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Chapter 442

Chapter 442 She's Coming

The little boy looked up at her and replied politely, "Thank you!"

After that, he opened the gift in a hurry.

It turned out to be a complete painting.

Natalia said with a smile, "I heard that Gem has been painting since he was a child. I don't know what

to buy. So I just choose a set of paintings. Hope Gem loves it!"

Everyone laughed. The Stevenson family was so wealthy that they had seen all kinds of treasures.

They didn't care about those.

McCarthy also handed over his gift.

He was more direct and gave him a black card. Seeing this, Leonard thought that it was too valuable

and refused to accept it.

However, McCarthy stopped him.

"Keep it as his marriage fee."

When people heard this, they couldn't help but laugh.

Leonard smiled as well and accepted the gift.

Ms. Stevenson sat in the middle of the sofa, touched her grandson's head with a smile, and asked him,

"Gem, do you want to marry a wife when you grow up?"

Since the little boy tore down the package, his hands had never stopped. He had been touching all

kinds of brushes.

Hearing this, he looked up and smiled. "Yes! I want to marry a wife as beautiful as Natalia!"

Everyone laughed at his childish words.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, chatting and laughing.

Natalia is unlike McCarthy who could talk to Leonard and Charlie and the others about the situation,

she always felt a little restrained.

After sitting for a while, she stood up and walked to the back garden.

It was already autumn. Other than a few chrysanthemums, there were no fresh flowers in the garden. It

could be seen that none of the Stevenson family liked flowers and plants.

This reminded her of the greenhouse in the Pinewood Manor. Even in such a season, there were many

flowers. There were not only the occasional flowers, but also many kinds of medicines like the peony.

Even some that she could not name.

Their bedroom was right in the direction of the greenhouse there. Every time night fell, she could smell

the faint fragrance of flowers.

She suddenly felt that their Pinewood Manor seemed to be much warmer than the resplendent manor

of the Stevenson family.

She walked through the long corridor and sat down on the swing in the garden.

Not long after she sat down, she heard footsteps behind her.

She glanced back and saw that it was McCarthy.

Natalia did not move. She sat on the swing.

She shook it gently until the man's voice sounded.

"What are you doing?"

Natalia raised her head to look at him.

She smiled and said, "It's a swing! Push it?"

It was just a joke, but the man raised his eyebrows slightly and agreed.

"Okay," he said.

He gently pushed forward.

The swing didn't swing too high. McCarthy controlled the strength of the swing very well, making it

shake within a safe range.

Natalia pursed her lips and said nothing.

The swing rose and fell. They were in silence.

They enjoyed such a quiet and sweet time happily.

After sitting in the garden for a while, a servant came to find them and told them to go to the dining hall

for dinner.

Natalia stood up and followed McCarthy to the dining hall.

people of the whole family ate happily.

After dinner, Ms. Lia cut the cake. Everyone was very happy in the front hall, but Alma took her

daughter Kenya to the second floor.

No one would find it strange even if they left and whispered to each other for a while.

However, Natalia didn't know if it was her illusion. She always felt that Kenya looked at her before


There was something strange.

Nearly 10:00 pm., everyone was tired and left.

Natalia and McCarthy also went back to the hospital. she was a little tired after the long day. After

taking a shower, she quickly fell asleep.

What she didn't know was that when she was asleep, Victoria Kaur had quietly come to Othua.

The Stevenson family didn't approve of the relationship between Victoria Kaur and Charlie Peck.

The Stevenson family wanted Charlie to marry the daughter of another big shot in the business in

Othua, but Charlie White did not agree. For this matter, the two sides had been in a stalemate for

nearly a year.

Recently, seeing that Ms. Lia softened her attitude, Charlie did not force the family. Instead, he gave

them some time to think about it.novelbin

However, Victoria Kaur did not tell him about her coming in advance this time.

So when he received her call the next day, Charlie was very surprised.

"Charlie, are you at work? I've been in Othua, and I'm downstairs."

Charlie was stunned for a moment and subconsciously thought that she was joking.

"Don't be kidding. I'm still working."

Unexpectedly, the other side on the phone sneered.

Victoria tried her best to make her voice sweet and gentle. "It's true. If you don't believe me, ask your

assistant to come down and have a look. I also bring you some food."

Charlie paused for a while, then talked to someone about something.

Then, Charlie said, "18th floor!"

The phone was hung up.

Victoria Kaur looked at the phone and frowned. She was a little dissatisfied with the man's cold attitude.

But thinking of the purpose of her coming, she felt a little guilty.

She walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the 18th floor.

When the elevator opened, a tall woman immediately caught everyone's eyes. She had curly hair and

was dressed in a black professional suit. She looked smart but feminine, which attracted men's


She bowed politely and said, "Is it Miss Kaur? Mr. Peck asked me to pick you up."

Victoria Kaur was stunned, then smiled and nodded.

Victoria secretly lamented that Charlie had hidden such a beauty in the company. No wonder he liked

to stay in the company so much!

She followed the secretary to Charlie's office and knocked on the door. Then Bill opened the door.

Bill is now working for Charlie Peck.

The secretary and Bill nodded and left.

Unlike what Kaur usually saw outside, Bill actually wore a formal suit and tie in the company. He looked

like an elite, and no one could tell that he was scheming in nature.

With a slight smile, Bill stepped aside and let her in.

Charlie's office was very large, divided into two rooms. She was in the outer room, and the door in the

middle was closed. But through the glass window, she could still see five or six men standing, inside

with their backs to her. They were of different ages.

Charlie sat behind the desk and was flipping through a document. He frowned slightly and spoke from

time to time.

The sound insulation in the room was very good. She could only see his thin lips gently opening and

closing. Under the light, his lips were slightly pink. She could not hear what he was saying.

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