Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1301-1310
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Chapter 1301-1310

As for Bonnie, Brandon only wished for her to have a happy and fulfilling life. When it was time for herto get married, he would prepare a significant amount of dowry for her so that she wouldn’t have toworry about money for the rest of her life.

However, Brandon was wrong, for Bonnie would not be satisfied with only a hefty dowry, wanting theentire Silverstein Family inheritance instead. Even if she couldn’t get it all, she had to have half of it.

Originally, Nigel wanted to accompany Queenie for dinner, but he had a meeting coming up and had toreturn to the company. Therefore, the two parted and went on with their own businesses. Having gonethrough this jealous and angry occasion, the two now clearly understood their feelings and knew howmuch they loved each other.

Nigel was driving toward his company when his phone rang, and when he looked, he saw that it wasElliot, whom he had not contacted for quite a while.

“Hey, Elliot.”

“Aunt Brenda said you got a girlfriend. This isn’t a joke, right?” Elliot’s deep voice sounded from thephone.

Because Nigel had lied to them with this excuse many times, of course, they wouldn’t believe him whenhe said he was seeing someone, which made him at a loss for what to say. “I’m not lying. I really dohave a girlfriend. I’ll bring her to meet you guys later.”

At that moment, the cries of a young child came from the other end, followed by an incoherent voice.“Daddy…”

Nigel immediately felt his heart soften. “Hey! My little niece, your voice sounds so cute!”

“She’s such a clingy child.” Elliot’s voice was filled with affection as he said that.

“I’m so jealous! Elliot, I want a daughter that is as cute as Willy.” While thinking of the last time hevisited his niece, Nigel couldn’t get the image of the chubby child with the smell of baby shampoo out ofhis mind. She was exceptionally cute, and he was so jealous that he was drooling.

“So, you’d better quicken your pace! Give birth to a younger sibling to play with Willow.” After sayingthat, Elliot turned to his daughter and asked, “How about it, Willow?”

Then there was more incoherent baby talk before Elliot’s voice could be heard again.” Alright then, let’stalk again later. I need to watch over my daughter.”

“Elliot, don’t tell me you’re still working at home!” Nigel asked, feeling curious. The last time he visitedElliot, he discovered that Elliot had basically moved his office back home, and the reason was simple.His cute and clingy niece couldn’t leave her daddy. She would bawl her eyes out whenever she sawElliot leave.

Therefore, Elliot had been settling his work matters at home to take care of his daughter.

“Yes! For half a year, I won’t be going to the company if there aren’t any important matters and will beworking at home. Willow is too clingy.” When saying that, Elliot’s voice was full of adoration and pride.

“Alright then! I’ll swing by to visit my two nephews someday and bring them out to play.”

“Sure, and I’ll be waiting for your good news.” Elliot finished his words and hung up.

Then, Nigel couldn’t help but start imagining what his and Queenie’s child would look like.

Will my child look like me? As he thought of that, a smile appeared on his lips, which looked quiteidiotic.

At the Presgrave Residence, under the sunset, a young boy happily played soccer on the grass patchwhen a chubby figure shakily walked over from the hall. At one year and two months, the child had

dense, short hair that reached her ears. A slight breeze blew, messing up her hair a little, adding evenmore cuteness to her chubby and round face.

Her small limbs that resembled lotus roots and round face were obvious signs that she was a chubbykid, but her big black eyes that looked like black grapes and her small nose and lips made her look aspretty as a doll.

“Jared…” The child was waving her small arms as she wobbly made her way toward her older brother,and behind her came a handsome and composed man in a casual shirt. His every move exuded amighty temperament.

The small and chubby child before him only reached his knees.

“Daddy.” The child wanted to head over and play with her brother and turned around to hug one of herdaddy’s legs, indicating that she wanted him to hug her.

Elliot embraced his daughter and walked toward his son. The president of Presgrave Group had nowbecome a responsible and professional stay-at-home dad. Ever since the birth of his daughter, he hadbeen hands-on with everything, which left Anastasia with the sole task of feeding her. Also, after herpregnancy, Anastasia enjoyed working even more, so she let her husband take care of their daughterand began enjoying the happiness that working had brought her.

After the birth of his children, Elliot’s days were summarized into two things: work and pampering hisdaughter.

As for Jared, he also doted on his younger sister a lot. The father-son duo’s hobby had now becomebeing at Willow’s beck and call.

At that moment, a red sports car drove in from outside, and the woman who came down from it haddense, long hair that was messed up by the wind. She then tidied up her hair and revealed an

exquisitely beautiful face. Her face, which used to have a little baby fat, had now become smooth andsharp, adding an elegant and attractive feel to her whole figure.

The three on the grass patch looked over at the same time. Whenever Elliot saw his wife, he felt hisheart pounding, like during their first meeting. Meanwhile, the young child in his embrace had alreadystuck out her hands in excitement, asking for a hug from her mommy.

However, Jared was the first to run over and hug his mommy’s waist, and then he saw his daddybringing his younger sister over. For Anastasia, the happiest thing after coming home from work was tohave her family greet her.

She first planted a kiss on her son’s cheek before walking over to pull her daughter into her embrace.She planted two kisses on her daughter’s small cheeks and felt Elliot’s arms snake around her waist,pulling her into his embrace. When Anastasia raised her head, the man’s thin lips chased after hersand planted a kiss on her lips. They had always restrained their affectionate actions when their childrenwere around.

“Sweetheart, welcome home.” Elliot kissed her crown.

Since Anastasia began working, she felt more relaxed compared to her hard-working husband, whohad to look after their children at home. While lowering her head, she smiled and asked Willow, “Willow,were you well-behaved today?”

As if she could understand the question, the child scrunched her nose and pouted her small lips whileacting coquettishly in her mommy’s embrace by rubbing her head against her mommy’s body.

Elliot caressed his daughter’s head and noticed that Anastasia was wearing high heels. AlthoughWillow was only one year and two months old, she wasn’t particularly light. She was already overtwenty-eight pounds and was a genuinely chubby baby. It was mainly because Willow could greatly

absorb the nutrients from her nutritious diet, plus that Anastasia kept her daughter on breast milk untilshe turned one year old.

