a while later. She looked at it, feeling smug. I bet Queenie wouldn’t expect aninterrogation from the Mansons. Let’s change that, shall we?

Brenda returned home at six. The moment she got out of her car, her phone kept ringing. Shewondered who it was. And six messages at the same time?

She checked the messages out, and what she saw shocked her to the core. The woman in the photoswas Queenie, and the images were explicit. That woman was resting her chin on the arm of a man, andBrenda could see the man’s hair in the corner of the photo. He also stuck his tongue out. Just the sightof this made her feel uncomfortable.

The following images were even more disgusting, so she swiftly turned her phone off. Her mind was inchaos. Who sent these? Is that Queenie? Did she date someone before? And she even took thesephotos?

No matter how much Brenda liked Queenie, she couldn’t accept this. The woman in the images wasthe definition of lurid. Brenda decided to get to the bottom of this as she wanted to know if the womanwas really Queenie. Though, in her mind, she already suspected that it was indeed Queenie who wasin the photos and that the photos were taken two years ago. If only she had met Bonnie before, shewouldn’t have thought so.

Brenda didn’t notice the overuse of filters in the photos. All she thought was the woman looked reallybeautiful. She heaved a sigh. Ladies should respect themselves, and they should never walk down thewrong path. If these photos get out, it’s going to ruin her reputation.

She called Nigel, and as soon as the call connected, she could hear her son happily say, “Hey, Mom.”

“Come back home tonight, Nigel.”

“Sure. Queenie’s with me. I’ll bring her along.”

“Is she right beside you? Does she know I’m calling you?”

“What’s wrong, Mom?”

“Just answer my question.”

“No, she’s playing golf. She’s a bit far away.” He noticed Queenie swinging her club, and hegesticulated at her.

Queenie beamed at him and swung her club. Brenda continued, “Nigel, come home alone tonight.Don’t bring Queenie along. We need to talk.”

“What happened? Just tell me, Mom.”

“Can’t talk over a phone call. Just take her home and come back,” she ordered and hung up.

Nigel was flummoxed. Okay, Mom’s being stern. Something big must have happened, and Queenie’sinvolved. Does Mom have anything to complain about? I gotta find out.

Queenie made a good swing. Happily, she came back to Nigel. She was in white sports attire, and herhair was tied in a ponytail. She looked like a fresh graduate who was full of life. When she approachedhim, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Nigel held her and spun her around. He then kissedQueenie before putting her down.

Since there was a distance between them and the car, she purred, “Can you give me a ride on yourback, Nigel?”

He would do anything just for her. And he had wanted to give her a piggyback ride even before she hadasked for it.

Nigel hunkered down, and Queenie quickly leaped onto his back. He easily lifted her. Strolling acrossthe plains under the sunset was a romantic feeling.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned on his back, a sweet smile curling her lips.

“I’ll take you home first. I need to settle something tonight,” he said.

“We aren’t having dinner together?”

“This might take a while. Spend some time with Jessie.”

“Yeah. I do need to spend more time with Jessie.” Queenie thought she needed to stay with Jessiemore as they had just reunited not long ago.

After Nigel sent her home, he quickly went back to the Manson Residence. His mother sounded stern,and he wanted to know what had happened.

Brenda had yet to have dinner. Her husband hadn’t come back, and neither was her son. When it wasabout 7.30PM, she heard someone parking their car in the yard, and her son came in soon after.

“What’s wrong, Mom?” Nigel sat beside her. He was surprised to see her so depressed.

“Nigel, tell me the truth. Has Queenie dated anyone before? How far have they gone?” Brenda wantedto know more about Queenie’s past. The images still haunted her. She was worried Nigel might marrythe wrong woman. It would mean disaster for the family.

Queenie had left a good first impression, but the photos showed a different side of her, and it madeBrenda panic.

Nigel nodded at her question. “She had dated someone before, but the most they did was hold hands.Other than that, nothing.”

Brenda looked at her son as she was worried that he might have been duped. This was his marriagethey were talking about. “Are you sure they’re just friends?”

