My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 485 She’S Going To Give Birth
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Chapter 485 She'S Going To Give Birth

Chapter 485 She's Going to Give Birth

"It's getting late. I'm leaving."

As Tom Stevenson spoke, he stood up and was about to leave.

Max Nixon grabbed him immediately.

"Hey, where are you going? Are you going to go home and cry alone? Can you be stronger? There are

so many beauties in the world, why should you just focus on one?"

After that, he winked at Archie McCarthy. "Brother, are you agree with my words?"

Unexpectedly, Archie McCarthy replied with a poker face, "I don't have a new or old one. I only have

one wife."

After that, he even hugged Natalia into his arms as if she was his property.

Tom Stevenson was even more upset.

They were not here to comfort him. They were here to show off.

Weren't they afraid of being punished by God? How could they show off their love in front of those who

had lost their love?

Tom Stevenson was so angry that he was about to leave with a cold face.

Seeing this, Max Nixon quickly laid him down on the sofa.

"Losing your love doesn't mean that you're going to die, okay? If you really don't want to find a new

girlfriend, then go and get back the old one!"

Tom Stevenson glared at him fiercely. "She's already married, how could I bother her again? Do you

think I am an asshole like you?"

Max Nixon wasn't mad with being scolded. Instead, he rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "What's

the matter? We can make them get divorced!"

Max Nixon poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and continued, "You see, your ex-girlfriend and her

husband are from a different country, and she didn't have any experience abroad before, so there must

be a lot of cultural contradictions in their marriage.

You'd better make use of this opportunity. You could do something that is associated with your high

school memories. After all, she is your first love, and you've been in love for so many years. Even

though you two broke up already, the love wouldn't fade out easily.

Did you hear of an old saying? "With time and patience, the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin. You

can wait until she becomes soft-hearted and then takes her back. Am I right?"

Tom Stevenson glared at him again.

"Max, can't you say something nice to comfort me? Is it possible for me to do so? Only bastards like

you can do it!"

Archie McCarthy sneered.

"So this is why you can't get married until now."

Then Archie McCarthy held Natalia in his arms with great pride. His look declaring his sovereignty of

Natalia was particularly ostentatious and hateful.

Natalia rolled her eyes.

Max Nixon clapped his hands and laughed. "You are right, brother finally said something fair."

If Archie McCarthy had not married Natalia and taken her away from Shawn Miller's hands,

She didn't know who she would be with now!

Tom Stevenson gritted his teeth and said, "Archie, don't be too proud! Maybe your wife is so naive that

is cheated by you. You should be careful that one day she will realize your lies and get divorced with


Archie McCarthy snorted. "Don't worry. We've already signed a contract for not getting a divorce

forever, and no one can separate us. Right, honey?"

Natalia smiled and nodded.

Tom Stevenson was even angrier. He yelled, "Who told them to come over? They're just showing off

here! Get them out of here!"

Even Charlie Peck, who had remained silent all the time, couldn't help laughing at Tom Stevenson.

However, after such a farce, Tom Stevenson's upset of losing his love was alleviated a lot.

He seemed to be a little bit cheerful.

Seeing that Tom Stevenson's mood was getting better, they didn't want to expose his scars anymore.

So they didn't bother with this problem anymore.

After all, he had to think about the problem and cure the pain by himself.

It was not rare for couples to break up with each other, so they should cherish each other when they

were together. If they broke up, we could only say that they weren't destined to be together.

If they really have to break up the loving couple, they couldn't say they can do it.

Seeing that he was a little dispirited, Max poured a cup of tea and said, "Well, since it's so, let's not talk

about those sad things. Today is my father's birthday. Let's have a drink together. I hope everyone can

get along well and be happy!"

His words made everyone laugh.

Tom relaxed a little and raised his glass.

They cheered and drank up the tea in their cups.

Not too long, they left the tea-house.

After all, although the banquet was over, there were still many guests staying.

As the host, the two brothers couldn't leave for too long.

Tom also needed to be quiet for a while, so they all said goodbye and left.

Natalia's child happened to be born at the Dragon Boat Festival.

There were still a few days before the expected date of the birth. Natalia didn't like the smell of the

hospital. Even if it was a high-class delivery room specially booked, she still felt uncomfortable living

there, so she didn't go to the hospital in advance at that time.

Instead, she stayed at home all the time, hoping to wait until two or three days before that day.

Unexpectedly, half a month earlier, the baby was born.

That morning, she was sweating from the pain. Seeing that the situation was not right, Archie

immediately called The Middleton family, got up, and sent her to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital and having an examination, the doctor found that her water had broken at some


The situation was critical and they had no time to think it over. Now they had to abandon the original

plan and have a C-section.

Archie was so tense that he looked like he was in a low mood.

Natalia was quite calm. Although she was in labor pain, she knew what was going on and ordered her

husband to sign the operating agreement.

Then she told him to ask someone to go home to get what he had prepared for the delivery.

Archie agreed. Looking at her face being pale because of pain, his heart ached.

Natalia also told him not to tell his grandmother the truth, saying that he had pain in the morning and

would give birth in advance.

If they knew that her water was broken, they would definitely be worried.

The man agreed seriously.

After that, she asked someone to push her into the delivery room.

A C-section was more demanding than a Vaginal birth. Family members were not allowed to enter.

Therefore, Archie could only wait outside.

The McCarthy family arrived very soon. The group of people was in a hurry. Although the old couples

walked slowly at ordinary times, they walked very speedy steps today.

As soon as they came in, they immediately asked, "How is it? How is it going?"

Archie said, "Just pushed into the operating room."

"Why did she give birth in advance? Wasn't the pregnancy examination all right before?" The old man

said anxiously.

The old lady rolled her eyes at him. "How could he know? Women can't pick their own time to give


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