As the sunset’s rays shone down on the family of four, they looked like a lovely family.

At the dinner table in the Silverstein Residence, Maggie had prepared a table full of delectable dishes,and Brandon had retrieved the wine he had kept for a few years and was reluctant to drink. Judgingfrom her father’s behavior, Bonnie could tell right after Brandon came home that he was in an excellentmood.

However, this realization made her feel gloomy because her father’s good mood must be related toQueenie! As she expected, a while after they began eating, Brandon told everyone about the importantproject they had landed today and praised Queenie along the way.

“Queenie, you were so great today. You helped the company land a 1.5 billion project within one day.”

Hearing the compliment, Queenie smiled humbly. “Dad, you don’t have to be so worked up about this.”

Maggie was also surprised to hear that. “Really? Queenie, you’re such a capable person! You’vealready landed such a huge project right after joining the company.”

Meanwhile, Bonnie felt like she had suffered an invisible blow as she glared at Queenie, unable to hidethe jealousy in her heart. No wonder Dad is so happy. So, she did make a huge contribution.

“Mom, it’s a landscaping project under Mason Group, and our company just happened to have alandscaping construction service, so we decided to go for it, and Nigel agreed to let us have thisproject.”

“Oh, you. Looking at you so angry last night scared me. I thought you guys were having a hugedispute! Who would have thought you two had worked it out after one night?” Maggie criticized


Queenie also felt a little embarrassed about that. “Mom, it wasn’t my intention to throw such a hugetantrum. I was too caught up in my thoughts.”

“You’re amazing, Queenie. Besides our company, who else could the Manson Group give this projectto? He’s your boyfriend, after all.” Bonnie made a snarky remark.

“You can’t put it that way. Nigel’s family is part of the business too,” Maggie reminded her daughter.

Queenie had also asked Nigel about this earlier that afternoon, but he insisted on giving it to SilversteinEnterprise. However, Queenie wasn’t worried, for she had seen the company’s landscape constructionworks and knew they could complete the Manson Group’s project.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Brandon accompanied Maggie out for a stroll. The servants had allgone home, and Queenie was in her dad’s study, looking at the reports from work.

Just then, Bonnie came into the study.

“Queenie, can you teach me how to read these reports? I want to learn how to manage the companytoo!”

“If you want to learn how to manage a company, you should start with the basics before interning at thecompany. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you,” Queenie suggested.

However, Bonnie wasn’t the learning type. She had stopped going to school after finishing junior high.Although she disguised herself to look like a rich young lady, she was someone without muchknowledge.

Not only did she hate going to school and taking exams, but she didn’t even have the patience to reada book. She would rather spend time watching television shows and going shopping, indulging herself

in her materialistic happiness.

“You aren’t willing to teach me, are you, Queenie? You’re afraid that I’d compete with you for Dad’scompany!” She deliberately twisted Queenie’s words.

“That’s not what I mean.” Queenie frowned.

“That’s exactly what you mean.” Bonnie sneered.

“Bonnie, this family will never restrict your food and clothing, but I hope that you can respect Dad’sdecision of who gets to manage the company.”

“Dad will pick you, of course! To him, you’re better and far more knowledgeable than me, but we’re bothSilverstein daughters, yet I’m the more pitiful one! Since young, I never had the chance to receiveproper education, and my living conditions weren’t as wealthy and prestigious as yours.” Bonnie alwaysused her childhood to belittle herself and evoke guilt in Queenie.

Before this, Queenie would indeed feel guilty whenever she heard Bonnie devaluing herself and wouldfeel sorry for Bonnie’s unfortunate childhood. But now, Queenie was unfazed by it.

“I still have to go through these reports. Head back to your room!” Queenie ordered.

“Queenie, I’m telling you this right now—it doesn’t matter if you’re the one managing the company ornot, all of Dad’s assets will be equally shared among us,” Bonnie emphasized. In actuality, this was thereason she had come to look for Queenie.

Hearing that, Queenie couldn’t help but feel angry. “The most important thing now is Dad’s health. Howcould you think about splitting his assets?”

Subconsciously, Bonnie felt flustered. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Bonnie Silverstein, you are a member of this family, so why don’t you stop thinking about money everyday and start paying attention to our aging parents, as well as the responsibilities we have to take up?”Queenie felt bothered by Bonnie’s earlier words.

However, Bonnie couldn’t share Queenie’s sentiment. She didn’t belong to this family, and there wasno blood relation between her and the members of this family. More importantly, she just wanted totake everything without exerting any effort.

“I won’t bother you anymore, Queenie.” After saying that, Bonnie turned around and left. When shereturned to her room, the makeup on her face made her feel uncomfortable, so she decided to cleanher face. Just as she was about to apply moisturizer to her face, she widened her eyes in shock uponnoticing a small dent on her forehead. Though it wasn’t very obvious, it was one of the aftereffects ofher forehead filling.

At once, she scanned her face from left to right, feeling flustered. How could there be a dent so soon?If Queenie sees this, she will certainly become suspicious.

While clutching her chest, Bonnie decided she must undergo recovery surgery soon. She couldn’tafford any flaws on her face, after all.

She had no plans of telling Lisbeth about this either. Lisbeth was just an ignorant woman who didn’tknow anything, and Bonnie wanted to deal with this matter alone. Now that she had money, she couldfind a better plastic surgeon.

With that, she gently pulled away the hair behind her ear. There was still an evident scar where shehad removed her cartilage. This was also one of her darkest secrets she could never reveal toQueenie.

Fortunately for Bonnie, she kept that spot hidden under her hair, which was why it hadn’t beendiscovered yet.

After letting out a breath, she looked at her face and thought, There cannot be anything wrong with thisface.

Meanwhile, Queenie kept working until 9.30PM before she received a call from Nigel. When he heardthat she was still working, he insisted that she shouldn’t work after 10.00PM and must head to bed.

