My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 529 The Daredevil
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Chapter 529 The Daredevil

Chapter 529 The Daredevil

"What on earth have I done wrong?" Ally thought in distress.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She already knew that it was a call from home before she looked.

She contemplated, "They must have verified the marriage certificate. Or they wouldn't have waited for

so long to give me the call."

That thought made Ally sadder. She took out her phone, pressed "Decline" without looking at the

screen, and then powered it off.

Seeing the phone screen turn black, Ally finally felt at ease. She got back to her feet from the beach,

picked up her purse, and headed back.

In the Fowlers' house.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off. Please try again later."

A mechanical female voice sounded from the receiver. Zack's countenance altered a little.

"Darn. Her phone was on just a moment ago. But it's powered off. That means Ally is really mad!" he


He hung up the phone in annoyance.

Angie, who was holding the marriage certificate, was still in disbelief. "Dad, is this real?"

Zack scowled at her and said, "I've already checked with the city hall. What do you think?"

Angie was bereft of speech.

The moon was high in the sky. It was already late at night.

Ally strolled back to the road. At this time near the sea, there was little traffic and few pedestrians on

the road. Thus, Ally waited for a long time before she hailed a taxi.

After getting into the car, she told the driver, "Central Garden, please."

She thought for a moment and switched her phone on, because she prepared to call Kaley Cavill.

Kaley was Ally's classmate in senior high. She was a fierce and vigorous girl from a rich family. She

and Ally had been good friends since they were in school. These years when Ally had rough times,

Kaley always took her side without hesitation. She supported and helped Ally. Therefore, other than her

family, Ally only told Kaley about her return.

However, her phone rang just as she found Kaley's number.

The caller ID was a stranger.

Ally knitted her brows. She just bought this number when she arrived in this country. Other than her

father, nobody knew this number was her number.

"He must have found that I declined his call, so he called again with a different phone," Ally mused.

She sneered. Her fingers paused with hesitation for less than a second before she pressed "Decline".

She didn't want to go home. Nor was she strong enough to endure their snarky comments.

Yet, that call came again just as she hung up.

She declined it again.

Then the caller called again.

Still, Ally hung up.

Three minutes later, her phone was still ringing, as though it would ring forever until she picked it up.

Ally didn't know what to say. "Can't they just leave me alone?" she complained inwardly.

She was miffed. She felt they'd really gone too far. They not only said those mean things to her at

home but also tried to keep scolding her over the phone!

Ally gritted her teeth and pressed "Accept". She shouted, "Enough! Stop calling me! I'm telling you, I

won't admit things that I didn't do! You can save your speech!"

After that, she forcefully hung up.

On the other end of the line-

Kevin, who was standing on a large balcony, stared at the dim screen in a daze.

His face darkened in an instance.

He roared in his head, "Ally Fowler! How could you hang up on me and yell at me?

"What a daredevil!"

He prepared to re-dial again. Just then, he thought of Ally's words. She said she wouldn't admit things

she didn't do.

What did she do?

Kevin realized something was wrong. He arched his eyebrow and decided not to call Ally for now.

Instead, he dialed Zack's number.

Zack picked up after two beeps. "Hello!"

Kevin was in no mood to chitchat with his father-in-law. He asked straightforwardly, "Where is Ally?"

Zack paused for a moment before asking, "Who is this?"

"Kevin Nixon."


Ally soon arrived at Central Garden.

Central Garden was a neighborhood of the rich, where there were all kinds of fancy villas. Ally had no

card key, so she could only wait outside the gate.

She called Kaley again and again, but no one picked up.

She checked the time. It was only a little past nine in the evening. Kaley was a night owl. She couldn't

have gone to bed so early.

But why did she answer the phone?

Ally was somewhat dejected. Kaley was the only friend she trusted completely. But Kaley was out of

reach. It seemed that she had no choice but to go to a hotel.

With that in mind, Ally rubbed her forehead and said to the driver, "Sir, please drive me to the nearest


The driver was a man in his forties. He was a little stout. His face was so meaty that his eyes seemed

to have sunk deeper. The driver glimpsed at Ally and said with a chuckle, "What's wrong? Can't reach

your friend?"

Downcast, Ally thought, "Isn't that a given?"

Nevertheless, without showing her dismalness, she grunted, "Yeah."

The driver then said eagerly, "Look, it's not safe for a young lady like you to stay in a hotel alone. How

about this? I have a spare room. You can crash in my place."

The driver's tone was very kind. But it was still alarming to hear a man invite a girl to sleep in his place

upon their first encounter.

Ally cast him a wary look and shook her head. "Thanks, but no need."

"Young lady, listen, don't you know how unsafe those hotels are? Not long ago, the news said that a

woman living in a hotel got dragged away from the hotel corridor and raped. Did you hear that news?

Those criminals like to target young women who are on their own as you. Hotels are not safe!"

The driver's vivid recount reminded Ally of the news she saw.

Still, compared with going to a strange man's home, she felt she would be safer in a hotel. So she

refused resolutely, "Thank you for your kindness, but I'd rather not. Just drop me off at a hotel nearby.


The driver didn't get angry. Seeing Ally's solemn face in the rearview mirror, he gave a cold laugh in his


Fifteen minutes later, the taxi suddenly pulled up in the middle of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked with anxiety.

The driver spread his hands and said, "The car wouldn't move. Maybe there's something wrong with

the engine."

Ally was no expert on cars. She asked in confusion, "Then what should we do?"

The driver feigned helplessness and said, "The repair shop has closed by this time. We can only wait


Ally looked left and right only to see deserted hills and forests. There was no trace of a house or

cottage. She began to panic.

Her face paled a little. Then, she fetched out two 20-dollar bills and handed them to the driver, saying,

"Sorry, I gotta go. I can't stay here and wait for you. This is for you. I'm really sorry."

She then made to get out of the car, but the driver seized her by the wrist.

She turned around and saw the driver's somber face.

"Humph! Only 40 bucks? You think I'm a beggar or something?"novelbin

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