Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 1031-1040
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Chapter 1031-1040

“If my capabilities don’t allow me to stay till the end, then I will naturally leave,” Ruka responded calmlywhile raising her head.

“Inara, I believe Ruka simply missed the assessment time. You don’t have to give her a hard time.”Caspian tried to put in a good word for her.

“Yo! We haven’t even started our internship yet and you’re already into her? Caspian, you should worryabout yourself before others,” Inara chastised him.

“Shut your nonsense,” Caspian rebuked with his reddened cheeks.

“Why don’t you just quit on your own, Ruka?” Mia propped her chin up, a threat lurking behind herbright eyes. “It’s better than being booted!”

Though Ruka was embarrassed, she was not about to back down. “I said, if I’m not qualified to stay, I’llleave,” she stated flatly.

“Oh, wow! How can you be so sure of yourself? I’m honestly curious about your secret supporter now!”Inara scowled as she thought, I doubt her background or connections to be more superior than mine.

“I heard you’re just the daughter of a regular diplomat, so what’s the big deal?” Ruka’s background hadalready been looked up by Inara.

At this point, Ruka was taken aback by her counter. Thankfully, a graceful figure entered the room; itwas Victoria.

When Ruka saw Victoria, her lovely eyes narrowed slightly. Victoria’s beauty shone even brighter underthe spotlight. She was the type of woman with a great temperament, aura, and talent.

Victoria took a seat before turning to face the new interns. Finally, she paused in front of Ruka’s faceand looked her in the eyes for a few seconds before making her opening remarks. “We only have threeopenings this year and I’m sure you are all excellent candidates. I hope to see you guys work hard thisinternship, and who knows, you could be my next colleague.”

“I’m excited to work with you and grow into a capable person like you, Miss Parfait.” Inara sucked up ather superior quickly.

“Yes! Me too,” Mia added immediately.

“Then, I’ll look forward to your performance,” Victoria said with her lips pursed. “Ruka, even though youcame in later than the others, I believe in your ability,” she said while emphasizing Ruka’s name.

“Thank you, Miss Parfait, for your favor,” Ruka quickly expressed her gratitude.

Though Victoria was innocently looking at Ruka, she was actually contemplating a question in herhead, What secrets does this girl have? Is she the one Ren likes?

After the orientation with the seven interns, Victoria rose to leave before summoning Ruka.

“Ruka, I was tipsy the last time I talked with Ren, so I hope I didn’t scare you!” Victoria said tenderly asshe led her to the corridor outside.

“Not at all, Miss Parfait,” Ruka said, shaking her head.

“Oh! By the way, why did Ren invite you to dinner that night? Do you guys have a close relationship?”Victoria persisted in her inquiry.

It was then Ren’s words immediately filled Ruka’s mind. Shaking her head, she explained, “Mr. Hussonand I share nothing in common. We just happened to have dinner at the same time by chance.”

“Was it just a coincidence?” Victoria’s eyes narrowed; it was difficult to fool her.

Ruka lowered her head, her long eyelashes concealing a twinge of guilt. “Yes, I needed Miss Husson’shelp with something. She was not present at the time, so I met with Mr. Husson, who took me out todinner instead.”

Ren did not strike Victoria as a laid-back individual. Aside from official business, his personal life waslow-key and private. Not only did he not appear friendly, he was even a little cold to outsiders.

To her surprise, he casually invited a girl to dinner! This was completely random and absurd.

“If there’s nothing else, Miss Parafit, I’ll be going through the materials.” Ruka refused to be questionedany further.

Victoria patted her and said, “Okay, go ahead! Don’t tell anyone that Ren recommended you.”

Ruka’s cheeks flushed slightly as she heard this.

Yup! Ren introduced me, so our relationship is definitely unusual.

Victoria’s eyes gradually became cold after Ruka entered the conference room. She could tell thatRuka was trying to distance herself from Ren. Is it Ren who taught her that? Victoria’s heart clenchedin pain. The more she inquired, the more information she gathered. Ren was obviously showing Rukahow to defend herself.

Returning to the conference room, Ruka sat at the very back to avoid drawing attention to herself.

But… How could she not gather looks and whispers? Inara had no intention of letting her go nor hadthe focus to read the entry materials, so she crossed her arms and sneered, “Hey, Ruka. Who did yourely on to get into this department? Why don’t you tell us?”

“She doesn’t appear to be relying on her ability,” Mia responded sarcastically.

Ruka ignored them by concentrating on the entry documents. This time, Theodore added fire to thefuel, “Ruka, just say it! Say it to frighten them.”

However, she only continued to ignore them while Michelle hummed, “She doesn’t want to tell us. Youknow, she probably didn’t come in on the right track.”

Offended by the words, Ruka looked up at Michelle and shot back. “Have some human decency.”

“You’re getting agitated. What, was I correct?” Michelle sneered.

When Caspian noticed that everyone was picking on Ruka, he could not help but speak up for her, “Iseveryone having fun playing the Mean Girls here? This is not high school, but the TranslationDepartment. Can’t we just try to get along?”

Furious, Inara glared at Caspian before exclaiming, “Why do you care so much about her, Caspian? Isuggest you mind your own business. Don’t forget that your father works for my father, and if I’m in abad mood, I’m not afraid to deliver a few words to my father… You should be aware of theconsequences.”

