Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 731-740
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Chapter 731-740

“Be careful.” Anastasia nestled in Elliot’s arms as her heart ached for him. Not only was he sufferingfrom the pain of losing his loved one after Harriet’s funeral, he was also stabbed in the back by hisrelatives.

“I will,” he assured her, and he vowed he would never again cause worry for his family.

On the other hand, Liam, who was in his office, was confident that Elliot would be looking for hisdaughter to force her into undergoing the operation. Since he had come this far, he would see his planthrough to the end and not let it fail as it was their only chance for survival.

The child’s arrival would make Elliot’s life miserable because the child would one day be eligible for aninheritance from him. Otherwise, there will be an inheritance dispute between his children in the future.

Given Elliot’s level of great intelligence, it was almost inevitable that his future generations would alsobe bright. As a result, there was no good reason for Liam to pass up the golden opportunity to changehis family’s future.

In fact, he had used up every penny he had to make sure his daughter could escape from Elliot’sgrasp. Thanks to the fortune amassed in recent years, he had accumulated many resources andgathered several subordinates.

Following Lorelai’s departure, Liam enlisted the help of eight of his dependable subordinates to protecther. Furthermore, he found out that Elliot was heading to Hogland, which was why Lorelai was able toleave the country first.

Simply put, it was a race against time.

Following everything that had transpired, Liam was pleased to see the police arrivng. He remainedcomposed even while the handcuffs were being slapped on his wrists. On the other hand, his wife was

so anxious that she passed out and his son was in a state of shock.

In the evening, a private plane took off from the airport, and the flight to Hogland would take almosteight hours.

Meanwhile, Anastasia was preparing dinner for her son at home. He was so used to her cooking thatshe never bothered to seek the assistance of the maids when preparing dinner. She lost focus whileslicing carrots and accidentally cut her finger. Looking at her bleeding finger, she hissed in pain aspanic surged in her. It was not due to the wound, but the cut that gave her a bad feeling about thewhole situation. She cleaned the wound with water to stop the bleeding, which eventually stoppedsince it was not a deep cut. Still, she earnestly prayed for Elliot’s safe return.

Tonight, guests are not allowed in the bar, and only one person drinks here. As the bar’s owner, Arthurcan act in any way he pleases.

He was passing the time by drinking alcohol as the words of his grandma kept playing through histhoughts. That they would return home the following morning.

Arthur dialed a number after downing two glasses. He waited patiently even though the receiver did notanswer the phone immediately.

Finally, as the call was about to end, a woman’s voice could be heard on the other line. “Hello?”

“Why are you taking so long to pick up the phone? Is it because of me? Do you not want to talk withme?” he moaned.

“No. I was in the shower. What’s the matter?” Sophia enquired.

“I’ll be leaving tomorrow. Could you just come over? I’d like to see you.”

“Huh? You’re leaving?”

“Hmm. It’s the earliest flight in the morning.”

“Then, I think it’s best we don’t meet up. I hope you’ll have a safe flight.”

Arthur was disappointed because she had no intention of asking him to stay. She even wished him asafe flight!

“Sophia, if I go back, then you might not get to see me again in this lifetime. Would you not have anyregrets at all?” Arthur spoke in a low, raspy voice.

Then, Sophia, sitting on the bed, inhaled deeply upon hearing the man’s voice on the phone. “I have noregrets. I’m sure you’ll soon forget about me once you return. In fact, we are from very different socialbackgrounds. Goodbye.”

Sophia abruptly hung up the phone when she finished speaking. She wrapped her arms around herknees and sat in bed, lost in her thoughts. Martha’s words were loud and clear in her mind, and it feltlike a curse, “Leave my grandson. You shouldn’t try to handle someone you can’t control. You haveyour own life to live, and he has his own, so just leave him forever. Do whatever it takes to make himstop thinking about you, even if it means hurting him.”

As soon as she ended the call on him in the bar, Arthur grabbed his car keys and got up. He got intohis car and turned the ignition to drive in only one direction. At that moment, an SUV pulled up in frontof the bar and began following closely behind him.

Emily was inside the SUV and had planned to meet him at the bar, but she arrived just in time to watchhim drive off, and she told her bodyguard to follow him. It’s late, so where is he going? He does notappear to return to the villa based on this route.