Queenie told him she still had a huge pile of reports to go through, and Nigel wished he could teleportthere and help her.

She promised to head to bed at 10.00PM in the end, but he requested that she video call him in thename of supervising her.

Having no choice, Queenie had to abide by his words. Twenty minutes before 10.00PM, she took ashower and changed into her pajamas before sitting on the couch in her room and video calling Nigel.

Nigel’s handsome face still looked flawless on screen. He complained disappointedly, “Alas! I thoughtyou’d wear your spaghetti strap pajama top! Turns out I was excited about nothing.”

While glaring at him through the screen, Queenie retorted, “What are you thinking? If you want to seeme in straps, you have to let me look at your abs.”

“Do you want to see them?” After saying that, he generously showed her his abdomen. Queenieblushed at that, but she nonetheless stared at them.

It was finally the weekend, so Queenie could peacefully sleep in the next morning. Last night, shechatted with Nigel and lost all sense of sleepiness. Thus, she stayed awake until 1.00AM before fallingasleep.

Hence, she left a note on her door, notifying the others that she would skip breakfast.

In the meantime, at the dining table, Bonnie had woken up bright and early. Suddenly, she voiced herrequest to her parents.

“Dad, Mom, I want to go on vacation to Hogland for a while. I’ve asked a friend to accompany me there.I just want to take a break and have some fun.” Bonnie spoke up while she instinctively touched herforehead. Even though she had used a heavy layer of concealer to cover the dent, she was still feelingnervous about it.

“Why do you suddenly want to head to Hogland? Do you have any friends there?” Maggie was stillworried. After all, her younger daughter had been away from home for a long time, and she wasworried that something might happen to Bonnie if she went away on holiday.

“Don’t worry, Mom! My friend is very familiar with that place, so there’s nothing to worry about. It’s justthat I’ve been feeling bored lately, and I want to have a short break,” Bonnie said with a seriousexpression before she continued aggrievedly, “I didn’t have much money back then, so I never wentabroad. Now that I’ve finally found my family, I have to go outside and experience life.”

The Silverstein parents looked at each other before Maggie nodded resignedly. “Fine, but you have tokeep in contact with us and tell us that you’re safe every day, understand?”

“Of course! Thank you, Dad and Mom, but there’s something else…” While biting her lips, she rubbedher fingers together. “I’m a little short of money lately, so could you guys lend me some money first?”

Brandon said with a chuckle, “Sure thing. I have a card with two million inside. Take it with you just incase!”

“Thank you, Dad. You’re the best.” Bonnie was elated. With that amount of money, she could afford thefees for her plastic surgery at a better hospital.

She could now rest assured.

“When are you leaving?” Maggie couldn’t help but ask.

“I’ll be going next week! I have to pack my luggage first.” Bonnie still needed to do her research sinceshe had done her previous plastic surgery in the country. She only did some detailed work since herface resembled Queenie’s to begin with, but she didn’t expect the effects to wear off so quickly andbecome dented after only a short while.

“That’s good, you still have some time. That way, you can have a good rest at home before leaving!”Maggie still hoped that Bonnie wouldn’t leave so soon.

That afternoon, the Silverstein parents went to visit their friend, and Bonnie was feeling very bored athome. At that moment, Queenie woke up and exited her room to head downstairs to eat.

Noticing how the door to Queenie’s bedroom was slightly ajar, Bonnie felt tempted and gently pushedthe door open before heading inside. She enjoyed looking through Queenie’s things back then andcould take whatever she wanted.

But now, she wanted to see how many good things Queenie had received, such as jewels and bags.Even though she couldn’t take them, she could still look around and try them on.

She was surprised when she saw Queenie’s phone on the bed. She subconsciously went over to pick itup, and the phone suddenly unlocked despite needing facial recognition.

Bonnie widened her eyes, feeling delighted. What’s up with this? Did I just unlock Queenie’s phonewith my face?

Once she unlocked Queenie’s phone, Bonnie flipped through the woman’s messages and saw her andNigel’s chat history.

Then, a vicious thought emerged in her mind. If I ask Nigel out to a hotel in the middle of the night,would I be able to sleep with him with the lights on?

If this happens, it wouldn’t matter if Nigel hates me, for Queenie will never accept him after finding outthat he’s slept with me! With that thought in mind, Bonnie immediately decided to carry out that plan.

It was still early morning, and she needed to get Nigel out tonight. Also, since she could use her face tounlock Queenie’s phone, it would be very easy for her to execute her plan.

After coming out of Queenie’s room, Bonnie returned to her room and began to think about the detailsof her plan.

She would soon be heading abroad to have plastic surgery and would be staying there for at leastthree months. Therefore, she had to go ahead with this plan to make sure Queenie and Nigel broke upbefore she went abroad.

Meanwhile, Queenie finished her breakfast and went upstairs. She had forgotten her phone in herroom, so she went to retrieve it before heading to Brandon’s study. Even though it was the weekend,she still considered it as time for her to study, so she couldn’t be lazy.

On the other hand, Bonnie went to a shopping mall outside. Now that she had become the second ladyof the Silverstein Family, she stopped contacting the friends she had before as she was afraid that theywould recognize her. Whenever she went out, she would use the money she got from the Silversteinsto shop to her heart’s content and satisfy her materialistic needs.

Today, she was shopping at a mall when she was suddenly met with a young woman hugging a middle-aged man’s arm at the entrance of the mall. The young woman’s eyes instantly lit up when she saw allthe luxury items inside the shopping mall, and she began excitedly telling the man that she wanted topick out a few items. Though the man looked a little reluctant, he still agreed.

After that, the young woman began selecting the items she wanted. When she saw the woman whowas in the middle of trying on a pair of shoes, she immediately called out, “Nina Lindsay? It is you!”

Bonnie looked up at the young woman in shock and instantly recognized the young woman as one ofher colleagues and friends whom she had worked with for four to five years.

Quickly changing back into her shoes, Bonnie rose to her feet in a fluster and denied, “You’ve gottenthe wrong person. I’m not Nina Lindsay.”