His fist on the table suddenly clenched tightly, clearly in rage.

Ruka raised her eyes at Caspian at this point and a worried expression flashed across her face. Sheshook her head slightly as he turned to face her, indicating that he did not have to defend her.

Though Caspian only aided her in the name of justice in the beginning, his heart pounded as he gazedinto her clear and glimmering eyes; there was determination in her eyes.

Indeed, Ruka had made his heart race. She had an inner attraction in addition to her beautifulappearance.

The team leader eventually arrived and escorted them to their assigned internship positions. Followingthat, they went to the cafeteria for lunch. Caspian called Ruka from behind as she walked through thegarden after lunch.


“Thank you for standing up for me earlier,” Ruka thanked him gratefully.

“But I’m not strong enough to silence them.”

“There’s no need for that. It’s natural for them to be disturbed due to my circumstances,” she explainedcalmly.

“Ruka, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require assistance in the future! I will gladly assistyou,” Caspian stated solemnly.

“Thank you very much. Let us encourage, assist, and progress together over the next three months.”

“Okay.” He nodded.

As Ruka was walking down the large garden aisle, she noticed Inara and her friends standing there,looking excited and admiringly in one direction.

“Oh my God! We’re so lucky to have seen him on our first day!” Mia exclaimed, her feet splintering withexcitement.

“I have longed to see him with my own eyes.” Inara was ecstatic.

“Oh my goodness! Tonight, he’ll be in my dreams! He’s so attractive!” Michele was equally captivated.

Ruka had no idea who they were looking at as she was blocked by the trees. Out of curiosity, sheapproached anyway as she too had to travel down this path.

Her gaze moved from the sheltered area to the road, where she noticed a few black cars parked with agroup of people standing nearby chatting.

Her heart skipped a beat as her gaze was drawn to a tall figure in the crowd.

Mr. Ren?

Ren’s body was bathed in the midday sunlight. He was speaking to an elder and there was a gentle,soft expression on his face.

At this point, Ruka was dazed. Looking at the figure who could be frequently seen back at home, shefound it difficult to greet him despite being a few feet away. It was as if an invisible barrier had dawnedbetween them and she could not find the courage to go up to him.

He just appeared to be so out of reach, like the sun in the sky.

Although he was young, everyone admired him for his sense of authority that was not based on angeror arrogance.novelbin

At that moment, Inara and the other girls were going insane and every pair of eyes was staring at Ren,piercing him to the core.

Except for Ruka, who looked at him calmly with a faint smile in her eyes as if she was in awe.

Perhaps even with a touch of vanity, as this man, who was unapproachable in everyone’s eyes, hadjust invited her to a meal a few days before; she could still see and talk to him as long as she stayed inthe Husson Residence.

Ren had initially turned his back against the fangirls, but due to Inara and the others’ antics, he turnedhis head slightly and looked toward them.

He had only intended to cast a glance at first, but he could not take his eyes off the direction. Ruka’sslender figure amidst the young girl crowd drew his attention. With her red lips, she shot him a faintsmile.

“Oh my God! Mr. Husson is looking at me!!!” Mia covered her mouth in delight.

“He’s clearly looking at me!” Inara screamed angrily.

“I think he’s looking at me,” Michelle said, clutching her chest.

Surprised, Ruka panned to the three excited girls and thought, Is it necessary for them to argue aboutwho Ren is looking at?

She lifted her head and stared right into Ren’s eyes that had fallen on her. Despite their distance, shecould feel her heart skip a beat as her lips curled into a wide grin.

At this point, a leaf had fallen onto her hair. After noticing it, Ruka reached out to touch it, but Caspian,who was standing beside her, got to it first and gently removed it for her. As a result, she raised herhead and returned a grateful smile.

This scene had caught the attention of the man from not far away. The originally noble and charmingman’s aura became a little colder as he cast a glance at Caspian.

As the boy happened to look toward the vice-president, he was instantly met with a pair of dark andfrightening gaze that made him shiver. Geez, what is this weird feeling? Why is he looking at me likethat? Did I offend him?

At that point, Ren was about to depart as his subordinates assisted him in opening the car door beforethe man leaned in and climbed into the car. At last, he was able to openly stare at the youthful andbeautiful figure behind the tinted car windows.

She might not be the most extravagant one, but she resembled a petal that stood out among a sea offlowers. Slowly but surely, capturing the hearts of men.

“Oh my God! Will we be able to speak with him in the future?” Inara and the others exclaimed afterRen’s car drove away.

“Don’t say a word. If I can be seen twice by him, I will have no regrets in this life,” Mia said as sheclenched her fists.

“He is a big reason I came to work here,” Michelle confessed.

“I strongly advise you to stop daydreaming. Is Mr. Husson someone you can covet?” Theodoreattacked them on purpose.

“Is fantasizing against the law? All I want to do is imagine myself marrying him one day! Hmph!” Inarasnarled furiously.

“Yes! What if a single man like him falls for us?” Michelle exuded confidence as well.

After all, what girl would be here if she was not confident in herself?

Disappearing from the crowd quietly, she thought, Miss Parfait has the best chance of marrying Mr.Ren! After all, she hugged him that night and said quite a lot in his arms.

It was this moment when Ruka received a notification on her phone, which piqued her interest. As shesaw the incoming text, her beautiful eyes narrowed as she quickly kept her phone to her chest. It’sRen!

