Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1101-1110
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Chapter 1101-1110

Ren read Ruka’s mind and said with a deep smile, “I’ll be back in about two days.”

Ruka nodded, and her phone rang at that moment. She picked up her phone and glanced at it. Then,she said, “It’s my mom.”

He motioned for the woman next to him to answer the phone while urging her, “Answer it!”

She answered the phone quickly and greeted, “Hey, Mom.”

“Ruka, what time do you get off work? I’m having a get-together dinner with some old friends. Youshould come and meet them as well.”

She agreed, “Okay. I’ll be home before 5.00PM.”

“Dress up nicely tonight.”

“Mom, why do I need to dress up?” Ruka questioned.

The question drew the man’s attention, and he cast a sidelong glance at her. Claire stressed in aserious tone on the other end of the line, “Just do as I say and don’t embarrass us, alright?”

Ruka smiled as she pursed her lips. “Alright. I got it.”

Ruka raised her head and looked the man in the eyes after she hung up the phone. Ren locked hisgaze on her, and his expression was unfathomable.

She thought she had made a fool of herself as she ran her fingers through her hair and asked, “Why doyou keep staring at me? Is there something on my face?”

“What would you do if your parents set you up on a blind date?” he asked her directly.

Ruka was startled for a moment before she recalled her mom’s advice about dressing up. Then, sheresponded with hindsight, “No way! Are my parents going to arrange a blind date for me tonight?”

Ren asked her coldly, “Are you looking forward to it?”

She erupted in laughter. “No! Are you already jealous before I’ve met another man?!”

When he reached out to take her hand, he immediately noticed the missing diamond ring on her finger.He asked with a frown, “Where’s the diamond ring?”

“Oh, I left it at home. I’m afraid I’ll lose it.” As soon as she replied, she felt guilty and lowered her head.

Ruka was worried about losing the diamond ring? Nah, obviously, she was terrified that someonewould notice she was wearing a couple’s ring with him.

“Put the ring back on when you get home. If you lose it, we’ll get a new one,” the man demanded.

Ruka had no choice but to nod her head. “Alright. I’ll put it on when I get home.”

The way Ruka responded caused Ren’s facial expression to soften subtly. However, he did not releaseher hand and instead grasped it in his palm. Her heart skipped a beat when he grabbed her hand. Sheexperienced a rapid heartbeat and flushed cheeks. In addition, she felt sparks fly from his gesture.

“From now on, say goodnight to me before going to bed every night. Did you know that I was waitingfor your call last night?” Ren asked in a low voice. He could not fall asleep because she was not at hishome.

She was left speechless as she pondered, Does he really wait for my message? She did not send hima message because she did not intend to bother him late at night.

“Okay, I’ll say good night to you before I go to bed.” Ruka nodded. Providing he does not find mymessage bothersome.

“I’m going to get some work done now. You can rest by my side while I complete my work.” Ren did notwant to let her go, so he kept her close to him.

Anyway, Ruka was delighted to accompany him. She grabbed a book to read when she noticed a smallbookshelf in a corner.

Meanwhile, Victoria was in her office and having a bad day. She thought that when Ruka left, shewould feel better, but it seemed that Ruka’s sudden departure made her feel even more upset.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and she snapped, “Who is it?”

“Miss Parfait, Elijah is here,” the assistant said in a meticulous tone as she pushed open the door.

Victoria tensed up and took a deep breath. She said with a smile, “Please invite him inside.”

When Elijah entered the room, she could not contain her excitement. “What brings you here, Elijah?”

He looked at her calmly and said, “Miss Parfait, I’m here to relay a few words from Mr. Husson to you.”

“What does he say?” Victoria worriedly inquired. Does he know that I’m the one who made Rukaleave?

“Miss Parfait, Mr. Husson would like to inform you that if you want your dad to retire comfortably andenjoy his golden years, you’d better be careful and stop abusing your power to bully others,” Elijah saidin a calm voice that belied the underlying threat in his words.

Victoria’s expression changed. “What is he going to do to my dad?”

“The point is what you did to Miss Singed. Miss Parfait, you’re a wise woman. You have to understandhow important Miss Singed is to Mr. Husson.”

“Who the hell is Ruka? Is Ren blind? Which part of me is inferior to hers?” There was an intenseresentment in her eyes. Elijah noticed the malice on her face and the hatred in her eyes. He repliedindifferently, “I believe Miss Singed is much better than you in terms of being kind and open-minded.”

Victoria took a deep breath, and her face turned pale. She raised her head to look at Elijah andquestioned, “Is he threatening me? Why is he doing this?”

“You’ve crossed a line that’s very important to Mr. Husson, and Miss Singed is that line. Miss Parfait,you’d better keep an eye on yourself. You should have known better about Mr Husson’s character. Aftergiving you a warning, he will act on it. He clearly has leverage over your father after all these years. Aslong as he issues orders, your father will be unable to escape. In terms of your position, he can easilyremove you from it if he desires.” Elijah’s last words were clear and cold.