“I am very sure.” He was certain that nothing had happened between Leslie and Queenie. “Queenie’s agood girl. What’s wrong, Mom?” He was confused by his mother’s behavior.

“You wanna know why I asked all that?” She took her phone out right then and showed him the photos.“Look. Someone sent these to me. And this side of Queenie worries me.”

Nigel took the phone and narrowed his eyes. The woman in the images did look like Queenie, but heknew it wasn’t her. It was Bonnie, the fake Silverstein daughter. “This isn’t Queenie, Mom. It’s Nina, thegirl who pretended to be Queenie’s sister.”

Brenda froze. She wore her spectacles and stared at the girl in the images. “You sure it’s notQueenie?”

“Very sure. Someone must have sent you these to ruin my relationship with Queenie. They also wantyou to think badly of her.”

“But who would do that?” She couldn’t think of anyone who would want to harm their relationship.

“Mom, this isn’t Queenie. Don’t play into their hands. I’ll find out who’s behind this.” He was livid.Someone’s trying to ruin Queenie’s reputation. Bonnie’s jailed, so it’s not her. Someone else is behindthis.

Brenda was still doubtful. She had never seen Bonnie before, so she had a hard time believing that agirl who did cosmetic surgery could look exactly like Queenie. “You should look into this. I hope this

isn’t Queenie. And I’d like to know who’s behind this.” She wanted the truth. It’d be best if the woman inthese images wasn’t Queenie.

Nigel made a mental note of the number that sent these photos to Brenda before going upstairs. Furywelled within him. Who dares to try and ruin our relationship?

How dare they send those images to my mother? They’re trying to ruin my relationship, damn it. Once Ifind out who they are, they’ll be paying for it. He turned his computer on and texted one of his friends,‘Find out who’s the one behind this number.’

‘Did you run into something?’

‘Just find out the owner of this number.’

‘Can do,’ his friend texted. He was a powerful hacker who could find anything as long as they wereonline.

Lina had forgotten all about what she had sent Brenda. It was just a simple message, and she didn’tcare what would happen. If the images managed to ruin the engagement, she thought she would havea chance at Nigel. She was binge-watching some shows online, but then her screen turned black all ofa sudden. “What happened?” She was shocked. Did my computer die?

Right then, a message slowly showed up on her screen. ‘Lina Perez, you have gone too far.’

Her heart skipped a beat. What’s going on? Who’s controlling my computer? What are they trying todo?

‘He knows. Nigel knows you sent his mother those images. You’d better have an explanation for that,or your family’s company will know no peace.’

Lina paled, her heart palpitating. She was in shock and had no idea what to do. Does Nigel know aboutit?! That’s fast. And now he’s controlling my computer to warn me?

Then, a few photos popped up on the screen. They were photos of her from when she fooled aroundwith other guys. Terrified, she held her head. “Who are you? What do you want? Don’t touch myphotos! Don’t look at them!”

‘I wonder what’ll happen to you if I send these to your male friends. You know how it is with karma. Italways comes back to bite you.’

The hacker was slowly uncovering the dark side of Lina Perez, counting all the sins she had done, andLina’s face turned red.

“No, don’t do that, please. I’ll apologize to him. I promise!” Lina quickly apologized despite the fact shehad no idea if the hacker could hear her.

However, to her surprise, the hacker actually heard her. He texted, ‘You have five minutes. Apologize,or I will ruin you.’ With that, another photo popped up. It was an image of her sleeping with a marriedman, who was a famous businessman. ‘Does his wife know you slept with her husband?’

“No, please! I’m sorry! Have mercy!” Lina was sitting on her bed, almost kneeling. If these photos wentout to the public, she would be ruined.

‘Then, explain yourself to Mrs. Manson. I’ll be waiting.’

The screen returned to normal. With shaky hands, Lina held her phone and called Brenda.