Tomorrow, they were scheduled to return home, and Emily had been looking forward to finally leavingthis place and returning to where they belonged. Sophia would no longer exist in Arthur’s heart, and

Emily would have a better chance of capturing his heart.

The mysterious-looking and dominant SUV moved like a wild horse, and the car trailing behind theSUV struggled to keep up with the speed of the vehicle ahead. Emily, seated in the backseat, grewincreasingly curious about his destination. “Speed up so that you can keep up with him. Do not losesight of him.”

The speed at which Arthur drove seemed to indicate that he was going to meet someone important, soshe was determined to find out who it was.

Half an hour later, he finally slowed down his car because he had driven into a residential area withvillas. He finally stopped by the villa’s gates, next to the sidewalk.

A black SUV that had been following behind finally caught up to him. Emily was rather daring, asevidenced by the fact that she instructed her bodyguard to park the car around five meters behindArthur’s vehicle.

At that very time, Arthur proceeded to call Sophia’s number again.

She picked up the phone immediately this time, “Hello!”

“I’m here. Come downstairs to see me.” The sound of his slightly authoritative voice could be heard.

The third-floor French window had its curtains drawn back in an instant. Under the lights, a silhouette ofa slender figure stood in front of the window. When Sophia caught a glimpse of the familiar SUV parkedbelow, she was taken aback. Did he actually come over?

“Just go. I don’t want to see you.” Sophia did her best to hold back her emotions and had no desire tosee him.

“If you don’t come down, I’ll come to you.” Arthur was not someone who could be easily gotten rid of.

“No, don’t come inside my house! My parents are going to kick you out for sure.”

“Are you sure about that? I’d like to be kicked out at least once.” Arthur hung up the phone immediatelyafter saying that. He knew she was watching him from upstairs, so he opened the door to the car andgot out.

Upstairs, Sophia began to panic. What a stubborn man he is! Then, her figure quickly disappeared fromthe French window on the third floor.

Sophia raced down the stairs and as soon as she rushed into the living room, she startled Emma, whowas watching TV. “Where are you off to?”

“Mom, I need to grab my parcel from the hub. It’s an urgent parcel,” Sophia lied.

After she had said that, she pushed open the door and left. She ran out of the house hastily and arrivedat the gates. As soon as she yanked the gates open, she saw the man standing under the street lights.He had a smug smile on his face as he looked at her.

He behaved as if he had already expected her to be rushing out of the door to come and see him.

“You…” Sophia glared at him in anger.

“Accompany me for a walk.” Arthur reached out to tug her hand.

She refused to move but she was forcefully pulled to the side of his car door by his strength and shepanicked at that point. Then, she struggled to get away. “I don’t want to go. You should leave.”

However, he refused to release her hand and the two of them just stood there holding hands while shemade several attempts to get away from him.

“Arthur, let go of my hand.”

“Sophia, just be honest with me. Do you really have no feelings for me?” Arthur interrogated her.Although he had done a lot of nasty things, he had treated her quite well.

Sophia took the chance to extricate her hand as she turned in the other direction. “I don’t. I don’t fancymen like you at all.”

“Then, what kind of men do you prefer?” Arthur cast aside his usual high and mighty attitude as hepersistently asked her.

“I don’t need to tell you that.” She reckoned that he seemed slightly different tonight and there was awhiff of alcohol in the air and she frowned. “Did you drink?”

“Yes.” Arthur admitted to her.

However, subsequently, Sophia chided him angrily. “How dare you drink and drive?! Arthur, don’t youknow that it’s illegal to drink and drive?!”

He was significantly speechless.

“If something bad happens, say if you hit a passerby or get into a traffic accident, then you would bedoomed.” She suddenly lost her temper and she was angry that he did such an irresponsible thing.

“I didn’t drink much. I just had a glass,” Arthur explained.

“That is unacceptable too. From now on, you must not drive if you’ve taken even just a sip of alcohol,alright?” At that moment, Sophia behaved like a strict wife lecturing her husband.

He seemed to be in good spirits suddenly as he revealed a smile and agreed in no time. “Sure, Ipromise not to drink and drive from now on and I won’t drive if I plan to drink.”

Their interaction was clearly audible to the girl sitting five meters away with her car window wounddown and it was brought to her ears by the night breeze because of the quietness of the surroundings.Emily couldn’t believe her ears at all as she heard their conversation. Seriously?! Did these wordscome out of the mouth of the high and mighty Young Master Weiss?!

