Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 711-720
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Chapter 711-720

“I don’t quite understand what you’re saying, Mrs. Goodwin,” Arthur said. He was someone who had toget his answers.

“You should know well why my husband’s company went bankrupt, and what methods you used tothreaten the people around him to betray him and set him up! You made my husband owe the bankone billion, but even if you repaid the debt for us, we won’t be grateful to you. Just leave! You’re stillyoung, so why are you so cruel?” After Emma finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Outside the door, Arthur’s face stiffened as he remembered what he did to acquire the company. It wastrue that the theft of his family heirloom had pushed him into putting a knife on Drake’s partner andthreatening him to set up a trap for Drake to fall into, making him lose his company and even owe thebank one billion.

Arthur was never one to regret his actions, but for this matter, he did regret a little. If Drake and Emmaknew about this, did their daughter know as well? If she did, was it the reason why she hadn’tanswered his calls?

In the hospital, Sophia had just taken her phone from the nurse. As soon as she turned on the screen,twenty-eight missed calls appeared in her notifications.

She couldn’t help but feel surprised and quickly clicked in to see who had called, only to find out that itwas all from Arthur. Was this guy crazy? Why did he call her so many times? Just as she was thinkingthat, her cell phone rang again with another call from him.

Sophia’s hand jolted, causing her to nearly drop her phone. Fortunately, she scooped it back into herarms and asked huffily, “Why do you keep calling me?!”

The man on the other end coughed slightly before asking, “Where are you?”

“I’m at work.”

“You’re working?”

“Yes, I’m working now. If you don’t need anything in the future, don’t come looking for me,” Sophia saidrighteously.

“I only gave you a short holiday. I didn’t allow you to completely leave my side,” Arthur grumbledunhappily.

“I don’t think I’ve signed a contract to sell myself off to you! I didn’t put my fingerprint on anything either.I have my own freedom, and you don’t have the right to interfere,” Sophia rebuked sharply, her backstraightening as she spoke.

Her guilt of losing his heirloom disappeared because of what he had done to her father. If she lost it,then so be it. If he wanted her to pay for it, she had nothing of value to compensate him, only her ownlife.

“Let’s meet!” Arthur suggested, not wanting to argue with her over the phone.

Unexpectedly, Sophia agreed readily. “Fine. I’ll be waiting for you at the cafe next to PresgraveCorporation.”

She even decided on the venue.

“All right.” Arthur was clearly taken aback.

Sophia took a taxi back to Presgrave Corporation and walked to a high-end cafe next to it. She keptcheering herself up and thought about many things. In particular, Martha’s words clung to her mind likea magic spell, telling her to leave Arthur, and that even if she hurt him, she had to leave him.

She was just dazing away, immersed in her own thoughts, when she felt someone coming over. Sheraised her head and saw the man who had just come in from outside appearing in her sight, hishandsome figure silhouetted by the light. She felt her heart beat faster uncontrollably, and all of thewomen around them had their gazes and hearts stolen away by the man as well.

Arthur saw the girl sitting in a corner at the back instantly. He strode over elegantly, and as he sat downon the couch, he crossed his long legs as if it was the most natural thing ever. When the waiter cameover, he casually asked for a cup of iced Americano.

Sophia glared at him, her eyes no longer as timid and obedient toward him as before.

“Let me ask you. Did you use any dirty methods to take my dad’s company away?” She immediatelyinterrogated him.

Arthur nodded. “Yes, I did pull some strings, but that was because…”

“You don’t have to explain; I don’t want to listen.” Sophia pretended to be irritated. “What’s done hasalready been done.”

A flash of surprise passed through Arthur’s eyes. This girl is a little different today, he thought.

After his coffee was served, he picked up the cup and took a sip before saying in a low voice, “Then,how do you want me to pay your family back? Tell me, and I’ll do it.”

Sophia’s beautiful eyes narrowed. This man was admitting his mistake? It was her first time hearingthat from him!

“My family and I don’t need your compensation.” Saying that, Sophia tightened her grip around her cupand bit her lip before continuing, “Also, I have something to confess, because I lied to you.”

Arthur raised his eyebrows curiously. “What is it?”

Sophia took a deep breath and fixed her eyes on the man opposite her. “I lost your family heirloom, andI can never get it back.”

Arthur paused in surprise for a few seconds, while she lowered her head and waited for him to burstout in anger. She had prepared herself to bear his fury.

“How did you lose it?” Unexpectedly, he only asked her a question calmly.

Sophia raised her head in shock. “Aren’t you going to scold me?”

Arthur smirked. “Do you want me to?”

“I thought you’d scold me. After all, it is your family heirloom, and it’s priceless.” Sophia blinked. “I didn’tmean to lose it. When I saw my dad being arrested and thrown into jail, I lost it while hurrying back.Before that, I’d been wearing it the entire time.”

Arthur’s eyes suddenly narrowed. “You were wearing it?”

