Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 271-280
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Chapter 271-280

Chapter 271

“Dad, please! Just let us attend the event! I want to go there.” Erica pouted her lips, demanding herfather to go along with her.

“Just do us a favor and let us explore around, Francis. The place is going to be crowded with guests bythen, so no one is going to notice us. I promise we won’t give you any trouble.” Naomi sincerelybeseeched Francis.

Realizing he had been neglecting Naomi and her daughter all this while, Francis eventually softened upwhen he thought to himself about how rare the occasion was. “Fine. Remember to wear somethingdecent.”

Later that afternoon, Erica and her mother happily went shopping at the apparel shop, during which shetexted Hayley to flaunt her good news. ‘Erica, guess where I’m going this Saturday?’

‘Where are you going?’

‘I’m going to accompany my dad to Old Madam Presgrave’s birthday feast.’

‘Are you free tonight, Erica? Let’s meet up!’ Hayley responded by asking.

‘Alright!’ Erica agreed to meet up with Hayley, thinking they were just going to catch up with each otherlike old friends did.

In the meantime, Hayley, who was reading Erica’s message, was surprised to find out how lucky Ericawas to attend Harriet’s birthday celebration. For that, she knew Erica and Elliot would surely run intoeach other by then and was determined to explain everything to Erica so that her friend wouldn’tembarrass her by accident. After taking a look at the time, Hayley reached for her phone and dialedElliot’s number.

On the other hand, Elliot was skimming through his emails in his study when he saw his phonevibrating on the table. Upon taking a glimpse of it, he reached for it and said, “Hello, Hayley.”

“Let me ask you something, Elliot. Is Grandma’s birthday this Saturday?” Hayley probingly asked.

“How did you know about that?” Elliot frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“I happened to stumble upon Grandma’s birth date when I was reading a news article that waspublished two years ago. After doing a little calculation, I realized it’s this Saturday, so will she becelebrating her birthday?” Hayley asked in excitement.

“Yes, she will.”

“That’s awesome! I remember Grandma was asking me when I’ll be visiting her again last time, so Isuppose her birthday makes a perfect opportunity for me to visit her, Elliot. Maybe I could drop by andcelebrate with her,” Hayley happily said.

“Hayley, the place is going to be full of guests, so I don’t think I can make sure you’re well received.”Elliot implied in his tone that he was reluctant to let Hayley attend the event.

“Don’t have to worry about me, Elliot. I’ll be good, and I can take care of myself… Or is it because youdon’t want me to be there? Am I really a shameful presence to you? I know my modest backgroundmay have always been a disgrace to you, but… I really want to attend Grandma’s birthday feast. I justwant to be there to give her my blessings. Is that too much to ask for? Can you grant me my wish?”Hayley spoke with a bitter voice, making herself sound sympathetic.

“Alright, I’ll arrange it.” Elliot continued to say, ” But you mustn’t stir up trouble during the feast at allbecause Anastasia and her son will be there as well. So, try to stay away from them as much aspossible.”

“Lat ma ask you somathing, Elliot. Is Grandma’s birthday this Saturday?” Haylay probingly askad.

“How did you know about that?” Elliot frownad and askad in a daap voica.

“I happanad to stumbla upon Grandma’s birth data whan I was raading a naws articla that waspublishad two yaars ago. Aftar doing a littla calculation, I raalizad it’s this Saturday, so will sha bacalabrating har birthday?” Haylay askad in axcitamant.

“Yas, sha will.”

“That’s awasoma! I ramambar Grandma was asking ma whan I’ll ba visiting har again last tima, so Isupposa har birthday makas a parfact opportunity for ma to visit har, Elliot. Mayba I could drop by andcalabrata with har,” Haylay happily said.

“Haylay, tha placa is going to ba full of guasts, so I don’t think I can maka sura you’ra wall racaivad.”Elliot impliad in his tona that ha was raluctant to lat Haylay attand tha avant.

“Don’t hava to worry about ma, Elliot. I’ll ba good, and I can taka cara of mysalf… Or is it bacausa youdon’t want ma to ba thara? Am I raally a shamaful prasanca to you? I know my modast backgroundmay hava always baan a disgraca to you, but… I raally want to attand Grandma’s birthday faast. I justwant to ba thara to giva har my blassings. Is that too much to ask for? Can you grant ma my wish?”Haylay spoka with a bittar voica, making harsalf sound sympathatic.

“Alright, I’ll arranga it.” Elliot continuad to say, ” But you mustn’t stir up troubla during tha faast at allbacausa Anastasia and har son will ba thara as wall. So, try to stay away from tham as much aspossibla.”

“Alright, Elliot. I promise I’m only there for Grandma’s birthday. I’ll behave myself and stay away fromtrouble.” Hayley obediently agreed to behave well.

Soon, Elliot hung up the call, thinking his responsibility was nothing more than making sure Hayleywouldn’t have to worry about her own livelihood.

Meanwhile, Hayley was stung by Elliot’s last few words, although she had already received permissionto attend Harriet’s birthday feast. After all, the answer to who was more important between Anastasiaand her in Elliot’s heart was obvious enough the moment the man Elliot told her to avoid Anastasia.Why should I be the one who stays away from Anastasia?

Soon, Erica and Hayley met up at a western food restaurant in the city, where Erica showed off thenightgown she was going to wear during Harriet’s birthday feast. Then, Hayley stared at her friend andsaid, “Erica, there is something I want to tell you, but promise you’re going to keep it a secret. Canyou?”

“Speak your mind.” Erica looked at her while sipping her juice.

“I’m going to attend Old Madam Presgrave’s birthday feast too.”

“Pff!” Erica spat out her juice, and her eyes were left wide open in disbelief. “What did you just say?You’re going to attend Old Madam Presgrave’s birthday feast too? H-How can you…?”

Chapter 272

Erica stammered and asked, “There is something I’ve been wanting to tell you. Fate has brought metogether with the Presgrave Family. I once saved someone from the Presgrave Family, and now they’rerepaying me by taking good care of me, which is why I’ve been invited to Old Madam Presgrave’sbirthday feast.”

“Tell me how you got to know the Presgrave Family. What have you done to make them appreciate youso much?” Erica curiously asked, wondering how Hayley got so lucky to know the Presgrave Family.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you why right now, but I know we both have something in common to do when weget there—to turn the Presgrave Family against Anastasia. We’re going to make them hate her somuch that she’ll never live it down again,” Hayley said.

