My Wife Is So Sweet (Natalia Dawson)

Chapter 482 Contract Marriage
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Chapter 482 Contract Marriage

Chapter 482 Contract Marriage

As soon as they entered, they saw a large and beautiful flower garden.

The flowers in the garden were delicate and beautiful. Even in autumn, they did not lose their beauty.

There was a faint sense of beauty.

He walked through the flower garden on the stone road and entered the second room. Only then did he

see the rockery garden inside. Then, he walked into the main hall.

The main hall was very large, with a folk style. There were brown-red rosewood tables and chairs, and

high-quality sandalwood was placed on it. Green smoke curled up, like a fairyland.

Sitting on the chair was an old man with white hair and beard. He leaned against the lounge chair with

his eyes closed and was enjoying the incense.

Maybe he heard footsteps, but he didn't look up. Instead, he asked lightly, "Mark, who is coming?"

The butler quickly replied, "Old Master, Young Master, and Young Madam are here."

The old man then opened his eyes and looked at the young man standing a few meters away from the

light. He closed his eyes again and said lightly, "It's Isaac."

The young man stepped forward and bowed slightly in front of the old man. "Grandpa."

The old man waved his hand. "Your father is in the side yard. Go and see him!"

Isaac nodded and was about to take Laura Davies out.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes again.

It was an old pair of eyes, but they were incomparably sharp, carrying a type of light that could

understand the world.

Laura Davies lowered her eyes slightly. Without looking into his eyes, she took Isaac's arm and left.

The scenery in the side yard was as good as ever. A middle-aged man, surrounded by several other

people, walked out quickly and discussed something while walking.

The leading man was somewhat similar to Isaac. They stood still and shouted in unison, "Dad."

The man stopped and glanced at them. With a gentle smile, he said, "You're back. Let's go inside and

rest for a while. Your Uncle Lafayette will be here soon. I'll discuss something with my uncles first."

Isaac nodded and led Laura Davies away to make way for them. The group of people soon went far


There was no need to entertain guests. Isaac was very happy and kept away from the crowd. Their

hands, which were originally holding each other, immediately loosened.

Isaac looked at her with a smile and said playfully, "You really don't want to pretend at all. Holding my

arm makes you feel so uncomfortable and wronged? You want to get rid of me early?"

Laura Davies rolled her eyes and said coldly, "If you can finish what you promised earlier, we don't

have to hate each other anymore."


With a short chuckle, the man slowly walked inside and said casually, "Who said I hate you? Did I say


Laura Davies frowned, and her delicate face was not gentle and virtuous at all. She stepped forward

and followed him, saying coldly, "I warn you, don't play any tricks! Otherwise..."

"What else can you do?"

He suddenly stopped and looked back at her.

Laura Davies was so careless that her nose almost hit his back. She quickly stepped back and kept a


A pair of beautiful eyes stared at him warily.

Isaac shrugged and continued to walk inside.

"Hey, will we stay here tonight?"

Isaac said lightly, "How many people dream of living in the World Villa? What? You don't want to live


Laura Davies quickly walked up to him and said, "Isaac, you can't be so unkind, can you? We agreed

before that we should help each other and get what we need. I will never come back with you."

Isaac looked down at her.

His facial features were too delicate, so deep and three-dimensional that he didn't look like a real

person, but more like a sculpture from ancient times and western times.

The sun shone from his side, covering his skin with a layer of unreal white.

There was a slight smile in her faintly blue eyes, as if he was mocking you, but also like a calm

expression without any emotion.

"You also said that we should help each other. Isn't it a part of us helping each other to live here


Laura Davies froze for a moment and was at a loss for words.

Isaac's lips curled mockingly again. He casually put his hands into his trouser pockets and said lightly,

"Miss Davies, according to the spirit of the contract, you should cooperate with me to complete this task

today. In this way, we will be better together, understand?"

Laura Davies frowned and gritted her teeth. "What about me? When can you do what you promised


The man's eyes dimmed slightly and he said lightly, "It has been so many years, and it will take some

time to investigate. Otherwise, you would not have asked me to help you, right?"novelbin

Laura Davies knew that what he said was reasonable, but when she heard the man's words, she was

still a little unconvinced.

Because his attitude was so cold that he didn't seem to care about her at all.

It was obviously a deal. It seemed that she was the only one who was cooperating with him, and he

didn't get anything at all.

She gritted her teeth for a while and said coldly, "I don't care. Even if you can't find out the result, for

the time being, there should be some information. I will give you another half a month. If there is still no

news, then this deal can end here. I believe that you are not the only one in the world who has the


After that, she turned around and left angrily.

There was still no expression on Isaac's face as if what she said just now was just an ordinary

sentence spoken angrily by a girl in his ears.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, a luxury motorcade drove into World Villa.

Isaac and his family stood at the door, respectfully welcoming the arrival of the other party.

The door opened and several bodyguards in black suits got out first.

The door of a car in the middle was finally opened, and Pierre Lafayette got out of it.

He was wearing a white suit today, and his hair was combed back meticulously, giving off a gentle and

elegant glow.

A group of people in the manor rushed forward.

"Mr. Lafayette, you're finally here."

"Uncle Lafayette!"

Laura Davies' arm was slightly pushed by Isaac around her, and then she reluctantly shouted, "Hello,

Mr. Lafayette."

Pierre Lafayette smiled slightly. His gaze swept across their faces and paused on Laura Davies' face.

An imperceptible trace of surprise flashed across her eyes. She asked: "This is... "

"This is Isaac's wife, Laura Davies."

"Oh? You are... a couple?"

He seemed to be very surprised, and even his tone was a little higher.

Isaac and the others in the manor were all stunned and confused about his surprise.

Laura Davies lowered her eyes and did not look at Pierre Lafayette.

Pierre Lafayette chuckled. "Good, very good."

Without saying anything else, the group of people quickly went in.

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