When Sophia heard this, she thought he was a germaphobe and hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry, Ididn’t wear it on purpose, but I knew it was very precious, so I didn’t dare to leave it in the hotel in caseI lost it. That’s why I kept wearing it and hiding it under my collar. It was fine until I came back home.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t wear it,” Arthur said in a low voice. When he had inherited the necklace, shewas the only other person except for him who had worn it, and Martha had said that the second personto wear the family heirloom could only be his future wife. That was why he was so surprised when hefound out that this woman had worn it.

“I know I shouldn’t lie to you. When I said that I wanted to work for you for a year, it was just a halfmeasure. I was afraid you’d send my dad to jail again, so I thought that I could stay by your side for ayear, then…” At this point, Sophia’s pretty face turned red uncontrollably.

Her original plan was pretty despicable in its own way for trying to make him fall in love with her andforgive her for losing his family heirloom. Now that she thought about it, it was unfair to him as well.

“Then what?” As he looked at her hesitant expression on her flushed face, he was extremely curiousabout what she had to say next.

Sophia had always been honest since she was a child, so she didn’t think much. She took a deepbreath and looked up at him, saying, “Promise not to laugh at me.”

“Okay, I won’t laugh.” When Arthur looked at her serious expression as she said this, he already feltlike laughing. How could she make an apology so interesting?

Sophia blew a few stray strands of hair on her forehead before slowly saying, “This is what I hadplanned. I was thinking that since you couldn’t get your necklace back, then I’ll… I’ll stay by your side alittle longer and see if you would fall in love with me… If you fell for me and I told you that I lost yourfamily heirloom, you might forgive me, so… I was going to seduce you…”

Arthur was just about to take an elegant sip of his coffee when he nearly choked on his drink. Heclutched his chest and coughed.

Sophia blinked before saying with a red face, “You can’t laugh!”

Not only did Arthur feel like laughing, but he wanted to scold her too. This brat barely followed her plan!From the start to the end, when did she ever seduce him?

“Then?” he rearranged his expression and asked.

“Then, I found out that it’s impossible to make you fall in love with me,” Sophia concluded.

However, Arthur disagreed. Even if she didn’t follow her plan, he had already started to like her a little.Otherwise, when he heard about the loss of his family heirloom, he would’ve definitely been furious and

wanted to beat her up.

“Sophia, nothing is impossible in this world. As long as you try, many things can be possible.” Arthurhinted at her with his words.

However, Sophia didn’t understand Arthur’s words and asked, “If you lost your family heirloom, will yourgrandmother scold you?”

“Yes,” he replied truthfully.

“In that case, I’ll go and apologize to her with you. I was the one who lost it; it has nothing to do withyou,” Sophia hurriedly offered.

Arthur was truly speechless by her actions. Just a while ago, she was interrogating him about herfather’s issue, but she was now worried about him.

“Forget it, I’ll deal with it myself,” he refused, his brows slightly furrowed.

As she recalled Martha’s words, her beautiful eyes brightened as she came up with another idea.“Since I lost your family heirloom and you bought my father’s company, we’re even now, and neither ofus owes the other anything. Let’s end things here! You can live your life, and I’ll focus on my work. Wedon’t have to meet again.”

She wanted to cut off all ties with him.

After she finished speaking, she picked up her bag and made to leave, but as she walked past him, alarge hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and a cold voice sounded. “Sophia, before I get my familyheirloom back, we can’t call it quits.”

Sophia looked at the huge hand that was holding hers tightly before lifting her gaze back to him. “Whatdo you want?”

“I can give your father’s company back to him, but you have to look for my family heirloom with me.”


“I don’t care about your dad’s company. I’ll return it to him today, but you’re not allowed to go anywhereuntil the heirloom is returned to me.” Arthur stood up, his figure tall and oppressing.

“Only when we find it will I let you go,” he said bossily with his seductive lips.

Sophia violently retracted her hand. “What if we never find it? Do you want me to stay by your sideforever?”

Arthur’s lips curled into a smile. “Then you have to try your best to help me find it.”

“It’s impossible to get it back. I don’t know which corner of the world it’s in, or if someone picked it up.”Sophia was desperate as she concluded that she couldn’t find it again.

“Then, I’ll give you a second option. You can continue your plan to seduce me and make me fall foryou, and I might forgive you,” Arthur suggested helpfully.

Sophia was not a fool, though. She asked, “If you fall for me, will you let me leave?”

Arthur rebuked, “By then, would you still want to leave?”

“Of course. I’m not going to fall for you,” Sophia replied without even thinking.

All of a sudden, his expression darkened. “Sophia, am I unworthy of you?”

She pursed her lips and held back her laughter as she said, “No, I’m the one who’s unworthy of you.You’re a rich and noble young master of a wealthy family, and I’m just an ordinary girl. We’re toodifferent, and I’m unworthy of you. Are you happy now?”