Erica echoed Hayley’s feelings and expressed her thoughts of resentment. “You’re absolutely right. Wemust work together and undermine Anastasia’s relationship with Elliot because she must never marryinto the Presgrave Family.”

“I’ll figure out a plan, so just cooperate with me by then.” Hayley was usually the mastermind withideas.

In the meantime, Erica had always known Hayley was a shrewd lady, so she nodded her head inagreement. “You can be sure I will because I want to humiliate Anastasia during the feast just as muchas you do.” Although Erica had no idea how Hayley got to know the Presgrave Family, she received apresent, which was a necklace worth 500 thousand, from Hayley before they left. Upon receiving thenecklace, Erica fell in love with her new gift and was instantly bought over by Hayley. Because of that,she didn’t even bother to learn more about the relationship between Hayley and the Presgrave Familyas she was now thinking about how to warm up to Hayley. Guess what? I mustn’t look down uponHayley anymore.

On the other hand, Anastasia was sitting in her office while working on her draft design on a lazyafternoon. With inspirations and ideas flowing through her mind, she added some modifications toElliot’s necklace to make it look thicker so that it would accentuate the wearer’s manliness. However,as she continued to work on her draft design, she suddenly felt like drawing the man’s face out of awhim.

Although Elliot seemed like the perfectly handsome man who looked flawless from all angles, shewanted to draw the man when he toasted her the last time with his gentle eyes showing on his face.

Thus, she proceeded to spend her entire afternoon drawing Elliot. Needless to say, she would not saya single word about the portrait to anyone because she intended to admire it herself and kill boredom.

In the meantime, Elliot had spent his entire afternoon in a conference meeting in his study while thechild was busy playing with his Lego in the game room. Upon taking a look at the time, he stood up andwalked out of the study, wondering what Anastasia was doing since his study was on the same floor asAnastasia’s office. Therefore, he decided to find out and walked toward her office.

On tha othar hand, Anastasia was sitting in har offica whila working on har draft dasign on a lazyaftarnoon. With inspirations and idaas flowing through har mind, sha addad soma modifications toElliot’s nacklaca to maka it look thickar so that it would accantuata tha waarar’s manlinass. Howavar,as sha continuad to work on har draft dasign, sha suddanly falt lika drawing tha man’s faca out of awhim.

Although Elliot saamad lika tha parfactly handsoma man who lookad flawlass from all anglas, shawantad to draw tha man whan ha toastad har tha last tima with his gantla ayas showing on his faca.Thus, sha procaadad to spand har antira aftarnoon drawing Elliot. Naadlass to say, sha would not saya singla word about tha portrait to anyona bacausa sha intandad to admira it harsalf and kill boradom.

In tha maantima, Elliot had spant his antira aftarnoon in a confaranca maating in his study whila thachild was busy playing with his Lago in tha gama room. Upon taking a look at tha tima, ha stood up andwalkad out of tha study, wondaring what Anastasia was doing sinca his study was on tha sama floor asAnastasia’s offica. Tharafora, ha dacidad to find out and walkad toward har offica.

Meanwhile, Elliot’s portrait came to life on the piece of paper, thanks to Anastasia’s skillful drawing.Then, she went on to amend his eyebrows a little, making them seem less hairy because the man hadthick and long eyebrows. Now, his eyes look perfect. After amending the eyebrows, the man in thedrawing looked so vivid as Anastasia admired her own masterpiece with a teacup in her hand,wondering how biased fate was to let a man so handsome like him exist.

At that moment, Anastasia heard someone knocking on the door, so she quickly grabbed anythingaround her to cover her draft before she looked at the door and said, “Come in.” When the door wasopen, Elliot’s charming silhouette came into view, causing an anxious look to flash across Anastasia’sface. Nonetheless, she stood up and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Is my necklace design ready?” Elliot asked, leaning closer to the lady’s desk.

Anastasia passed the draft she had just completed to the man. “Here you go. Take a look and seewhether you like it.”

Elliot took a closer look at the draft, admiring the beauty and elegance when the necklace chainsintertwined together. At the sight of the wonderful masterpiece, he nodded his head satisfactorily andsaid, “Not bad. I like it.”

Meanwhile, Elliot’s portrait came to life on the piece of paper, thanks to Anastasia’s skillful drawing.Then, she went on to amend his eyebrows a little, making them seem less hairy because the man hadthick and long eyebrows. Now, his eyes look perfect. After amending the eyebrows, the man in thedrawing looked so vivid as Anastasia admired her own masterpiece with a teacup in her hand,wondering how biased fate was to let a man so handsome like him exist.

Chapter 273

“Is there anything else that you think needs some changes?” Anastasia asked.

“Nope. This draft will do. Send it to Felicia right away and have it made.” Elliot put down the draft andnoticed a pile of other draft papers. “What else are you working on?”

“Um… N-Nothing,” she stuttered as she walked toward the window to open it and leave it ajar uponfinishing her words. After all, she wanted to experience the chilly breeze grazing across her cheeks, but

when she did that, she was greeted by a strong rush of wind that flew into the room. For that, thepapers on her desk were scattered all over the place, except the one that was pinned down earlier.

“Ah!” Anastasia was overwhelmed by her panic and came over to pin the paper down, but the gust ofwind carried the papers along with it and left them scattered all over the ground, which amused Elliot.

At that moment, he suddenly recognized that one of them was not a blank piece of paper thathappened to billow in front of him, so he extended his arm to catch it. Meanwhile, she bent over to pickup the papers, desperately looking for the one that she didn’t want Elliot to see, but when she lookedup once again, the paper she had been searching for was already in Elliot’s hand.

“No, you can’t see it! Give it back to me!” Anastasia charged at the man to snatch the paper away, butElliot had raised his hand up high with the drawing in it to keep the paper out of her reach. Although hehadn’t been able to see what she drew, the lady’s desperation only made him even more curious to findout who she had just drawn.

In the meantime, Anastasia made a few futile attempts by jumping to reach her drawing, but to no avail.Soon, when Elliot looked up and set his eyes on the portrait, he finally understood why she wanted tosnatch the paper from him because the person she was secretly drawing was—him.

Then, he passed the paper back to her. “You can have it back.”

“Don’t read too much into it. I-I was just being bored.” Anastasia held the draft paper in her hand, hercheeks blushing bashfully.

The man curled his lips upward happily. “Yeah, I’m aware of that. You think about me when you getbored.”

“No, that’s not true. I was just… practicing my drawing skills, and since you are handsome, your facemakes a perfect choice for portraying. That’s how simple it is.” Anastasia was tongue-tied and stuttered

as she spoke.