“Hello. Who’s this?” Brenda asked.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Manson. I’m Lina. Lina Perez. I was the one who sent those images. I didn’t mean it.The woman in those images isn’t Queenie. It’s her sister, Bonnie. She was the one who sent those

photos to me. She wanted me to slander Queenie. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

Brenda heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness it’s not Queenie. But I can’t believe this lady would dothat. This is pure evil. “Miss Perez, why did you slander my son’s fiancée?” she asked angrily.

“I’m sorry. I just like Nigel too much, so I wanted to ensure I could have a chance at him. S-So, I didwhat I did. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me.” Lina held her phone tightly, and her voice wasbroken.

Brenda harrumphed, “Next time you do this, I won’t let you off that easily.” She angrily hung up, heaveda sigh, and deleted all the photos Lina sent her.

Lina plopped back onto her bed, looking defeated. And then, her phone rang, but it was an unfamiliarnumber. “Who is this?”

“You slept with my husband?! I’m gonna kill you, Lina Perez!” a woman hissed.

Lina’s hand trembled, and she shouted at her computer screen, “You lied to me! Who in the world areyou?!”

Back at the Manson Residence, Brenda finally felt relieved after she got the clarification she needed.She couldn’t believe this was something done by someone who wanted to date her son. She wentupstairs and knocked on Nigel’s door. Right after he opened the door, she apologized, “Sorry, Nigel. Ishouldn’t have doubted Queenie. I’ve deleted the photos.”

“Queenie’s a good woman, Mom. Trust me,” Nigel reassured.

“Yeah. This is my fault. I wouldn’t doubt her again. Your father and I will talk to the Silversteins aboutyour marriage tomorrow and decide on the date,” she said.

He wrapped an arm around his mother’s shoulder. “We gotta give them some good dowry.”

“Your father and I have done the preparations. Generous preparations.” She smiled. She knew howmuch her son liked Queenie.

Nigel didn’t get back at Lina anymore. After all, her reputation was ruined, and getting involved with herwould only sully his name. If he were to run into her, he would tell her to piss off.

Meanwhile, at the Silverstein Residence, Jessie had told everyone she was signed on as an actressduring dinner, and her family was happy for her. They hoped she could make a name for herself in theindustry. When she returned to her room and checked the scandal, she noticed a lot of shorts werepromoting the works she used to take part in. They even edited the parts where she was in. And mostof the comments praised her.

‘Whoa, that’s my favorite scene. So, she’s the stuntwoman?! I was shaken when I first saw that. Iwanna fly like her.’

‘She’s a professional. Works all year long. Nobody can take that.’

‘Doing stunts isn’t easy. Respect.’

‘I could never forget that flying scene. So, she’s the one behind it? She was beautiful.’

Jessie finally felt a little at ease. At least the insults had been dramatically reduced, and the praisedelighted her. Stardom must have stepped in. They’re deleting all bad comments and replacing themwith good reviews. She heaved a sigh in silence. I have to work hard now. Can’t let Julian down.

In the meantime, Queenie was video-calling her boyfriend. He was resting his cheek on the back of hishand, staring at her. No matter how she looked at him, he was perfect. His face gleamed, and his eyesshone like obsidian under the light. For a moment, she wanted to go to his house and throw herself intohis arms.

She was wearing thin pajamas, and she pulled her collar down in an attempt to tease him. However,she earned herself a hiss from him instead. “Wear your clothes properly.”

“You don’t want to see this?” Queenie puckered her lips and harrumphed.

“Just don’t want anyone else to see this. The Internet is a dangerous place. Just come over and showme yourself tomorrow,” Nigel said gently.

Aww, he’s so sweet. She could never get tired of looking at him.

“My dad and mom should arrive at ten tomorrow morning,” he informed.

She nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright, I’ll wake up early and get myself dressed up.”

“It’s getting late. Get some sleep.”

Queenie looked at the time and noticed it was already 10.30PM. However, she still wanted to stay up.“Aww, let’s talk a bit more.”

“Don’t stay up too late. Listen to some songs and read a little. Then, go to sleep,” Nigel purred.