Why did her words sound so harsh to him?

“In any case, Sophia, as long as my heirloom isn’t in my hands, you can’t leave me. Got it?” Arthurcontinued to pressure her.

“Fine. I’m going to work now.” Saying that, Sophia turned around and left quickly.

Arthur watched her leave, feeling powerless. He felt that he couldn’t manipulate this woman anymore.novelbin

Just then, a sultry woman next to him asked boldly, “Hey, handsome, did your girlfriend ditch you? It’sall right, I can be your girlfriend!”

Arthur’s eyes swept over her coldly before he left, while the woman was immediately renderedspeechless, intimidated by his gaze.

When Sophia went to work, Arthur just so happened to spot her entering Presgrave Corporation. So,she’s working at Presgrave Corporation?

When he got into the car, he suddenly received a call. All at once, his expression turned solemn, andhe reached out and dialed Elliot’s number.

“Hello? Artie?”

“Elliot, I’m sorry for your loss.”


“When is the funeral? I’ll definitely be there.”

“Sure. I’ll let you know.”

Of course, Arthur knew about Elliot’s close relationship with his grandmother. After all, he had grown upunder his grandmother’s care.

All of a sudden, Arthur had the urge to seize the moment to do what he wanted and chase after theperson he liked. If not, he was afraid that he would run out of time to get her in his hands. He turned hisgaze toward Presgrave Corporation again as he fell into deep thought.

Three days later, the news of Harriet’s death was published in the papers, causing an uproar in theupper society. At the same time, the media turned their attention to the newly appointed Mrs.Presgrave, Anastasia, who would soon become the most powerful woman in the Presgrave Family.

Harriet’s funeral was also under preparation. Elliot handled everything and hardly slept, while Anastasiadid not go to the company and prepared for the funeral with him. Harriet had instructed during herlifetime not to make her funeral a big deal. She just hoped that on the day she was buried in theground, the members of the Presgrave Family and several of her friends would come to see her off.

That day, Jared finally came back from Nigel’s house. The moment he arrived home, he instantly askedAnastasia, “Mommy, Uncle Nigel said Great-Grandma went somewhere very far away, and that I can’tsee her anymore.”

Anastasia pulled him into her arms and said gently, “Then, you have to miss her, all right?”

“I will. What about phone calls? Can I call her?”

Anastasia’s eyes suddenly turned red, and she couldn’t stop her tears from falling. She hugged her sonand said, “Jared, Great-Grandma has left us. Let’s keep her in our hearts, and in a few days, we’ll goand visit her together, all right?”

Jared wiped the tears from his mother’s eyes sensibly, as if he understood where Harriet had gone. Heconsoled, “Mommy, did Great-Grandma pass away? You don’t have to hide it from me. I’m not scared.”

As Anastasia looked at her son’s resolute gaze, she hugged him in relief and nodded softly. “Yes, yourgreat-grandma has gone to heaven. You can miss her.”

“I’ll miss her.”

Just then, a figure appeared at the doorway as Elliot walked inside. He had heard everything, and hewanted his son to know about Harriet’s death as well.

“Daddy.” The young boy jumped into his father’s arms, his large eyes turning red as if he understoodwhat it meant to lose a loved one.

Elliot hugged him and gave him a kiss. “Good boy.”

When Anastasia came over, Elliot stretched out a hand. Looking at her husband who had not slept forseveral days, she walked over to hug him, feeling pained. Just like that, the family of three embracedeach other tightly in the large living room.

At the Goodwin Residence’s entrance, three black SUVs came to a stop, and Arthur walked over withseveral senior executives of Goodwin Corporation behind him.

Drake looked at the young man in surprise before he asked in a cold voice, “Mr. Weiss, what is themeaning of this?”

“Mr. Goodwin, I apologize for everything I’ve done to you. I acquired your company out of maliciousintent, but now, I’ll hand your shares back to you. Please take over your company again.” Arthur’s tonewas different, as if he had turned into another person, and he even spoke respectfully to Drake.

Drake was instantly shocked to his core. What was this young man planning? First, he bought hiscompany, but now he was giving it back. The process was extremely complicated, but he was returningit to him just because he said so?

“Mr. Weiss, please don’t humiliate me anymore. Just take the company if you want it! But I’m warningyou, stop pestering my daughter,” Drake warned.

“Sophia and I are friends.” Arthur started seriously, then turned his head and glanced at the fewexecutives. “All of you, talk to Mr. Goodwin!”

These men were all Drake’s previous subordinates, and they immediately came to persuade him totake over the company’s affairs.

“President Goodwin, the company can’t live without you! It’s a good thing that Young Master Weiss hasreturned the company’s shares to you!”

“That’s right! President Goodwin, you’re still so young. You should think of your wife and daughter’sfuture!”

“The company is doing well. We’re just waiting for you to come back and lead us to more wealth andsuccess!”