The message was straightforward. ‘How did you find your first day of internship?’

‘It’s fantastic. Mr. Ren, I appreciate your concern,’ Ruka replied after she detached from the crowd.

‘All right. Good luck and do your best.’

Reading it, she felt as if she had been injected with an energy drink. ‘I will definitely do my best,’ shereplied.

After the brief conversation, Ren did not respond further and Ruka returned to her office. The seveninterns were in a large office divided in cabins that provided them with adequate workspace.

Their current work was simply more clerical in order to reflect their translation quality.

She lowered her head to translate a document in her hand when she heard Inara and the other internsenter while laughing and talking.

“I told them that my mother is a member and I demand to purchase that bag even if it doesn’t fit me.Can you guess what the staff said?” Inara yelled about her shopping experience at the brand store,flaunting her aristocracy.

The other girls were simply envious.

“It’s now lunchtime, Ruka. Are you trying to take advantage when we relax while you catch up with yourwork?” Inara sneered as her gaze was on Ruka deep in her work.

“I make good use of my own time. Do you have a problem with that?” Ruka responded in a neitherhumble or arrogant manner as she raised her head.

The other two girls catered to Inara in some ways, but only Ruka did not, which made the queen beeunhappy.

“You will never be able to outperform us on your own,” Inara stated unequivocally.

Others had also returned to work as they too were concerned about being overtaken and losing theirspot in the Translation Department.

Suddenly, Ruka’s phone buzzed with an incoming message prompt and she discovered it was a textsent by her friend, Rita Sommerfield.

‘Jethro just told me that we’re going to a party tonight. He wants me to notify you so that we can gotogether after work.’

At the thought of the name, Ruka’s heart skipped a beat when she realized she would be meetingJethro tonight. ‘Okay, I’ll look for you as soon as I get off work,’ she replied quickly.

‘Why don’t you confess tonight, Ruka? There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. The longer you dragthis out, the more I’m concerned about you,’ Rita encouraged her.

Ruka’s face became extremely hot. I’m not ready! But… It’s been three years since I had a crush onhim, isn’t it time for me to fight for my own happiness? I’m not exactly the youngest now either…

‘Do you really think I should, Rit?’ Ruka replied.

‘Of course! I’ve never met anyone who has had a crush on someone for so long. Many people confessto their crushes after a few days of falling in love.’

Ruka bit her lip and struggled for a moment before declaring boldly to her friend, ‘Okay, then I’ll try toconfess tonight!’

‘You can do it, girl! A beautiful woman like you will undoubtedly succeed if you take the initiative toconfess.’

Ruka could not help but take a deep needed breath. It was true that she had been looking forward tothis night as well as she had planned to confess to Jethro when she returned from abroad. Hence, she

decided to summon the courage to give it a shot tonight.

As soon as she finished work, she went straight looking for Rita. Since they only met up at 6.30PM,they were in a bit of a rush.

“How does my makeup look? Is it too light?” Ruka examined herself in the mirror of Rita’s car. Beforeshe could confess, her face was already flushed.

“You look beautiful. I’m sure it will go well even if you don’t wear any makeup. Honestly, you shouldhave confessed years ago!” Rita assured.

“Don’t you know? He hasn’t forgotten about his ex-girlfriend.” Ruka exhaled a sigh.

“I know. The dancer girl has been clutching at him. She’s afraid of being alone, so she clung to Jethro.Don’t worry, though. He’s already said he moved on from her. All he needs is a girl who truly loves him,which is you!”

Ruka took a deep breath before stating, “Okay, then! I hope that he’ll reciprocate my feelings.”

“It’s nearly time. Let’s go!” Rita then drove to a nearby restaurant.

Meanwhile, an engaged couple had arrived before them. Though the couple was doing long-distance,they maintained a good and loving relationship despite the odds. They were all gathered here tonight tochat and reminisce about the old times over dinner.

“Hello, there, Rita and Ruka! It’s been a while.”

“Long time no see, Benedict and Bethanie! I’ve even prepared your wedding gift! All I need now is yourwedding invitation!” Rita said while grinning.

“Soon! Our wedding will take place next year.”

Ruka also bestowed a blessing on them. At that moment, someone entered from the outside as thewaiter opened the door for them. Emerging from the entrance was Jethro, who came hand-in-hand withan elegant girl. She was wearing heavy makeup and had a maturity about her that belied her age.

With a drink in her hand, Ruka froze mid-air, nearly choking on herself.

Is Jethro holding hands with his ex-girlfriend? Did they rekindle their romance?

“I hope you don’t mind my plus-one! I got back together with Momo and I specially invited you guys outfor dinner today to introduce her to all of you,” Jethro said with a smile while gently embracing the girlbeside him.

“Hello, everyone!” Momo smiled as she scanned Ruka.

Clearly, she had a better understanding of the people in the room. For instance, she was aware of thepeople who had a close relationship with Jethro.

Rita comforted Ruka by patting her hand under the table. She was also surprised to see Jethro goagainst his words and rekindle his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Now, Ruka’s confession wasmeaningless.

Furthermore, when he looked at Momo, his eyes were gentle and drawn, indicating that he had neverforgotten his sultry ex-girlfriend.

For a moment, the atmosphere went stiff as another guy, Justin, tried to reignite the party by divertingthe subject. “Why are you late? We’ve been waiting for you this long, so raise a glass.”

