Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 861-870
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Chapter 861-870

If a camera started recording this scene, it would surely make for a romantic love story!

After enjoying a mouthful herself, Angela thought about Richard. He carried her on his back, pluckedwhite olives for her, and was even obliging enough to wash them for her. It would be far too selfish ofher if she did not offer him one of the white olives.

“Do you want one?” Angela tilted her head to the side and asked.

“No…” Richard was about to reject her offer when he found a white olive stuffed into his mouth.

“Have one. Don’t be shy. It tastes great!” Angela chuckled right beside his ear.

Her clear, melodious voice echoed in Richard’s ears. It sounded so mesmerizing that his mind wentblank for a few seconds. He forgot all about his initial rejection and began chewing instead.

He’s eating it!

Angela felt a peculiar sense of achievement, like she attained some kind of victory by breaking downRichard’s cold and aloof exterior.

She also had a roguish sense of amusement as she made up her mind to tease him whenever she feltbored in this place. It seemed like something fun that would keep her in a good mood.

Richard piggybacked Angela back to the base’s main entrance. When Angela noticed the suggestivegazes that everyone else was throwing at them, she began to feel a little embarrassed, but Richardcontinued to carry her all the way to the infirmary.

The doctor checked Angela’s foot and concluded that she had twisted her ankle and sprained hermuscles. She would need to rest for a few days and stay lying down whenever she could.

Angela had no choice but to follow the doctor’s orders. It could not be helped.

After applying medication to Angela’s ankle, the doctor said, “Please wait here for a moment while I finda wheelchair to take you back to your room.”

“Oh, don’t trouble yourself with that.” Angela waved him down and turned her eyes toward the man whowas currently standing on the side flipping through a medical book. “Captain Lloyd, could you carry meback to my room?”

The doctor agreed with a smile. “That’s a good idea. It’d save me a trip to the warehouse. It would’vetaken me quite a while to find a wheelchair there too.”

Richard snapped the book shut and placed it back on the shelf. His handsome face was neutral; therewere no signs of annoyance or reluctance. After bending down, his strong, muscular arms reachedunder Angela’s knees and arms and he hoisted her up like she weighed nothing. Just like that, she wassafely tucked into his arms.

Angela instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. Right at that moment, she could sense that thisman was a hundred percent boyfriend material.

For some reason, whenever she stood beside him, she felt like she had the courage to stand againstthe world.

Angela was in the right position to observe his features up close, and from her viewing angle, his sharp,chiseled jaw looked particularly attractive.

She felt very secure in his arms too, with no shaking or wobbling at all. It was quite a comfortable ride.

It’s so boring to just lie in bed all day, she thought to herself, so she decided to make a request.“Captain Lloyd, could I borrow your couch for a while? I want to lie in your room and read a book or two

instead. My room’s too small. I’d feel claustrophobic.”

Richard frowned and said, “No.”

“Why not? I promise that I’ll just lie on the couch and read a book. I won’t touch anything else. Ipromise!” Angela raised her hand in all seriousness and beseeched him with pleading eyes.

Richard narrowed his eyes and fell silent for two seconds before turning down a different corridor thatled to his room instead.

Angela smirked. He looks all cold and stern, but he is quite agreeable after all!

In the end, Angela got what she wanted. She lay down on Richard’s couch and got him to bring thebook she was reading the last time over to her. After flipping through a few pages, Trevor and Jaredcame over.

They quickly checked in on her condition, and she brushed it off with a smile, saying that she hadslipped out of carelessness.

“Miss Meyers, you should bring us along with you if you ever want to go somewhere next time. We’llprotect you,” Trevor said.

“Sure.” Angela smiled gratefully.

“Why did I call you two over?” A deep voice could be heard all of a sudden.

Immediately, Jared turned serious. “Miss Meyers, we’ve decided to record a video of you and upload itto your social media accounts. It’ll serve as a distraction and you’d be in less danger as a result. It’llalso buy us some time to find the lipstick.”

“Oh, of course. I’ll do whatever you need me to.” Angela ran her fingers through her hair and pressedher lips together before asking the two men in front of her, “Could I have a moment to put on somemakeup?”

“You look very beautiful even without makeup, Miss Meyers. I think you look great,” Trevor praised atonce.

Jared quickly followed suit. “Yes, you look great. You don’t need to put on any makeup at all.”

Angela laughed a little shyly. “Really? Okay then. How should I pose?”

“You can just sit on the couch with a book, and we’ll take a few photos of you. It’d be good if it’s asimple post sharing your daily life.”

