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Kabanata 588

Chapter 588 “I slapped Chelsea across the face,” Tammy continued, “I know that I was beingimpulsive, but I would hit her again even if I can go back in time! She is not the Mrs. President ofSterling Group just yet! How dare she pick on me?”

Avery’s heart felt heavy at her words. Tammy was at fault for starting the fight, but that was betweenher and Chelsea. Was it necessary for Elliot to get involved?

“That bast*rd Elliot Foster. I will never forgive him! Of course, he probably doesn’t care about that!”Tammy said and glanced at Avery. “Avery, this is between me and Elliot Foster, and you have nothingto do with this, so don’t get affected by this. I was hit because I ran my mouth, and he didn’t hit mesolely for Chelsea’s sake.”

“It doesn’t matter what you said to him, Tammy. He never should have hit you.” Avery was reminded ofa similar incident and said, “he came close to strangling Hayden to death before and Hayden still hateshim for that up until this day. I suspect that he already knows that Hayden is his son, but he doesn’thave the courage to admit it due to the mistakes he made. He knows that Hayden would refuse toacknowledge him as his35 father.”

Tammy was stunned. “I guess I should be glad that all he did was slap me across the face then?

“He is just too hot-tempered.” Avery took out the ointment she brought and handed it to Tammy. “Don’tgo looking for him again,ee Tammy.”novelbin

“Of course. I won’t forgive him unless he apologizes. I won’t forgive him even if he apologizes! ” Tammydeclared angrily,” but if you want to get back together with him for the baby’s sake, I won’t be mad.”

“Tammy, you are my best friend. Hitting you is the same thing as hitting me,” Averyóf said.

“Wah! I knew you would side with me! But you are pregnant now, Avery, I don’t want you to worry overthese kinds of things.” Tammy took her hands and said, “the doctor told you to rest and you still cameall the way here to see me. I am so moved, but don’t pick a fight with Elliot over this. I’m worried thatyou might not feel well if you get too emotional.”

“I know what to68 do.”

The next morning, Avery appeared before the Sterling Group building dressed in a light blue maternitydress. Because she didn’t make any appointment, she remained on the first floor to wait for thereceptionist to call7a up.

About five minutes later, the door of the elevator nearby opened and Chad stepped out of it.

He walked towards Avery with a gentle smile and asked, “what brought you here, Avery?”

“Just felt like coming over,” she said.

Chad knew exactly why Avery had come to visit, but pretended to not know a thing. “Mr. Foster isslightly busy and he is not in his office at the moment. You can wait for him in his office for the timebeing, is that okay?”


The two stepped into the elevator.

The elevator door closed and Chad took a glance at Avery’s stomach. “Your belly has grown bigger. Doyou get tired more easily compared to before?”

“Not really.”

“Oh. Is everything okay with the monthly check-up?”


Chad didn’t mean to upset her. He wouldn’t have asked such a stupid question if only he knew that theresults were concerning. He changed the subject awkwardly and asked, “…what’s that you areholding?”

There was a folder in Avery’s hand, which contained a contract.

“I will talk to your boss when I see him,” she responded coldly while oozing an extremely intimidatingaura.

Chad shivered. Last night, news of Elliot slapping Tammy across the face had somehow found its wayto the internet. Though they managed to remove it afterward, Avery must have already found out.Avery rarely came to Sterling Group and the incident had to be the reason for her sudden visit.

Alarmed, Chad thought to himself, ‘Mr. Foster is in trouble! Avery is pregnant with his baby now so hewouldn’t dare to enrage her in any way, which means that he is going to lose this battle no matterwhat!’

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