Victoria slumped back in her seat as Elijah turned around and left. Does Ren have to treat me withsuch hostility because of Ruka? She suddenly came to her senses at this moment. What kind of personhave I fallen in love with? When does Ren become so cold and inhuman after a disagreement with me?All my feelings for him over the years must have been in vain. Victoria’s tears streamed down hercheeks, and she buried her sorrow by covering her face. At that moment, she could not wait to cast acurse on Ruka so that she would vanish or leave this world. Then, Ren would never get the woman heloved and suffered as much as she did.

Ruka sat in a room heated by a radiator while reading a book. Since she had trouble sleeping the nightbefore, the warmth caused her to feel drowsy. She had briefly sat before shifting to a prone position toread. Her eyes fought to stay open as she dozed off gently on her arm, but she managed to steal apeek at the man who was reading the documents.

After Ren signed a document, he looked up and saw her sleeping on her stomach on the couch. He feltsomething tug at his heartstrings. This scene appears to be familiar. A similar sight happened manyyears ago.

While he worked on quiz questions at the desk, a young child who was tired from playing fell asleep onthe couch while holding her book. Her cute little face was tender, and her long eyelashes wereunbelievably attractive. The young child slept as peacefully and beautifully as Ruka did at the moment.One could not resist showering her with love and care.

Ren stood up and strode to the clothes rack, picked up one of his trench coats and walked to thecouch. Then, he gently draped it over Ruka’s body. He could not help but stoop and gently peck her onthe forehead.

Elijah returned ten minutes later. When he opened the door, the man at the table motioned for him tokeep quiet. He glanced over at the girl falling asleep on the couch before he left the room.

Ruka was sleeping soundly at the moment, which drove the man who read the document to lose hismind. His gaze returned to her face, and his mind began to waver.

The hours ticked by slowly until it was almost 5.00PM when Ren felt a vibration from his phone. Whenhe looked down to check the caller ID, he picked up the phone and went outside to answer the call.

“Hey, Mom,” Ren answered gently.

“Ren, can you come home tonight for dinner? I’m already missing you.”

“Sure. I’ll be back.”

“OK. I’ll ask Janet to cook your favorite dishes,” Mrs. Husson exclaimed happily.

Ren pushed open the door to the lounge after he hung up the phone. All of a sudden, Ruka woke up.She blinked her sleepy eyes and asked the man who entered, “What time is it, Mr. Ren? Why did Idoze off?”

As soon as she finished her sentence, she became aware of the slight dampness at the corner of herlips and quickly covered it in embarrassment. Did she drool while sleeping on her stomach just now?

Ren was used to her cute gestures and was not bothered by them. That was because Ruka had beenlike this since she was a child.

It was 5.30PM when Ruka took her phone out of her bag. She gaped at the time and said, “I shouldgo.”

“I’ll drop you off,” Ren offered.

“It’s alright. Elijah can do it,” she turned him down and shook her head. The idea that he would drop heroff at her home was intimidating.

He did not argue with her and instead reached out to caress her face, where a red imprint from her napwas still visible.

Ruka allowed him to caress her face all he wanted. She wrapped her arms around his waist andnuzzled against his chest in an audacious move. However, she was still groggy from sleep and desirednothing more than to snooze in his arms for a bit longer.

He gently stroked her hair and murmured, “Scarlet will be home in two days. You and your parentsshould drop by for family dinner.”

Ruka stiffened upon hearing this. Her recent nightmare flashed before her eyes and sent a chill downher spine. She embraced him tightly and confessed, “I’m a little worried.”

“Why? I’ll be there,” Ren reassured her as he gazed at her.

She could not bring herself to tell him about a nightmare she had where he was lectured and scolded infront of everyone because of her.

“Do I really have to?” she asked weakly and looked up at him with mute despair.

He nodded. “I am looking forward to having you and your parents as my guests.”

Ruka sighed. It appears that some things are simply unavoidable, she thought in resignation. Shesecretly vowed to take all the blame for any mishap. Please don’t let Ren take the fall for me.

“Alright,” she promised.

After that, Elijah took her home, and Ren returned to his own place for dinner.

The Husson Residence was a large and imposing structure with eight Roman-inspired columns thatsupported the awning over the main entrance. The architecture symbolized the family’s strength andpower.

Despite her advanced age, Charlotte insisted on giving birth to her only son, so he could continue thesuperior family line. However, thirty-three years had passed, and the young master of the familyshowed no interest in marriage. His parents were nearly eighty years old. They were eager to see himsettle down and have his own children before they passed away. The elderly couple decided to set Renup with a match.

Ren had come home that evening and noticed a young lady sitting beside his mother. The young lady’sface lit up when she saw him.

Then, Charlotte beckoned her son over and said, “Ren, come here. There is someone I’d like you tomeet.”

He knew instantly what his mom’s intention was, and he calmly approached his mom and sat next toher.