Angela picked her book up and struck a natural-looking pose before flashing a serene smile at thecamera. Then, she took the cup from the table beside her and began to pose with it. Soon enough, shewas engrossed in an adorable, though slightly self-absorbed photoshoot.

In the midst of it all, Angela could sense that Richard, who was sitting at his desk opposite her, wasstaring at her too. Her face grew a little pink, which added a kittenish air to her.

Soon enough, Trevor and Jared were satisfied with the photos they had taken. Trevor was about tostand up when he suddenly bent forward and said quietly, “Miss Meyers, if you need any sort ofmedication and don’t feel like asking the infirmary for it, feel free to come and ask us for help!”

Angela squinted in confusion. She did not know what he was talking about.

“Medication? What medication?”

“Umm… just the… the one to treat that…” Trevor spluttered for a bit before shoving Jared. “You say it.”

Jared’s face was red as well. After looking into Angela’s curious eyes, he took a deep breath andexplained, “Here’s the thing, Miss Meyers. We’ve looked into Dexter Kavinsky’s medical records andfound out that he has a very critical sexually-transmitted disease. If you need that sort of medication,feel free to come to us for help.”

“Yes, exactly. Don’t feel shy about approaching us. Your health’s more important,” Trevor quicklyadded.

Angela had turned scarlet by now. Was Dexter’s medical condition the reason why he never tried tosleep with her? He pretended to be someone innocent in love and even swore that she was his firstlove, and that he had never liked anyone before her.

A piercing gaze landed on her as well. It came from the man behind the desk.

The very thought of that b*stard Dexter made Angela radiate pure hatred. When she felt the gaze thatcame from the person at the desk, she instinctively looked over.

Richard swiftly averted his eyes, and his expression made it seem like he couldn’t care less about this.He took his cup and sipped at his tea ever so elegantly.

Angela took a deep breath. “I don’t need any medication, but thank you both for your concern. Dexterand I never went that far in our relationship.”

Both Trevor and Jared were completely red in the face. They had asked out of concern for her, but rightnow, they felt like they had encroached on her personal space instead.

“That’s good to hear,” Trevor said with a smile as he tugged Jared by the arm. “Come, let’s get back towork.”

Jared and Trevor dashed out of the room as quickly as possible and wisely closed the door behindthem.

The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward. Angela bit her lip and her senses seemed to havemomentarily taken leave of her as she asked Richard, “Do you believe what I just said?”

Richard glanced at her. “It has nothing to do with me.”

Angela got a little frantic for some reason. “You don’t believe what I said?” She raised her hand toswear, “I swear on my life that what I said earlier was completely true. I’m in excellent health with nosexually-transmitted diseases at all. Please believe me.”

Richard frowned. “You should be swearing about this to your future husband instead. Why are youswearing it to me?”

Angela turned bright red yet again as she explained in embarrassment, “I’m worried you won’t let meuse your bathroom. That’s why I have to explain myself clearly to you.”

Richard checked his watch. “Stay here and don’t run around.”

He walked out of the room without further ado.

Angela hid her face in embarrassment. Why did I swear to him? How conceited of me!

That night, Angela could not head over for dinner herself, but someone was kind and thoughtful enoughto deliver her food to Richard’s room for her.

Although Angela had only stayed there for a day, she could already feel how genuine and sincereeveryone was, unlike the unforgiving people with a hidden agenda who used to surround her. Becauseof that, she started to fall in love with the relaxing environment.

While having her meal, she proceeded to read a book but soon felt sleepy while doing so. Thus, shecovered her face with it and unknowingly dozed off shortly after.

When it was 9.30PM at night, Richard opened the door and entered the room, thinking Angela musthave already returned to her room by then, only to see her sleeping on his couch. At the sight of that,he couldn’t help but feel annoyed, finding the lady troublesome. The next second, he walked closer toher and lifted the book that was covering her face, revealing her good looks in the illuminating light.With her long hair right behind her head, her beautiful appearance, coupled with her smooth skin,accentuated her elegance.

Richard squinted, realizing it was his first time ever looking and admiring a lady’s good looks so closely;it was as if Angela’s face was a portrait on display for his personal enjoyment. In the meantime, therosy cheeks and her thick eyelashes, along with her high nasal bridge and full red lips, were especiallysome of the most notable facial features on Angela’s face.

As Richard continued to keep his eyes on the lady’s face, he somehow began to feel suffocated, hisbody tensing, especially at the sight of her red lips. Feeling a strange urge that was surging throughhim on the inside, he then stood up and left the room immediately, as if Angela was some sort ofdisease that was attacking his heart.