Heeding his words, she ended the video call. It was only then that she realized she was actually gettingsleepy, so she played some music to help with her sleep.

Queenie and Jessie came down at 8.00AM. Their parents were waiting for them around the diningtable, and the girls sat down around them. They made a happy family.

“Dad, Mom, Nigel and his parents will be here at ten.”

“Alright, I have already told the chef to make a feast for them.”

“Yay, you’re getting married, Queenie,” Jessie cheered happily.

Brandon and Maggie were in a hurry to marry her off as well. Nigel was one in a million, and they werehappy that he would finally get engaged to Queenie. All they wished for was for their daughters tomarry good men. They didn’t expect their kids to stay around all the time. They just wanted theirchildren to be happy. And marrying someone in the same city would make visits easier.

“Oh, I need to prepare some fruits and snacks. Brandon, you should prepare the best wine you have.”

“Of course! I’m going to the cellar.”

Queenie took Jessie upstairs after breakfast. Jessie was in a good mood that morning. All the negativecomments had turned for the better, and she even got herself some fans.

She was watching a video, and there was a photo of her in it. She was wearing the shirt the day prior.The cameraman had skills. She was standing under a tree, holding a book. The photo made her lookradiant and gleaming like an innocent young lady.

Jessie blushed. Hey, Julian did this, didn’t he? He took my pic in secret. I had no idea he did that. Allthe comments were praising her looks. They called her a future celebrity, and she felt embarrassed.She thought the photo looked nice, though she also wondered why Julian had taken that photo.

A few minutes before 10.00AM, three cars arrived at the Silverstein Residence. Brenda and herhusband emerged from the car, and their bodyguards came out holding boxes of gifts. Nigel got out ofthe last car. He was in a crisp suit today, and he even styled his hair nicely.

The Silverstein couple welcomed their guests eagerly. They were happy to meet each other.

“Oh, you didn’t have to do this. This must have cost a lot.”

“Ah, it’s nothing expensive. Just a little gift.”

Even though the Mansons had said that, everything that they brought over was expensive due to howrare the items were.

Queenie and Nigel locked eyes for a moment, and Queenie eventually turned away shyly. Now thattheir parents had met, the reality of getting married finally dawned on her, and it made her blush.

Their parents were talking among themselves while Jessie kept refilling their cups with tea. Queenie,on the other hand, led Nigel upstairs to talk.

Eventually, they decided to skip the engagement process since they’d have to wait for a while beforethey could get on with their marriage. They wanted to go straight for the wedding, and Queenie had noobjections to that. She didn’t want to go through the engagement process either.

“I have an idea of where to hold our wedding. Let’s do it on a beautiful island. My cousin and his wifehad held their wedding there before, and it was really romantic.”

“Okay.” Anticipation flowed in Queenie’s eyes.

“We can spend a week there starting tomorrow. Take a look around. If you like it, I’ll get the weddingplanner to start the preparations,” Nigel suggested.

Queenie was already looking forward to the trip, and she nodded. “Sure, we can take a trip there.”

It was already lunchtime, and the elders were still chatting happily. They agreed to the idea of skippingthe engagement and going straight to the wedding.

“Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein, Queenie and I will be staying on the island for a week to see if we like theplace. If Queenie likes it, we’ll be holding our wedding there,” Nigel said.

“Nigel, you shouldn’t call them Mr. and Mrs. Silverstein anymore.” Brenda shot her son a look.

He blushed slightly as he looked at the Silverstein couple once more. “Father, Mother.”

The Silverstein couple froze for a moment, but their hearts were filled with delight. They loved having aman like Nigel as their son-in-law.

“Of course, Nigel.” They gave their approval right away.

Queenie blushed and stared down nervously. She raised a glass of wine and greeted the Mansoncouple, “A toast, Father, Mother.”

Brenda and her husband exchanged a smile and raised their glasses to toast as well.

They gathered around the living room after dinner, and Brenda gave the Silverstein girls two sets ofjewelry. She also gave Maggie an expensive emerald necklace.

