My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 513 Starts To Get Better
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Chapter 513 Starts To Get Better

Chapter 513 Starts to Get Better

Laura pulled herself up. "I'm fine. Just a little dizzy," she said, shaking her head.

Nicole didn't think she was fine, so she reached out her hand to touch her forehead.

"Oh my, Laura, you're having a fever!"

Laura was surprised, then she felt her forehead too.

But because she had a fever and her body was also hot, she didn't feel any difference.

It was just that she was so dizzy and everything became blurry in her sight.

Nicole got anxious and wanted to call a doctor, but was stopped by Laura.

"Don't." She weakly stretched out her hand to stop Nicole. After thinking for a while, she said, "Help me

ask Peter for a leave. Just tell him I won't be back to the set tonight. And talk to him in private. We can

go to the hospital by ourselves."

Nicole was still worried. "But you're..."

"It's OK. It's just a cold. And I'm on my period. Don't worry, no big deal."

Nicole bit her lips and had to listen to Laura.

Nicole explained it to Peter in private. Peter was very considerate, but he was unhappy that Laura

didn't tell him she wasn't in a good condition.

It made him the bad guy.

Nicole didn't want to waste time talking with him. Given his attitude towards Laura yesterday, it couldn't

be more obvious why Laura didn't dare to tell him the truth.

Nicole rushed back and called the driver over. Without delay, she and Laura went to the hospital.

However, even if Nicole and Peter talked in private, people on the set still know that Laura went to the


It was embarrassing to let everyone know that she was on her period.

Therefore, what everyone basically knew was that Laura fell in the water and then was sent to the


It inevitably aroused some people's resentment.

Laura was indeed an A-list actress, so spoiled.

They bet the driver had to drive faster, or she might recover before they reached the hospital.

Because in the afternoon Lanna also had a scene in the water, but the difference was that it was a

scene of bathing by the water.

She didn't need to do any moves, so it wasn't tiring at all. She only needed to sit inside.

But she had to stay in the water for a long time outdoors, so it could still be very cold.

Lanna, however, perfectly finished this scene. After it was done, she insisted on having more shots to

choose the best one.

In contrast to Laura's mistakes in the morning, their performances were poles apart.

In an instant, Laura became a spoiled, nasty, and calculating girl in people's eyes.

Lanna, who didn't enjoy much fame in the industry, suddenly became an example of a professional


When some people gossiped about that, they had to admit it was really unfair in the entertainment

industry. Some actors had worked really hard for a dozen years, but they were easily overshadowed by

those who had beautiful faces.

It was an era of external beauty.

Before long, people in the crew shared the same opinion that Laura didn't deserve her fame.

Within one day, another crew next to them also heard about Laura's bad reputation. Now she was

notorious for putting on airs, bullying other actresses, and being spoiled.

Coincidentally, Victoria was working in the next crew, and it was also a period drama.

When she heard the news, she was slightly surprised.

She knew Laura was signed by Natalia, and they had met a few times before because of Natalia.

Although they didn't have a close relationship, they were friends.

It was inappropriate for her to ask Laura about it, but she felt it was necessary to give Natalia a heads


Right after Natalia gave birth to her baby, she was completely out of the limelight.

She used to enjoy acting, but compared with working long hours in the crew, she now preferred to looknovelbin

after her son at home.

Therefore, during these days, she stayed at Pinewood Manor. She would work behind the scenes at

Annie International and Star Entertainment for a while every day.

When she received Victoria's call, she was a little surprised. As soon as she heard what had happened,

she couldn't help but frown.

Given Laura's development in her career, she should be very familiar with her work now.

She had fame and was getting more and more famous, so Natalia didn't need to worry about her.

Natalia had to be responsible for the business of Annie International, so she was occupied and told

Elsa and Maria to take care of Laura.

Unexpectedly, these things happened.

Natalia thought for a while, then said, "Alright, I know. I'll arrange for someone to handle it."

Hearing that, Victoria didn't bother to talk too much with her on the phone, then hung up.

The next second, Natalia called Maria.

When Maria heard that, she was surprised and immediately promised that she would figure it out as

soon as possible, then reported the result to her.

There were just rumors anyway. After making the call, Natalia let it go.

During this time, Natalia heard the news from Othua. It seemed they had found a witness when Mr. K


The witness claimed that he passed by accidentally and didn't see Mr. K's death with his own eyes, but

he saw a man in a black leather jacket coming out of the corridor.

Because the sky was very dark that night and there were no street lights on, he didn't see the person's

face clearly.

He just vaguely recognized that he was a white guy.

This clue, although not very useful, at least provided Natalia with some information.

In Othua, except for Violet Group, only Dragon Club mainly consisted of white people.

However, throughout Europe, there was another group that everyone usually overlooked.

That was the Dreamers' Association.

It was established at the beginning of the last century, which was originally an organization formed by a

group of people who had taken refuge abroad to shield each other.

After the war was settled and the world gradually became safer, the organization didn't disband, but

changed from a mutual protection organization to a local community leader.

Because it normally kept a very low profile, few people could notice it.

And because of its large number of members, there was the Dreamers' Association where there were

dreamers, although it spread abroad, it was actually very loose.

To put it nicely, it was an association, but frankly, it was just a title.

Because of that, nobody really cared about it.

Normally, few people would bring up this organization with a history of more than a hundred years. If it

weren't for the murder this time, Natalia wouldn't have remembered this organization.

With a frown, she was lost in thought.

Although she wasn't sure whether it had something to do with the Dreamers' Association, it was better

to let it do the investigation if the murderer was also a dreamer than herself searched for the needle in

a haystack.

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