“Stop pretending! Even if you’ve gotten plastic surgery, I can still recognize you at a glance. We used tobe good friends, so you wouldn’t hide from me, would you?” The young woman grabbed Bonnie’s armand looked at her sharply. “When everyone said you’d disappeared, I thought something happened toyou and was even worried about you, but it seems like you’ve been living a good life!”

Seeing that she couldn’t keep up the act, Bonnie struggled to get out of the woman’s grip and replied,“Yes. I have my own life now, so I’ve forgotten everything from before.”

“Where did you get so much money? Why didn’t you tell us and share the fortune?” While eyeingBonnie’s clothes, accessories, and bag, the young woman couldn’t help but feel envious of Bonnie asshe admired her.

Women with backgrounds like theirs would be considered very fortunate to get to where Bonnie was,so she wanted Bonnie to help her as well.

However, Bonnie’s face fell as she rejected, “The people and things from before have nothing to dowith me anymore, so don’t ever look for me again.”

“Hey, Nina, that’s so merciless of you! Have you forgotten that I still have photos and videos of you andMr. Wilson? Don’t think you can get rid of me so easily! You shouldn’t forget about others after you’vegotten rich!” The young woman wasn’t an easy person to deal with either. The moment she recognized

Bonnie, she knew she had to get something from her, and the things she had inside her phone wereher leverage.

“You…” Bonnie’s face paled as she called out the young woman’s name, “Danielle Cosimo, how dareyou threaten me?”

“You know what we do for a living. All I want is to get rich. I need money.”

“I don’t have money. Everything I have is off-brand. Please, have mercy on me,” Bonnie begged.

Danielle pointed at her bracelet. “Sure, but you have to give me that.”

Bonnie held the bracelet tightly. The bracelet was a gift from Leslie, and it was worth about twenty-thousand dollars. She was reluctant to give it away.

“You won’t give it to me? Fine. Then I guess I’ll upload these videos to the hub.”

“Take it.” Bonnie took her bracelet off and handed it to Danielle.

Okay. That worked. Danielle wanted more, and she took her phone out. “Give me your number. I’d loveto have coffee with you.”

“I don’t have time for coffee.”

“Your loss,” Danielle threatened again.

Bonnie had no choice but to give Danielle her number before departing in a hurry. Running into her oldcolleague was a disaster. She would never return to her old life. The luxury of living as a Silverstein hadleft a mark on her and she would never return to the position of a hostess.

A distraught Bonnie returned to her car. She gnashed her teeth and hissed, “I’m Bonnie. I’m aSilverstein. I’m not Nina. Nina’s dead. Nina Lindsay doesn’t exist anymore.”

A scream of despair escaped her lips, fear grasping her heart. Even after her cosmetic surgery, thepeople from her past still managed to recognize her. I have to be careful even when I go around now.

She recomposed herself and returned home. Brandon gave her the card and told her she could use thefunds for her trip. She took the card and resolved never to leave this family again, but she had anotherplan to execute. She had to get Queenie’s phone.

After they had dinner, Brandon summoned Queenie. “Come to my study, Queenie.”

Bonnie noticed Queenie’s phone on the sofa and covered it with a pillow. Queenie looked at the couchbut didn’t see her phone there. Probably in my room. She then followed her father to the study.

Bonnie went to the garden with Queenie’s phone in hand, and she quickly texted Nigel, ‘Hey, are youfree tonight? Want to meet up?’

‘Sure. Where?’ Nigel texted back right away.

Envy filled Bonnie’s heart. ‘I’d like to reserve a room in your hotel.’

‘Nah. Just come to my suite.’

‘Really? You’re at the hotel right now?’

‘No. I’m in a meeting. You can head to the hotel first and tell the receptionist to give you the key.’

‘What if they won’t give it to me?’

‘Tell them you’re Queenie, and they’ll do it. You’re my girlfriend. They’ll do anything for you.’

The more they texted, the more envy overwhelmed Bonnie. I can’t believe he treats her so nicely.‘Sure. I’m coming now. Don’t leave me waiting, and don’t text me when I’m driving, alright?’

‘Sure, I’ll be there in half an hour. Do you want some chocolates? It’s the one you like. You finished thesupplies last time.’

‘Of course. I love those chocolates!’ Bonnie tried her best to mimic Queenie’s text style.


‘See you later.’novelbin

‘See you later.’

Right after that, Bonnie blocked Nigel’s number and set the messaging app to Do Not Disturb. I won’tlet them text and ruin my plan. Once I sleep with him, there’s no turning back. He can kill me, butQueenie will break up with him because she’ll never be able to accept that he has slept with me.

Bonnie would do it even if it meant her parents would disapprove. All she had to do was tell them sheliked Nigel. She returned to the living room, put Queenie’s phone back on the sofa, and told her mother,“I’m sleeping over at my friend’s place tonight. We’re going to talk about the trip.”

“Boy or girl?”

“She’s a girl, Mom. Don’t worry. I know my friends,” Bonnie promised.

“Alright, honey. Be careful. Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay.” Bonnie looked at the time and left in a hurry.

Queenie had gone to her room to look for her phone, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She came outand asked, “Have you seen my phone, Mom? I can’t find it.”

Maggie helped with the search. She saw the phone on the sofa after picking the pillow up. “Hey, it’sright here!”

Queenie smacked her forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot I left it here.” She picked it up and realized thephone felt hot. Odd. Just then, she heard the car revving up. A frown furrowed her brows. “Who’s goingout?”

“Bonnie. She’s crashing at her friend’s place to talk about the trip to Hogland.”

“She’s going to Hogland?” First time I’ve heard of it.

“Yeah. She wants to breathe a little. Your father and I are worried, but we can’t keep her cooped up.She said a good friend is going with her,” Maggie said.

Queenie mused over it, and she thought something was off. Wait a minute. Bonnie has neverintroduced any of her friends to me since she returned. I didn’t know she had friends. “I’m going to myroom, Mom.” She then went upstairs.

