My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 536 Never Been Abroad
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Chapter 536 Never Been Abroad

Chapter 536 Never Been Abroad

Kevin rubbed his forehead, feeling it might be a bad move.

In the end, he decided to let it go for the time being.

After all, the announcement of their relationship was to protect Ally. But if it would hurt her feelings, he

would rather not make it public. Anyway, after they got together for longer, she would believe that he

really liked her and he already accepted her status and her family background.

Kevin wasn't worried, because his grandparents would surely like Ally. As for his parents, he was

prepared to convince them.

Thinking of that, he said, "Fine, sit here for a while. Feel free to ask the waiters for whatever you need.

I'll be back in a minute."

Ally nodded with a smile.

After Kevin left, Ally sat on the bench alone. The night breeze was cool, blowing on her body, which

was very comfortable and cozy.

"Ally?" A surprised voice suddenly sounded at her back.

Ally looked back and saw Linda wearing a bright yellow dress, standing in front of a flowering tree

looking at her in surprise.

Ally was also taIsaac aback. "Linda?" She stood up from the bench.

"Oh, it's really you! I thought I might be wrong."

Linda walked over and sized Ally up. By a glance, she could see that the long dress on her was the

masterpiece of the famous stylist Chris. Noticing the delicate makeup and expensive jewelry on Ally

tonight, she couldn't help but feel jealous.

Outsiders might not know the relationship between Chris and Kevin, but as G. K's senior perfumer, she

had heard of it. She heard that Chris was born in a wealthy family, but he opened his own club because

he liked fashion and was eager to do something on his own.

Chris and Kevin, as well as Max from the Nixon family, grew up together since childhood. They were

like close brothers. If Kevin told Chris to help Ally with her looks, it meant Ally was really different in his


To Linda's surprise, Ally had become so much smarter after she traveled abroad. She now became

Kevin's woman!

Linda believed Ally must be kept by Kevin as a mistress. Although she disdained that, she didn't show

it on her face.

After a vague smile, she pulled Ally to sit down on the bench and said, "Ally, didn't you go abroad? Why

are you back?"

Ally didn't want to tell her that her father asked her to come back to attend the wedding, so she gave

her a perfunctory answer, "I didn't like the life abroad, so I came home."

"Right, you've never lived in a foreign country before. It's not easy to get used to it."

There was a smile on Linda's face, but she said everything with a superior tone.

Ally understood her pride, so she smiled and said nothing.

Although they were cousins, Linda's father had left home very young and established a fashion

company, the Taikoo Group, from scratch. So Linda's family was much richer than Ally's. They seldom

visited each other and Linda went to study abroad when she was only five. She didn't come home until

last year, so they actually rarely know each other.

Linda suddenly sighed, "Speaking of that, if it hadn't been for what has happened two years ago, you

wouldn't have had to go abroad."

Hearing that, Ally looked upset and slightly lowered her head.

What had happened two years ago had put a huge stain on her reputation and she could never get rid

of it throughout her life.

Even though she kept telling herself not to think or care about it, she still couldn't help but feel sadnovelbin

when she returned to Eqitin and heard people's unkind remarks about her.

That was the reason why she was so anxious tonight.

Even a taxi driver didn't forget the news of two years ago and could recognize her. What if Kevin's

family recognized her too?

Ally honestly had no idea how to explain it then. She didn't dare to think how Kevin would think of her.

Looking at the changing expressions on her face, Linda asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Ally nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Great." Linda suddenly changed the topic. "Oh, I came with our director today. Who did you come


Ally hesitated for a second, and she subconsciously refused to say Kevin's name.

"A friend."

"A friend?"

Linda obviously didn't buy it. Given Kevin's status, they couldn't be friends.

In addition, she was in his arm. They looked very close!

But Linda didn't bother to point it out. She only smiled and said, "Oh, then the friend of yours must

enjoy a high social status."

Ally forced a smile, "I guess so."

She actually didn't understand why Linda kept talking to her today. After all, Linda had never bothered

to pay any attention to her before whenever they met, and it was quite embarrassing now.

After chatting for a while, Linda talked most of the time, and Ally listened to her quietly. Ally was only

nodding along.

All of sudden, Linda glanced at a place not far away, then said with a smile, "Oh, Angie and Hardy are

over there. Will you go over and say hi to them?"


Angie and Hardy were also here?

Before Ally could think properly, Linda already stood up and waved at a group of people nearby.

Those people were chatting with laughter. No one knew what they were talking about, but their

conversations seemed to be quite pleasant.

Once Linda waved her hand, some of them noticed her and turned around. Without surprise, Ally saw

Angie in a pink gown and Hardy in a nice black suit.

They were newlyweds and seemed to be a loving couple. Standing there, Angie held Hardy's arm.

They were indeed a perfect match.

Once they saw Linda, they walked over.

"Linda, thank you so much for bringing me and Hardy here. We had a lot of fun. I just saw Mr. Nixon of

the Nixon Group and the chairman of the Hilton group!"

Angie seemed very excited and wouldn't stop talking as soon as she saw Linda. It took her a long while

to notice Linda's hint with eyes.

She then immediately noticed the girl sitting on the bench in the shadow of a big tree.


Angie rounded her eyes in shock, but soon composed herself, "What are you doing here?"

Ally calmly stood up and asked her instead, "Why can't I be here?"

Right, since Angie could be here, why couldn't she come?

Angie was struck dumb for a second. She didn't expect Ally to say that. Back in the old days, Ally was

less aggressive and would take her humiliation docilely.

She suddenly remembered the marriage certificate. Did that give Ally the confidence to behave against


Thinking of that, an idea dawned on Angie.

She sneered, "Of course you can. You're Mr. Nixon's wife after all. No one is more qualified than you to

be invited."

Mr. Nixon?

Upon hearing that, everyone was shocked. Given Angie's tone, the Mr. Nixon she mentioned could be

Kevin Nixon!

The guests from all directions gathered to see what happened over here. Ally slightly frowned and

somehow had a premonition.

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