Then, she gave them the keys to a villa. “A gift. You guys are living quite a distance from Nigel’s house.This villa is only a mile away. That way, you can visit Queenie anytime you want,” Brenda said.

The Silverstein couple was moved. They appreciated Brenda’s gesture.

“Thank you, but we can’t possibly take this,” Brandon responded.

“Oh, we’re a family now. Of course, you can take this.”

“Father, Mother, Queenie and I would like you to live closer to us. We can help out if anythinghappens,” Nigel convinced.

With that, the Silverstein couple finally took the gift, and Queenie was thankful for Brenda’sconsideration. She wanted her parents to have a better life and living near her made visits easier.

The Manson couple left at 3.00PM. They had to start preparing for the wedding, and Queenie startedpacking up for the vacation.

Jessie had work to do as well. She had a week of class to attend, though she missed today’s lessonbecause she had to deal with some family matters. However, after this, she had to take thingsseriously.

Nigel came to pick Queenie up early the next morning. She took a small suitcase with her. That was allshe needed for a week of vacation.

“Remember to take some pictures, Queenie. We wanna see the island, too,” Jessie said.

“Sure. Take care of Dad and Mom, alright?”

“Leave them to me. You have fun with your husband.”

Nigel was happy to hear Jessie calling him that. He held Queenie’s hand and led her out.

They went across town and came to a port. There was already a helicopter awaiting them. Queeniehad never ridden on a helicopter before, and it was a new and fun experience for her. Though, she heldonto Nigel like a koala at first as the chopper took off. Only after the flight finally settled down did shehave the time to enjoy the sea’s view.

Queenie started gasping and praising the view. Nigel stared at her lovingly, and he combed her bangswhen the wind billowed them.

About an hour and a half later, they finally saw the island. From the air, it looked like a green pearlembedded on the sea’s surface. It was a beautiful sight. Even before they landed, Queenie had alreadydecided to hold her wedding here. She said, “I love this place. Let’s hold our wedding here.”

“We’re not in a hurry. You can look around.” Nigel patted her head.

She nodded enthusiastically. Once the chopper had landed, they got into the car that was waiting forthem. On their way to the villa, they were greeted by flowers in full bloom.

She was taking pictures and recording some videos while Nigel was content with just looking at her. Aslong as she’s happy.

They got into the villa and put down their stuff. And then, a seafood feast awaited them. Nigel had hireda top chef to prepare their meals for the vacation, so the food was sumptuous.

The only thing Queenie was worried about was she might gain some weight from this trip. If shecouldn’t fit into the S-size gown, it’d be embarrassing.

They took a break after lunch, and she dragged Nigel to the beach at 5.00PM. The waters were crystalclear, and schools of fish swam underneath. The pearly sands stretched as far as the eye could see,and Queenie looked forward to vacationing in this place.

She swam in the waters like a mermaid, and Nigel followed beside her. However, as she stoppedswimming and tried to stand on her feet, she lost her balance and fell into Nigel’s arms.

He held her right away and pushed her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, their faces onlymillimeters away from each other.

As they listened to each other’s breathing, the couple couldn’t resist their urge any longer. Thus, withthe glimmering seas and a golden sun in the background, they shared a kiss. A thousand hues paintedthe skies, draping the couple in a blanket of romance.

Queenie’s legs felt like jelly when she emerged from the sea. She held Nigel’s hand and took a stroll onthe beach. As dusk descended upon them, they returned to the villa and took a shower. Dinner wasalready served when they came out of the bathroom.

Queenie was wearing a sexy Bohemian dress the color of aqua. She looked ready for the vacation, andher hair was tied behind her head, making her look like an exotic woman.

Nigel was staring at her with lust-filled eyes. He was struggling with himself, but in the end, he steeledhis resolve to leave s*x until after marriage. It was out of respect for her.

They had a candlelit dinner outdoors, witnessed by the stars hanging in the night sky. Having dinnerwith their lover while listening to the sea and wind was a romantic thing.