Bonnie was speeding her way to Manson Group. I’m going to make him mine tonight. All I have to do isturn off the lights and throw myself at him. Nigel loves her. He won’t refuse me. It’ll be too late when hefinds out.

Fate is on my side. Her phone’s face recognition recognized me. Thanks to that, I managed to askNigel out, and I won’t let this chance go to waste. She was starting to tremble with excitement.

At the same time, Nigel lost all mood to hold the meeting, not when he was about to get lucky withQueenie. “Meeting adjourned.” He left in a hurry. Gotta see her ASAP.

It was a summer night. The air was filled with passion, and Nigel sped all the way to his hotel. He wasstill checking his texts and thought the invitation sounded a bit unlike Queenie, but he thought nothingof it.

Bonnie entered the lobby of the hotel. Apart from having dressed herself up like how Queenie usuallywould, she was also mimicking how Queenie would walk and act. She reached the reception andasked, “Hi, I’m Queenie—”

Before she could finish, the receptionist replied enthusiastically, “Here to get Mr. Manson’s key, Iassume? Here.” She handed the key to Bonnie.

Twenty minutes ago, their boss called them specifically to tell them that Queenie was coming, andeveryone perked up. Queenie was the future wife of Nigel and their lady boss. Of course, they had tobe careful.

“Thank you.” Bonnie nodded politely, but her heart was washed over by delight. God, this feels great. Iwant to change bodies with Queenie. I’d love to live her life for a day. Like that Kimi no Na wa movie.

Is this how everyone’s going to treat Queenie if she marries Nigel? Right. I’ve got to break them upthen. No, I’m going further. I’ll make sure her life is a living hell.

“Can you take me to his suite, please?” Bonnie asked. She had no idea where Nigel’s suite was.

The receptionist was more than happy to do that. She smiled and led Bonnie to the elevator. Even ontheir way up, Bonnie could feel the look of envy she was receiving, and Bonnie raised her chinhaughtily. Eventually, they came to Nigel’s suite, and Bonnie went inside.

The first thought she had of the suite was: luxurious. This is some kind of dream house.

The whole city unfurled beneath the French window. A happy Bonnie ran to the balcony and admiredthe view. Just one look and she felt like she was on top of the world. I love this place.

“I wish this were mine.” Jealousy and greed filled her soul once more. Being rich is nice.

She snapped out of her delusion quickly. I have to set things up quickly. I have to turn off the lights andchange into some sexy lingerie before he gets here.

She got showered, changed into sexy lingerie, and took a seat on the couch, then waited for Nigel toshow up.

She had left only the lights on the balcony open, making sure nothing but a dim light shone into thesuite.

The moment Nigel entered the lobby, the receptionist said, “Miss Silverstein is waiting in your suite, sir.”

Nigel nodded and hastened his steps.

The receptionist giggled. Looks like the president has finally taken a liking to a woman. Wonder howshe managed to make him fall for her.

Nigel went into the elevator and started humming a happy tune. A small smile kept tugging at his lips,and it slowly broadened. Hope I can get lucky tonight. Eventually, he came to his suite. Everyone elsehad to use a key to unlock the door, but all he had to do was press his finger against the smart dooraccess system. The door unlocked, but what greeted him was a dim room. Odd. Is she not here yet?

Just when he was about to turn on the lights, someone on the sofa said, “Don’t turn the lights on.”Bonnie spoke softly in her best attempt to mimic Queenie’s voice.

Nigel froze for a few moments, then he smiled. “Why not? Do you have a surprise for me?”

“Yes, a surprise,” Bonnie answered softly. She then stood up, but all Nigel could see was her back.

Bonnie and Queenie had similar looks and bodies. Nigel didn’t notice it was Bonnie just by looking ather back.

However, he then noticed she was wearing a camisole. He had grumbled that she had never worn acamisole for him the day before. But now she’s wearing one.

“Okay, what happened? What’s with the camisole?” Nigel put his car key down and approachedBonnie.

Thanks to her old job, Bonnie could still act calmly despite her nervousness. She looked at Nigel, butthe light kept her face in the shadows. “Why? Don’t you like it?”

“I love it,” Nigel answered, but still he thought Queenie was uncharacteristically forward tonight.

“I’ll be waiting for you on the bed. You take a bath.” She then went to the bed, leaving Nigeldumbfounded. She’s being really forward.

“Is something wrong, Queenie?” He was worried for her all of a sudden. Why is she doing this? Didsomething happen?

“No. Just feel like sleeping with you.” Bonnie tried to make her voice sound as seductive as possible.“Don’t you want me?”

“You know what we do for a living. All I want is to get rich. I need money.”

“I don’t have money. Everything I have is off-brand. Please, have mercy on me,” Bonnie begged.

Danielle pointed at her bracelet. “Sure, but you have to give me that.”

Bonnie held the bracelet tightly. The bracelet was a gift from Leslie, and it was worth about twenty-thousand dollars. She was reluctant to give it away.

“You won’t give it to me? Fine. Then I guess I’ll upload these videos to the hub.”

“Take it.” Bonnie took her bracelet off and handed it to Danielle.

Okay. That worked. Danielle wanted more, and she took her phone out. “Give me your number. I’d loveto have coffee with you.”

“I don’t have time for coffee.”

“Your loss,” Danielle threatened again.

Bonnie had no choice but to give Danielle her number before departing in a hurry. Running into her oldcolleague was a disaster. She would never return to her old life. The luxury of living as a Silverstein hadleft a mark on her and she would never return to the position of a hostess.

A distraught Bonnie returned to her car. She gnashed her teeth and hissed, “I’m Bonnie. I’m aSilverstein. I’m not Nina. Nina’s dead. Nina Lindsay doesn’t exist anymore.”

A screom of despoir escoped her lips, feor grosping her heort. Even ofter her cosmetic surgery, thepeople from her post still monoged to recognize her. I hove to be coreful even when I go oround now.