Of course, Drake wanted to get his company back—it was his life’s work, after all. He walked outsidetoward the yard, only to see Arthur standing next to the pond with a hand in his pocket, admiring thegoldfish in it leisurely.

Drake asked, “Mr. Weiss, why are you giving my company back to me all of a sudden? What are youup to?” He didn’t believe that this man had no ax to grind.

Arthur looked back at him with a smile. “I’m not up to anything, Mr. Goodwin. I’m just succumbing to myconscience. And besides, the management model of your company isn’t something that I’m good at, soI’m afraid of screwing it up.”

“Just who the hell are you? Why couldn’t I find any information about you in the country?” Drake wasvery curious about Arthur’s mysterious identity as well.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Goodwin. I’m not a bad guy. My family lives abroad, but my ancestors are from here,”Arthur replied earnestly.

Drake was still worried, though. He asked, “Sophia has lost your family heirloom and may not be ableto recover it for the rest of her life. Will you hurt her because of that?”

“Sophia has told me about the loss of my family heirloom. I’ll try my best to search for it in the future,and I won’t blame it on her anymore,” Arthur promised calmly.

Drake was dumbfounded right away. This guy’s been boiling with rage in the beginning, so what makeshim so calm and composed right now? He’s taken my company away because of a family heirloom,and now, not only is he giving the company back to me, but he also decides not to hold Sophiaresponsible. Why? Anyway, this is a good thing for the Goodwins, he thought. “Really?” he asked witha frown.

Arthur nodded. “That’s right, Mr. Goodwin. I just need her to cooperate with me in searching for myfamily heirloom in the future.”

Drake turned pale at once. “Do you have an evil intent against Sophia?”

Arthur shook his head earnestly. “I just want to be friends with her. I’ve got nothing else in mind.”

Drake heaved a sigh of relief. He didn’t like this guy to be his future son-in-law. It was obvious at aglance from the latter’s capricious moods and unpredictable behavior that he had to be some richdandy spoiled rotten by his family.

With that, Drake took over his own company with all his shares returned to him. Moreover, he foundthat his company had won a few good bids after he let Arthur manage it, which would at least secure itsprofits for the next two years.

Sophia was sorting out documents at work when she received a phone call from her father. “What? Mr.Weiss returned the company to you?” she asked in shock.

“That’s right. Sophia, did he make any unreasonable demands on you?” Drake asked with concern.

“N-No, he didn’t. We’re just friends.” Sophia hurriedly clarified the matter. Nevertheless, the two kissesshe had had with Arthur last time crossed her mind. Still, it’s just a kiss! It doesn’t count as anything,right? she thought.

“That’s good. Just stay away from that guy in the future. He’s too dangerous.”

“I know that, Dad.”

Drake immediately began to feel sorry for his daughter. “Why don’t you quit your job? Don’t be too hardon yourself.”

Sophia didn’t want to quit the job, though. “No, Dad. I don’t want to quit this job. I like this job verymuch, and besides, my boss is very nice to me.”

“Alright then. Don’t overwork yourself. I’ll make money for our family.”

“The same goes for you, Dad. Don’t overwork yourself.”

After hanging up the phone, Sophia breathed a soft sigh of relief, though there were a lot of things thatcame into her mind. Arthur seems to have become a different person now, she thought. Just then, hercell phone beeped with an incoming message, which she opened to reveal a simple text. It read, ‘Let’seat together at noon.’ The text was sent by Arthur, and it wasn’t an invitation, but a notification.

Sophia bit her lower lip. She had promised Martha not to have any contact with Arthur anymore, but hehad just returned her family’s company to her father. Should I treat him to a meal as a token of mygratitude? ‘Alright, it’s my treat,’ she texted, deciding to end their relationship after the meal.

‘OK. I’ll wait for you outside the Presgrave Group’s entrance.’

‘OK,’ Sophia replied; she then checked the time and realized that it was time for lunch. At 11:30 AM,she stepped into the Presgrave Group’s lobby. Just as she was hurrying toward the entrance with herhead down, she accidentally bumped into someone, whose chest was so sturdy that it hurt her nose.She hissed in pain before she heard a deep male voice snort overhead. “What a clumsy girl,” it said.

Sophia’s eyes widened. F*ck, it’s him.

Arthur was waiting for her on the couch in the lobby when he saw her rushing all the way out of theelevator. He wanted to go over and greet her, but she bumped right into him instead.

“Could you give me a shout next time instead of blocking my path?” Sophia grumbled.

“Are you in such a hurry to see me?” Arthur asked with a smile as his eyes narrowed.

Sophia blushed slightly. Turning her pretty face away, she replied, “Who said that? I’m not.”

“Have you made a reservation at a restaurant?”

She nodded. “Uh-huh. I’ve got to get back to work in the afternoon, so let’s eat at a nearby restaurant.”