On the other hand, she remained asleep until a loud bang on the door woke her up. She then openedher eyes and sat bolt upright irritably shortly before she wondered why she fell asleep in Richard’sroom. After that, she took a look at the time and realized it was almost 10.00PM, feeling bewilderedthat he was still not back in his room at that hour.

Then, Angela stood up from the couch, feeling better in her ankle because it was now less painful,much to her relief. So, she limped out of Richard’s room and made her way back to hers.

On the other hand, Richard was covered in sweat from head to toe, as he was playing basketball aloneon the court, putting more effort than usual into every shot without giving himself a break. As hemanaged to score a three-point goal in several consecutive shots, his subordinate happened to run intohim.

“Why are you still, Richie?” Sean asked.

“I can’t sleep.” Richard aimed at the basket and took his shot accurately, looking very much like aprofessional basketball player.

“Let’s play together.” Sean suggested that they played a basketball match.

The same night, Angela was sound asleep, as she could finally have some peace of mind, thanks tothe forgiving people and environment there. However, she quickly sensed something strange in thenext three days when she noticed Richard’s absence both in the canteen, the field, and even his room.

Since his room wasn’t locked, she could go in and out of it freely but failed to find any signs of the man.When she finally ran into Trevor, she asked, “Trevor, where is Richard?”

“He is away for the next few days.”

“When will he be back?”

“He didn’t mention that.”

After hearing that, Angela was annoyed with the fact that Richard didn’t tell her head before he left.Without Richard around, she felt as if something was missing in her life, with less joy and moreboredom. Because of that, she would carry a book with her to the canteen every day and spend theentire afternoon there. Soon, a week passed by without Angela realizing it by herself as she began to

get used to Richard’s absence, but even so, she would still occasionally wonder when he would beback.

One evening, she was strolling around the compound when her ankle was finally feeling a lot better. Asshe sat at the parterre and read her book, she suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter and looked upout of curiosity. The next moment, she noticed a chopper flying over her head toward the field, whichmade her wonder whether it was the man who was back. Thrilled and excited, she carried her booktightly in her arms and scurried toward the field.

As Angela’s hair was billowing in the strong wind and covering her face, she had to block the breezewith her hand and squinted to see what was up ahead. When the wind finally stopped blowing, Richardopened the door and stepped out of the cockpit, entering the lady’s view. Wearing a camo t-shirt, heseemed even more like a strong, tough guy due to his intimidating aura.

With a bright smile on her face, Angela looked at Richard just as he gazed back at her with his luggagein his hand. At that moment, the helicopter’s main rotor began to spin rapidly as it slowly levitated intothe air, generating a strong twirl of wind that blew at Angela’s hair and messed it up. However, shequickly tried to fix her hair, tilting her head slightly to the side as she scampered toward the man with asmile. “You’re finally back!”

Meanwhile, Richard felt his heart skipping a beat, staring at Angela’s smile in the illuminating eveninghue. Has she been waiting for my return all this while? As the lady was holding a book in her hand, theevening sun was shining on her face, her long hair running all the way down to her waist. At the sametime, her smooth fair skin only served to make her look even more gorgeous and pretty.

The next moment, Richard nodded at her in response and directly moved on with his luggage in hishand, as if he was reluctant to even greet her. Noticing the man’s indifferent reaction, Angela wasstunned to find how nonchalant he could be. I came all the way to receive him, but he didn’t seem tohave a problem leaving me here. Does he really hate me so much? At the thought of that, Angela was

reminded of the time she threw her lipsticks away not long before she imposed on him to bring her tothe place she was now to take care of her. Considering the trouble she was putting him through, shestarted to see the reason he hated her, which she no longer found surprising. Nevertheless, a thoughtto sound Richard out crossed her mind as she fixed her gaze upon the man who was walking away.Soon, she let out a painful moan. “Ouch!” She rubbed her ankle, pretending to look like she had justsprained it.

Upon hearing her moan, Richard, who had already taken a dozen steps ahead, looked back at Angelaand noticed her crouching down on the ground. He then dropped his luggage and approached her,standing before her while showing his concern. “Are you alright?”

“My ankle still hasn’t recovered… And I accidentally hurt it again when I stepped on a stone.” Angela bither lip, gazing at the man in a sympathetic manner. “Can you carry me back?”

As Richard stared at Angela for a few seconds, the lady’s face blushed bashfully. At the same time, shewas wondering whether the man had seen through her for her lie. Oops! I guess my acting was terrible.He isn’t going to believe in me, is he? However, just when she was about to get up, the man suddenlyextended his arm and reached out to her, carrying her in his arms in the next second. At that moment,Angela was seen with a pair of smiling eyes, surprised by Richard’s reaction to carry her because shethought he had always hated her.