Queenie was in a good mood. On the other hand, Nigel thought she was the most beautiful thingaround. Every time she flicked her hair, every time she pursed her lips, and every time she smiled. Itwas better than any view the world could offer.

He was filled with lust. His mind, his body, his soul; all of them were taken over by his desire. The onlything that held him back was his sliver of sanity. Every cell in his body told him to take Queenie. Shewas more delectable than the food on the table.

After dinner, Queenie took him for a stroll on the road. It was quiet, and they had no companionbesides some music. Not too long after she took him on a stroll, she led him back to the villa. She hadnever gone on a night walk. She might look calm on the outside, but she was feeling rather nervous.Still, she didn’t tell Nigel in case he called her a scaredy cat. She held his arm, her face rubbing againsthis arm.novelbin

And Nigel thought he could snap at any moment if this kept up.

In the end, Nigel picked her up and returned to the villa. The air was filled with the sound of herchuckles. Oh, he’s such a tease. He maintains a weak grip for me to lean closer and hug him tighter.

And he even spins me around. It was exciting but also tense. She knew he wouldn’t let her fall, but still,she was worried. “Hey, hold me tight. Stop spinning,” she grumbled.

He stopped teasing her then and took her back to the villa. Two hundred yards was nothing for him,even with Queenie in his arms.

It was about 9.30PM when they returned. Nigel took the guest room, leaving the master bedroom forQueenie. She had lived her whole life in a bustling city. Now that she was alone in a room with nothingbut a moon as her companion, she felt like staying with Nigel.

Before he could enter his room, she asked, “Can we share a room for the night?”

“Why? You can’t sleep alone?” He spoke with concern in his voice.

Is he calling me a scaredy cat? Queenie wouldn’t admit she was scared, so she shook her head. “I cansleep alone!”

“Then, get some sleep. We’ll be diving tomorrow. You need enough sleep to replenish your energy,” hesaid gently.

She was a little disappointed. Am I not charming enough? We’re alone together, and he’s still notreacting. While she was still spacing out, Nigel had already gone into his room. Annoyed, she threw alittle tantrum. Fine, we’ll sleep in separate rooms, then. I gave you a chance, but you wouldn’t use it.You’re such a dummy! She returned to her room with complaints in her heart.

At the same time, Nigel peeked outside and heaved a sigh of relief. If she had stayed out any longer, Iwould have snapped. He wished to leave the best memories for their wedding night. I bet she’d thinkit’s memorable. He wouldn’t do as he wanted. It was all for the sake of the best memory. I wouldn’twant her complaining that I didn’t give her a memorable moment. He went into the bathroom and took acold shower to put off the flame within him.

Queenie took a shower as well. She went to the wine cabinet and stared at the content. Eventually, sheuncorked a bottle of red wine. I need this, or I can’t sleep. She was frustrated, but the more she drank,

the more annoyed she was.

Is he trying to cancel the wedding? Does he think I’m not hot enough? That was an important questionfor a lady. It’d be discouraging if she couldn’t interest the man she liked. And it was a sign of a crisis.She was worried he might fall for someone else easily.

She drank another glass of wine and remembered she had brought a long camisole with her. She tookthat just for this vacation. Now is the perfect time for me to use it. I must prove that I’m hot. She’d losesleep otherwise. With the liquid courage in her, she became bolder.

She entered the bathroom and changed into the camisole. She even sprinkled her favorite perfumeover herself. One last look in the mirror and a deep breath later, she emerged from her room and madeher way to Nigel’s.

Nigel had changed into silk pajamas. He was lying on the bed, and his mind was occupied by Queenie.Did she take a shower? Or is she enjoying some music? Or is she reading the news? Is she thinkingabout me? I hope she does. If she doesn’t think about me, does that mean she doesn’t find meattractive? Ladies don’t show their horny side publicly, but I’m her boyfriend, and I’m right beside her.She should think about me, right?