“Right, let’s go!” Arthur suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist before taking her out ofthe building.

Sophia’s heart pounded for a moment. Why is this guy taking me by the hand? There are a lot of mycolleagues here. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about me!

In the restaurant, she said to the man across from her on behalf of her father, “Mr. Weiss, I’d like tothank you on my dad’s behalf for returning the company to him.”

Seeing the sincere expression on her pretty face, Arthur replied with a smile, “Is that all you have tosay?”

She pursed her lips. “What kind of thanks do you want, then?”

Seeing how tender and bouncy her rosy lips were as she sank her teeth into them, he somehow felt hisbody tense up. He gave a gulp, saying, “Why bite your lips for no reason? Aren’t you afraid of bitingthrough your lips?”

Sophia had a habit of biting her lower lip when she felt uneasy. When she heard Arthur’s words, hercrescent-shaped eyes curved in a smile. “I’m not stupid. Why would I bite my own lips?”

Arthur chided with a serious expression, “Don’t keep biting your lip in front of a guy from now on. Doyou know what kind of cue it is to a man?”

Understanding what he meant, Sophia instantly blushed. “I-I’m not trying to seduce anyone. I only dothat out of habit,” she explained.

“Get out of the habit,” ordered the man across from her overbearingly.

Sophia nodded obediently. “Okay. I’ll get out of this habit starting from today.”

Seeing how obedient she looked, Arthur somehow felt incredibly delighted. His lips curved in a smile ashe praised her, saying, “What a good girl.”

She instantly went red in the face again. What is this guy taking me for?

After the food was served, Sophia talked about her current job. Knowing that she was actually workingunder Anastasia, he was somewhat reassured. He said, “She’ll take care of you.”

Sophia nodded. “That’s right. President Tillman really takes good care of me.”

“If you come across anything that’s hard to deal with in the future, you can ask me for help,” Arthursaid.

However, Sophia shook her head resolutely. “Thanks, but it’s not necessary.” She would sever allcontact with him after this meal; this was what she had promised Martha.

Before they realized it, it was already past 1:00 PM. After checking the time, she promptly said, “Ishould get back to work already.” She went to pay the bill whereas he looked out of the window whilelosing himself in thought.

After they left the restaurant, Sophia waved to him. “I’m going back to work.” She had wanted to say“see you again,” but she thought they would never meet again from now on. Every step she tooktoward the Presgrave Group was resolute, albeit with a hint of reluctance.

Arthur followed her with his gaze. She was dressed in a well-fitting suit, and her long hair bouncedslightly in the midday sunshine. There were many attractive and charming urban beauties around her,but his eyes were glued to her slim figure.

Martha was away when he returned to the villa. As soon as he returned to his study, his bodyguardknocked on the door, wanting to come in. “Come in,” he said.

“Young Master Weiss, we’ve issued reward notices along the route on which Miss Goodwin lost thenecklace. If there is any news, they’ll inform me immediately.”

“Pay attention to the secondhand market as well. Perhaps someone will list it on the market.”

“Young Master Weiss, is Miss Goodwin sure that she lost the necklace? Can we talk to her to learnmore information so that it’s easier for us to search for the necklace?”

“Don’t disturb her. There’s no hurry.” Having a headache, Arthur sank into the sofa while propping hishead with his hand.

“Yes, Young Master Weiss,” the bodyguard replied. As he left the room, he suddenly noticed a figuretrotting away. It was none other than Emily.

At this moment, she had returned to her room. Pressing her back against the door, she patted herchest somewhat nervously. What did I overhear just now?

The Weiss Family’s priceless heirloom is lost? And it’s Sophia who lost it? Oh, my God! That heirloomis supposed to be worn around my neck! To think that Sophia—that b*tch—has lost it! Damn it! I’ve gotto tell Old Madam Weiss about this! At the thought of this, she took out her cell phone and dialedMartha’s number.

“Hello, Emily. Is something the matter?”

“Grandma, I’ve got to tell you a big piece of bad news. The family heirloom you gave to Artie is lost,and it’s Sophia who lost it.”

As she had expected, Martha sounded shocked on the other end of the line. “What?”

“It’s true. I just heard that Artie was anxiously searching for it, but it seems that it couldn’t be foundanymore.”

“Okay, I’ll come back right away.”

Emily hung up the phone with a flicker of delight in her eyes. Now that the family heirloom was lost,Sophia would be in big trouble.

Martha arrived home just half an hour later. She said to a bodyguard standing guard at the entrance,“Come in after me.”

The bodyguard followed her into the living room before entering the small garden outside the drawingroom.

“Let me ask you this—did Artie lose his necklace?”

The bodyguard’s face froze. He immediately buttoned his lip; Arthur had told them not to go aroundtelling anyone about this.

“What’s the matter? Not even I can get you to talk, huh?” Martha asked in a commanding voice. “Is thenecklace lost? Out with it!”