“I want to head back inside. You should leave.” After Sophia said that, she turned around and wasabout to walk off.

However, Arthur clutched her wrist. “Keep me company for another moment.”

Sophia didn’t mind keeping him company so they stood by the entrance and basked under the warmlight of the street lamp above their head. At that moment, they looked at each other quietly.

Suddenly, there was a car coming in their direction from afar and she acutely realized that it was herfather’s car. She panicked and pulled Arthur away. “It’s my dad’s car. Find somewhere to hide.”

Arthur noticed her frantic look and he quickly pulled her aside to hide on the other side of the SUV.Over this side, they had their backs against the road so they were masked beneath the large SUV andit was quite a safe spot.

However, as she came back to her senses, she realized that she had her back pressed against the cardoor with him in front of her. Instantly, her face flushed red.

Seeing Drake’s car enter the garage, Arthur looked down only to see a pair of pure, bright eyes staringback at him.

Often, a pure and innocent girl would be the hardest to resist.

Sophia’s beauty, which made her look shy at this moment, could literally take a man’s breath away.

Arthur felt his stone cold heart actually pounding for her. For some reason, there was an inexplicablecharm to this woman as she could command his attention without even doing a single thing.

Even though the vibe was somewhat awkward, there was also a hint of romance in the air.

Smiling, he admired the woman in his embrace, seemingly happy just to tease her like this.

“Let go of me,” Sophia said softly.

“Nope. Unless you kiss me.”

“No, I’m not going to.” She turned her face to another direction, not intending to let him have his way.

With a piercing gaze, Arthur’s eyes were locked on her face while smiling simultaneously. He lookedvery stern yet very alluring at the same time.

This made Sophia feel helpless. When did he become so whiny? Doesn’t he always like to act all coldand distant?

Looking at her for a while, Arthur suddenly had a glint in his eyes before he held her face and kissedher on the lips.

She could not react in time as she felt a slight cooling sensation on her lips while her thoughts were alljumbled up. Yet, she did not push him away because she felt a strong sense of endorphins rushingthrough her whole body.

On the other hand, Emily, who was sitting in the rear passenger seat of the car beside them, saw thescene and was livid, for she had never seen Arthur act so intimately with any woman before.

She only thought that he did not approach women because he was not interested. Yet, it turned out thathe had such a childish and gentle side of him when dealing with a woman he liked. While having a

gentle expression, he even kissed the woman in front of him so passionately.

Is he still the same Arthur I know? Is he still the extraordinary Young Master Weiss? Why is he actinglike this toward some unknown girl?

At that moment, Emily wanted to get out of the car. However, she knew that it would be useless as shewould only draw more of Arthur’s ire toward herself anyway. Yet, the scene that was playing out in frontof her made her feel like she was in hell.

Closing her eyes, she uttered, “Let’s leave.”

The bodyguard started the car immediately, which shocked Sophia, who pushed Arthur away whileblushing hard.

Oh my god! There’s someone in the car beside us? This is so embarrassing.

Arthur shot a cold glance at the bodyguard. Is this person tired of living?

Then, the bodyguard quickly drove off, fearful that Arthur might find out who he was.

It was at that time that Sophia’s phone rang. Picking it up, she saw that it was her mother calling.

“I should really go back now.” Sophia was afraid that her parents might be worried since she said thatshe only came out to receive a package.

Arthur gazed at her with a hesitant look, but his eyes turned into a determinant one soon.

“What time is your flight tomorrow?” Sophia was curious.

“Ten in the morning.”

Looking down all of a sudden, Sophia tried to hide her reluctant expression. “I… wish you a safe flightthen.”

“Actually, you only need to say ‘don’t go’, and I can consider not going back for now.” Arthur focusedhis gaze on her.

Sophia looked up in shock. Really? Will he stay if I want him to?

Yet, despite the strong urge of expressing this thought to him, she could not say it out loud as Martha’swords were like a curse haunting her.

“I-I have something to do tomorrow, so I might not be able to send you off. Otherwise, I would try to bethere. I’m serious,” said Sophia with a pout.

Arthur sighed. It seemed like he was being delusional.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to come since you don’t want to see me anyway. I’ll go back to my country andinherit the family business. After that, I’ll find someone suitable to marry and form a family with her.Now that I think about it, it actually seems quite nice.” He acted like he had already planned out hisfuture.