“This is Sophie Liamson, Emmett’s niece. She is twenty-six this year and a world-class piano teacher. Ithink a pretty and proper young lady like her is a good match for you.” The old lady appeared to havedecided to take Sophie in as her daughter-in-law.

Charlotte was particularly anxious because she would bring home any girl she considered a potentialmatch for her ever-fastidious son.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Ren. I’ve heard so much about you from Uncle Emmett,” Sophie greetedshyly, but she was secretly over the moon. She could not believe she had been noticed by Charlotte.She was invited to the Husson Residence to meet Ren in person due to Emmett’s efforts to gain thefavor of the old lady.

Sophie had arrived at the Husson Residence in the early afternoon. She had spent half the day withCharlotte and Harold. Furthermore, she had impressed them by cleverly maneuvering her way throughan intellectual conversation and displaying charming etiquette. It was safe to say that the elderly coupleapproved of her.

Ren smiled and said, “Nice to meet you, Sophie. Welcome to the Husson Residence.”

Sophie misinterpreted his smile as a sign that he had feelings for her. Although she had only seen himon television, he appeared even more handsome in person. In addition, his regal air made her swoon.Her heart began to pound. She told herself to seize this opportunity and make a good impression. Shecould become the next lady of the house if she can pull this off. Furthermore, she could become thewife of the country’s future vice president! This could be the most crucial moment of her life, and shecould not afford to let it slip through her fingers.

Then, Charlotte hastily excused herself and mumbled something about checking on the dishes in thekitchen. Her intention was to allow Ren and Sophie to spend time alone together. Consequently, theywere left alone on the couch with only one another for company.

Sophie’s hands were nervously intertwined as her gaze flickered over to the man on the couch next toher. She could not hide her admiration for him and said, “I hope it’s not too forward of me to say this,but I’ve always looked up to you, Ren. I hope I’ll have the chance to learn from you and make up for myown shortcomings.”

“There’s no need for you to be so modest, Miss Liamson. You’re well-accomplished in your own right,”Ren replied congenially.

She was eager to impress him and continued, “I heard you have a piano in your study, and I waswondering if I could have the honor of playing you a song.”

He glanced at his watch. “I’m sorry, but maybe next time. There’s something I need to discuss with mydad right now.”

Then, Ren got up from the couch and walked out of the living room.

Sophie was dejected by his response. Even though he did not seem arrogant or cold, she could tellfrom how he looked at her that he was reserved. It appeared as though he did not mind conversing withher, but that was it. Ren had no intention of engaging in more profound or open-hearted conversation. Itwas precise because he was so inscrutable that one would hesitate to probe him further. However, thatmight have been what made him so appealing. He was a powerful man who cared about people. Hischarisma came from his leadership ability and belief in upholding what was inherently good.Unfortunately, his devotion to his political career was nowhere to be found in his pursuit of romance.

She clenched her fists. Her uncle had given her this opportunity to climb the social ladder, and shewould be doing it a disservice if she gave up due to Ren’s initial apathy. Furthermore, she had a better

chance than any other girls because Harold and Charlotte favored her.

Meanwhile, Ren went upstairs and noticed that his Dad was watching television. Harold relished hissolitude while watching slice-of-life programs.

“Hey, Dad,” Ren greeted him as he pushed the door open. He entered the room and sat across fromhim.

Harold looked at him expectantly and asked, “There you are, Ren. Have you met Miss Liamson?”

“Yes, I have.”

“What do you think?”

“She’s an exceptional girl,” Ren responded flatly as he poured a cup of tea for Harold.

“Ren, there’s a saying that one must honor one’s parents.” Harold continued, “Your mom and I aren’tgetting any younger. We have nothing more to ask of you except that you settle down and start afamily.” These words had become tiresome after repeated so often, but he still found himself sayingthem whenever he saw Ren.

Ren nodded and replied, “I’ll think about settling down.”

“Really?” Harold’s eyes sparkled.

“Yes. Ideally within a year,” Ren stated solemnly.

Harold breathed a sigh of relief. It appears that Charlotte chose the right girl this time! Ren has onlymet Miss Liamson once, and he’s already planning to marry her. Now that he had received the desiredresponse, the old man appeared relaxed and changed the subject. “In that case, you should

concentrate on the next election. You’re still highly regarded by the general public, so there is hope thatyou will be re-elected.”

He was overjoyed that his son’s political career was taking off and had reached heights that he had notbeen able to achieve during his prime. He could only hope such glory would be passed down throughthe generations.

However, Ren frowned slightly and pointed out, “I’m just going to go with the flow, Dad. To be honest,I’m not too concerned about the election.”

“All you have to do is keep up the good work, and everything will work out in your favor,” Haroldresponded, and his ambition was evident in his eyes. “Your political achievements are more thanenough to ensure your re-election. You’re not getting cold feet all of a sudden, are you?”