Throughout the night, Ruka had to sit through watching Jethro taking care of his girlfriend while hisgirlfriend was displaying affection in front of everyone, like feeding each other and narrating their greatlove story.

Ruka was reaching for her third glass of wine when Jethro and Momo finally left for their next partyafter which the others departed as well.

Supporting her heartbroken friend, Rita helped Ruka into the passenger seat and solemnly comfortedher, “Ruka, it’s no big deal. Jethro is unworthy of your affection anyway. A man who goes back to theirexes is not worth your time. It’s time to reclaim your heart and give it back to yourself. Given her virtue,Momo will eventually cheat on him.”

Ruka abruptly covered her mouth to stop her choking sob. Her eyes welled up with tears as sheuttered, “N-No, don’t say that. I wish them well.”

Rita thought dissing Jethro would make Ruka feel better, but as she heard her response, she retreatedher tactic and patted her instead. “All right, don’t cry. Let’s head somewhere else to unwind. I know acocktail bar around here! Why don’t we go there and enjoy some nice atmosphere, okay?”

“All right. Let’s go!” Ruka said.

Though she was extremely upset at that time, she did not whine about it. She simply wanted to find aplace where she could be alone for a while.

At the cocktail bar, Ruka noticed the alcohol menu when she was ordering before she turned to Ritaand asked, “If I got drunk tonight, will you send me back to your home and have a good night’s sleep?”

“Without a doubt! Worst case scenario, I’ll look for someone to assist me. Just get drunk, girl!” Rita,sensing her sadness, assured her that it would be better if she enjoyed the night with alcohol.

“Okay.” Ruka picked up her phone and dialed Scarlet’s number. “Aunt Scarlet, I will be staying at myclassmate’s tonight.”

“What’s up? Is there something important?”

“Yes. I require her assistance with my work.”

“All right. Be careful and call me if anything goes wrong,” Scarlet reminded Ruka.

Following the call, Ruka ordered two bottles of beer. She was aware that drinking would not solve theproblem, but she was in a foul mood at the time. She desired the sensation of intoxication in order toforget about her three-year crush… Jethro Ortiz.

Rita only had a glass of juice as her mission for the evening was to allow Ruka vent. She had been onher journey of falling in love with Jethro the entire time, so she understood Ruka’s inner pain.

Ring— Ring— The landline in the Vice President’s office rang.

“Hello,” Ren greeted as he reached out to answer it.

“How are you not off work yet?” Victoria’s voice grew worried.

“I’m leaving in a moment. Is there anything I can help you with?” he inquired, his brow furrowed.

“Do you feel lonely, Ren? I know you’re always alone. I can accompany you if you don’t mind.” Her tonewas rife with hints.

“No, thank you. You should head back and rest early,” he rejected calmly.

“Can’t you be nice to me, Ren? Am I not good enough for you? Many men are interested in me, but Ionly want you.” Her painful voice was tinged with tears.

“You can try accepting other men. Don’t waste your time with me.”

“What about Ruka? What kind of relationship do you have with her? Do you have feelings for her?”questioned Victoria.

“This is between us, so don’t involve her,” Ren cautioned.

“Although you avoided this subject, the more you shy away from it, the more intrigued I become. Youseem to be extremely protective of her.”

“We should only talk about work, Victoria. I’m not interested in discussing anything else. Goodbye.”Ren hung up on her.

He took a deep breath and checked his watch. It was already 9.30PM and he needed to get home.

At that moment, his phone rang and it was a call from his sister. “Hey, Scarlet,” he uttered upon pickingit up.

“Make some time to see Mom and Dad tomorrow. They’re going on and off about you again.”

“All right, I’ll do my best to take some time out for them,” Ren replied before casually asking, “Has Rukagone home?”

“Ruka will spend the night at her classmate’s.”

The man’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Is it a male or female classmate?”

“I didn’t dare to chime in! Even if it was a male classmate, she’s out of our control at her age. Ruka isno longer a child,” Scarlet said as she smiled at the other end of the phone.

Ren sat on the couch after hanging up the phone with Scarlet, rubbing the area between his brows withone hand while holding the phone in the other. When his cold gaze finally rose, he picked up the phoneand dialed a girl’s phone number.

On the other hand, Ruka was already drunk on the table when she heard her phone ringing. Keepingher spirits up, she piped up, “Rit, my phone is ringing.”

“Hold on” Rita reached out and retrieved the phone from Ruka’s bag to check the caller ID. “Your uncleis calling. Do you want to answer it?”

Ruka plopped onto the table again and closed her eyes, looking very drunk.

“Hello.” Rita had to answer the phone for her.

“Is Ruka next to you?” A magnetic and charming male voice came from the end of the phone and Renrecognized right away that it was not Ruka who picked up the phone.

For a few seconds, Rita was stunned. What a charming young uncle he is! He has a wonderful voice!

Beautiful and captivating.

“Oh! Hello, Ruka’s uncle. I’m her classmate. She’s currently too drunk to answer the phone.”

“Where is she?” he asked in a low voice.

“We’re at a cocktail bar!”

“Send me the address and I’ll meet you there,” Ren instructed with a calm voice.

“Uh… Ruka said she’d spend the night at my house. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her,” Rita quicklyassured.