Leaving his luggage behind, Richard carried Angela all the way to her room while drawing the attentionof many others along the way. Although Angela hid her face in the man’s embrace in an embarrassedmanner, the man ignored her expression and continued to carry her to the door before he finally put herdown. “Go back into your room.” The man told her and turned around, walking away.

“Thank you!” Angela said. Upon opening the door, she entered her room complacently, her faceblushing as she could only hear the buzzing in her head. She then looked down and thought about heracting. Damn. Did I just nail it, or was I just lucky? It was my left ankle that was injured last time, but I

was rubbing my right ankle when I was acting just now. How could Richard not notice that? If he had,he would have seen through my acting. In that instant, a strong sense of embarrassment surgedthrough her because she believed Richard should have been able to notice what was wrong,considering how shrewd he was. Why was he still willing to entertain me? He even agreed to carry me.She buried her face in the blanket while feeling an urge to confront Richard in his room about herquestion, wanting to find out whether he saw through her acting.

Having contained her curiosity until after her dinner, Angela took advantage of the opportunity to returnRichard his book and knocked on his door. As soon as the door was open, the man was seen wearinga casual outfit, his laptop on his desk, which indicated that he was in the middle of his work.

“Hi… I’m here to return the book.” Angela was a little too embarrassed to look Richard in the eye, evenstruggling to speak in full sentences.

Richard stood aside and let Angela enter his room. She then walked to his shelf and put the book backto where it was, only to take another book away. She then peeked at the man who was working in frontof his laptop for a few moments and took a deep breath, deciding to find out the answer to herquestion. “Um. Richard, there is something I want to ask you. Why were you willing to carry me thisafternoon?” Angela asked, her eyes wide open.

“I thought you said your ankle was injured, didn’t you?” the man replied without even looking at her.

“Yeah, I did, but don’t you remember which of my ankles was hurt last time?” Angela asked guiltily.

Upon hearing the lady’s question, Richard curled his lips upward, his eyes filled with mischief andplayfulness. When Angela saw his ambiguous smile, she could only hear buzzing in her head. Just as Iexpected, he knew I was just pretending. “If you knew I was pretending, why did you still go ahead andcarry me?” Angela decided that she might as well reveal everything, abandoning her pride.

“Consider this the last time of your mischief,” Richard replied calmly, implying that he didn’t want her topull a prank on him ever again.

Angela grunted and said, “You didn’t bother to talk to me this afternoon. I’d been waiting for you for aweek, but when I showed up to receive you, you didn’t bother to say anything to me.”

Richard, who was typing at that moment, paused and asked with a deep voice, “Why were you waitingfor me?”

“I was worried about you. After all, I’m wanted by many international crime syndicates, and I was afraidfor your safety.” Angela spoke her mind, revealing the moments in the past few days when she wastroubled by those disturbing thoughts. In fact, she even woke up to a nightmare in which Richard wasrunning amidst a shootout before an explosion happened. When she woke up from her sleep, shefound herself covered in cold sweats.

Soon, Richard closed his laptop and calmly said, “I am and will be fine, so you should worry aboutyourself more instead.”

“I know I’ve been imposing on you lately, so I guess it’s not surprising for you to hate me.” Angelaresented herself out of nowhere.

As soon as Richard heard that, he turned his attention to Angela and wondered when he had ever saidthat to her. “You should return to your room now,” he said, thinking it wasn’t appropriate for both ofthem to stay in the room because it was getting late. In the meantime, Angela had no choice but toleave the man to it as she reluctantly embraced the plausibly unpleasant truth that the man hated her.

The next morning, Angela tidied her room and went for a walk just when she ran into a man with anapproachable and cheerful aura—Sean. “Good morning, Miss Meyers!”

“Good morning!”

“Have you had your breakfast?” Sean asked.

“Nope, I haven’t.”

“Would you like to join me then?”

Angela pondered for a while, thinking it wasn’t that bad to have some company since she found itboring to have her breakfast alone. “Sure.” She smiled and walked to the canteen with the man.

As a man who was over six feet tall, Sean made a perfect match with Angela, thanks to his good looks.Because of that, both of them turned many heads wherever they walked past. They look like a lovelycouple, don’t they?

After sitting down opposite Sean, Angela didn’t seem to have a good appetite when the food wasserved because of her bad mood. Noticing how she was picking at her food, Sean said in surprise,“You need to eat something, Miss Meyers. You need to get your strength up!”

“Let’s just drop the miss. Call me Angela instead. It’s not like I’m a daughter from some rich family,”Angela said.

“Sure thing. I’m one year older than you are anyway, so Angela it is then! Come on! Have some eggs.They are a perfect choice for a healthy breakfast.” Sean proceeded to peel off the shell before givingher the eggs.