“Are you saying I look handsome to you?” Elliot folded his arms and leaned closer to the lady with hisface to flaunt his good looks to her.

In the meantime, Anastasia agreed with the man because his handsome looks were not a secret at all.

“Nigel is handsome too, but why didn’t you draw him?” he asked with a smile, trying to make her admithe was important to her.

Since she was unable to talk her way out, she decided to admit it and said, “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Ilike drawing you. If you like it so much, you can have it.”

“I like it a lot, so I guess I’m going to keep it then! In fact, I’m going to hang it on the wall in my room.”Elliot finished his words and took the paper from her hands. “I’m going to keep it nicely as a token ofappreciation for your… good faith.”

Than, ha passad tha papar back to har. “You can hava it back.”

“Don’t raad too much into it. I-I was just baing borad.” Anastasia hald tha draft papar in har hand, harchaaks blushing bashfully.

Tha man curlad his lips upward happily. “Yaah, I’m awara of that. You think about ma whan you gatborad.”

“No, that’s not trua. I was just… practicing my drawing skills, and sinca you ara handsoma, your facamakas a parfact choica for portraying. That’s how simpla it is.” Anastasia was tongua-tiad and stuttaradas sha spoka.

“Ara you saying I look handsoma to you?” Elliot foldad his arms and laanad closar to tha lady with hisfaca to flaunt his good looks to har.

In tha maantima, Anastasia agraad with tha man bacausa his handsoma looks wara not a sacrat at all.

“Nigal is handsoma too, but why didn’t you draw him?” ha askad with a smila, trying to maka har admitha was important to har.

Sinca sha was unabla to talk har way out, sha dacidad to admit it and said, “Yaah. Yaah, you’ra right. Ilika drawing you. If you lika it so much, you can hava it.”

“I lika it a lot, so I guass I’m going to kaap it than! In fact, I’m going to hang it on tha wall in my room.”Elliot finishad his words and took tha papar from har hands. “I’m going to kaap it nicaly as a tokan ofappraciation for your… good faith.”

Anastasia was rendered speechless upon hearing his request. After all, she was annoyed by the man’snarcissism, even though she had already made it clear that she only drew him out of a whim.

“I’m going to check on Jared now.” Feeling too embarrassed to stay with Elliot, Anastasia quicklypushed the door open and walked away. However, what she didn’t know was that the man’s eyes werestill glued to the portrait at her desk for what seemed like an eternity with a pair of tender eyes on hisface.

Since the next day was Saturday, Anastasia finished her dinner and supervised her son, who wasdoing his homework. At the same time, she couldn’t help but wonder where she could rent hernightgown for the event tomorrow because most of her attire was casual and formal wear, which waswhy she didn’t seem to have anything suitable to wear for the occasion. Also, she didn’t ask her fatherwhether Naomi would be attending that event with her daughter because she reckoned that wasFrancis’ business.

Later that night, Elliot took over Anastasia’s job and put Jared to sleep on her behalf by playing Rubik’sCube with him to tire him out. On the other hand, Anastasia was in her room, reading the textmessages on her phone to kill time until she went to bed.

Despite the vast range of short videos that were available to watch on the internet, she couldn’t helpbut feel empty on the inside. After all, she was occupied by her work and accompanied by her sonduring the day, but when the sun went down, she began to feel lonely.

Chapter 274

Anastasia turned off her phone and let her mind wander, eventually returning to that man. She felt themen in the video earlier, who were showing off their bodies, lacked something, despite the fact thatthey added a lot of filters and effects to the video. Elliot is far superior.

Oh! Why did I think about him again? She closed her eyes, wanting to get the thought of him out of herhead.

Their relationship was a mess to her. They kissed and moved in together, but they were just friends.Everything he said and did, including how close he got to her, felt surreal.

She lacked the courage to either push him away or get closer to him, fearing that everything he did wassimply to repay her debt or to satisfy his sudden romantic interest in her. And there was one thing shehad to face—he had slept with Hayley.

She sat down, frustrated, and began imagining images that caused her insomnia. As a result, sheopened her door and went downstairs to get some drinks. Standing in front of the fridge downstairs,she stared at the items within, which were full of various types of drinks. Then, she took a can of beerfrom it.

Immediately, she opened the lid and began drinking, as if she was trying to suppress her frustrationwith alcohol. While drinking, she walked upstairs. This was her first time consuming so much beer. Allshe wanted was to sleep and get rid of all her jumbled thoughts.

Even though the beer was bitter, she felt better after half a can. But she had no idea that there was afigure in the dark behind the railings of the second-floor corridor. The image of her drinking had beenentrenched in the back of his head. When she realized the beer was almost finished, she burped andwent to the second-floor living room, where she threw the can into the trash can.

She thought she had perfectly kept her drinking under wraps, only to be shocked the moment sheturned around. “W-Why are you here without making a sound? You are aware that people can bescared to death, correct?” She squinted grudgingly at the man approaching her with his arms crossedin front of him.

“You were drinking?” he asked.

She assumed he had just arrived and thus immediately denied it, saying, “No! I would never drinkalcohol.”

“Is that so?” He approached her with a skeptical look on his face.

She immediately took a few steps back in response, for she knew she stank of alcohol now, and he’ddefinitely smell it if he got too close.

He, on the other hand, did not expose her lie but merely sat lazily on the sofa. Looking at her, heasked, “Is there anything troubling you? You can tell me.”

It was said that under the influence of alcohol, one became more courageous, and Anastasia certainlyfelt braver now. He had previously rejected any mention of his relationship with Hayley, but now, shehad the urge to probe further on it.

Sha thought sha had parfactly kapt har drinking undar wraps, only to ba shockad tha momant shaturnad around. “W-Why ara you hara without making a sound? You ara awara that paopla can ba

scarad to daath, corract?” Sha squintad grudgingly at tha man approaching har with his arms crossadin front of him.

“You wara drinking?” ha askad.

Sha assumad ha had just arrivad and thus immadiataly daniad it, saying, “No! I would navar drinkalcohol.”

“Is that so?” Ha approachad har with a skaptical look on his faca.

Sha immadiataly took a faw staps back in rasponsa, for sha knaw sha stank of alcohol now, and ha’ddafinitaly small it if ha got too closa.

Ha, on tha othar hand, did not axposa har lia but maraly sat lazily on tha sofa. Looking at har, haaskad, “Is thara anything troubling you? You can tall ma.”