However, he insisted on coming despite her assurance. “Please send me the address, I’ll come overnow.”

Rita lacked the courage to refuse Ruka’s uncle, so she could only reply, “Okay. Wait a second. I’ll sendyou the address.”

After the phone call, she texted the address from Ruka’s phone and patted her on the back. “Ruka,wake up now. Your uncle is on his way to pick you up.”

“I’m going to stay at your place.” Ruka licked her red lips, clearly inebriated and in a different place.

“Your uncle insisted on picking you up and I’m powerless to stop him!” Rita exclaimed helplessly. “Bythe way, why do you have an uncle? Isn’t your mother the only child? Is he your biological uncle?”

Ruka propped up her flushed face and opened her pair of drunken eyes while giggling. “I have anuncle, who is very… very handsome! Well, he is not my biological uncle, but he is kind to me…”

Rita was perplexed by Ruka’s response. “Then, can I hand you over to him? He isn’t a bad person, ishe?”

“Huh? He is…” Ruka shook her head and pursed her red lips. “I can’t reveal who he is… He won’t allowme to mention his identity in public…”

Rita was at a loss for words. It seemed like she needed to observe Ruka’s uncle before letting her go.How could she let him take a drunk Ruka home if he was not her blood-related uncle? Meanwhile, ablack sedan, escorted by three black off-road vehicles, was driving toward a bustling neighborhoodaround the city from the direction of the White House.

The vehicle came to a complete halt right in front of the cocktail bar.

The sound of the passenger’s seat car door opening could be heard as soon as the bodyguard steppedout of the car.

“Sir, let’s escort Miss Singed!” the bodyguard said to the man who stepped out of the car.

Ren made a motion with his hand. He had to go in and personally pick her up as Ruka was most likelyvery drunk. On the way here, he had been thinking about the reason why she had gotten drunk. Did

she have a hard time at her internship today? Or did something go wrong?

The two bodyguards went in right away to the bar before Ren quickly stepped in. The lighting in the barcreated a very sentimental environment. The spotlights trailed slowly along the customers while theyoungsters were seen grooving to the music, chatting and laughing.

Rita was seated somewhere facing the main entrance. Since she was waiting for someone’s arrival,she would pay special attention to everyone who came in.

At that moment, she was the first to notice when two tall men in suits walked in. Their demeanorreminded her of private bodyguards in a Hollywood blockbuster. However, she was not sure why suchbodyguards would be present.

Immediately after, a tall figure appeared. Despite his suit, the dim light could not hide his noble andextraordinary temperament.

He was looking for someone as soon as he walked in. When Rita noticed him staring at their table, heapproached them with steady steps. At this point, Rita’s heart was racing. God! Is he Ruka’s uncle?

She could not see his face due to the dim lighting, but she could sense his powerful aura and vaguelymake out his outline. However, when the man approached them, she secretly cried out. Oh my God!Such a handsome young man!

Ren looked at Ruka, who was lying on the table, unsure if she was asleep or drunk. “Hello, I’m Ruka’suncle. I’m going to take her home now,” he said to Rita.

For some reason, Rita had the impression that she had seen Ren before, but she was sure that he wasnot a celebrity… He… He looks like… Where did I see him before?

“Are you Ruka’s biological uncle?” Rita still needed to figure out who he was in order to keep her friendsafe, not to mention his two stern bodyguards. If something happened to Ruka, Rita would be wrongedfor the rest of her life.

“I’m not, but I promise I’ll get her home safely,” Ren stated honestly in a low and distinct voice.

“Ruka, your uncle has arrived. Get up, ” Rita called out, though her heart was pounding.

Ruka blinked her eyes open and turned to face the man beside her. “Why are you here?”

“Ruka, let me take you home,” Ren leaned closer to her and spoke quietly.

On the other hand, Rita locked her gaze on Ren’s face for a few seconds before recalling where shehad seen him. “You are the vice presi—” she exclaimed excitedly.

Ren’s eyes narrowed slightly as he made a shush gesture toward her.

She hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, but she was screaming inside. Ahhhhhh! Ruka’s uncleis the vice president! Oh my God! I can’t believe I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Husson!

“Why did she get so drunk?” Ren asked as he turned to look at Rita.

Not daring to lie in front of such an influential man, she swiftly responded, “Ruka confessed her feelingsto a guy she had been secretly in love with for the past three years and she ended up finding out thathe had gotten back together with his ex-girlfriend. So… She’s drinking her sorrows away.”

At that moment, Ren’s expression darkened as he glanced at the girl’s porcelain-white skin. He leaneddown to slide his arms under hers and take her into his embrace. Subsequently, he swept her off herfeet and carried her away.

Since Ruka’s body felt limp, she cooperated by reaching out to wrap her arms around his neck as soonas he took her into his arms. She leaned her little head into the crook of his firm arms, feeling safe andwarm.

“You should head home as well,” Ren reminded Rita.

She nodded in haste. “Sure, I’ll leave right now.”

Rita had already footed the bill, so she grabbed her bag and trailed after them. She watched as a drunkRuka was cradled like a child and carried into the waiting car. After the car door was shut, the black-colored car then disappeared into traffic.

As soon as Rita came back to her senses, she could not help jumping in excitement. I saw Mr. Vice-President tonight! It’s not a dream, right? Not only was Ren very handsome, but he also had a verysexy figure.