Ren’s brows furrowed as he answered in a low voice, “No.”

“Good,” Harold declared. He proudly assessed his son and added, “Ren, I know I can always count onyou. I’m confident you’ll win the next election.”

At 6.30PM that evening, Ruka and her parents arrived at the restaurant’s private dining room.

A middle-aged couple and a young man were on one side of the table. Robert’s old friend, AtticusKowalski, was also present and sat at the table with them.

Ruka assessed the situation before her and wondered if she had just walked into a matchmakingsession.

They were introduced after they took their seats. Atticus wasted no time delving into the young man’sand Ruka’s respective family backgrounds. Then, he allowed the parents to discuss what a great matchRuka and this young man would be.

The young man in question went by the name Levi Goldman. He was nearly six feet tall, well-dressed,and appeared to be a steadfast person. Nevertheless, he had not been able to take his eyes off Rukasince she entered the room.

Ruka looked like a princess straight out of a fairytale, with her glossy ebony hair and delicate features.Her ethereal beauty set her apart from all the other girls Levi had met. He exchanged a brief glancewith his mother, indicating that the evening was off to a good start. Then, the parents exchangedpleasantries and made small talk. Levi noticed the empty seat beside Ruka and occupied it whileoffering to pour her tea.

In contrast, Ruka could tell how much Claire wanted her to get along with this man. She did her best toconceal her exasperation. The dinner was set-up just as she had suspected. She wondered if herparents indeed had so little faith in her ability to find a husband that they would take matchmaking intotheir own hands. Did they ever consider how awkward this is for me?

When Levi’s parents asked Ruka what she did for a living, Claire cheerfully replied, “She works in thetranslation department.”

Ruka raised an amused brow and corrected her, “Actually, Mom, I no longer work there as of today. Iquit.”

Claire stared at her in disbelief. “What do you mean you quit? Why?”

Ruka knew Levi’s parents were fond of her, but she did not need their approval. Therefore, she decidedthere was no better time than now to dash their hopes. She shrugged nonchalantly and drawled, “Noreason. I guess I was just tired of working.”

Claire was perplexed by her daughter’s apathy and demanded, “You can’t just quit your job on the spurof the moment, Ruka! Besides, didn’t you just get the job? How can you get tired of it so quickly? Youshould at least talk to us before quitting!”

A wicked glee struck Ruka when she saw how agitated her mom was. She argued petulantly, “I just gottired of it, okay? You know how much I enjoy lazing around at home. Do you think I’m cut out for theworking world when I can’t even do my own laundry and dishes?” She added defiantly, “You and Dadspoiled me, remember?”

Claire thought she might pass out on the spot. She couldn’t figure out why Ruka was acting up tonightwhen she would never have behaved this way. What will the guests think?

She believed Levi was a charming young man and hoped he and Ruka could become a couple. Levicould not be a bad match for Ruka if he was introduced by an old family friend.

“Ruka!” Robert gave her a cold stare. “What in the world are you saying?”

Ruka noticed her dad’s consternation and feigned her innocence as she exclaimed, “I really did quit myjob!”

Levi, who sat beside her, did not think he would mind if Ruka stayed home all day instead of going towork. She was too pretty to be exposed to the rigors of working-class society. He interjected with achuckle, “Mr. and Mrs. Singed, don’t take this too seriously. I personally find Ruka’s honesty to berather endearing.”

His parents appeared to disagree as they exchanged bewildered looks. They were clearly disappointedby Ruka’s immaturity. They had no desire to wait on their daughter-in-law’s hand and foot.

Levi’s mother cleared her throat. “Levi, don’t interrupt Mr. and Mrs. Singed. It’s rude.” She did not wanther son to appear too eager.

During dinner, it became apparent that Levi was eager to demonstrate that he could take care of Ruka.However, Ruka ordered him around throughout the evening.

Claire was furious, but she did not dare to throw a fit in front of the guests. When did Ruka become soinfuriatingly unreasonable?

However, Levi did not seem to mind being treated like a servant. His parents began to wonder whetherhe had any dignity. From their perspective, this matchmaking was a complete failure. Ruka wasbeautiful, but her personality was horrible. They could not risk having their son become a personalslave to her if they decided to marry.

Ruka exhaled a sigh of relief when she noticed the thunderous expressions on Levi’s parents’ faces.

Meanwhile, the dining room at the Husson Residence was filled with a warm and lively atmosphere.Charlotte seemed to be having a whale of a time as she conversed with Sophie. She bombarded thegirl with questions, and when Charlotte ran out of topics, she told stories about Ren’s childhood and herjourney to raise him. One might assume she brought up an ogre if they didn’t know better.

According to Charlotte’s observation, Ren was inept around women, which probably explained why hehad never brought home a girlfriend. Other men his age already had their own families, and heprompted his parents to wait until he finally settled down.

“Ren, could you pass the salad to Sophie? She can’t reach that far,” Charlotte reminded her son to be alittle more proactive in these things.