Yet, Sophia suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable as she pushed him. “Right, you’re not young anymore. It’stime for you to build a career and a family.”

Then, she turned around and quickly walked to the direction of her home before wiping her face.

This action made the man chase after her. Then, he gripped her wrist, pulled her in and embraced herjust as she was about to reach the entrance.

This made Sophia fall onto his body. Looking up, she had a face full of tears, making her seemespecially pitiful.

Right then, Arthur was feeling a bit perplexed by his own words. Why would I say that to anger her?

Somewhat upset, Sophia pushed him. “Just leave if you want to. Why are you still holding onto me?”

Without saying a single word, Arthur hugged her.

Sophia, who was full of tears by this point, buried her face in his chest out of embarrassment andsadness.

“Why are you crying? Are you that reluctant to see me leave?” Arthur teased her.

It was then Sophia heard the side door being opened and she remembered that her father had thehabit of going out on walks.

In the heat of the moment, she pulled the man to a corner of the villa.

“Quickly come here. My dad’s coming out now.”

Although Arthur did not know why they had to hide like this, he still followed her instructions and wentto the corner. The moment he hid himself, he hugged her tightly.

This made Sophia blush again. Daddy just came out and here I am, hugging with some man. We’ll bedead if he catches us!

Yet, Drake went on his usual route as she only looked up after her father had disappeared from theirview.

“Alright. You should go now. If I don’t go back home now, my mom’s definitely going to get all anxious,”Sophia stated sternly.

Hearing this, Arthur let go of her and asked, “Are you really not going to persuade me to stay back?”novelbin

Sophia was feeling bitter at his question. It was not that she did not want him to stay back; it was thatshe did not have the right to do so.

Yet, she could only keep this to herself.

“Goodbye. I won’t be seeing you off.” Sophia then turned around and entered her home after enteringthe door pin number.

Standing in the courtyard, she did not go to the main hall straight away. Instead, she went to a windowand cried upon seeing the man drive off.

Why does it hurt so bad? We didn’t say that we like each other nor have we confessed before. On topof that, we’re not even lovers, so what is this pain in my chest?

On the plane.

Lorelai, who was flying long distance just after a surgery, felt lethargic. She had found the perfect seaton the plane. Even though she believed that Elliot would look for her, she hoped that it would be in fiveyears’ time. By that time, she promised herself that she would come back with two children whoresembled him.

No matter how he was going to punish her or hate her in the future, she had already decided to havehis child.

Lorelai knew that she would never fall for another man again in her life. So, it would be enough for heras long as she could have Elliot’s child.

Deep at night, Anastasia was sitting in the first floor living room without a hint of exhaustion as her mindwas filled with rage.

Lorelai’s actions disgusted her.

The moment Lorelai did that, she had disregarded all morality and did not even care about herself orher child.

In the future, if I see her again, I will definitely not spare her. I will never forgive her for what she hasdone for good.

Soon, dawn broke.

Arthur’s family had already packed their bags. Martha finally felt relieved for a little, believing that hergrandchild would definitely stop thinking about Sophia after they went back to the main family.

The distance from here and the life over there would make him forget about everything here. Shehoped that he would take Emily as his wife because they would have more in common since they werefrom the same society.

On the same train of thought, Emily also wanted to leave here more than anyone else. She could notwait to return with Arthur since the sight of how romantic he was toward Sophia yesterday caused herto be green with envy and deep in panic.

At 9:30PM, they arrived at the airport.

At that moment, Sophia was sitting in the back of a cab while urging the driver. “Sir, could you pleasedrive faster? I’m rushing to send my friend off.”

“I’m already going as fast as I can!” the frustrated driver replied.

Sophia knew that her sudden decision to head to the airport would leave one in a dilemma. Initially, shenever thought of actually doing it. However, there was a strong wish of wanting to see Arthur that droveher to do this although there was a possibility of her not seeing him at all. Let’s just consider it as mesending him off!

Inside the premium lounge of the airport, Arthur kept checking the time on his wristwatch and spacingout thereafter; he looked like he was waiting for something, or rather someone, to arrive.

Yet, his phone did not buzz at all. His face was scrunched up, making his handsome face look verysolemn. This really proves that Sophia is a heartless girl.