Meanwhile, Ruka leaned half of her body into Ren’s arms to stabilize herself in the car. Her lustrous,soft and thick dark hair flowed freely into his arms. He continued to hold her firmly by the waist as sheleaned against his shoulders.

Ren lowered his head to look at the drunk girl in his arms and he could smell the light scent of florals onher hair. He could easily secure an arm around her slender waist and her even breathing sound wasaudible in his ears. At that moment, he could see her upturned little face and dainty, rosy lips as helowered his eyes. She’s such a brat! How could she get drunk because of a man?

Suddenly, Ruka, who’s originally asleep, opened her eyes slightly as she seemed to have regained hersenses.

“Mr. Ren, I don’t want to go home…” Ruka pouted as she pleaded.

“Then, where would you like to go?” he asked in a low voice.

“I’ll go over to your place and crash on the couch for the night. Can I?” Although Ruka was drunk, shewas aware of her condition and did not want to go home in such a drunken state. If word of this got toher parents abroad, then they would definitely be worried.

As such, Ren paused for a few seconds before saying to his bodyguard, “Head back to my place.”

The convoy of cars instantly made a simultaneous detour at the traffic lights and drove off in theopposite direction.

Ruka looked at the flash of street lights outside the window with the darkened night skies in thebackground. She could not seem to contain the burst of strong emotions that welled up within her. Shebit hard on her lips as tears suddenly streamed down her face before she started to sob softly.

Ren instinctively looked down to check on her as he asked in a hoarse voice, “What’s wrong?”

Ruka was currently in a very fragile state emotionally, so she did not pay much thought to the personnext to her or the situation she was in. She was just focused on venting her unhappy and desolatefeelings.

“I was in love with him for three years. That’s three years of my life, but in the end, I didn’t even stand achance at all. I didn’t even get to confess my feelings…” She felt much more aggrieved as she broughtup her sadness and the tears streamed down her face from the side of her eyes uncontrollably. Thestreet lights outside shone through the window and he could clearly see everything in front of him.

He could not help his furrowed brows and his expression was complex.

She seemed to treat him as a confidante as she sniffled and continued, “Those three years of liking himsecretly was torturous. I tread carefully and befriended him; I showed concern and took good care of

him; I would always wish him well during every single festival of the year because I didn’t want him toforget about me. Sobs… He still ended up getting back together with his ex-girlfriend…” As soon asRuka mentioned this, she turned around and snuggled into Ren’s arms. She seemed to be in need ofsomeone to support her and she even wiped her tears on his expensive suit.

Ren patted her on the back quite gently as he comforted her calmly, “There is nothing to be sad about.He lost someone who cared about him while you didn’t.”

“You don’t get it… You wouldn’t be able to comprehend how much it hurts to harbor feelings forsomeone secretly…” she spoke in a muffled tone with her face buried in his arms.

At that moment, there was a flash of a pained smile across Ren’s lips. After all, he knew better than herthe complicated feeling behind being secretly in love with someone…

However, the person he was secretly in love with was currently in his arms, confiding her love forsomeone else to him.

As Ruka sobbed, it suddenly dawned upon her whose arms she was currently in and who she wasclinging onto. Immediately, she grasped his shoulders for support and tried to get up. Just as she hadgotten up, a reckless car zipped through the traffic, causing the bodyguard to slam on the emergencybrakes to avoid the car.

Instantly, the girl holding onto Ren’s shoulders for support felt a huge shove and she tumbled towardthe front. Subsequently, her red lips landed on his perfect-looking thin lips.

Shocked in her drunken state, her eyes immediately widened as she covered her mouth. However, shefelt another force that pushed her into his arms and she ended up hugging him tightly as she remainedclinging to his neck.

Ren lowered his head as the girl in his arms lifted her head anxiously. At that moment, their gazes met,and there was a dark look in the man’s eyes while the woman had a clear but flustered look in hers. Atsuch close proximity and paired with the intimacy they shared from earlier, it felt as if a forbidden spellhad been lifted between them.

Even though the interior of the car was considered to be quite roomy and spacious, the space felt sotiny to Ruka that she found it hard to breathe. She had nowhere else to escape to, so she clutched herchest and got out of his arms. At that moment, her heart thudded frantically.

“I’m sorry.” Embarrassed, Ruka apologized to him and inched her head as close to the side car windowas possible and she seemed to think that by doing so, she could separate herself from the fact that shehad just kissed him.

Normally, she trusted that he would definitely accept her apology but today, despite her repeatedattempts to apologize, he refused to acknowledge and accept it.

It felt as if he refused to disregard the kiss.

“I… I didn’t do this intentionally,” Ruka stammered as she added that sentence. It seemed that she wasnow quite alert and no longer in a drunken stupor.

Ren tilted his head and glanced at her, who was trembling as she tried to hide, with an intent look in hiseyes. Finally, he scoffed derisively, “It’s alright.”

There were a handful of people that one didn’t necessarily need to see every day or even every year,but they would always hold a special place in one’s heart and be missed dearly.

As she suffered from anxiety and travel sickness, Ruka suddenly felt a wave of nausea and she quicklycovered her mouth. Yet, she humiliated herself as she threw up out of the car window and made amess of her jacket and the front of the sweater she had on.