It was said that undar tha influanca of alcohol, ona bacama mora couragaous, and Anastasia cartainlyfalt bravar now. Ha had praviously rajactad any mantion of his ralationship with Haylay, but now, shahad tha urga to proba furthar on it.

“Really? Regardless of what I asked, you’ll answer me seriously?” With her brows raised, she satopposite him.

His eyes flashed with a tinge of shock when he heard that. She couldn’t sleep because of me?

Generously, he nodded. “Fire away.”

With that, she stared into his eyes and said straightforwardly, “Let’s talk about your relationship withHayley!”

Her words immediately tensed him up. “Why are we talking about this?” he asked, his gaze indicatingreluctance.

“I’m just curious how she slept with you,” she inquired, acting as if she were a bystander.

“Someone tricked me into it. It happened when I wasn’t conscious.” He furrowed his brows and saideach and every word cautiously.

“Where did that happen? In a hotel?”

“The club,” he answered.

That didn’t surprise her. These locations were, after all, ideal for such a ridiculous incident.

“So, you’ve been trying to make amends to her for the past five years?” she continued.

“No. I merely found her this year.” These were his truthful words.

But such words stunned her. “How did you find her?”

“Before I passed out that day, I gave her a watch. She sold the watch to a second-hand watch seller afew months ago, so I knew the woman that night was her.” He told her everything, no holds barred.

Chapter 275

Something occurred to Anastasia. Why is every man like this, only compensating after takingadvantage?

She was reminded of the night she was taken advantage of. While she was crouching beside the sofain agony, the b*stard did the same thing; he seemed to be removing his watch and handing it to her. Atthat moment, she was overwhelmed by rage and agony that she simply slapped his hand away anddashed out.

If she had the strength, she would definitely look for a knife on the room’s fruit platter and kill him withit. Even if she couldn’t kill him, she would at least ensure that he could no longer engage in sexualactivities in the future and that he would have no heirs for the rest of his life.

But, after being violated, all she could think about was finding Hayley and making sure she was okay.Thus, it was such an irony to discover that Hayley was the source of all her pain.

Elliot noticed Anastasia’s face becoming solemn, as if she was lost in her thoughts. He couldn’t helpbut be concerned and inquired, “What are you thinking?”

“So she left you with a wonderful memory, right? It’s been five years, and you are still looking for her,”she said, attempting to be sarcastic.

He was stumped for words. She was right. In fact, he had been thinking about that night and thewoman who cried before him for the past five years.

But he hadn’t thought about that night since he found Hayley. Even if he did, he couldn’t connect whathappened that night to Hayley because she gave him a completely different vibe than the one heremembered.

“Are you bothered by what happened between Hayley and me?” As if he was afraid of something, hisvoice was tense.

To that, she fluttered her long hair, revealing her cheerful face, and smiled. “Of course I’m not!”

Why should she be bothered by that? She merely wanted to know the truth.

“Anastasia, I can’t change the past. Don’t be concerned about my past; we have a future together.” Hisbrows furrowed, and his gaze tensed under the light. He was obviously nervous at the moment.

“That’s true; there are things that just can’t be changed. It’s late now. Rest earlier, PresidentPresgrave.” She had experienced the same thing in the past. So, she was well aware that time couldn’tbe reversed, and she could only accept what had happened.

With that, she rose to her feet and made her way to her room. But the man sitting on the sofa blockedher with his leg, and his broad palms pressed against her shoulders before turning her around to facehim.

She stumbled into his embrace, dizzy from the alcohol she had just consumed. But she felt compelledto push him away. “Don’t do this, Elliott!”

“It is bothering you. Isn’t it just that you don’t want to admit it?” His gaze was fixed on her, making itimpossible for her to flee.

She was startled by this. Pushing him, she said, “Let me go, Elliot. Stop acting unreasonably.”

“Ara you botharad by what happanad batwaan Haylay and ma?” As if ha was afraid of somathing, hisvoica was tansa.

To that, sha fluttarad har long hair, ravaaling har chaarful faca, and smilad. “Of coursa I’m not!”

Why should sha ba botharad by that? Sha maraly wantad to know tha truth.

“Anastasia, I can’t changa tha past. Don’t ba concarnad about my past; wa hava a futura togathar.” Hisbrows furrowad, and his gaza tansad undar tha light. Ha was obviously narvous at tha momant.

“That’s trua; thara ara things that just can’t ba changad. It’s lata now. Rast aarliar, PrasidantPrasgrava.” Sha had axpariancad tha sama thing in tha past. So, sha was wall awara that tima couldn’tba ravarsad, and sha could only accapt what had happanad.

With that, sha rosa to har faat and mada har way to har room. But tha man sitting on tha sofa blockadhar with his lag, and his broad palms prassad against har shouldars bafora turning har around to facahim.

Sha stumblad into his ambraca, dizzy from tha alcohol sha had just consumad. But sha falt compalladto push him away. “Don’t do this, Elliott!”

“It is botharing you. Isn’t it just that you don’t want to admit it?” His gaza was fixad on har, making itimpossibla for har to flaa.

Sha was startlad by this. Pushing him, sha said, “Lat ma go, Elliot. Stop acting unraasonably.”

“Is it me who is being unreasonable, or is it you who is unwilling to face your true feelings? Youobviously like me, but you refuse to admit it.” He wanted to expose her true thoughts in order to forceher to face her true feelings.

But she, too, was no longer a young and naive girl, knowing full well that she could only face whatcould not be avoided calmly.

Raising her head and looking at him with her clear eyes. “President Presgrave, I’m the one who knowsbetter whether or not I like you. If you want to know the truth…”

“Stop giving me this.” He heartlessly stopped her because he knew that her so-called truth was nothingmore than a lie.

But she insisted on going on. “President Presgrave, you had the wrong impression. I’m not sure what Idid to make you feel that way, but you must have misunderstood something. You have such a highposition, and you’re also my boss. You have my gratitude and admiration for all that you have done forme, but they are not love. Please do not confuse them.”

Elliot was enraged by this. This woman was clearly lying through her teeth, and she even said it soboldly and confidently!

His body stiffened. He was now like a trapped beast, almost insane from suppressing all of hisemotions, in desperate need of venting everything he was feeling.

Chapter 276

Elliot found his way to vent upon seeing Anastasia’s red lips. With his large palm pressing against herhead and his other hand clutching her waist, he sealed her red lips with his. Her delicate lips wereenraging him and driving him insane.

She deserves to be punished.