Although Angela shook her head in refusal, Sean cordially went on to peel off half of the egg’s shellbefore he gave the egg to her. “Come on. I peeled off the shell for you, so you’re going to have to eat itnow.”

Thinking it wasn’t appropriate for her to turn Sean down, Angela took the eggs in her hand and said,“Thank you, Sean.”

Meanwhile, Jared and Trevor happened to see the intimate interaction between Angela and Sean,thinking they would make a perfect couple. After their breakfast, Sean left for his work while Angeladecided to take a stroll outside to admire nature’s beauty. Having arrived in the meeting room, Seanwas seen humming with his laptop in his hand just when Trevor and Jared playfully winked at him.

“Look who it is! Sean seems to be in a good mood.” Jared pulled his friend’s leg.

“Well, he just had a sweet moment during breakfast with Miss Meyers. So, how did that not lift hismood?”

“What are you guys talking about?!” Sean was annoyed.

“You two were chatting and laughing with each other. Besides, you also peeled off the eggshell for MissMeyers, didn’t you? But don’t worry, we, as your friends, will be sure to help you win her heart,” Trevorannounced confidently.

“Exactly! We’ll be sure to offer you all the help you need, no matter what it takes.” Jared promised,clenching his fists.

“Come on. Stop making fun of me!” Sean tried to dismiss his friends’ encouragement with a bashfullook on his face. “Miss Meyers isn’t going to even look at me.”

“But I saw the affectionate look on her face this morning when she looked at you.” Trevor expressed hisenvy toward Sean.

On the other hand, Richard was standing at the door outside the meeting room, quietly listening to theconversation among his subordinates, until he heard a curious voice from behind him. “Why didn’t yougo inside, Richard?” Willy asked.

It was then that Richard finally opened the door and startled the three of them, making them feelannoyed about the unpredictable appearances that their superior always made.

“What were you guys talking about?” Willy asked out of curiosity. “Is there anything new about ourassignment?”

“Oh, nothing. We were just talking about Miss Meyers and Sean,” Jared blurted out.

It was then that Trevor quickly shifted his gaze to their boss as he noticed the nonchalant expressionon his face. Then, Richard turned around and wrote something on the whiteboard, revealing hismuscular back as he faced away from them. “You are only allowed to talk about work here. Nothingelse more, including personal matters.” The man wrote on the whiteboard and made his order heard.

In that instant, all four men kept their mouths shut, feeling helpless yet surprised that their bossdemanded them to keep their light-mindedness in check, even though that was what they had beendoing all the while. For that, they all proceeded to focus on their job without saying a single word more.When it was Sean’s turn to present his job, he made a trivial mistake but was treated harshly byRichard with some mean criticisms. Although Sean was upset about that, he kept his feelings tohimself, thinking his mistake wasn’t so severe that he deserved to be meanly criticized.

On the other hand, Angela was sitting beside a fountain while fiddling with the grass in a bored manner.At the same time, she shifted her gaze everywhere, from the sky to the grass, until her eyes fell uponthe water where a little fish was swimming around her feet. At that instant, she was tempted to catch itout of a whim, so she extended her arm to reach it. However, the fish looked as if it was trying to toywith her, dodging Angela’s catch and forcing her to bend over for better reach.

Nevertheless, she suddenly lost her footing and accidentally plunged into the depths of the pond.“Ah…” The lady found herself drenched from head to toe in a disheveled manner. At the same time,she lost interest in catching the fish, but when she looked back at it in the water, she felt as if she had

been tricked by the animal. This fish was trying to fool me. “Just wait and see. I’ll be back with a netnext time,” Angela said in frustration and made her way toward the base’s entrance.

Since Angela was wet, she was desperate to get a shower. Nonetheless, when everyone saw herstate, they all asked her what had happened in a concerned manner, to which she explained that shehad just fallen into the water. While Angela later returned to her room to get changed, one of Richard’ssubordinates entered the meeting room to deliver some documents and casually told the five menabout what he had just heard. “Miss Meyers fell into the water just now,” he stated casually.

“What? Is she hurt?”

“I’m not too sure, but she definitely looks wet from head to toe.”

The next second, Richard sprang up from his seat and opened the door, leaving the meeting room in ahurry. In the meantime, his subordinates were left wondering where he was going as they exchangedgazes with each other.

Angela went into Richard’s room with her clothes in her arms. She hurriedly turned on the showerbecause she felt extremely cold as it was fall now.

Richard pushed the door to his room and heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Hedidn’t have to ask to guess who was inside, so he exited the room and continued back in the directionof the conference room.