A thousand thoughts flashed through his head. Suddenly, someone knocked on his door, and hereached it in one moment. His breathing was ragged, but he nonetheless opened the door. When hesaw what Queenie was wearing, he gulped. That’s all she’s wearing? “It’s cold at night. You’re gonnacatch a cold. You should—”

Nigel wanted her to change into something thicker, but before he could even finish his sentence,Queenie interrupted, “I don’t wanna sleep alone. I wanna share a room.” She went past him andentered his room.

Nigel’s lips formed into a smile. I knew it. She was afraid to sleep alone. So, she’s sleeping heretonight? “Don’t worry. This is a safe island. My cousin had bought the whole place. This is my family’sturf now,” he assured her.

You dummy. That was just an excuse. Don’t you know what I’m getting at? She got into his bed andcovered herself with the blanket, showing only her head. She looked cute with her cheeks red and eyeswide.

He then looked at the sofa. “I’ll sleep on the sofa, then?”

Queenie looked at the sofa and patted the spot beside her as she ordered, “You’re sleeping here.”

“But won’t I disturb you?” he asked.

She sighed. That’s an obvious hint. Fine, I’ll do it myself. She got out of bed and approached Nigel withher eyes fixed on him the whole time.

He gulped. What’s she trying to do? If she keeps staring at me like that, I won’t be able to hold myselfback anymore.

Queenie took a step forward, and Nigel took a step back lest he pounced on her. He was already at theedge of the bed, and she pushed him. The moment he plopped down, she pinned him down on thebed.

Finally, he realized what she was trying to do, and he noticed the scent of alcohol hanging in the air. Hequickly asked, “Are you drunk, Queenie?”

“Nigel, you say you love me, but I think you’re lying,” she hissed, complaints evident in her voice.

It made Nigel panic, and he argued, “I am not lying. I will never lie to you.”

“Then, why… why aren’t you interested in me at all?” She stared at him with interrogative eyes.

He almost laughed at that. Not interested? I’m crazy for you. If it weren’t for my sanity holding me back,I’d have gobbled you up. “I am interested in you, but I’d like our first time to happen on our weddingnight. I—”

Once again, he couldn’t finish his words as she pressed her lips against his.

And Nigel finally snapped. He could no longer hold himself back, and he pinned Queenie down instead.

A few moments later, she stared at him, her breathing ragged. She noticed the feral desire wellingwithin his eyes, and she wanted to escape. I can feel he loves me so much that he wants to gobble meup. I need to get away. I think I have just flirted with something I shouldn’t have. She then smiledsheepishly. “You’re right. I think we should wait—”

“Too late for that.” Nigel narrowed his eyes. There’s no way for you to escape now.

“No. We’re going diving tomorrow. I need to sleep to make sure I’m in my top form.”

“We can go the day after tomorrow. We can stay for a month if a week isn’t enough. In any case, you’renot going anywhere tonight,” he whispered, his voice filled with lust.

Queenie regretted trying to seduce him. Though, at least she could feel how much he loved her.

“Alright, fine. But be gentle, okay?” Queenie relented. She had given herself to him anyway. All shewanted to do was grasp his heart and make sure nobody would catch his eye.

She missed breakfast the following day as the only thing she wanted to do was sleep. She felt like shecould sleep the whole day. Even when Nigel called her to have breakfast, she didn’t even bother to getup.

She only woke up at lunchtime, and when she saw the hickeys all over her, her face turned red—shewas embarrassed!

Nigel took her around after lunch. Their diving session would have to wait until the last day.

Back in the city, Jessie spent the whole week learning new things. Except for mealtimes and sleep, shespent all her time learning and making notes. She even spent a lot of time working between sets,learning things she couldn’t learn in class. And Stardom’s marketing for her was a success. So, today,she was heading to the company to shoot a bunch of posters for her official debut.

Jessie arrived at the company at 10.00AM. She was then led to the dressing room. An hour later, shewent to the photoshoot. Even though she was debuting as an actress, this wasn’t her first rodeo infilming. She knew how to pose for the camera. Even the cameraman thought she stood out among allthe beauties. She would be one of the best-looking women in the industry.

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