She recomposed herself ond returned home. Brondon gove her the cord ond told her she could use thefunds for her trip. She took the cord ond resolved never to leove this fomily ogoin, but she hod onotherplon to execute. She hod to get Queenie’s phone.

After they hod dinner, Brondon summoned Queenie. “Come to my study, Queenie.”

Bonnie noticed Queenie’s phone on the sofo ond covered it with o pillow. Queenie looked ot the couchbut didn’t see her phone there. Probobly in my room. She then followed her fother to the study.

Bonnie went to the gorden with Queenie’s phone in hond, ond she quickly texted Nigel, ‘Hey, ore youfree tonight? Wont to meet up?’

‘Sure. Where?’ Nigel texted bock right owoy.

Envy filled Bonnie’s heort. ‘I’d like to reserve o room in your hotel.’

‘Noh. Just come to my suite.’

A scream of despair escaped her lips, fear grasping her heart. Even after her cosmetic surgery, thepeople from her past still managed to recognize her. I have to be careful even when I go around now.

She recomposed herself and returned home. Brandon gave her the card and told her she could use thefunds for her trip. She took the card and resolved never to leave this family again, but she had anotherplan to execute. She had to get Queenie’s phone.

After they had dinner, Brandon summoned Queenie. “Come to my study, Queenie.”

Bonnie noticed Queenie’s phone on the sofa and covered it with a pillow. Queenie looked at the couchbut didn’t see her phone there. Probably in my room. She then followed her father to the study.

Bonnie went to the garden with Queenie’s phone in hand, and she quickly texted Nigel, ‘Hey, are youfree tonight? Want to meet up?’

‘Sure. Where?’ Nigel texted back right away.

Envy filled Bonnie’s heart. ‘I’d like to reserve a room in your hotel.’

‘Nah. Just come to my suite.’

‘Really? You’re at the hotel right now?’

‘No. I’m in a meeting. You can head to the hotel first and tell the receptionist to give you the key.’

‘What if they won’t give it to me?’

‘Tell them you’re Queenie, and they’ll do it. You’re my girlfriend. They’ll do anything for you.’

The more they texted, the more envy overwhelmed Bonnie. I can’t believe he treats her so nicely.‘Sure. I’m coming now. Don’t leave me waiting, and don’t text me when I’m driving, alright?’

‘Sure, I’ll be there in half an hour. Do you want some chocolates? It’s the one you like. You finished thesupplies last time.’

‘Of course. I love those chocolates!’ Bonnie tried her best to mimic Queenie’s text style.


‘See you later.’

‘See you later.’

Right after that, Bonnie blocked Nigel’s number and set the messaging app to Do Not Disturb. I won’tlet them text and ruin my plan. Once I sleep with him, there’s no turning back. He can kill me, butQueenie will break up with him because she’ll never be able to accept that he has slept with me.

Bonnie would do it even if it meant her parents would disapprove. All she had to do was tell them sheliked Nigel. She returned to the living room, put Queenie’s phone back on the sofa, and told her mother,“I’m sleeping over at my friend’s place tonight. We’re going to talk about the trip.”

“Boy or girl?”

“She’s a girl, Mom. Don’t worry. I know my friends,” Bonnie promised.

“Alright, honey. Be careful. Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay.” Bonnie looked at the time and left in a hurry.

Queenie had gone to her room to look for her phone, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She came outand asked, “Have you seen my phone, Mom? I can’t find it.”

Maggie helped with the search. She saw the phone on the sofa after picking the pillow up. “Hey, it’sright here!”

Queenie smacked her forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot I left it here.” She picked it up and realized thephone felt hot. Odd. Just then, she heard the car revving up. A frown furrowed her brows. “Who’s goingout?”

“Bonnie. She’s crashing at her friend’s place to talk about the trip to Hogland.”

“She’s going to Hogland?” First time I’ve heard of it.

“Yeoh. She wonts to breothe o little. Your fother ond I ore worried, but we con’t keep her cooped up.She soid o good friend is going with her,” Moggie soid.

Queenie mused over it, ond she thought something wos off. Woit o minute. Bonnie hos neverintroduced ony of her friends to me since she returned. I didn’t know she hod friends. “I’m going to myroom, Mom.” She then went upstoirs.

Bonnie wos speeding her woy to Monson Group. I’m going to moke him mine tonight. All I hove to do isturn off the lights ond throw myself ot him. Nigel loves her. He won’t refuse me. It’ll be too lote when hefinds out.

Fote is on my side. Her phone’s foce recognition recognized me. Thonks to thot, I monoged to oskNigel out, ond I won’t let this chonce go to woste. She wos storting to tremble with excitement.

At the some time, Nigel lost oll mood to hold the meeting, not when he wos obout to get lucky withQueenie. “Meeting odjourned.” He left in o hurry. Gotto see her ASAP.

It wos o summer night. The oir wos filled with possion, ond Nigel sped oll the woy to his hotel. He wosstill checking his texts ond thought the invitotion sounded o bit unlike Queenie, but he thought nothingof it.

“Yeah. She wants to breathe a little. Your father and I are worried, but we can’t keep her cooped up.She said a good friend is going with her,” Maggie said.

Queenie mused over it, and she thought something was off. Wait a minute. Bonnie has neverintroduced any of her friends to me since she returned. I didn’t know she had friends. “I’m going to myroom, Mom.” She then went upstairs.

Bonnie was speeding her way to Manson Group. I’m going to make him mine tonight. All I have to do isturn off the lights and throw myself at him. Nigel loves her. He won’t refuse me. It’ll be too late when hefinds out.

Fate is on my side. Her phone’s face recognition recognized me. Thanks to that, I managed to askNigel out, and I won’t let this chance go to waste. She was starting to tremble with excitement.

At the same time, Nigel lost all mood to hold the meeting, not when he was about to get lucky withQueenie. “Meeting adjourned.” He left in a hurry. Gotta see her ASAP.

It was a summer night. The air was filled with passion, and Nigel sped all the way to his hotel. He wasstill checking his texts and thought the invitation sounded a bit unlike Queenie, but he thought nothingof it.