After Angela showered, she felt that her whole body was warm, and she simply sat in Richard’s roomand read a book as if his room was hers.

At noon, she went to the dining hall. After she had prepared her meal, she sat down at the table whereTrevor and the others were sitting. Richard also sat down right across from Angela.novelbin

“Miss Angela, I heard that you fell into the water this morning. What happened?” Trevor askedcuriously.

“Ugh, let’s not talk about it. I fell into the spring behind the mountain.” After Angela finished speaking,she glanced at the man sitting directly opposite her.

“How did you fall? Did you slip?”

“No, there was such a big fish in that spring. I wanted to catch it, but I slipped and fell instead. Boohoo!”Angela recounted the events with a depressed expression.

Jared almost burst into laughter from the side, but fortunately, he controlled it.

“Sean, do you have time in the afternoon? Let’s find a fishing net. We’ll go and get that fish back, shallwe?” Angela asked Sean.

Sean nodded almost without hesitation. “Okay! Let’s do it.”

Seeing that he readily agreed, Angela smiled happily. “Well, it’s settled.”

Trevor and Jared looked at each other. Sure enough, Angela was interested in Sean. At this moment,the man opposite Angela said, “My subordinates don’t have time to accompany you to fool around.”

“Boss, I do—” Before Sean finished speaking, he met a pair of seriously cold eyes, and his words wereforced back into his throat.

Angela blinked. “I am only borrowing them for half an hour.”

“It’s not a matter of time; they can’t lose their discipline, and they shouldn’t spend their time on thingsoutside of work.” Richard’s eyes were cold; he looked like he would not be easy to deal with.

The other three felt that there was something wrong with the boss’ emotions.

Angela couldn’t help but choke, after which she had no choice but to turn to Sean. “Sean, can you findme a fishing net after this? I’ll go by myself.”

“No problem. I remember there is one in the tool room.” Sean was very happy to help her.

“Angela, is it fine for you to go alone?”

“Of course, there’s no problem! Don’t underestimate me. I swear to bring that fish back to make soup.”Angela was determined to get the fish.

This time, Jared couldn’t hold back his laughter. Trevor quickly tugged on Jared’s clothes to stop him.

Angela also laughed. “Just wait and see! I will definitely get it back.”

“Miss Angela, we believe in your ability,” Trevor hurriedly chimed in.

After the meal, Sean found her a light and functioning fishing net in no time. Angela decided to set offafter taking a break.

After the meal, everyone on the base performed their duties. Angela was the most leisurely personamong them. She changed into sports attire, picked up the fishing net, and went out. The sceneryalong the way was picturesque, with gold and orange leaves carpeting the ground. Fall was, beyond adoubt, a perfect time for outdoor activities.

In the conference room, there were four people who were working obediently.

Trevor suddenly had a whim and glanced at Jared and Sean. “The boss isn’t here, so should we sneakout to help her with the fish?”

Jared was the most playful and was the first to raise his hand in approval. “Okay, okay! I like doing thiskind of thing the most.”

Sean also felt that he could be lazy today. “Okay, let’s go!”

Only Willy was sticking to his post. He told them, “Make it quick, alright? I’ll cover for you all in themeantime.”

“Okay, Willy. You’re my best pal!” Trevor patted Willy on the shoulder, and the three of them hurriedlyopened the door of the conference room.

Next to the small mountain spring, the water was clean and clear. There was a fish the size of one’spalm swimming there. It was very eye-catching as it turned over and rolled leisurely in the spring.

Angela squatted down with a smug smile like a hidden hunter. “You can’t run away now!”

After speaking, Angela stretched out her hand and put the fish net into the water, and then stared at thefish so intently that she didn’t notice when someone approached her from behind.

The man wrapped his arms around himself and quietly watched her clumsily fishing for the fish. Angelahad gotten a lot of leaves in her net. When she was about to stand up to clear it, a male voice suddenlycame from behind. “Do you need help?”

“Ah!” Angela turned around in fright. There was a lot of moss under her feet, so her body lost balance,and she suddenly lurched toward the spring.

Before it was too late, a long arm grabbed one of her arms and pulled her up quickly.

Angela’s whole body slammed into the man’s well-built chest. Other than the pain in her nose, her headwas dizzy from the impact, so she raised her head suddenly in anger.

The man was worried about whether he had hit her with too much force, so he lowered his head.

Their two faces were almost pressed together as their noses tips faced each other. Moreover, theirbreathing came close together, and their eyes were looking at each other.

It was as if the air had frozen at this moment.

Angela’s face flushed red to the roots of her ears. She was about to take a step back, but her feet werestill slippery. Hence, she hurriedly grabbed the shirt on the man’s chest as her body leaned into his.