Ren reached out and grabbed a stack of tissues before handing them to her as she scrambled to takethem from him. She had one hand half-covering her mouth while the other hand was busy wiping offthe mess on the front of her clothes. Her face burned with embarrassment. How humiliating! I can’tbelieve that I threw up in his car.

Fortunately, they arrived at Ren’s house soon enough and the bodyguard drove the car past iron-wrought gates surrounded by high walls. Behind the iron gates was a low-lying mansion or in fact, itcould be also regarded as a bigger-sized house. The house was shrouded by trees and under the nightsky, it quite clearly took up significant space too.

The bodyguard opened the door and Ruka instantly leaped out of the car impatiently. She squatted bythe bushes at the side and threw up quite uncomfortably. She generally abstained from alcohol but shehad too much to drink tonight and paired with the uncomfortable car ride, she felt quite nauseous.

Ren turned to his bodyguards and instructed, “You guys can leave first.”

The bodyguards nodded and subsequently, they drove out of the gates and the sturdy gates werefinally gradually drawn shut.

Ruka was dizzy from all the throwing up and she couldn’t quite control the tears from streaming downher face. At this moment, someone next to her handed over some tissues to her and she hastily wipedher face before getting up from the ground. She then looked up to see Ren looking at her intently withconcern in his eyes.

They were currently standing in a garden where there was a brightly lit-up mansion and a vast sceneryof the landscape behind them.

“Is this your home?” This was the first time Ruka visited his place and the mansion looked quite subtleyet it was worthy of his status.

“Yes. Let’s go inside.” Ren nodded.

Ruka suddenly regretted her decision. She would rather return to Husson Residence in her sorry stateand sit through a lecture than throw up all over herself and end up reeking badly of alcohol while beingstuck in the same house with Ren all by herself.

However, his bodyguards had left so if she requested to go back to Husson Residence right now at thistime of the night, it would be disrupting the bodyguards’ rest which would be quite wilful of her to do so.

As such, she decided there and then that she would just wing it and see how things went.

“Mr. Ren, do you have any fresh clothes I can change into? I would like to take a shower.” Ruka voicedout impatiently because her sleeves were soaked from her vomit and it reeked badly. Her jacket wasnot spared either and she felt quite uncomfortable.

Ren narrowed his eyes and considered the situation before shaking his head. “I don’t have anywomen’s clothing here.”

She was stunned for a moment before she blinked her eyes and asked, “Haven’t any other femalesstayed over at your place?”

She wished so badly for him to have even a single female outfit that she could change into.

He gave a definite answer, “You’re the first female to enter my house.”

At that point, she was rendered speechless. Should I be honored? However, she was currently stuckhere without a change of clothes.

“If you don’t mind, you could make do for the night by wearing my sweater,” Ren suggested.

Ruka considered the situation and figured that she had no choice right now, so she had to wear hisclothes. Actually, she could have requested for him to send his bodyguards to get her a change ofclothing but she didn’t like to be too much of a bother so she didn’t end up making that request.

“Okay. Hand me one of your white shirts then.” Ruka thought, Well, his shirt is the only option I have.She realized that his shirt would be too long and oversized for her so she had no choice but to wear itas a dress.

She trailed after Ren and went upstairs. He went into the walk-in closet, and in no time, he came outwith a clean white shirt and handed it to her while giving her directions to the washroom. Ruka hastilyscrambled off in that direction after that.

Inside the washroom, she impatiently stripped herself, and she kept her underwear and jeans aside.She stood under the shower unit and instantly felt refreshed. She was covered in water droplets as sheshut her eyes to enjoy the warm moment. All of a sudden, she suddenly recalled the moment in the carfrom before and how she had taken advantage of Ren.

Her expression turned gloomy as she covered her face. That was so embarrassing. How could Ipossibly have kissed him? And it was on the lips too!

Although Ruka had barely met him since she knew him, he was Scarlet’s younger brother after all, sohe was considered to be one of her elders. Even if it was just a mere term of address, his position asher elder remained.

She was close to tears by then, and she realized that alcohol indeed had a bad influence on one. Shehad gotten into huge trouble due to the alcohol. At that point, she was determined to abstain fromalcohol from then on.

At that moment, she had completely forgotten about the fact that Jethro had gotten back together withhis ex-girlfriend. She was now quite troubled by the fact that she had kissed Ren.

Just then, Ruka was fully alert from her drunken stupor and the crush she harbored had also ended ona sad note. There would not be any future for them, so she knew that she should tame her heart andfocus on work.

Ruka subsequently washed her hair, and as she applied some shower gel on herself, she couldn’tcontain her shyness. All of these items that I’ve just used are items that Ren usually uses!

Once she got out of the shower cubicle and stood on the mat, she blushed red as she realized thatthere was only one single towel there and it belonged to him.

She was dripping wet from head to toe, so she couldn’t possibly avoid using the towel. Ultimately, sheended up using it.

Finally, she put on her underwear and grabbed his shirt to put it on before buttoning it up properly.

The material of the shirt was silky-soft and of top quality. The material draped off her skin, and it wasperfectly ironed without a single crease. It was no wonder Ren had great taste in his outfits. The shirtlooked quite sexy and elegant.

She grabbed the hair dryer by the side and blow-dried her hair carefully as she lamented to herself, AmI actually the first female to enter his house? Could it be that Victoria has never been to his house? Butthen they’re quite close and they seem to have dated each other before.