Meanwhile, a panicked girl rushed into the airport terminal, not knowing where she could locate him.Yet, she still ran around and tried to find Arthur amongst the crowd with an expectant yet anxious lookon her face.

Then, she accidentally bumped into a man as he bellowed, “Hey, watch your step!”

“I’m sorry.” Sophia quickly apologized.

She walked to the information desk, knowing that Arthur’s flight must be a private one. Yet, thereceptionist told her that these kinds of guests normally had their own private lounge. Hence, it wasimpossible for the public to just simply head inside and look for the guests.

After hearing this, Sophia sighed and wiped the sweat away from her forehead. Looks like I might notbe able to send him off.

Right then, the Weisses started to board the flight.

Arthur was walking toward the boarding terminal absentmindedly. Right in front of him, Martha waschatting happily with Emily while turning around to check on him several times.

Gripping his phone tightly, he exhaled and dialed a number upon seeing his grandmother enter theplane.

Sophia, who was spacing out while sitting on a bench, noticed that her phone rang. As she picked it up,her heart was beating wildly.

It was Arthur. So, she quickly answered it. “Hey, are you already on the plane?”

All of a sudden, Arthur heard the boarding announcement from the other end of the line and askedquietly, “Are you at the airport?”

“I’m… I’m here to send off a friend,” a slightly embarrassed Sophia said.

“Are you here to send me off?”

“Yeah!” she admitted reluctantly.

His lips curled into a smile as it revealed a row of gleaming white teeth. He pressed his tongue againsthis cheeks, clearly delighted.

“Don’t leave just yet.”


The call was disconnected before Sophia received a response from him.

Meanwhile, Arthur entered the cabin immediately, went straight to the cockpit, and told the fourcaptains, “You must fly this plane back to Dansbury regardless of any other orders. Do youunderstand?”

“Young Master Weiss, aren’t you going back?” one of the captains inquired.

Arthur smiled as he looked out the window at the hot summer sun. “I’m not ready to return yet!”

Emily, who was sitting on the sofa, noticed Arthur hadn’t boarded the plane, so she rose and wentoutside to look for him. “Has Young Master Weiss boarded the plane?” she inquired as the flightattendant closed the door.

The flight attendant had no choice but to lie, “He’s in the cockpit!”

Despite the fact that Arthur had clearly left through this door, his order could not be “Then, I’ll go lookfor him.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Jennings. The plane is about to take off and you are forbidden to enter the cockpit.”The flight attendant intervened to stop her.

Emily was irritated, but she knew she couldn’t enter the cockpit for her own safety. So, she went backto her seat and sat down. When Martha learned that her grandson was in the cockpit, she was notsurprised and thus consoled Emily.

The Weiss Family’s private jet gave a quick shudder as it slowly taxied to the runway before taking off.

Sophia couldn’t figure out what Arthur’s last sentence meant. Right then, her phone suddenly rang andit was a call from Arthur.

“Hey! Where are you?” she exclaimed after picking up the phone in a hurry.

“Where are you?”

“I’m… I’m at the baggage drop section in Zone E,” she explained her detailed location.

“I have good news and bad news, Sophia. Which one do you want to hear first?”

She was confused. What is he doing?

“I’d like to hear the bad one first.” Sophia randomly picked one.

“The bad news is that you will have to work harder in the future to earn more money.”

“Huh? What about the good news?” She had no idea what that bad news meant.

Just as she was expecting Arthur, who was on the other end of the phone to continue with the goodnews, a tall and handsome figure approached her from the crowd five meters behind her.

When Sophia noticed that Arthur was silent, she exclaimed, “Hey! Hey! Speak up!”

“Turn around.”

Sophia jerked her head back in astonishment. She almost dropped the phone that she was holdingbecause standing three meters away with one of his hands in his pocket was the man who wassupposed to leave staring at her.

“The good news is that I stayed because of you.” Arthur told her the truth.

Hearing that, Sophia took a deep breath. Didn’t he board the plane?

“How about your grandma and Miss Jennings?” Sophia questioned hastily.

“They boarded the plane.”

“Are they aware that you did not board the plane?”

“They would probably have already flown out of the country by the time they learn about it.” As hespoke, Arthur approached her, stretched out his long arms, and took Sophia into his embrace, obliviousto the crowd around them.