“Can’t you make some noise next time? You’ll scare me to death,” Angela said angrily.

Richard took her hand, and they came to the flatter ground on the side. “Fishing is not suitable forgirls.”

“Then you help me! Say that earlier next time!” Angela smiled happily.

At this moment, hiding behind a big tree 30 feet away were the three others. Their three pairs of eyeswidened in disbelief as they exchanged glances.

The suggestive scene just now naturally did not escape them. It seemed that their presence waspointless; their boss had taken the lead in helping the damsel in distress. Moreover, just now, they hadhugged each other so tightly.

“Let’s leave.” Trevor waved his hand, and the other two walked away in the direction of the way theycame.

Sean asked, “Does the boss like Angela?”

“Duh! Anyone who can see knows that,” Trevor said with some annoyance. “The boss is too selfish. Hedoesn’t allow us to help because he is saving the chance for himself!”

Sean suddenly understood the scolding he got in the conference room in the morning. Sigh! I can’t betoo enthusiastic about Angela in the future, or I’ll be taught a lesson.

“The boss has good taste, and Miss Angela is a good match for him.” Jared was happy he witnessedwhat happened.

“To be honest, it’s time for the boss to get married at his age. I used to worry that he wouldn’t pursueany woman at all, but now it seems that I’m worrying too much! The boss is full of skills!” Trevor saidwith admiration.

“Then we can assist him well in the future and let them be together. This way, we can make MissAngela our comrade.” Jared smiled.

“That is a must.”

The three of them went back while chatting, and next to the spring, Angela looked at the man squattingthere fishing for fish. He looked like he had removed his cold and inhuman side for the time being andbecame a little warmer.

Her heart fluttered for no reason.

She didn’t care about the fish that caused her to fall into the water at the moment but began to thinkabout why Richard suddenly appeared there.

Did he come for me? Was he worried about me?

At this moment, the fishing net appeared before her, and the fish that was caught in the net jumpedaround, looking panicked.

“Wow! You caught it.” Angela was overjoyed and then looked at the fish. She thought that it lookedrather pitiful out of the water, so she put the net into the water.

The fish wanted to break through the net several times, so Angela sighed and said to it, “Since you lookso pitiful, I’ll let you go!”

After speaking, Angela turned the fishing net over and let the fish go directly while the man beside herlooked at her speechlessly. Soon, she fluffed her long hair as she explained, “I forgive it. I won’t catch itand make soup with it.”

Richard’s gaze deepened a little; a girl exuding kindness was the most mesmerizing.

Angela stood up, and suddenly there was a flash of light in her eyes. She hurriedly looked over at whatwas shining in the middle of the spring.

“What is that?” Angela asked, pointing to the shiny object.

Richard turned his head to look at it. Inside a gray-white stone, there was a translucent, shiny object,but it was stuck in the rock and only revealed a small edge.

“Wait here.” After Richard finished speaking, he took off his shoes and socks and went into the water toget it for her. Angela couldn’t help but be moved. Is he retrieving the shiny thing for me?

Richard took the object out of the water, and it turned out to be a small, natural white crystal.

“Wow! It’s a crystal!” Angela happily took it over, blinking her beautiful and brilliant eyes.

The man’s gaze was directly attracted to her. In his eyes, this woman’s eyes were clearer and morebeautiful than the crystal.

“I got something good!” Angela happily held the crystal but was quickly reminded of something. “If wecan turn it into necklaces, how about we make one for each of us?” she asked the man.

“I don’t wear things like that.” Richard refused.

“But you got it out of there!” Angela was looking forward to sharing it with him.

“Keep it for yourself.” After Richard finished speaking, he sat aside and put on his shoes and socks.Angela looked at him, her gaze shining. The more he didn’t want it, the more she wanted to give it tohim.

I’ll see if he dares to throw it away! She couldn’t help but feel a sense of dominance in her heart.

“Captain Lloyd, why are you suddenly kind enough to come to help me?” Angela sat on a rock, holdingthe crystal in her hand.

“I promised your parents to protect you,” Richard explained lightly.

Angela’s eyes flashed with disappointment. It turned out that he didn’t come because of her at all!

Moreover, everything he did for her now was just his duty.

“I’m not that pampered. You don’t need to protect me in everything.” Angela resisted him like arebellious child, and after she finished speaking, she stood up and pointed to the mountain road beforethem. “I’m going to climb the mountain. You don’t need to come with me. ”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Let’s go back.” Richard stood up and ordered.

“I’m not your subordinate, and I’m not required to listen to your orders.” Angela finished speaking anddecided to climb the mountain.

