Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137

Chapter 137 “Cool. You should go ahead, then. I’ll be here waiting for my girlfriend to have lunch with me.” The twomen waved goodbye. Rey had just walked into the office lobby when he saw Anastasia heading outwith her bag. “Are you going for lunch, Miss Tillman?” “Yeah!” She beamed at Rey. Rey took the elevator up to the eighth floor. When he saw Elliot sitting by the desk, he told Elliot aboutwhat he saw. “I bumped into Young Master Nigel downstairs, President Presgrave. He came over tobring Miss Tillman out for lunch.” Elliot had been signing some papers, but one of his strokes turned crooked after he heard hisassistant’s words. He frowned as he completed his signature. After Nigel and Anastasia got to the restaurant, Nigel told her about the renovation that was going on inhis office. “I prepared a space for you, Anastasia. In the future, you can always go over to my office ifyou need some inspiration at work. I’ll make sure that the design of the place is really trendy andaesthetic,” he said. novelbin

Anastasia nearly spat her tea out of her mouth. She looked up and stared at him with a rather helplessexpression on her face. “Why did you prepare a room for me?” she cried. “If you no longer want to be a designer in the future, you can just work with me. I’ll give you a high-paying job.” Nigel was already planning for the future. “Are you trying to headhunt me now? Designing is the only type of work I’m capable of. I don’t knowhow to do anything else.” “That’s no big deal. I just acquired a jewelry store, so you can always work there.” Nigel looked her inthe eye for a moment before his eyes lit up. “That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” “Stop being so stubborn, Young Master Nigel. I don’t think we’ll even be able to remain as friends if youcontinue acting like this. I just want us to be friends I don’t want you to give me anything else.” For therest of their meal, Nigel continued to find ways to convince Anastasia to work at his company, and shegot really frustrated by the end of it. After lunch, Anastasia got back to her office just in time to have

Alice barge into her room with a cold smirk on her face. “I heard you returned your trophy. The entirecompany knows how you won the competition now. Don’t you feel ashamed to continue staying here?” Anastasia looked up at her. “You were the one who got someone to call me this morning, right?” Alice hadn’t expected Anastasia to be smart enough to realize this, but Alice didn’t bother to hideanything. “Ah, this world is truly filled with people lacking both skill and intellect!” Alice let out a heartylaugh. Anastasia felt her face turning red at the other woman’s offensive words. “We’re still colleagues, so Idon’t want to argue with you. Please leave now.” Anastasia held the door open for Alice to leave. “I’ll make sure you leave this company soon, Anastasia.” Alice wasn’t afraid to reveal her trueintentions. Anastasia responded with a sneer. “We’ll see if you have such skills,” she replied. Alice shother a side glare before she left. The more Anastasia thought about it, the angrier she felt. I might have gotten third place if Elliot hadn’tmessed with this thing. Ah! How frustrating. She had been checking her drafts when Grace knocked onthe door and came in with a girl behind her. The girl was dressed in all sorts of branded clothes and accessories. “This girl says she wants to seeyou, Miss Tillman,” Grace announced. Right after that, Grace scanned their visitor with a look ofadmiration in her eyes-the girl was carrying one of the latest models of a branded handbag! Anastasia eyed the girl with a look of surprise. She didn’t know who the girl was at all, so she stood upout of courtesy. “Hello. Can I know why you came to see me?” Leah scanned Anastasia’s office for a while before her gaze landed on the blue roses that had beenplaced on a chair in the corner. A hint of jealousy flashed in her eyes before she turned to stare atAnastasia with a haughty look. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Leah Hart, and I’m here to talkabout your engagement with Nigel.” Anastasia immediately understood the situation. She isn’t a guest. She’s here to cause trouble. BeforeAnastasia could say anything, Leah took out a silver card before throwing it onto Anastasia’s table.“Here’s 10 million. I want you to leave Nigel.” Anastasia froze as she stared at the silver card and the disdainful look in the woman’s eyes. For some

reason, Anastasia felt like she was being shamed and offended. She pushed the card back to the girl.“I know you have a lot of money, Miss Hart. But I don’t need this money.”

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