The bodyguard dared not defy her. “Yes, it is, Old Madam Weiss.”

“Who lost it?”

The bodyguard hesitated to answer. “It’s…”

Martha looked as black as thunder. “Is it lost at the hands of Sophia?”

The bodyguard was stunned for a few seconds. “You know all about it?”

Martha was inwardly exasperated. Not only had her grandson given their family heirloom to a younglady without her permission, but the young lady even lost it!

Arthur was adjusting his cuffs while coming downstairs when he saw the bodyguard coming over in ahurry from the garden. Upon seeing him, the bodyguard immediately came over and apologized to himin fear. “Young Master Weiss, I-I’m sorry.”

Before Arthur could realize what had happened, a stern and commanding female voice sounded.“Come over here, Artie!”

Hearing Martha’s voice, Arthur immediately sensed that something was wrong. After darting a look atthe bodyguard who left in a hurry, he went to the garden.

Martha’s eyes were blazing with fury as she sat on the sofa in the garden’s glass house while watchingArthur coming in. Not only that, but she had a serious expression that he had rarely seen on her face.

“Grandma.” Arthur sat down across from her while waiting for her to question him.

“Where is the family heirloom your mom gave you? Where is it now?” Martha asked straightforwardly.

Arthur instantly realized what this was about. But how did Grandma learn about the loss of the familyheirloom? “Grandma, you know all about it?” Not knowing how much Martha knew about it, he had nochoice but to sound her out first.

“Why did you privately give our family heirloom to a young lady without consulting us first? Not onlythat, but you even let her lose it carelessly!” Martha questioned angrily.

Arthur’s pupils dilated in shock. Did the bodyguard betray me and tell her about Sophia? He could onlytake the blame by lying first, saying, “Grandma, I’m the one who lost it, not her.”

Martha was dumbfounded. Artie’s trying to protect that girl! Why? Have I underestimated his feelingsfor her? This immediately put her on the alert. “Artie, let me say this first. You’ve got to recover ourfamily heirloom and stay away from that Miss Goodwin,” she said while looking at Arthur.

Just then, Emily’s figure showed up nearby in the garden. Shifting her gaze toward her, Martha added,“In what way is Emily incomparable with that Miss Goodwin? She grew up near our place and is abetter match for you than Sophia Goodwin in terms of family background.”

“Grandma, I can do whatever you say, but I can’t obey you when it comes to my choice of lover. Sorryabout that,” Arthur retorted in a deep voice.

“I don’t mean to impose myself on you, but you’ve got to think about our family. And besides, is it reallygood for someone as naive as Miss Goodwin to live in our family?” Martha argued calmly. “Our familyhas a complicated background and an extensive network of influence. If you let a lady who knowsnothing be the lady of the house, she’ll panic!”

“You’re overthinking it, Grandma. She and I have yet to reach that point in our relationship,” Arthur said,comforting her. “I’ve got something else to deal with, so I gotta go.”

After leaving through the door, Arthur crooked his finger at the bodyguard from earlier, who immediatelycame over with his head down, saying, “Young Master Weiss.”

Arthur’s good-looking face clouded over instantly. “Who allowed you to betray me?!”

“I’m sorry, Young Master Weiss, but I didn’t betray you. I saw someone when I came out of your study.”

“Who is it?”

“Miss Jennings has eavesdropped on our conversation.” The bodyguard wouldn’t take the blame inplace of someone else either.

Arthur trusted his bodyguard, so he turned to walk toward the garden, where Emily was sitting by theswimming pool and chatting with a friend over the phone. Hearing the footsteps behind her, she lookedback and hung up the phone before walking up to him happily. “Artie.”

“Did you tell my grandma about Sophia losing my family heirloom?” Arthur asked in a calm voice.

Emily’s face instantly turned crimson. Biting her lower lip, she said, “Sorry, Artie, but it’s such a big dealthat I had to tell Grandma about it.”

Arthur’s eyes turned frosty in an instant. He warned, “There will be no next time.”

Emily’s heart clenched for an instant. Only then did she realize the gravity of the situation. “Sorry, Artie.I’m really sorry, but Sophia Goodwin is the most doggone person for losing such a valuable thing ofyours! She’s got no idea how valuable the family heirloom is.”

“Don’t let me hear you vilify Sophia ever again, or get out of my home,” Arthur said before turningaround to leave.

Emily held onto his arm in panic. “Forgive me, Artie! Forgive me, please, okay?”

Arthur pulled his arm out of her grasp in disgust. “Don’t touch me.”

Emily looked at his ruthless figure from behind in disbelief before a surge of resentment swept over her.What has Sophia done to cause my relationship with Artie to become like this?

Sophia gave a loud sneeze in the office. Startled, she mumbled, “Who’s swearing at me?”

Just then, her cell phone rang, and she picked it up. Seeing that it was an incoming call from anunfamiliar number, she answered it, saying, “Hello. May I ask who this is?”

