My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 501 The Painful Secret She Can’T Tell
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Chapter 501 The Painful Secret She Can'T Tell

Chapter 501 The Painful Secret She Can't Tell

Laura looked at him with a smile. Hearing his words, a fit of excruciating pain struck her heart. She

frowned a bit, looking confused.

She wanted to ask him why she was not worthy of his intimacy.

It was not that she couldn't let go. She just wished to play her part till the end.

But Max didn't give her the chance.

Seeing that she was about to say something, he knew what she prepared to say would be something

more outrageous.

Yet, he didn't want to listen.

His heart ached with pity for her.

He didn't want to say anything to hurt her feelings.

If he had told her blow by blow, she would think that he despised her.

At that moment, a million excuses flashed through his mind.

In the end, he said blandly, "I can't be with a woman like you."

Laura's face instantly stiffened.

But Max turned around and left without so much of a backward glance.

This was the subtlest way he could think of to turn her down so that he didn't have to see her as a


Still, he thought what he said was really hurtful.

He didn't even have the courage to look at her face again.

If she admitted it, it would definitely be a huge blow to him.

But if she denied it and overthrew the conclusion they just drew, all her previous efforts would go to


Although he didn't know why she said this, at this moment, he realized that she actually wanted him to

stay away from her.

She pushed him away to save her dignity.

Now that she had made such a sacrifice, he decided to let her have her wish.

He would give her space, while she would give him time.

With that said, Max decisively walked out of Laura's room.

He didn't even give her a chance to explain before he left.

She watched him walk away with tears welled up in her eyes.

But she fought her tears back with immense self-control.

She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to explain her tears if he looked back and saw her crying.

It was not until the door closed with a bang that she finally gave loose to tears and wailings.

She almost cried her heart out.

Max didn't really leave, but she didn't know.

He leaned against her door. Upon hearing her breathless howls, he found tears rolling down his cheeks

as well.

Max was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

But he could not change anything. The only thing he could do was let her have her wish.

Clearly, Laura still loved him, but she pushed him away anyway.

She must have some painful secret that she couldn't tell.

So Max felt he shouldn't make this more difficult for her.

Thinking of this, Max showed a wry smile.

He looked up, wiped his tears, and strode away as if nothing had happened.

Since he had a big fight with Lily, they could no longer pretend to be a couple.

He thought this might be for the best. Now, he could play the field again,

which would help him get over Laura.

Lying in bed, Laura didn't notice her body was no longer covered by the blanket. She couldn't feel cold

either, for she was howling on the top of her lungs.

Feeling sorry for Laura, Maria tucked her to bed again. She held Laura in her arms, gently stroking her

back to comfort her.

"There, there. Oh my sweet Laura, don't cry."

Maria kept coaxing her in a soft voice.

But it didn't help. Laura continued crying. At last, she was sobbing so hard that she could barely catch

her breath.

Maria knew nothing she could do would help at the moment. She could only stay there and keep Laura


Thus, she didn't say another word. She just held Laura in her arms, quietly waiting for her sobs tonovelbin


After God knew how long, Laura finally pulled herself away from Maria's arms, with puffy eyes and a

hoarse voice.

Maria immediately grabbed a tissue to help her wipe the tears.

Laura let Maria dab the tears off from her face. Then, she just quietly gazed at Maria, as if she had

something to tell her.

Maria hurriedly stopped dabbing her tears and waited for her to speak.

Yet, to her surprise, the first question Laura asked her was why Max had shown up here.

Maria's face stiffened at once.

Laura was almost emotionless. After she was done crying, she just looked at Maria, waiting for her


She knew that Maria would never betray her, so she couldn't have called Max to come at this time.

Thus, Max must have come here of his own accord.

But she needed to know when he arrived and how he pressed Maria into bringing him upstairs.

In truth, it was pointless to ask this question. But Laura wanted to know the answer to see if she had

gone too far,

which was simply meaningless. Still, she couldn't help but speculate.

Maybe she just wanted to console herself or fool herself to ease the pain.

She was dead from inside now. She had to find some spiritual comfort.

Maria couldn't figure out what Laura was thinking.

In fact, at this moment, Laura's real idea was sort of morbid.

So Maria was quite anxious.

She lowered her head and hemmed and hawed for a while.

Laura took it that Maria was just too nervous.

"It's ok. Just tell me. I won't be mad."

Maria held up her head and cast a timid look at Laura. After making sure that Laura wouldn't be angry,

she sighed and whispered, "Max threatened me. He said if I didn't take him upstairs, all my family

members would lose their jobs."

Laura was taken aback. She never thought this would be the answer.

Seeing her expression, Maria panicked at once.

She thought Laura was vexed.

She explained at once, "Laura, I didn't mean to betray you. But I... I had to protect my family. I don't

want them to lose their jobs..."

However, Laura didn't let her continue.

She slowly shook her head, chuckled softly, and said, "It's OK. I understood why you did what you did.

If I were you, I'd probably do the same thing?"

She then thought to herself, "I didn't know Max would go this far for me."

Max had always been lofty and ruthless.

Sometimes, he would also play the fox. But he always did it in an aboveboard manner.

He would show his opponents where the traps were and let them choose which way to go.

He thought that despicable means like blackmailing were beneath him.

Laura also knew that Maria would never sell her out if she had a choice.

She could imagine how hard Max tried to persuade Maria but failed.

That was why he eventually resorted to blackmailing...

Even so, Laura reckoned that if Maria didn't yield, Max would probably really make her whole family go


Hence, she knew she couldn't blame Maria for this.

In fact, she guessed just right.

When Maria went out to buy medicine, she ran into Max, who just arrived at the building Laura lived in.

Perhaps no one could imagine how much Max cared about, not even herself.

Besides, all the people close to Laura knew that Maria was her agent.

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