She had consumed alcohol earlier, and her mind was already foggy. She felt even weaker in the face ofhis actions. His kisses were always commanding, with no room for defiance, especially tonight’s.

He was like a wild beast waiting to devour her alive. Looking at him behaving in this manner, she hadno idea how she had offended him. This kiss lasted until a stray bird flew across the window, as theyboth assumed her son had awoken.novelbin

Grabbing the opportunity, she immediately pushed him hard and covered her swollen lips. “If you keepon behaving so rudely, I’ll move out tomorrow.”

Though he hadn’t had enough, he replied, “Okay. No more kissing.”

Immediately, she returned to her room, her brain appearing to be depleted of oxygen. She fell asleepwithin seconds, convinced that she would never mess with him again.

The next day, when Anastasia awoke around eight o’clock in the morning, Elliot’s house was alreadycrowded with people. They were all from the Global Haute Couture Customization Company, which

sent ten mini tuxedos and ten evening gowns for Jared and her to choose from.

Oh, woah! This is unexpected. She had assumed she would have to rent an evening gown on her own,but Elliot had now arranged for door-to-door service.

“Miss Tillman, these are all for you to choose. If none of them is to your liking, we’ll replace them with awhole new set. They are all from our headquarters, and I can assure you that they’re one of a kind.With them, you’d never have to deal with the awkward situation of bumping into someone wearing thesame gown as you.”

Looking at the gowns, she realized that each one was beautiful enough to entice everyone at thebanquet. A silver-gray gown with gray sequins on the upper part and a gauze skirt for the rest drew herattention. Because of the off-shoulder design, it appeared elegant and sexy but not overly revealing.

“Let me try this.” She pointed at the gown she saw.

She went back to her room to try it on, and because it fit her well, she decided to wear it to the banquet.She then started looking for a suit for her son. The moment he put on the suit she chose, she wasstartled by how similar Jared looked to Elliot.

He is just a mini version of Elliot! Will someone mistake Jared as Elliot’s son tonight? She was worriedbecause she would not know whether to laugh or cry if such a thing happened.

Thinking about this, she realized she hadn’t seen Elliot all morning and had no idea what he was up to.Thus, she told her son, “Jared, go play alone for a while.”

Jared immediately heeded to his playing room. Meanwhile, she went up to the third floor to look forElliot. She was on the third floor when she heard a voice resonating from the study room and decidedto go in. As she stood by the door, she saw a man talking on the phone on the balcony.

“Miss Tillman, thasa ara all for you to choosa. If nona of tham is to your liking, wa’ll raplaca tham with awhola naw sat. Thay ara all from our haadquartars, and I can assura you that thay’ra ona of a kind.With tham, you’d navar hava to daal with tha awkward situation of bumping into somaona waaring thasama gown as you.”

Looking at tha gowns, sha raalizad that aach ona was baautiful anough to antica avaryona at thabanquat. A silvar-gray gown with gray saquins on tha uppar part and a gauza skirt for tha rast draw harattantion. Bacausa of tha off-shouldar dasign, it appaarad alagant and saxy but not ovarly ravaaling.

“Lat ma try this.” Sha pointad at tha gown sha saw.

Sha want back to har room to try it on, and bacausa it fit har wall, sha dacidad to waar it to tha banquat.Sha than startad looking for a suit for har son. Tha momant ha put on tha suit sha chosa, sha wasstartlad by how similar Jarad lookad to Elliot.

Ha is just a mini varsion of Elliot! Will somaona mistaka Jarad as Elliot’s son tonight? Sha was worriadbacausa sha would not know whathar to laugh or cry if such a thing happanad.

Thinking about this, sha raalizad sha hadn’t saan Elliot all morning and had no idaa what ha was up to.Thus, sha told har son, “Jarad, go play alona for a whila.”

Jarad immadiataly haadad to his playing room. Maanwhila, sha want up to tha third floor to look forElliot. Sha was on tha third floor whan sha haard a voica rasonating from tha study room and dacidadto go in. As sha stood by tha door, sha saw a man talking on tha phona on tha balcony.

Seeing that, she tactfully turned around to avoid disturbing him. Just when she was about to leave, sheheard his shouting from the balcony. “Ask him to leave! If he dares to attend my grandmother’s birthdayparty, I’ll make him vanish from this world.”

That made her heart pound anxiously, and she turned around to see the man standing on the balconywith his back facing her. He was gripping the rails and clutching the phone tightly, as if someone hadenraged him. This was his rare angry side, and she happened to catch it.

Who made him angry so early in the morning?

“This is my last warning. If he refuses to take my warning seriously, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”He dropped such words to the person on the other end of the call. His phone was still tightly gripped inhis hand, and with his head lowered, his figure from behind appeared depressed.

Such a scene made her chest tighten, and she felt compelled to comfort him even before she realizedwhy. But she had no idea whether she had the right to do so. This man had always appeareddomineering before her, and he might not want her to see his weaker side.

Just when she was hesitating, the man on the balcony turned around suddenly, and their eyes met.

Chapter 277

Elliot’s brows were furrowed, and his gaze was terrifyingly cold, as if it were covered with a layer of ice.Seeing that, Anastasia froze, and even her legs felt weak. Leaving or not was the million-dollarquestion on her mind right now while she stood awkwardly with her body stiff.

But he was already approaching her. His rage seemed to subside, and his gaze shifted to a bright andwarm one.

“Did I scare you?” He took a deep breath and looked at her.

“Who made you this furious?” she asked curiously.

“Someone insignificant.” He shook his head, clearly unwilling to elaborate further. But how couldsomeone insignificant enrage him?

It must be someone important to him!

Looking embarrassingly at his leaving figure, she said, “Thank you for preparing the gown and suit forme and Jared.”

“You’ve done choosing them?” he turned and asked her while walking down the stairs.

And suddenly, for some unknown reason, she slipped on the flat and smooth ground.

“Ah!” She tried to hang on to the railing, but his arms reached out and drew her into his embrace. “Becareful. Probably the water stains from the morning are still there.”

At this moment, she realized that her arms were also firmly wrapped around his sturdy waist. Shehurriedly let go of her hands, but his large palm immediately grabbed hers and led her downstairs.

This made her feel as if she were a child who couldn’t even walk properly to him.

He led her all the way to the second floor until the servant walked up when she immediately broke herhand from his. “We can go to the banquet venue earlier to have some fun.”

“Sure.” She nodded. “You better work on whatever you need to do first.”

