Never Too Far Novel

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Nigel held the ring up and passed it to her. “Just take this ring, then. I ordered it especially for you.” “I can’t. It’s too expensive. I can’t take it! You should keep it for yourself! It might come in handy in thefuture.” She rejected him with a smile on her face. “You always do this. I just want to give you the best, but you always reject me. Can you be a little moresuperficial and money-minded, Anastasia? You should at least enjoy it when people give youexpensive stuff.” Nigel gazed at her with a rather exasperated look on his face. She smiled as she leaned back on the couch. She was surprised to realize that she had been sweatinga little. I was probably too nervous when I was on stage. That makes sense since there were so manypeople in the crowd.Right then, Nigel’s phone began to ring. He held it up to see that it was a call from his dad. “Hey, Dad.” “Where are you?” Jonathan’s voice sounded rather stern.

“I’m in one of the private rooms, Dad. Is anything the matter?” he asked. “A marriage proposal is a huge thing. Shouldn’t you have discussed it with us first?” “I’m sorry that I made the decision on my own, but I’m sure you guys know how much I like Anastasia,”Nigel replied in a rather apologetic tone. “We’ll talk about this in the future. Your grandmother’s looking for you now, so you should go to her!”Jonathan ordered. “Okay,” Nigel replied before turning to Anastasia. “My grandmother is looking for me, Anastasia. Let’sgo meet her together. She’ll love you.” Anastasia didn’t know what to say. I think Nigel doesn’t know that I’ve met his grandmother before.“You go ahead! I need some time to calm down. I was too nervous earlier,” she said with a smile. “Did I scare you?” Nigel hurried over with a bottle of water. “Here. Have something to drink.” Anastasiatwisted the bottle cap open and sipped on her water before urging him to go to Harriet. “Hurry up! Golook for your grandmother!” novelbin

“Alright. You can just rest here, and I’ll come back to you in a while, okay?” Nigel opened the door andleft after that. Anastasia felt a lot more relieved at once, and she gulped down a few mouthfuls of waterbefore pressing her palm against her cheek. She could still feel it burning a little. I’m probably still blushing. Meanwhile, the party outside was still extremely happening. The proposal had hyped everyone up, andeveryone was making guesses about Anastasia’s family background. She probably has someimpressive family background or connections. Otherwise, the young master of the Manson Familywouldn’t have put so much effort into proposing to her! “I’ve never heard of the Tillmans, though!” A few of the ladies were chit-chatting among themselves as they tried to guess Anastasia’s identity. “I saw her being friendly with Old Madam Presgrave earlier. I guess she might secretly be from somewealthy family!” another one said. “That’s true. She’s beautiful and sexy, but we just don’t know what industry her family is involved in,”someone else commented. Right then, some woman interrupted the crowd’s words. “Oh! I think I knowthe lady who had been proposed to earlier.” Few of the ladies spun their heads around to see a younger girl who had a wine glass in her hand. Oneof the ladies recognized who the younger girl was. Isn’t that Old Madam Presgrave’s godgranddaughter from earlier? “Oh! Tell us about it!” The older women were busybodies, so they were desperate to hear all aboutAnastasia’s past. “Miss Anastasia is just a regular jewelry designer from Bourgeois Jewelry Atelier. Her father owns acompany that invests in building materials. Her family background is pretty normal. There’s nothingspecial about her,” Hayley uttered. “What? How could someone from a regular family receive a marriage proposal from Young MasterNigel?” one of the older women said. Hayley sneered. “She has her skills, of course!” The way she phrased her sentence made it easy forothers to misunderstand the situation. It sounded like Anastasia was using some other means to win

the hearts of the rich. Judging by the looks of these women, they’ll probably spread rumors aboutAnastasia’s regular background soon enough. Let’s see how Anastasia’s going to hold her head upthen! Meanwhile, Anastasia glanced at the time. It was past 8.00PM, and she figured that it was time she leftthe private room and headed home. It wasn’t good to be the center of attention for too long, so shethought it would be best to leave as soon as possible. However, the moment she opened the roomdoor, she felt everyone around her turn to stare at her. Although most of them were giving her looks ofadmiration, she still preferred not to be seen. She didn’t want to have the spotlight. In the end, Anastasia decided to leave without saying goodbye. She lifted the hem of her dress whilewalking toward the main door. At the same time, Hayley had been walking around in search ofAnastasia as she wanted to know what Anastasia was doing. Coincidentally, Hayley caught sight of hertarget walking toward the main exit. Is she leaving now? Hayley was surprised.

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