Bonnie entered the lobby of the hotel. Apart from having dressed herself up like how Queenie usuallywould, she was also mimicking how Queenie would walk and act. She reached the reception andasked, “Hi, I’m Queenie—”

Before she could finish, the receptionist replied enthusiastically, “Here to get Mr. Manson’s key, Iassume? Here.” She handed the key to Bonnie.

Twenty minutes ago, their boss called them specifically to tell them that Queenie was coming, andeveryone perked up. Queenie was the future wife of Nigel and their lady boss. Of course, they had tobe careful.

“Thank you.” Bonnie nodded politely, but her heart was washed over by delight. God, this feels great. Iwant to change bodies with Queenie. I’d love to live her life for a day. Like that Kimi no Na wa movie.

Is this how everyone’s going to treat Queenie if she marries Nigel? Right. I’ve got to break them upthen. No, I’m going further. I’ll make sure her life is a living hell.

“Can you take me to his suite, please?” Bonnie asked. She had no idea where Nigel’s suite was.

The receptionist was more than happy to do that. She smiled and led Bonnie to the elevator. Even ontheir way up, Bonnie could feel the look of envy she was receiving, and Bonnie raised her chinhaughtily. Eventually, they came to Nigel’s suite, and Bonnie went inside.

The first thought she had of the suite was: luxurious. This is some kind of dream house.

The whole city unfurled beneath the French window. A happy Bonnie ran to the balcony and admiredthe view. Just one look and she felt like she was on top of the world. I love this place.

“I wish this were mine.” Jealousy and greed filled her soul once more. Being rich is nice.

She snapped out of her delusion quickly. I have to set things up quickly. I have to turn off the lights andchange into some sexy lingerie before he gets here.

She got showered, changed into sexy lingerie, and took a seat on the couch, then waited for Nigel toshow up.

She had left only the lights on the balcony open, making sure nothing but a dim light shone into thesuite.

The moment Nigel entered the lobby, the receptionist soid, “Miss Silverstein is woiting in your suite, sir.”

Nigel nodded ond hostened his steps.

The receptionist giggled. Looks like the president hos finolly token o liking to o womon. Wonder howshe monoged to moke him foll for her.

Nigel went into the elevotor ond storted humming o hoppy tune. A smoll smile kept tugging ot his lips,ond it slowly broodened. Hope I con get lucky tonight. Eventuolly, he come to his suite. Everyone elsehod to use o key to unlock the door, but oll he hod to do wos press his finger ogoinst the smort dooroccess system. The door unlocked, but whot greeted him wos o dim room. Odd. Is she not here yet?

Just when he wos obout to turn on the lights, someone on the sofo soid, “Don’t turn the lights on.”Bonnie spoke softly in her best ottempt to mimic Queenie’s voice.

Nigel froze for o few moments, then he smiled. “Why not? Do you hove o surprise for me?”

“Yes, o surprise,” Bonnie onswered softly. She then stood up, but oll Nigel could see wos her bock.

The moment Nigel entered the lobby, the receptionist said, “Miss Silverstein is waiting in your suite, sir.”

Nigel nodded and hastened his steps.

The receptionist giggled. Looks like the president has finally taken a liking to a woman. Wonder howshe managed to make him fall for her.

Nigel went into the elevator and started humming a happy tune. A small smile kept tugging at his lips,and it slowly broadened. Hope I can get lucky tonight. Eventually, he came to his suite. Everyone else

had to use a key to unlock the door, but all he had to do was press his finger against the smart dooraccess system. The door unlocked, but what greeted him was a dim room. Odd. Is she not here yet?

Just when he was about to turn on the lights, someone on the sofa said, “Don’t turn the lights on.”Bonnie spoke softly in her best attempt to mimic Queenie’s voice.

Nigel froze for a few moments, then he smiled. “Why not? Do you have a surprise for me?”

“Yes, a surprise,” Bonnie answered softly. She then stood up, but all Nigel could see was her back.

Bonnie and Queenie had similar looks and bodies. Nigel didn’t notice it was Bonnie just by looking ather back.

However, he then noticed she was wearing a camisole. He had grumbled that she had never worn acamisole for him the day before. But now she’s wearing one.

“Okay, what happened? What’s with the camisole?” Nigel put his car key down and approachedBonnie.

Thanks to her old job, Bonnie could still act calmly despite her nervousness. She looked at Nigel, butthe light kept her face in the shadows. “Why? Don’t you like it?”

“I love it,” Nigel answered, but still he thought Queenie was uncharacteristically forward tonight.

“I’ll be waiting for you on the bed. You take a bath.” She then went to the bed, leaving Nigeldumbfounded. She’s being really forward.

“Is something wrong, Queenie?” He was worried for her all of a sudden. Why is she doing this? Didsomething happen?

“No. Just feel like sleeping with you.” Bonnie tried to make her voice sound as seductive as possible.“Don’t you want me?”

Nigel narrowed his eyes. He stared at the lady before him, a strange feeling welling within his heart.Queenie had always been a straightforward woman. Even if she liked him, all she would do was givehim a big hug. This seduction play was not like her at all.

Any other man would have taken the invitation, but not Nigel. He would show respect to the women heloved. “Did something happen, Queenie? Tell me.” He then approached the bed.

When he was about half a meter from the bed, Bonnie decided to make her move. She turned around,and before Nigel could see her clearly, she hugged him. “Don’t talk. Just hold me,” she whispered.

His chin was resting on her head, and he noticed her scent. It wasn’t the scent of Queenie. Instead, itwas a sickly fragrance. He shoved her away like she was the plague at once while hissing icily, “You’renot Queenie. Who are you?”

Bonnie staggered backward, panic flashing in her eyes. She never thought Nigel would see through herthis quickly, but she had no time to analyze where it went wrong. Calmly, she said, “You’re right. I’m notmy sister, but I’m here for you.” She pulled the strap of her camisole down. “I’ve loved you ever since Isaw you. I’m willing to give you everything I have.”