“Sophia, I’m Emily Jennings. Let’s meet up!” Emily’s voice sounded.

Sophia was stunned for a moment. Then, she replied politely, “I’m sorry, Miss Jennings, but I’mworking.”

“Did you lose the Weiss Family’s heirloom? Sophia Goodwin, you have no idea how important theheirloom is to Artie. It’s been passed down in their family for 200 years; it’s even more important thanyour life!” Emily’s furious voice sounded on the other end of the line. “Sophia, do you know that thefamily heirloom is mine? It’s what I’m supposed to pass down to Artie and my children! Get it back forme—now!”

Sophia was stunned by Emily’s shrill and deafening voice.

“If you can’t find it, then stay away and stop latching onto my Artie. You’re not qualified to marry him.He’s out of your league!” Emily said before hanging up.

Sophia inhaled softly. Little did she think she had lost something so valuable that belonged to Arthur.Although she didn’t mean it, she was now overwhelmed with a strong sense of self-reproach.

Just then, Grace knocked on the door and came in to bring her a cup of coffee. “Sophia, the funeral willbe held tomorrow. Dress in black. We’ll see Old Madam Presgrave off for one last time with PresidentTillman.”

“Okay!” Sophia nodded.

Candles were lit in the Presgrave Residence’s living room, where a photo of Harriet was placed on thealtar for the visitors to pay their last respects. The candlelight illuminated her smile and her benignfeatures. The arrangements had been made so that she would be escorted to her final resting placetomorrow.

It was early morning, and the sky had just cleared for a while before becoming overcast, immediatelyafter which it began to drizzle. Today was the day Harriet would be laid to rest. At about 9:00 AM,everyone who came to see her off on her last journey arrived at the cemetery on time.

Anastasia was wearing a black dress with a white flower on her chest. With a dignified and gracefulexpression, she stood next to Elliot, whereas her two assistants stood one meter behind her. Sophiaand Grace were both dressed in black while standing and holding umbrellas.

The Presgraves came one after another. The first ones to arrive were Liam and Kendra, who came withtheir daughter Lorelai and their son Lewis. As the husband and wife spoke a few words to Elliot with

profound grief, Lorelai turned her gaze to the latter with sympathy. Seems like the past few days havebeen tough on him, she thought.

Elliot’s expression had a hint of grief and unconcealed weariness to it.

Inwardly, Lorelai still loved him. After studying his face for quite a while, she sensed a gaze upon her,which alerted her at once. It was Anastasia, though she looked amicable without warning her too much.“Thank you for coming, Lorelai,” she said to her.

Lorelai nodded before walking toward Liam. Soon after that, another faction in the Presgrave Familyarrived as well. Coming with their two sons—Jacob, their eldest son, and their ten-year-old youngestson—Nolan and his wife were followed by his supporters, who were all branch members of the family.

“Sorry for your loss, Elliot.”

“Thank you, Uncle Nolan.” Elliot nodded.

Seeing Sophia at a glance with his sharp eyes, Jacob was astounded for a few seconds; he neverexpected to see the woman he liked at the funeral.

Sophia saw him, too, and she gave him a look out of courtesy as their eyes met briefly.

Jacob didn’t like the funeral at first, but he suddenly found it interesting after seeing that Sophia waspresent. Little did he think he would meet this pretty and adorable junior again.

The next ones to arrive were Harriet’s friends, all four of whom were old and had to sit on wheelchairsand be wheeled here by their families. Elliot and Anastasia voluntarily came up to them and chattedwith them.

Just then, a black SUV stopped by the side of the road nearby, upon which a man holding a blackumbrella stepped out of the vehicle with a bouquet of white flowers in his arms. He looked lean and

slender in the drizzling rain. Then, his umbrella was raised slightly, revealing his young and handsomefeatures. It was Arthur.

Elliot came up to Arthur and greeted him before the two buddies gave each other a wordless hug.

Sophia seemed both surprised and unsurprised to see Arthur here.

Jacob felt incredibly restless when he turned his head and saw Arthur. Why is this Weiss guyeverywhere?

Lorelai also noticed the young man standing next to Elliot. His aura, which was similar to Elliot’s, andhis equally handsome appearance caused her to wonder about his identity. I think I met him last time atthe wedding, too.

Arthur came to Anastasia’s side and greeted her, saying, “Hi, Anastasia.”

Anastasia nodded slightly before looking back and saying to Sophia, “Sophia, come over here andshow Young Master Weiss the way.”

Upon being called, Sophia was startled for a moment. While she was in a fluster, she met Arthur’sgaze; he didn’t expect her to be here as well. She had no choice but to close her umbrella and come tohis side, saying, “Young Master Weiss, this way, please.”

Seeing her come over, Arthur naturally moved his umbrella to shelter her from the drizzle, causing hisshoulder to be wet by the light rain. As a result, it was hard to tell which of them was the guest of honorhere.