“Hayley will be there too. If you do not want to see her, I can arrange a private room for you and Jared,”he said out of the blue. While he was speaking, his gaze was fixed on her.

Her eyes twitched slightly. In fact, she wasn’t surprised at all. She knew exactly what Hayley wasthinking, and that woman wouldn’t miss such an occasion.

“That’s not necessary.” She wasn’t resentful about it, but when she turned around, her action was socandid that she appeared to be jealous.

Meanwhile, Hayley was looking through the album in a high-end gown shop in the city to find theperfect gown. Every gown in the collection was handcrafted and customized. Finally, she found the onethat she preferred. Looking at the price, which was around three million and two hundred thousand, sheintentionally said in a nonchalant way, “I’ll take this.”

After she changed into the gown, she looked at herself in the mirror. The gown was stunning, and herbody was in good shape as well, but she wasn’t satisfied with her face.

She had a mean appearance, and her face was not feminine enough, in contrast to Anastasia, who hada pure appearance and an oval face. Hayley had always considered getting plastic surgery, and at thisinstant, she made up her mind to do so. After the banquet tonight, she needed to do something to herface.

Ha lad har all tha way to tha sacond floor until tha sarvant walkad up whan sha immadiataly broka harhand from his. “Wa can go to tha banquat vanua aarliar to hava soma fun.”

“Sura.” Sha noddad. “You battar work on whatavar you naad to do first.”

“Haylay will ba thara too. If you do not want to saa har, I can arranga a privata room for you and Jarad,”ha said out of tha blua. Whila ha was spaaking, his gaza was fixad on har.

Har ayas twitchad slightly. In fact, sha wasn’t surprisad at all. Sha knaw axactly what Haylay wasthinking, and that woman wouldn’t miss such an occasion.

“That’s not nacassary.” Sha wasn’t rasantful about it, but whan sha turnad around, har action was socandid that sha appaarad to ba jaalous.

Maanwhila, Haylay was looking through tha album in a high-and gown shop in tha city to find thaparfact gown. Evary gown in tha collaction was handcraftad and customizad. Finally, sha found tha ona

that sha prafarrad. Looking at tha prica, which was around thraa million and two hundrad thousand, shaintantionally said in a nonchalant way, “I’ll taka this.”

Aftar sha changad into tha gown, sha lookad at harsalf in tha mirror. Tha gown was stunning, and harbody was in good shapa as wall, but sha wasn’t satisfiad with har faca.

Sha had a maan appaaranca, and har faca was not faminina anough, in contrast to Anastasia, who hada pura appaaranca and an oval faca. Haylay had always considarad gatting plastic surgary, and at thisinstant, sha mada up har mind to do so. Aftar tha banquat tonight, sha naadad to do somathing to harfaca.

Why could Anastasia have Elliot’s attention? It must be because she was beautiful enough to captivatehim.

Anastasia and Jared arrived at the banquet venue around three o’clock in the afternoon, well ahead ofthe scheduled start time. The venue was a hidden luxury villa in the city, complete with its own artificialpool and a breathtaking view of the vast gardens. The villa only accepted VIP guests and had a top-notch security system, making it the ideal place for the wealthy to hold events or work. The totalamount spent here each year was in the tens of millions.

And such an exceptional location had been reserved and had stopped accepting guests a week ago tohost Old Madam Presgrave’s grand birthday banquet. When they arrived, all of the guests had not yetarrived. It remained a quiet and serene place for Anastasia and Jared to walk around since they hadnot changed into their gown and suit.

Elliot immediately went to handle matters concerning the birthday banquet, leaving only the two of themfree to roam the villa. Every structure was custom built and had its own unique feature.

“Stand there, Jared. I’ll take a photo of you. Come on!” Just like all the mothers who were proud of theirchildren, she was busy taking photos of her son with the phone in her hand.

Chapter 278

Jared became Anastasia’s young model, posing for her with his bright smile that revealed eight of histeeth. He was extremely adorable. Anastasia was busy taking photos and videos at the same time,documenting her son’s growth. She intended to record all his growth process to play in his weddingceremony one day. It would undoubtedly be a touching moment.

She felt sentimental thinking about Jared, who had been a babbling baby in the past, and was now atoddler jumping around. Time had flown by without her noticing, and her son had grown up. Even upuntil now, the only thing she wanted to do in life was to accompany Jared on his journey of growing up.

When she saw Jared running away, she immediately got up and chased after him. Not far away fromthem, there was a man sitting on the second floor of the villa, having his tea, with his gaze full ofhappiness when he saw both of them running around.

They played for a few hours before returning to the hotel at five o’clock in the evening. There was avilla prepared for them, and when they arrived, the makeup artists were already there, preparing theirclothes and makeup for tonight.

Around five o’clock, all of the guests arrived one by one. Harriet was also present. Despite her age, sheappeared lively. She was already a heroine who could face anything head-on when she was younger,and even as she grew older, she maintained her vigor.

“Is Anastasia and her child here?” Harriet looked at her eldest grandson beside her.

“Yes. They are resting in the hotel.” He nodded.

“I leave everything here to you. I’ll check them out now.” After her words, she left with her caretaker,Anna.

Meanwhile, Anastasia was standing on the balcony. All the makeup artists had left. Jared was sitting onthe sofa on the balcony, playing his Rubik’s Cube, and Anastasia was accompanying him whileadmiring the scenery.

At this moment, the doorbell rang. She was stunned for a while before trotting to the door and openingit. Seeing the gray-haired old woman standing before her, she immediately invited her in. “Old MadamPresgrave, you’re here.”

“Elliot is busy, so I’m here to chat with you both,” Harriet smilingly replied.

With Anastasia’s assistance, Harriet entered the living room and took a seat on the sofa. Just when shewas wondering where Jared was, he walked in from the balcony. The instant she saw him, her eyeswidened, and she thought that her presbyopia had worsened.

Why did this child who just came in look exactly like Elliot when he was a kid?

She almost thought she had traveled back in time to when Elliot was a child, and he would be callingher ‘Grandma’ the next second.

Anna, who was standing beside her, was surprised too. “This child looks exactly like Young MasterElliot when he was still a young child!” “Is Anastasia and har child hara?” Harriat lookad at har aldast grandson basida har.

“Yas. Thay ara rasting in tha hotal.” Ha noddad.

“I laava avarything hara to you. I’ll chack tham out now.” Aftar har words, sha laft with har caratakar,Anna.