Nigel turned owoy in disgust. He never expected Bonnie to be the one behind those texts. “Getchonged ond get out of my room,” he commonded furiously.

The look on Bonnie’s foce chonged. She pounced ond wropped her orms oround him. “I love you,Nigel. I love you o lot. Pleose don’t soy no to me. I’ll give you everything.”

Nigel pried her honds owoy ond shoved her bockword. He then strode to the room’s entronce. “Leove,or I’ll coll the cops.” He opened the door ond stormed off.

Now Bonnie wos reolly ponicking. Emborrossment ond frustrotion pointed her foce red. She quicklychonged into her dress thot wos lying on the sofo ond picked her bog up before following Nigel out. Hewos stonding right outside with his honds in his pockets. Even when he wos ongry, she still found himendeoring. She bit her lip. “I don’t understond. Queenie ond I ore twins. Why do you like her but notme? How is she better thon me?”

Nigel turned away in disgust. He never expected Bonnie to be the one behind those texts. “Getchanged and get out of my room,” he commanded furiously.

The look on Bonnie’s face changed. She pounced and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you,Nigel. I love you a lot. Please don’t say no to me. I’ll give you everything.”

Nigel pried her hands away and shoved her backward. He then strode to the room’s entrance. “Leave,or I’ll call the cops.” He opened the door and stormed off.

Now Bonnie was really panicking. Embarrassment and frustration painted her face red. She quicklychanged into her dress that was lying on the sofa and picked her bag up before following Nigel out. Hewas standing right outside with his hands in his pockets. Even when he was angry, she still found himendearing. She bit her lip. “I don’t understand. Queenie and I are twins. Why do you like her but notme? How is she better than me?”

Nigel shot her a look. “Because she has integrity and morals. You’re an embarrassment of a sister.”

Bonnie’s face turned redder. The reply felt like a big insult to her. “And how did you find out I wasn’t mysister?” That got her curious. I turned the lights off. How did he manage to see through me?

“Because she smells innocent, while you smell like a sl*t,” he snapped.

Bonnie hung her head low. “That’s insulting, Nigel.”

“You did this to yourself. Now scram and don’t breathe a word to Queenie about this. I don’t want youdisgusting her,” he hissed angrily.

Bonnie scurried off like a mouse and hopped into her car. It was already half past eleven by then. Shesneered. Nobody knows what happened. I can tell Queenie he asked me out. Not like they have anyproof. I just need to ruin their relationship, that’s all.

Nigel was washing his hands in another suite. The hotel manager and supervisor were standing next tohim.

“What are your orders, sir?”

“Clean my room thoroughly,” Nigel answered.

He was disgusted just thinking about the fact that Bonnie touched his stuff. Nigel sat on the sofa andwhipped his phone out, then he took a deep breath and made a call, but all he got was an automatedvoice saying, “The number you dialed does not exist.”

He froze. What? Her number doesn’t exist?! He texted her and looked at the time. She’s probablyasleep. Little did he know that Queenie’s phone was set to Do Not Disturb.

In the end, he took his car key and left the place. I have to go to her place and explain everything. Afterwhat happened last time, I’m not going to hide anything from her.

Bonnie drove all the way home. It was already half past midnight when she reached home. She got outof her car and went up to the third floor. Queenie’s room was still lit. She’s still awake. Bonnie smiledand knocked on her door.

Queenie opened it, but the sight of Bonnie made her frown. “I thought you were crashing at yourfriend’s place. Why are you back home already?”

Bonnie entered the room. Just one look ot Queenie’s foce mode her snop. Queenie’s beouty stokedher flomes of envy, ond she would moke her suffer for whot Nigel soid to her tonight. I will breok herheort. “You wont to know where I went? I didn’t go to my friend’s ploce. No, I went to Monson Group tosee Nigel.” She whispered the lost port of thot sentence.

If looks could kill, Bonnie would be deod by now. “Why did you see him? Whot did you do to him?”Queenie knew Bonnie too well. She would sleep with onyone. Did she seduce Nigel too?

“He gove me o key ond told me to woit for him in his suite.” She gove onother vogue onswer soQueenie would ossume the worst.

“Impossible. He would never let you into his suite.”

Oh, woit. I hove evidence. I snopped some photos in his room. She whipped her phone out ondscrolled through the photos until she found whot she wonted. Then she showed them to Queenie. “Isnopped these in his room. There’s o Beorbrick there too, om I right?”

Bonnie entered the room. Just one look at Queenie’s face made her snap. Queenie’s beauty stokedher flames of envy, and she would make her suffer for what Nigel said to her tonight. I will break herheart. “You want to know where I went? I didn’t go to my friend’s place. No, I went to Manson Group tosee Nigel.” She whispered the last part of that sentence.

If looks could kill, Bonnie would be dead by now. “Why did you see him? What did you do to him?”Queenie knew Bonnie too well. She would sleep with anyone. Did she seduce Nigel too?

“He gave me a key and told me to wait for him in his suite.” She gave another vague answer soQueenie would assume the worst.

“Impossible. He would never let you into his suite.”

Oh, wait. I have evidence. I snapped some photos in his room. She whipped her phone out andscrolled through the photos until she found what she wanted. Then she showed them to Queenie. “Isnapped these in his room. There’s a Bearbrick there too, am I right?”

The color drained from Queenie’s face. The photos couldn’t convince her, but the Bearbrick in it could.“Impossible…” She felt her heart getting torn into shreds. He’s not that kind of person.

“I told you all men are the same. Leslie and Nigel are the same,” Bonnie said smugly. If one didn’t knowbetter, one would have thought Nigel had already slept with her. “And he said he was going to bring mechocolates. The one you finished last time.”

Queenie staggered backward. All the blood rushed to her head, and she almost fell.

Bonnie gloated for a few more moments and tried to leave, but then someone pulled her back, andthen she got slapped in the face.

Before she could do anything, Queenie grabbed her hair and pulled them out. With anger in her voice,she roared, “I’ll kill you, Bonnie!”

Bonnie had no idea what she just did. An angry Queenie was a berserk Queenie.

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