When Sophia realized this, she said in a whisper, “Let me hold the umbrella for you.”

However, Arthur responded with a smile. “I’ll do it.”

Sophia had no choice but to stand side by side with him.

Just then, Jacob came up to them with an umbrella. “It’s been a while, Sophia.”

“Hi, Jacob,” Sophia said, greeting him.

Arthur was very annoyed with Jacob. Suddenly, he stretched out his arm and swept Sophia into hisembrace, causing the latter’s breathing to quicken slightly. Then, he shot a warning look at Jacob.

Jacob walked away and rejoined his father. However, he decided on a whim that he would steal Sophiafrom Arthur as he wanted to win against Arthur at least once.

A while later, Brenda and her family arrived at the funeral. Among them was Nigel holding Jared in hisarms. Jared was wearing a black suit adorned with a white flower for today’s occasion.

Francis was the one who arrived soon after them. Then, he walked over to offer Elliot some words ofcondolences before looking for Jared in the crowd.

Brenda came and spoke to Elliot. He could see her red eyes set off by her pale look. As they endedtheir conversation, she walked away and joined the elders.

When Nigel came over to greet them, Elliot reminded him, “You have to take care of your mother.”

“I tried, but she hasn’t had any appetite recently. Dad and I couldn’t change her mind.” Nigel shook hishead in regret.

As the tombstone was set and the urn storing Harriet’s ashes was buried, it was now time for thedeceased’s relatives and friends to take turns placing flowers and paying respects at her grave.

Elliot, Anastasia, and Jared were the first ones to pay their last respects to Harriet. When Jared placeda bouquet of flowers beside the gravestone, he took a look at Harriet’s photo. He had been holding

back his tears until Anastasia gave him a gentle pat. At that, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore ashe threw himself in his mother’s arms and wept on her shoulder.

Anastasia’s red eyes indicated she was also grieving. As she gave him a soothing kiss on his forehead,they stepped aside to make room for other mourners. Others behind them began to stand in a line toplace flowers. Among them was Arthur waiting for his turn while holding Sophia’s hand in his. Whenthey came to the front, she helped him to place the flowers.

Lorelai was staring at Elliot with admiration and longing under the umbrella from time to time. Shewatched him as he held his wife and son in his arms, then at the tenderness and sadness in his eyes.His state left Lorelai heartbroken as she was feeling sympathetic toward him, even though she wasn’tin the position.

Once the mourning ceremony ended, the guests other than Arthur left one after another. Anastasiastood beside Elliot from the beginning as they saw the guests off. Later, she found Elliot lingering infront of Harriet’s gravestone. Holding his hand in hers, she accompanied him for a few minutes in hissilent mourning.

Arthur stopped Sophia before all of them left for home and asked her to share a car with him.

She rejected, “Nope. I’m going with President Tillman.”

However, Anastasia was having a different thought as she suggested gently, “Sophia, that’s all fortoday. You can go with Young Master Weiss.”

Since he received permission from Anastasia, he grasped Sophia’s wrist and dragged her all the wayto his car without another word.

As Elliot and Anastasia made it back to the villa, Jared had been playing with the Legos in his room ashe didn’t want to bother his parents who were in dire need of rest now.

Anastasia urged Elliot to take a shower before he went to sleep as he had been struggling to sleepproperly for the last couple of days. Sometimes, he was interrupted in his sleep by incoming matters;sometimes, he couldn’t even fall asleep due to the negative emotions.

Listening to her words, he went for a quick shower before she dragged him onto the bed. She settled inhis arms and watched him sleep.

After a while, she was certain that he had fallen asleep as she could hear his breathing turning slowand deep. She tucked him in bed, then joined Jared and his toys in his room.

The deceased was now in peace while the living had to continue with their lives. She was full ofdetermination to take on the oncoming obstacles for her responsibilities.

Arthur brought Sophia downtown, but he eventually stopped at a high-end cafe instead of his villa.

Sitting opposite him, Sophia maintained the stance she had on their way to the cafe as she tried onceagain. “Young Master Weiss, please let me see your grandma. Let’s explain how I lost your familyheirloom to her, shall we?”

She had been worrying about him since Emily’s call.

Arthur took note of Sophia’s worried look. She isn’t letting me take the blame. Doesn’t it mean she likesme?

“Sophia, stop worrying about me.” Arthur held the cup of coffee up elegantly. “I’m not in big trouble atall because Grandma is fond of me.”

Sophia was listening to his explanation while sipping her coffee. As she raised her head casually, shewas taken aback by Emily walking toward them in feigned elegance with her handbag.

“Miss Jennings.” Sophia placed the coffee cup on the table before she stood to greet Emily.

Emily shot daggers at her before turning to Arthur. “Artie, Grandma is looking for you everywhere. Let’sgo home together!”

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