Ren set his fork down and grabbed the bowl of salad. Then, he placed it in front of Sophie and said,“Here you go, Miss Liamson.”

Charlotte nearly rolled her eyes at him. He can at least spoon some salad onto her plate.

On the contrary, Sophie was admittedly disappointed. She had expected Ren to serve her a portion ofthe salad, but he gave her the entire bowl. He might have been chivalrous, but he was not romantic.

At that moment, Ren set his utensils down and said to his parents, “Excuse me, but I must return towork.”

“Perhaps you can give Sophie a ride. It’s always nice to have company, no matter how short the trip,”Charlotte piped up.

“I really appreciate it, Ren,” Sophie interjected before he could decline.

He nodded. “Very well. Come with me, then.”novelbin

Sophie’s eyes instantly lit up. She was excited about being in the same car as him. It would be theperfect setting for them to get to know one another. She had planned everything because she intendedto hold his hand and tell him plainly that she liked him. This was her moment to shine, and she wouldnot let it slip through her fingers.

They strolled beneath the night sky to the car porch by the garden where four black limousines wereparked. Elijah approached them and respectfully greeted Ren, “Mr. Husson.”

“Elijah, you mentioned earlier that you have something important to report?” Ren asked while he staredintently at his assistant.

Elijah initially frowned, but he soon comprehended and nodded as he said, “Yes, that’s right. It’s crucial,and I need to let you know right away, or it’ll become even more chaotic.”

“Okay, then. Let’s have this discussion in the car, shall we?” Ren then looked at Sophie and said, “I’msorry, Miss Liamson, but it looks like you’ll have to take the other car.”

“I-I promise I won’t be a nuisance.” Sophie made a feeble effort to salvage her opportunity to ride in thesame car with him.

“Miss Liamson, the business matters I’m about to discuss with Mr. Husson are strictly confidential.Please understand that you cannot be present for the purpose of confidentiality,” Elijah said solemnly.

Sophie faltered after hearing this. She nodded slowly and said quietly, “Alright, then. I’ll leave you two.”

One of the bodyguards opened the door of a separate car and let Sophie climb in. When the doorclicked shut, she peered out the window and watched as Ren and Elijah got into the car in front of hers.

It was only after Ren was inside the car that he heaved a weary sigh. Elijah could not help but chuckleas he inquired, “Did Mrs. Husson give you a hard time, sir?”

Ren sighed and pinched the space between his brows. “I’m afraid this will be a recurring phenomenonuntil I bring a girlfriend home to meet them.”

“You could always pick a day and bring Miss Singed home,” Elijah suggested.

The thought of this caused a flicker of concern in Ren’s eyes. Harold’s words had added new weight tohis shoulders. He had no intention of running for re-election as vice president in the upcoming election.Still, Harold seemed determined to make it happen.

Harold and Charlotte had reached the golden years of their lives. They would be incapable of copingwith shocking news such as Ren’s sudden withdrawal from the upcoming election. Likewise, he had totake this into consideration. Nonetheless, he muttered tiredly, “Hopefully that day will come soonerrather than later.”

The four black SUVs in front joined the convoy as it began to leave the gates. The entire fleet appearedintimidating as it sped through the night. Sophie concluded that it was empowering to ride in thebackseat of a car that was part of a convoy. The mere thought of all the luxuries she could enjoy if shemarried the vice president made her heart skip a beat, and she could not wait to make her dream cometrue.

Meanwhile, Ruka and her parents said their goodbyes to Levi and the others at the restaurant. Clairesnapped furiously after they were out of earshot, “What are you doing, Ruka?”

“Mom, do I need to remind you that you tried to set me up with someone without my permission?” Rukateased and grinned as she shed her unreasonable demeanor from the restaurant.

Claire was enraged at her daughter. “You embarrassed us in front of those people! Did you notice howfurious Levi’s parents were while you bossed Levi around all night?”

“Don’t be upset, Mom. What makes you think I won’t be able to find a good husband while I’m stillyoung? Besides, I want to marry someone I genuinely love, not out of desperation,” Ruka coaxedClaire by looping her arm.

Claire gaped at Ruka, and her eyes were wide with disbelief. “Are you in a relationship? Who is it? Whyhaven’t we met him yet?”

Robert was equally perplexed as he cast a curious glance at Ruka.

Ruka nodded with a flushed face and confessed, “Yes, I’m in love with someone.”

So this is why she behaves the way she does back at the restaurant. Claire’s exasperation grew alongwith her realization. “You could inform us sooner. Tell me more. I’m curious about him and his familybackground. Is he good-looking as well?”

Ruka pursed her lips. She was uncertain how to respond to her mother’s questions, but when she did,she sounded firm. “He is a successful man who is way out of my league.”

“Then, what does he do for a living?” Claire pressed impatiently.

However, Ruka merely shook her head in response. “I will inform you once it is official. We’ve juststarted seeing each other.”