Sophia ignored the stares from others and hugged Arthur’s waist while inhaling the strong cedar scenton his skin. A bittersweet feeling washed over her at this moment.

“Your grandmother will definitely be mad at you if she finds out,” Sophia said as she raised her head tolook at him.

“I believe she will not only be mad at me, but also freeze all of my credit cards and force me to return.So, Miss Goodwin, are you willing to take care of me?”

Hearing this, she burst into laughter in his arms. “Okay! Then, tell me what’s in it for me.”

“I’ll stay with you forever,” Arthur stated solemnly.

Sophia was not dumb to be swayed by his words. “It’s still me who’s at a disadvantage,” she snorted.

“Trust me, I won’t let you suffer in this regard,” he said in a hoarse and ambiguous voice.

His words made her blush, so she pushed him and said shyly, “You wish!”

After exiting the airport, Sophia decided to take Arthur to a city-center apartment that her parents hadpurchased for her.

He refused to return to his large villa because he no longer had bodyguards and servants.

He had decided to follow Sophia around; he wanted to be entangled with her.

Lorelai immediately left Hogland Airport with her assistant manager upon her arrival. Another assistantwent to retrieve her luggage. Due to the slow communication with the police, the airport had yet toimplement measures to arrest Lorelai.

At this precise moment, Lorelai’s assistant was dealing with another flight transfer.

Lorelai then boarded another flight twenty minutes later to the country where she could give birthsafely.

Four hours later, Elliot learned that she had left the airport as soon as his plane touched down.Following that, he discovered, with the assistance of local police, that she was departing on a chartered

plane from a private airport. Her destination was a base town four hours away from where she wasnow.

As a result, Elliot’s plane immediately took off for Lorelai’s final destination.

Lorelai stepped off the plane after a four-hour flight while the hotel staff was waiting to take her to herroom. She was still a little worried as she sat in the car because of her fear that Elliot would eventuallyfind her.

She dialed her house number from her cell phone, and it was answered by her mother. Her mothertook over all her father’s plans after he was arrested.

Kendra was worried about both her daughter and her husband. When she went to visit her husband inthe morning, Liam surprised her with a plan.

“Lorelai, look after yourself and the child in your womb. You can delay your return to Hogland for a fewyears since your father has made the arrangements!”

“Mom, as long as I’m not caught, I’ll definitely go along with Dad’s plan, but can you tell me what Dadtold you?”

“These should not be a source of concern for you. No matter what happens outside, you must remainat home. You must not go out, do you understand?”

“What plan did Dad devise?” Lorelai inquired, surprised.

“Anyway, don’t worry about it,” Kendra said solemnly before she added, “and don’t worry about useither.”

“Okay, I’ll take good care of myself. Don’t worry, Mom. You must look after Lewis. Give me a few moreyears, and I will definitely make our family powerful,” Lorelai confidently assured her mother.

Lorelai went straight to the arranged villa for confinement after hanging up the phone.

In the meantime, a massive private plane landed on the brightly lit tarmac before it came to a halt. Elliotled eight of his bodyguards out of the airport while the four SUVs that had gone through inspectionwere driven out by his staff.

After he got into the car, he was about to check on Lorelai’s whereabouts when he received a textmessage.

It was an address.

Following that, he received another incoming message. ‘This is Lorelai’s location. Mr. Presgrave, I amon your side, so please believe me.’

It was attached with a photo of Lorelai; the picture was dated with the local time and had the scenery ofthe villa.

Elliot, of course, would not believe that this person was assisting him. This individual was most likely aman sent by Liam to confuse Elliot. As a result, Elliot decided to investigate the private airport whereLorelai had chartered her plane from.

She took a taxi and left the private airport, so it was likely that the airport staff knew exactly where shewas headed to.

Elliot’s convoy took off, but it was trailed by an unobtrusive off-road vehicle. The man in the vehicle wastalking on the phone. “The target escaped our trap and is now on his way to the private airport.”

“Follow him, and when we get there, we’ll do it together.” The order was given by the person on theother end of the phone line.

Nobody knew that Liam, who was far away in another country, had already planned a killing spree forElliot.

Liam realized that if Elliot died abroad, it would be more beneficial to his daughter after she gave birth.At the time, the grandson of the Presgrave Family would be better equipped to fight for his fair share ofthe property.