After quite some time, Ruka finally dried her hair, and she glanced at herself in the mirror. Although shewas about to turn twenty-four, the white shirt she had on made her appear much younger than her age.She felt quite shy about being in his shirt.

Ruka came out of the washroom, and she had already hand-washed her stained clothes, but shewanted to look for the washing machine to run the clothes through the machine one more time beforeusing the dryer. She hoped that they would be ready for her by tomorrow morning.

“Are you done showering?” Behind her, a man’s low voice rang out.

Ruka quickly turned around and, under the dim lights, he had one hand tucked into the pocket of histrousers as he stood behind her in a straight and elegant posture.

“Yup! I’m done showering. Where is your washing machine? I would like to wash my clothes againusing the machine.”

“It’s in the left-most room on the first floor,” he replied.

“Okay.” Ruka rushed off downstairs with her clothes after saying that, and the man behind her curvedhis lips into a smile. He felt that she looked quite adorable dressed in his shirt. Ruka switched on thewashing machine power button and selected the dryer mode as well before walking out to the livingroom.Ren narrowed his eyes and considered the situation before shaking his head. “I don’t have anywomen’s clothing here.”

She was stunned for a moment before she blinked her eyes and asked, “Haven’t any other femalesstayed over at your place?”

She wished so badly for him to have even a single female outfit that she could change into.

He gave a definite answer, “You’re the first female to enter my house.”

At that point, she was rendered speechless. Should I be honored? However, she was currently stuckhere without a change of clothes.

“If you don’t mind, you could make do for the night by wearing my sweater,” Ren suggested.

Ruka considered the situation and figured that she had no choice right now, so she had to wear hisclothes. Actually, she could have requested for him to send his bodyguards to get her a change ofclothing but she didn’t like to be too much of a bother so she didn’t end up making that request.

“Okay. Hand me one of your white shirts then.” Ruka thought, Well, his shirt is the only option I have.She realized that his shirt would be too long and oversized for her so she had no choice but to wear itas a dress.

She trailed after Ren and went upstairs. He went into the walk-in closet, and in no time, he came outwith a clean white shirt and handed it to her while giving her directions to the washroom. Ruka hastilyscrambled off in that direction after that.

Inside the washroom, she impatiently stripped herself, and she kept her underwear and jeans aside.She stood under the shower unit and instantly felt refreshed. She was covered in water droplets as sheshut her eyes to enjoy the warm moment. All of a sudden, she suddenly recalled the moment in the carfrom before and how she had taken advantage of Ren.

Her expression turned gloomy as she covered her face. That was so embarrassing. How could Ipossibly have kissed him? And it was on the lips too!

Although Ruka had barely met him since she knew him, he was Scarlet’s younger brother after all, sohe was considered to be one of her elders. Even if it was just a mere term of address, his position asher elder remained.

She was close to tears by then, and she realized that alcohol indeed had a bad influence on one. Shehad gotten into huge trouble due to the alcohol. At that point, she was determined to abstain fromalcohol from then on.

At that moment, she had completely forgotten about the fact that Jethro had gotten back together withhis ex-girlfriend. She was now quite troubled by the fact that she had kissed Ren.

Just then, Ruka was fully alert from her drunken stupor and the crush she harbored had also ended ona sad note. There would not be any future for them, so she knew that she should tame her heart andfocus on work.

Ruka subsequently washed her hair, and as she applied some shower gel on herself, she couldn’tcontain her shyness. All of these items that I’ve just used are items that Ren usually uses!

Once she got out of the shower cubicle and stood on the mat, she blushed red as she realized thatthere was only one single towel there and it belonged to him.

She was dripping wet from head to toe, so she couldn’t possibly avoid using the towel. Ultimately, sheended up using it.

Finally, she put on her underwear and grabbed his shirt to put it on before buttoning it up properly.

The material of the shirt was silky-soft and of top quality. The material draped off her skin, and it wasperfectly ironed without a single crease. It was no wonder Ren had great taste in his outfits. The shirtlooked quite sexy and elegant.

She grabbed the hair dryer by the side and blow-dried her hair carefully as she lamented to herself, AmI actually the first female to enter his house? Could it be that Victoria has never been to his house? Butthen they’re quite close and they seem to have dated each other before.

After quite some time, Ruka finally dried her hair, and she glanced at herself in the mirror. Although shewas about to turn twenty-four, the white shirt she had on made her appear much younger than her age.She felt quite shy about being in his shirt.

Ruka came out of the washroom, and she had already hand-washed her stained clothes, but shewanted to look for the washing machine to run the clothes through the machine one more time beforeusing the dryer. She hoped that they would be ready for her by tomorrow morning.

“Are you done showering?” Behind her, a man’s low voice rang out.

Ruka quickly turned around and, under the dim lights, he had one hand tucked into the pocket of histrousers as he stood behind her in a straight and elegant posture.

“Yup! I’m done showering. Where is your washing machine? I would like to wash my clothes againusing the machine.”

“It’s in the left-most room on the first floor,” he replied.

“Okay.” Ruka rushed off downstairs with her clothes after saying that, and the man behind her curvedhis lips into a smile. He felt that she looked quite adorable dressed in his shirt. Ruka switched on thewashing machine power button and selected the dryer mode as well before walking out to the livingroom.

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