“In that case, you’d better make sure he’s trustworthy. I don’t want you to bring home a hooligan,”Claire forewarned her daughter.

Ruka sent Ren a text message as soon as she arrived home that night. ‘What are you doing?’

She did not expect him to reply so soon, but he did, and her heart skipped a beat. He texted, ‘I just gothome. You?’

‘Me, too. Guess what? My parents actually arranged a date for me today.’ She lay on her bed as sheanticipated his possible response.

Ruka was startled by Ren’s call and nearly dropped her phone. She had just put him through when sheheard his deep and alluring voice ask, “What happened?”

“I have annoyed his parents and got an earful from my parents,” she said quietly with a hand over hermouth.

Ren chuckled as he seemed pleased by her remarks and joked, “You should probably console them.”

“I did, and I told them I was in love with someone,” she said coyly. “But I didn’t tell them it was you.”

“Do you really want to marry me so badly, Ruka?” he asked in a raspy voice.

Ruka blinked slowly as an answer popped into her head, but she did not say anything. Instead, sheasked nonchalantly, “Do you want me to marry you?”

“If I can, I’ll make you my wife right now,” Ren said in his low and lustful tone.

She comforted him with her lips curled into a smile, “How dramatic. You’re aware that I have nowhereto run, right? We can always postpone the marriage until the right time comes.”

He laughed in response. “As you wish.”

The sound of his laugh made her heart skip a beat. Something was comforting and reassuring aboutspeaking with him over the phone. His deep voice evoked a familiar warmth in her that made her wantto take a cold shower. She desired to keep him on the line so their conversation could continue forever.

“Have you taken a shower? Are you in bed?” she asked suddenly. If he answered ‘yes’, then she couldtalk to him for a bit longer.

“Yes, and I’m in bed,” he answered in his appealing drawl.

Similarly, Ruka was in bed with the covers pulled over her. The alluring bass of Ren’s voice made herskin tingle, and she had an epiphany. “Are you going to sleep soon?”


Ruka loved bedtime stories and was sure she would be the happiest woman on the planet if she couldpersuade Ren to tell her one before she fell asleep. “I am wondering if… you can tell me a bedtimestory. I’m having trouble falling asleep right now,” she spoke like a child. She wanted nothing more thanto fall asleep to his voice.

“Which story do you like?” he asked indulgently as if his words had touched her heart.

“Anything,” she quipped cheerfully. “I’ll listen to whatever story you tell me. You can also sing me alullaby if you prefer!” She giggled mischievously and did not hesitate to make her requests.

He paused for a few seconds as he considered his options, then said matter-of-factly, “A lullaby it is.”

Ruka had only been joking, and she was shocked that he agreed to do it. Her fingers fluttered to herlips as she asked, “Are you serious, Ren? Are you really going to sing me a lullaby?”

“It’s not like I hadn’t done it before when you were a child,” Ren remarked lovingly.

Ruka blushed as she couldn’t contain her joy. She could not believe she had the privilege to hear Rensing her a lullaby as a child. That’s surreal.

“I want to hear the lullaby,” she said. She took out her earphones and plugged them into the phone.Then, she turned up the volume to hear Ren’s deep and rich voice.

“Give me a second. I’m looking for the lyrics,” he spoke earnestly. In fact, he was prepared to sing forher.

Her heart thumped wildly as she waited like a child in line for an amusement park ride. After a period ofsilence on the other end of the line, he said, “Are you listening?”

Ruka responded with a hum and was impatient to hear him sing. “Yes.”

Instantly, he started to sing with his tenor voice, which was light and smooth. “Lavender’s blue, dilly-dilly, lavender’s green; when I am king, dilly-dilly, you shall be queen; who told you so, dilly-dilly, whotold you so? ‘Twas my own heart, dilly-dilly, that told me so.”

Ren had such a captivating and precise way of pronouncing words that it was almost hypnotic to listento. Ruka’s breath slowed to a steady rhythm as she clung to every note, and his voice pulled the stringsin her heart. She was so concerned about missing even one hum that she closed her eyes withoutrealizing she was falling asleep.

So, this is what they meant by eargasm, she pondered as she finally understood the slang term. Ren’svoice made her feel isolated from the rest of the world and surrounded by a warmth only he couldprovide. If he were a siren, she would be the poor sailor who would jump off the ship for him.

There was no telling if Ren was teasing her at this point as a small chuckle made its way into the song.Ruka’s face blushed. Is he attempting to seduce me with a lullaby? She felt compelled to rush over tohis house and hug him to sleep.

He abruptly interrupted the lullaby and asked, “Do you like it?”

“Did you really sing me lullabies when I was a child?”

“Of course, but that was a different lullaby,” he replied with a husky tone.

Ruka raised her brows, and her eyes glittered as she asked, “If we get married, will you sing melullabies every night before we go to bed?”