As a result, Liam dispatched someone to assassinate Elliot rather than stop him. Liam had spent a lotof money on this conspiracy and it had to succeed.

At this moment, Elliot’s convoy arrived at the security room of the private airport. He bribed a securityguard to gain access to Lorelai’s departure surveillance footage.

The bribed security guard was happy to search for the video footage. Very soon, all of the informationabout the vehicle Lorelai was in was obtained.

It was true that money made the world go round. Elliot then went to a taxi company nearby, in which hewas provided with the information he sought. The taxi Lorelai took stopped in front of a private villa inthe town.

Elliot immediately set out for this location after learning of this information. He couldn’t wait to bringLorelai back to Hogland to settle this matter because he was equally uncomfortable, if not disgusted.

The bodyguard driving Elliot’s vehicle was alert when he noticed an off-road vehicle following them ona wide road.

“Get rid of them,” Elliot instructed quietly as he had guessed Liam would not stand by and watch.

Elliot had nothing to worry about here; all he had to do was get rid of the trouble.

When the order was given, the bodyguard behind drifted the car and slammed it across the road,blocking the car that was following them.

The man in the car was so terrified that he slammed on the brakes hard. He belonged to aneighborhood gang. When he noticed the buff and tall bodyguard approaching him, he reversed anddrove away quickly.

Elliot’s bodyguard waited for the car in front of him to disappear before speeding up to catch up to thecars in front.

The gangster who was in the dilapidated off-road vehicle immediately called his own clan. “The targetis approaching you. He’s got eight bodyguards. You should get more guys.”

“Which vehicle is the target in?”

“Vehicle No. 2.”

“Okay, we’ll meet them at the front! We’ll get rid of all of them in an instant.” The man on the other endof the line sneered.

In the car, Elliot dialed Anastasia’s number and let her know about his situation.

“Hey! Where have you gone?” Anastasia asked, clearly concerned.

“I just arrived at the location where Lorelai has settled, and now I’m going to take her back to Hoglandfor surgery.”

“Then, you have to be careful. I doubt Liam will let you bring her back to Hogland so easily.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” Elliot consoled her.

“Okay, good.”

He was looking around at the scenery when a string of dazzling rays of light flashed in the sky. “Becareful!” he exclaimed.

The leading car was hit directly by a missile, which caused the vehicle to bounce before it collapsed afew meters away and was catapulted. Fortunately, the entire car body was bulletproof, so the car wasnot blown apart.

Immediately afterward, there was another sharp air-breaking sound, which was aimed at Elliot’s car thistime. The bodyguard who was driving swerved laterally to avoid the missile, causing it to explode onthe ground. The road then collapsed into a large crater.

“Rescue the car behind me. I’ll take President Presgrave out of here.” The captain of the bodyguardissued an order in a deep voice, and the team dispersed immediately.

Anastasia, who was on the phone, heard the explosion and her heart tightened. She hurriedly shouted,“Hey, Elliot. Are you there? Can you hear me? What happened?”

“Anastasia, we were ambushed. I’ll call you later.” Elliot calmed her down and hung up the phone.

Hearing this, she stood up anxiously on the sofa and walked back and forth in place. How could shepossibly be at ease? The explosion was deafening, as if it exploded in her heart.

“He’ll be fine. He’ll be perfectly fine.” Anastasia’s eyes were teary and she had a panic attack after herson had been kidnapped last time.

She was fearful of losing Elliot. She was worried that something bad would happen to him.

However, she could only pray since she was so far away from him.

After a few kilometers on the road, three off-road vehicles appeared and pursued Elliot’s car. Sixmotorcycles circled Elliot’s car as they followed the vehicles.

The vehicles behind were slowed down due to the rescue. At this point, Elliot’s car became a loneforce.

“They have a lot of people, President Presgrave.”

“Don’t stop. This is their territory and we have no chance against them,” Elliot calmly stated while headded, “Drive toward the city center to get rid of them.”

“President Presgrave, it appears that Liam is trying to kill you this time rather than to stop us fromlooking for his daughter.”

Elliot had underestimated Liam. Elliot didn’t expect him to be ambitious because he kept a low profile inthe family. In addition to wanting to join the Presgrave Group’s board of directors, Liam also wanted todivide and obtain the group’s property in such a cruel manner.

He would make Liam pay dearly for what he had done when he returned to the country.

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