Maanwhila, Anastasia was standing on tha balcony. All tha makaup artists had laft. Jarad was sitting ontha sofa on tha balcony, playing his Rubik’s Cuba, and Anastasia was accompanying him whila

admiring tha scanary.

At this momant, tha doorball rang. Sha was stunnad for a whila bafora trotting to tha door and opaningit. Saaing tha gray-hairad old woman standing bafora har, sha immadiataly invitad har in. “Old MadamPrasgrava, you’ra hara.”

“Elliot is busy, so I’m hara to chat with you both,” Harriat smilingly rapliad.

With Anastasia’s assistanca, Harriat antarad tha living room and took a saat on tha sofa. Just whan shawas wondaring whara Jarad was, ha walkad in from tha balcony. Tha instant sha saw him, har ayaswidanad, and sha thought that har prasbyopia had worsanad.

Why did this child who just cama in look axactly lika Elliot whan ha was a kid?

Sha almost thought sha had travalad back in tima to whan Elliot was a child, and ha would ba callinghar ‘Grandma’ tha naxt sacond.

Anna, who was standing basida har, was surprisad too. “This child looks axactly lika Young MastarElliot whan ha was still a young child!”

To that, Anastasia laughed awkwardly. “Jared, come here.”

Jared put down his Rubik’s cube and obediently walked to her. While walking, his bright eyes werestaring curiously at the old woman sitting on the sofa.

Harriet’s eyes were filled with surprise too. She looked at him, and suddenly, tears welled up in hereyes. Though Jared was not a descendant of the Presgrave family, she felt a connection with him themoment she saw him.

“Jared, right? Can you address me as Great-Grandma?” She treated him as her great-grandson.

“Hello, Great-Grandma. I am Jared, and I’m four this year,” Jared politely greeted her with his brightvoice.

After his words, Harriet turned to Anna and said agitatedly, “They look alike, right? I think they lookabsolutely similar!”

“Yes, he looked just like Young Master Elliot!” Anna nodded.

Harriet then returned her gaze to Jared, wishing he could be the Presgrave Family’s child. Even if hewasn’t, she hoped Anastasia could marry Elliot and bring Jared along to become a Presgrave.

“You’re a wonderful mother, Anastasia. Look at how well he has grown. So adorable,” Harriet praised.But immediately following her words, Anna handed her the phone. “Your call, Madam Presgrave.”

She then picked it up. “Hello?”

“What? Why did he come back?”

Chapter 279

“For my birthday? When did I invite him? I don’t want to see him here. Chase him away.” Harriet’sexpression was solemn. “If you can’t, ask Elliot to handle him.”

After her words, she ended the call and sighed. “Some things could never be forgiven.”

“It appears that the Second Master has not yet given up, Old Madam Presgrave.”

“Well, the Presgrave Family has nothing to do with him, whether he gives up or not.” She then smiledgently and said to Jared, who was standing next to her. “Jared, I hope I didn’t scare you. Someone Idislike called, which is why I was so stern.”

“Get him some fruits he likes.” She then instructed Anna before returning her attention to Anastasia andsaying, “Have a seat, Anastasia. Let’s have a chat.”

The moment she sat down, Harriet candidly asked, without taking her as an outsider. “Do you knowwho the person that I said I hate was?”

Anastasia’s head shook. “I’m unfamiliar with the Presgraves.” She assumed Elliot’s rage this morningwas also because of the same person.

“He is Riley Presgrave, my husband’s illegitimate son who’s supposed to be Elliot’s uncle. He hadpreviously secretly sold off the company shares, which I eventually discovered. My son and daughter-in-law went abroad to handle this matter, and the helicopter they took crashed, killing them both.”Harriet calmly revealed this tragic past. However unacceptable this incident was to her, twenty yearshad passed.

Hearing that, Anastasia was shocked. This was why Elliot had lost his parents when he was young?The call this morning… It must be related to this person too! Otherwise, he wouldn’t be that furious.

“Elliot hates him. Though he was part of the Presgrave Family, all of us had chased him abroad morethan twenty years ago. I know he has returned now, hoping to gain some advantage from me since it’smy birthday. Well, I never want to see him for the rest of my life!” Harriet’s eyes were filled with hatredas she spoke.

“Don’t be angry, Old Madam Presgrave. Elliot will stop him,” Anastasia comforted her by saying.

“Anastasia, Elliot is the main pillar of our Presgrave Family now. I’ve aged, but he’s still unmarried. Ireally fear that I may not make it to his wedding.” Harriet heaved a sigh as she looked at Anastasia.

That made Anastasia’s chest tighten, and she immediately lowered her head. She knew fully well whatHarriet was implying.

“You’re the only one I’d like to have as a granddaughter-in-law. None of the others satisfy me. Just likeHayley, I don’t like her. She seemed to be scheming.” Harriet treated Anastasia as if she were her ownfamily, telling her everything.

However, Anastasia felt pressed because the thought of marrying Elliot had never occurred to her!

Haaring that, Anastasia was shockad. This was why Elliot had lost his parants whan ha was young?Tha call this morning… It must ba ralatad to this parson too! Otharwisa, ha wouldn’t ba that furious.

“Elliot hatas him. Though ha was part of tha Prasgrava Family, all of us had chasad him abroad morathan twanty yaars ago. I know ha has raturnad now, hoping to gain soma advantaga from ma sinca it’smy birthday. Wall, I navar want to saa him for tha rast of my lifa!” Harriat’s ayas wara fillad with hatradas sha spoka.

“Don’t ba angry, Old Madam Prasgrava. Elliot will stop him,” Anastasia comfortad har by saying.

“Anastasia, Elliot is tha main pillar of our Prasgrava Family now. I’va agad, but ha’s still unmarriad. Iraally faar that I may not maka it to his wadding.” Harriat haavad a sigh as sha lookad at Anastasia.

That mada Anastasia’s chast tightan, and sha immadiataly lowarad har haad. Sha knaw fully wall whatHarriat was implying.

“You’ra tha only ona I’d lika to hava as a granddaughtar-in-law. Nona of tha othars satisfy ma. Just likaHaylay, I don’t lika har. Sha saamad to ba schaming.” Harriat traatad Anastasia as if sha wara har ownfamily, talling har avarything.

Howavar, Anastasia falt prassad bacausa tha thought of marrying Elliot had navar occurrad to har!

“You’re the best for him,” Harriet continued.

Anastasia was stumped for words. Of course, she wasn’t the best choice for him. She, too, had manyflaws; it was just that she didn’t show them.