“I will,” he promised, and the bass in his voice was more prominent than ever. It electrified her andcaused her breathing to flutter. The more he spoke, the more she wished he would performunimaginable acts upon her. The lust was enough to suffocate her.

“Alright, it’s getting late. You should go to bed,” Ren said.

Ruka refused to succumb to the drowsiness and insisted childishly, “No, I want you to sing again.Please?”

He could never refuse her when she was in such a state, so he agreed to sing the lullaby again.Frankly, she had no idea why or how she had let her inner child show itself to him. She could bepainfully independent and mature, but with Ren, who indulged her whims and cherished herunconditionally, she knew she could let down her guard without fear. It was as if a part of herunderstood that he could make any exception for her because she was special to him.

Ruka dreamed of him that night with lewd images that she could not recall without embarrassment andslept in the following day. Claire let her off the hook because it was the holidays.

Meanwhile, Claire received a call from Scarlet that afternoon to inform her that she and her husbandhad just returned to the country. Then, Scarlet invited Claire and her family to the Husson Residencefor a meal.

Claire was excited to see her old friend and immediately accepted the invitation. Ruka nearly chokedon her water when she brought this up during lunch. Ruka could not believe they were actually going tothe Husson Residence, which had taken on new meaning now that she was seeing Ren romantically—in secret, no less.

Claire asserted solemnly, “Ruka, we’re going shopping later. I need to get a new outfit for theoccasion.”

She nodded and said, “Okay.”

Claire and Scarlet were very close because she had saved her life while she was studying abroad. Atthe time, the ruffians smashed Scarlet’s car window and nearly robbed and assaulted her. In the end, itwas Claire who came to the rescue. She charged into danger with nothing but a Swiss army knife. Shedrove away those ruffians, thereby sparing Scarlet from potentially fatal consequences.

Scarlet and Claire had been as close as sisters ever since that incident. Somewhere along the way,Robert and Walter became friends as well. The Hussons had always been grateful to Vanya for savingScarlet’s life back in the day. Consequently, none objected when Scarlet offered to take Ruka as hergoddaughter.

Ruka texted Ren that she would be at the Husson Residence the next day while she and Claire wereout shopping.

‘Yeah, I heard,’ Ren replied.

Ruka was excited and nervous at the same time. During her previous visits to the Husson Residence,she maintained a respectful distance from Harold, whom she found intimidating. Still, Charlotte wasfond of her and often acted as a mother figure to her. However, Ruka never anticipated that she woulddevelop feelings for their son.

Charlotte’s gifts arrived later that evening, including a designer jacket for Ruka. It had becomecustomary for them to send Ruka holiday gifts, which proved their affection for the girl.

Meanwhile, in the penthouse of one of the most prestigious high-rise buildings uptown, a slendersilhouette dressed in a silk negligée stood before the glass wall and gazed out at the night scenebelow. She was holding a glass of wine, but she anxiously checked the time instead of admiring thecityscape.

Her long hair cascaded in luscious waves over her shoulders with the softness and transparency of herfeatures gave her an endearing appearance. Nevertheless, since she assumed her mother’s position,she exuded an authority that demanded respect. While she was accustomed to navigating thechallenges of her professional life, at home, she just wanted to be pampered by her husband. Thethree days since Richard had left for outstation for mission handover proceedings had beenexcruciatingly painful for the newlyweds. Although they were legally registered as husband and wife,they agreed that their wedding reception would take place in the second half. This was due thenumerous responsibilities they had to attend to during the first half of the year.

Angela glanced at the time and felt her impatience intensify. She glanced over her shoulder at thesimple welcome-home arrangement she had just created. There was a bouquet of fresh flowers, abottle of fine red wine, and several scented candles lit and flickering in the dim apartment. Indeed, thiswas the ideal and romantic setting for her husband to return home. As for the gift, she believed shewas the best gift she could give him.

The seconds ticked by slowly, and Richard had informed her that he would be home by 9.00PM, whichwas only five minutes away. Moreover, he was a man of his word, and punctuality was typically hisAchilles heel. So, Angela was sure he would be home on the dot.

Angela spent the next five minutes slowly tasting the wine in her hand, then looked down as the minutehand ticked slowly toward the number ’12’ on the face of the clock. She sighed and tolerated Richard’s

slight tardiness as long as he arrived home safely. She had just begun to consider the possibility whenshe heard a soft beep from the door. The audible beep signified that the fingerprint was successfullyread. Angela immediately set down her glass of wine and sprinted toward the door upon hearing thedoor open. A man was taking off his shoes and putting on his slippers. It could only be Richard.

Angela’s lips curled into a smile as she approached him slowly and enticingly. She was proud that hewas a man of his word. She appreciated that he never abandoned her or made empty promises.

“Darling, I want a hug,” she whispered as she spread her arms wide and waited to be embraced. Sheresembled a lonely kitten who was desperate for some attention.

