My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 526 The Bullheaded Kevin
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Chapter 526 The Bullheaded Kevin

Chapter 526 The Bullheaded Kevin

Even though her family was quite well off in the country, Ally had never dined in such an expensive


She flipped through the menu over and over again, but didn't order anything.

Because she couldn't afford to.

Kevin didn't want to make things difficult for her. He fluently told the waiter all the dishes he wanted,

then added, "Could I have my Lover's Lost that I stored here. I wanna crack it open and celebrate with

my wife."

"Yes, sir!"

After the waiter left, Ally spoke in a twitchy voice, "Mr. Nixon..."

Kevin's face darkened. He corrected, "Call me honey!"


Ally thought, "Fine. I have something to tell you." She then said, "Well, just so we're clear, I don't think

we should get married just because we slept together. You're a man. You didn't suffer any losses. I

don't need you to be responsible for me either. If you feel you've been wronged, what can I do to help?"

Kevin put on a skin-deep smile and said, "No."

Ally felt speechless.

She thought, "Is this man bullheaded or what?"

Not knowing what to say at the moment, she pursed her lips and breathed heavily, sulking.

For some reason, this evening, they were the only diners in the French Feast. Ally wondered if it was

because Kevin booked the whole restaurant or it was because the business here was down due to its

high price.

Moments later, the waiter came back with the wine. While the wine was decanted, Ally and Kevin just

sat across from each other in silence.

After the wine was ready, the waiter poured a glass for each of them and then backed away. Kevin held

up his glass and asked, "Do you really want to know why I married you?"

Ally nodded forcefully.

She was dying to know the reason. After all, the man sitting in front of her was too fabulous in every

aspect. How could he marry a girl just to be responsible for the one-time sex they had? That was far-


Ally didn't believe someone would love or hate another person for no reason.

Kevin squinted at her, a faint smile playing around his lips. Holding the wine glass, he seemed relaxed

and enchanting. Suddenly, he beckoned to Ally.

Ally was bemused. Still, she got up and walked over.

To her shock, as soon as she came near, Kevin grabbed her by the wrist. Being caught off guard, she

only had the time to let out a cry of surprise before falling into Kevin's arms.

"What're you doing?"

Ally was flustered. She pressed her hands against his chest, struggling to get up.

"Don't move."

Kevin wrapped his arms around Ally's and pinned her in his lap. He then whispered, "You're turning me


Ally froze.

She felt something prop up beneath her.

Just then, Kevin's deep, melodious voice sounded in her ear, as though a stress note of a cello, which

was sexy as hell.

"Have you felt it? This is why I married you."

"Aaaaaaah!" Ally exclaimed in her heart.

Her face blushed at once. Ashamed and irritated, she pushed Kevin away and jumped to her feet.

"Y-You're a lech!"

Kevin gave a faint smile and looked at her flushed face with satisfaction. His eyes showed he was

enjoying this very much.

"We're married. What's wrong with a man flirting with his wife?"

Ally's face turned tomato red in exasperation. She was tongue-tied at the moment.

Thankfully, the dishes were served at this time, which lifted a bit of the awkwardness.

In sullen silence, Ally went back to her seat. Looking at the delicate food on the table, she felt she had

no appetite at all. But Kevin started to eat with immense grace. While eating, he raised his glass,

flashed a charming smile at her, and said, "Honey, cheers!"

Ally felt even more speechless.

She deliberated for a while. Now that Kevin didn't want to talk, she'd better drop the subject. Anyway, it

wouldn't hurt to have a rich man like Kevin being her husband. With that in mind, Ally decided not to

worry. She picked up a knife and a fork and began to eat.

"Who cares what he's up to? Nothing is more important than feeding myself. I gotta eat something,"

she thought to herself.

Ally had not eaten a thing since this morning. The chef here was a seven-star French chef. The dishes

he cooked were absolutely the most authentic French cuisine. Everything was delicious. Plus, normally,

Ally had no chance to dine here. Thus, she dug in without considering manners.

Seeing that Ally was quenching her anger with food, Kevin showed an almost imperceptible smile.

Ally had a small stomach. Soon, she was full. When she put down her knife and fork, Kevin was stillnovelbin

gracefully cutting his goose liver.

The light in the dining hall was not very bright. It was amorously yellow. Now Ally was full, her mood

picked up as well. She watched Kevin eat elegantly. In the dim yellow light, Kevin's handsome face

looked even more appealing than in daylight. His eyes even had a blue glow.

Ally was taken aback. She wondered, "His eyes are blue. Is he of mixed race?"

All of a sudden, her phone buzzed in her purse. Ally came to her sense and fished it out. It was her

dad's call.

She quickly got up, walked to the side, and pressed "answer".

"Hello, dad."

She deliberately dropped her voice, because she didn't want Kevin to hear her conversation.

"Ally, why did you turn off your phone? I've been trying to reach you for hours!"

Zack Fowler's voice sounded irked. Ally was stunned by it.

"I turned off my phone? No, I didn't! I just take my phone from my purse."

Ally didn't have time to think this over. She was still angry because her dad told her he did not believe

her this morning. Therefore, she asked coldly, "What do you want?"

"Where are you?"

Ally hesitated for a second and then answered truthfully, "French Feast."

"Are you there alone?"

Ally became silent.

She vaguely remembered that it was Kevin who brought her away from the wedding. Her dad certainly

was not asking her this because he was concerned about her. Besides, anyone who was not blind

could tell that Kevin was not an ordinary man. She didn't want her family to be mistaken about their


But Zack was shrewd. The moment Ally hesitated, he knew something was going on.

In a softer voice, he said with assurance, "Are you with Mr. Middleton?"

Ally glanced at Kevin, who was sitting not far away, and denied with a frown, "No."

"No? Then what are you doing there by yourself?"

Ally didn't know how to answer that. She was not a good liar, so she chose to remain silent.

Zack's voice sounded again. "Ally, dating is not something to be ashamed of. If you have a boyfriend,

why not tell your family? If you did, we wouldn't have had such a misunderstanding this morning."

"He isn't my..."

"Fine. I know you're OK. That's all that matters. When you have time, take Mr. Nixon home for dinner,

you hear me?"

"Dad, we..."

"OK. I gotta go. I'm hanging up."

Zack immediately hung up the phone. Seeing the notification of the end of the call on the screen, Ally

was still in a daze.

"What did Dad tell me to do? He wants me to take Mr. Nixon home for dinner?" she thought in a trance.

Ally felt like crying.

Holding her phone, she went back to her seat.

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