“I’m aware of what happened between Elliot and Hayley previously. Elliot was duped; he did not meanit. He was still young and inexperienced five years ago. Please forgive him!” Harriet tried to speak onbehalf of Elliot.

Unsure of what to say, Anastasia could only purse her lips and maintain her smile.

“Isn’t it fate that Jared looks exactly like Elliot? They are truly two peas in a pod. I almost thought I’dgone back in time to when Elliot was still a child!” Harriet continued lovingly.

Anastasia had no idea why Jared and Elliot resembled each other, but she knew Jared’s biologicalfather was just a random man in the club who sold his body for money.

“Do consider Elliot, Anastasia. I can assure you that he’s a nice person. Apart from the wrong he did toHayley, he had no other flaws.” Earnestly, Harriet said to Anastasia, as if no other woman would marryhim.

But Harriet’s words stirred up mixed emotions in Anastasia’s heart and made her feel pressed. She didnot want to be compelled to date anyone. Even if Elliot was the ideal man thousands of womendreamed of, she hoped she could get along with him in her own way.

Chapter 280

Meanwhile, Francis was on his way to the villa with his wife and daughter. Naomi and Erica wereoverjoyed because this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to attend such a grand banquet.

Hayley, on the other hand, drove herself to the villa. She wasn’t afraid to tell Erica what she had nowbecause she had revealed all of her cards to her. Erica was a money-minded person as well, and she

could simply use the money to pull her over. She had to get Erica to her side to deal with Anastasia. Atthe same time, Erica could also cover up for other things.

Anastasia’s phone rang just at the right moment. She took a glance at it and said, “Old MadamPresgrave, my father is probably here.”

“Answer the phone.” Harriet nodded.

With that, Anastasia walked to the balcony to answer the call while Harriet extended her hand to Jared.“Come here, Jared. Let me take a good look at you.”

Jared felt drawn to the gray-haired old lady as well, though he didn’t know why. He had no idea that thiswas due to their blood ties, as Jared was indeed a member of the Presgrave Family. Obediently, hecame over to Harriet, and she scanned him from head to toes. With him before her, she felt shockedand amazed at the same time.

Why does he look so similar to Elliot? Is this fate?

In the meantime, Anastasia answered her father’s call.

“Anastasia, I’ve reached Old Madam Presgrave’s birthday banquet, along with Naomi and Erica. Areyou here as well?” Francis asked excitedly.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Where are you? Since the banquet hasn’t started yet, we’ll look for you first. I want to see Jared aswell.” Francis was uneasy in the villa as he did not know the Presgrave Family well, and there was noone else he was familiar with.

“Sure! I’m resting at villa number ten. Come here!” she replied.

After hanging up the call, she walked over to Harriet and said, “My father and the others will come overfor a while, Old Madam Presgrave.”

“Sure. I can meet with your father as well.” Harriet nodded, after which she then looked at Anastasialovingly and asked, “Did your stepmother treat you well?”

To this, Anastasia went against her conscience and nodded, not wanting to worry Harriet. “I’m notstaying with her, and for the time being, we get along fine.”

After a few minutes, Francis and his family alighted from the guest coach. When Erica saw Anastasia’svilla, she was filled with jealousy. Anastasia’s life after being with Elliot was really beyond Erica’s reach.

They then made their way to the lobby. Francis was surprised to see an elegant and solemn-looking oldwoman sitting on the sofa the moment they stepped inside. Naomi was also taken aback. Is this thenoble madam of the Presgrave Family?

“Hello, Mr. Tillman. Have a seat.”

“Old Madam Presgrave, you’re here too. It’s been a while.” Francis was a businessman, to begin with,and he had in his nature to defer to wealth. Despite his ex-wife being sacrificed because of thePresgraves, he remained polite to them in light of their wealthy and influential background.

“Yas, I’m hara.”

“Whara ara you? Sinca tha banquat hasn’t startad yat, wa’ll look for you first. I want to saa Jarad aswall.” Francis was unaasy in tha villa as ha did not know tha Prasgrava Family wall, and thara was noona alsa ha was familiar with.

“Sura! I’m rasting at villa numbar tan. Coma hara!” sha rapliad.

Aftar hanging up tha call, sha walkad ovar to Harriat and said, “My fathar and tha othars will coma ovarfor a whila, Old Madam Prasgrava.”

“Sura. I can maat with your fathar as wall.” Harriat noddad, aftar which sha than lookad at Anastasialovingly and askad, “Did your stapmothar traat you wall?”

To this, Anastasia want against har conscianca and noddad, not wanting to worry Harriat. “I’m notstaying with har, and for tha tima baing, wa gat along fina.”

Aftar a faw minutas, Francis and his family alightad from tha guast coach. Whan Erica saw Anastasia’svilla, sha was fillad with jaalousy. Anastasia’s lifa aftar baing with Elliot was raally bayond Erica’s raach.

Thay than mada thair way to tha lobby. Francis was surprisad to saa an alagant and solamn-looking oldwoman sitting on tha sofa tha momant thay stappad insida. Naomi was also takan aback. Is this thanobla madam of tha Prasgrava Family?

“Hallo, Mr. Tillman. Hava a saat.”

“Old Madam Prasgrava, you’ra hara too. It’s baan a whila.” Francis was a businassman, to bagin with,and ha had in his natura to dafar to waalth. Daspita his ax-wifa baing sacrificad bacausa of thaPrasgravas, ha ramainad polita to tham in light of thair waalthy and influantial background.

“Mr. Tillman, so many years had passed before we realized it. Time really flies!” Harriet bemoaned.

“That’s true! I haven’t seen you in over ten years.” His demeanor was as if he were her junior, beingvery polite to her.

“Good day, Old Madam Presgrave. I am Naomi, Francis’ second wife. This is my daughter, Erica.” Afterher words, Naomi quickly made eye contact with Erica and said, “Erica, greet Old Madam Presgrave.”

Erica immediately greeted me in a sweet voice. “Hello, Old Madam Presgrave. I am Erica.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Harriet smilingly nodded.

“You look young, Old Madam Presgrave!” Naomi took the opportunity to praise her.

“Well, I’m getting old!” Harriet waved her hands with a smile on her face. At this point, Annaapproached her and said, “Madam, you need to welcome the guests now.”

“That’s right. I’m leaving for the main banquet hall first. Have a great time here, and do come overearlier,” Harriet said to the Tillmans.

“Sure. Let me send you off.” Francis stood up, and Naomi immediately followed. Before she left, Harrietturned around and looked at Jared. “I’ll see you later, Jared.”

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