Richard immediately removed his coat because he did not want the dust and dirt on it to get on hisprecious wife. He gazed at her appreciatively before extending his arms to pull her into his embrace.He pressed his cheek against hers and murmured next to her ear, “Have you been wearing this allnight? You’ll catch a cold.”

She tilted her head up and grinned mischievously at him. “Yes, but you’ll be around to take care of me.”

He pressed his forehead against hers and said, “I have no intention of letting you catch a cold.”

Angela was carried to the couch by Richard. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him justabove his jawline, and mumbled softly, “I’ve missed you.”

“Let me first take a shower. I’ll return in a flash,” he spoke softly.

She clung to him stubbornly. “Don’t. I won’t mind, and besides, you’ll have to shower afterwardanyway,” she whispered coyly.

Richard gulped, and his breathing became a little heavier as he gazed down at Angela. It appeared thatshe had missed him more than he had anticipated. “Did you really miss me that much?”

“I do,” Angela said, and her eyes curved into crescents. “I really missed you, Captain Lloyd.” She likedaddressing him as such because it alluded to the forbidden dynamic between them when he wasmerely the stoic, expressionless military captain assigned to protect her.

The tension crackled in the air as she tilted her head and asked him mischievously, “Do you miss me,too?”

If Richard could, he would rip his heart out and present it to her on a silver platter. He could not stopthinking about her during his three-day outstation. Her absence had been agony for him. His usuallysteely gaze softened as he looked at her indulgently and said, “Yes, I miss you very much, Mrs. Lloyd.”

“Bring me upstairs,” she commanded with a hushed tone.

He chuckled hoarsely. “I assume you don’t intend to give me a break.” He was proud that he couldmake her want him so much and so desperately.

Angela’s lips were pressed firmly against his as she murmured, “Not at all.” She did not leave any roomfor negotiation.

With a grin on Richard’s lips, he said in a deep and alluring drawl, “Better think about this carefully, Mrs.Lloyd, because you won’t be getting much sleep tonight.”

She swallowed convulsively and felt her stomach tighten in anticipation. “Take it easy tonight, big guy.Mom called me today and said we’d stop by my granddad’s place tomorrow. I don’t want to show upwith love bites all over my neck.”

He laughed when he heard this. “Very well, then. I’ll just have to leave the marks somewhere no onecan see it.”

She buried her face into his chest and was flustered. She said shyly, “Do whatever you want with me,Captain Lloyd.”

The city was filled with Christmas cheer the following morning.

It was 9.00AM, Angela and Richard were fully dressed, and he looked particularly dashing with herassistance. While he could probably walk the runway in a trash bag, she was a very particular dresser.She had to ensure her man looked as good as she did whenever they left the house.

Meanwhile, Richard was content to let his wife pick out his clothes. He also liked that he could sneak afew kisses here and there while she straightened his shirt collar.

“Hey, you got more than enough action last night,” Angela grumbled. She cursed herself for unleashingthe beast within him the night before. It was as though she had forgotten that he could be a rogue inthe heat of the moment.

Richard glanced at her and said, “Your lips look a bit dry.”

“Really? Maybe I should—” She was about to say, “apply some lip balm,” but she was cut off whenRichard abruptly pushed her up against the wardrobe and kissed her.

“Hmph!” Her protest was muffled, but he did not stop until he had wholly moistened her lips.

They did not leave the house until ten minutes later.

Meanwhile, Scarlet and Walter arrived at the Singeds’ place to depart to the Husson Residencetogether.

Scarlet sat on the couch, but when she saw Ruka wearing the jacket she had bought her, she stood upand happily straightened the lapels. Then, she took the girl by the shoulders and appraised heraffectionately, proud to see how much she had grown.

“Oh my, will you look at how much she’s blossomed since we saw her last? I wonder which young manwill have the honor of marrying her,” Scarlet mused playfully.

Claire and Robert nodded in agreement as they remarked that Ruka possessed the best genes in thefamily.

No one noticed that Ruka was already flushed with nervousness. She pursed her lips and avoided theirgaze, fearing that they would discover the secret that was consuming her.

“I tried to set her up with this nice young man the other day, but she ruined the date!” Claire clucked.

“That’s alright. Ruka still has plenty of time to go on dates,” Scarlet said this while furtively planning tomake Ruka an even better match soon.

“Oh, well. We should leave if we want to make it to lunch.”

“By the way, Ruka, you’ll finally get to meet Richard and his wife. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Scarletsaid cheerily.

Both families then proceeded to the Husson Residence.

Charlotte was in an excellent mood as she enjoyed the festivities at the Husson Residence. She andHarold were great fans of merry crowds in their old age.

At that very moment, an idea dawned on her. I’m going to invite Sophie! There was no better time thannow to introduce her to the rest of the Hussons, and she might even get to spend some quality timewith Ren. He had been a little indifferent toward Sophie the last time they met, but Charlotte thought itwas because they had not known each other well enough.

I must create more opportunities for them to spend time together, the old lady concluded with newfounddetermination.

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