Richard’s patience was limited, and he didn’t like others disobeying his orders. He stepped forward,and when Angela had just walked forward a few steps, he grabbed her hand and led her down themountain.

“Hey! Richard, let me go! You can’t be so bossy.” Resentment welled up in Angela as she pushed awayhis hand.

Seeing that she was about to get away, in the next second, the man lifted her legs and carried her onhis shoulder. Angela felt that she was turned upside down and was taken aback.

“Richard, let me go!” Angela was so angry that she kicked her legs, but the man ignored her struggleand carried her to the gate of the base, attracting everyone’s attention.

At this moment, the three people who were standing nearby drinking water looked at this scene inshock.

Jared patted Trevor on the shoulder. “You said what you said just now a little too early. The captaindoesn’t know how to pursue girls properly.”

“How can the captain treat Angela like this? He’s not being gentle!” Sean also sighed.

Angela was carried by Richard all the way to the door of her room before he put her down. She flushedwith anger, but the man turned and left as if nothing had happened.

“Hey, Richard! I hate you,” Angela blurted out angrily.

Richard’s footsteps stopped suddenly. He paused in place for a few seconds, and then he turned hishead slightly. “I don’t need you to like me.”

Angela had just regretted her impulsive words, but seeing the man’s reaction, she suddenly becameangry again. “Don’t worry. I will never like you in this life.”

Richard frowned and walked away.

Angela took a few deep breaths as she was so angry. I’ve never met a man as difficult as him.

At this time, Trevor and Jared came over and saw Angela standing at the door, holding it with her faceflushed and resentful. So, they smiled and came to comfort her.

“Miss Angela, are you alright?”

“Did our captain hurt you?”

Angela smiled gratefully at them. “I’m okay, but thank you.”

“Our captain is usually a very nice guy. He’s like a brother to us. Maybe he’s been among men for toolong, so he doesn’t know how to be gentle with girls. Don’t blame him.” Trevor tried to say good thingsabout Richard.

Angela waved her hand generously. “I didn’t take it to heart; I’ll just have to see him less in the future.”

At 9.00PM, Angela felt a little itchy, so she wanted to take a bath. But thinking of her relationship withRichard, she didn’t want to go to his room to shower. She would rather go to the public bathroom.

Hence, Angela took her pajamas and towel, then went to the public bathroom. She found one that wasempty and started to shower.

When she came out wearing her conservative pajamas after showering, she suddenly bumped intoJared and Trevor ahead. They were only wearing bath towels around their waists.

Oh my God!

Instead, it was the two of them who were shocked. They hurriedly tried to cover themselves.

“Miss Angela, why are you taking a shower here?” Trevor asked in surprise with his back turned.

“Yeah! A lady like you shouldn’t be here.”

Angela looked at them openly. She was not embarrassed at all. “What do you mean? I can showeranywhere. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get some rest.”

After speaking, Angela left, leaving Trevor and Jared blushing.

After the two showered, they went straight to Richard’s room. Having knocked on the door, Trevorinstantly reported to Richard.

“Captain, we saw Miss Angela taking a bath in the public bathroom just now…”

After Trevor finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth and corrected himself. “No, no. Wesaw Miss Angela going there to take a bath, and she ran into us.”

“Yes, we almost came out in our underwear,” Jared added.

“Fortunately, we wrapped ourselves in bath towels; otherwise, we would be embarrassed to death.”

Richard calmly listened to their explanation, but his face was still a little ugly.

What the hell is this woman angry about? I only disallowed her to climb the mountain! With herphysique, even if she can climb up, she definitely won’t be able to come down.

Now, at this time, she went to the public bathroom to take a bath. There were so many men there, yetshe was not afraid at all.

“Captain, go and admit your mistake to Miss Angela and let her go back to your room to take a shower!She really scared us to death,” Trevor said.

“Go back to your room and rest,” Richard said to them, turning around and closing the door.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds but had no choice but to go back to the room. Itseemed that they had thought too much. The captain doesn’t care about Miss Angela at all!

Richard returned to the sofa and picked up the book he was reading just now, but he suddenly had nointerest. He took a deep breath and dropped the book. Angela’s appearance after her bath involuntarilyappeared in his mind. He had to admit that her flushed face had a special kind of charm.

Does she want all the men in the base to appreciate her freshly showered appearance?

Richard let out an irritated sigh, got up, and pushed the door to go out.

Angela had just taken a shower and was about to go to bed when there was a knock on her door.

She felt a little odd. It was so late, so who was looking for her? She got up and opened the door, only tosee a tall figure with an oppressive aura outside the door, blocking the light outside.

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